J Onathan B Ecker • 30 Y Ears at V Anity F Air

J Onathan B Ecker • 30 Y Ears at V Anity F Air

J ONATHAN B ECKER • 30 Y EARS AT V ANITY F AIR • T HE M ISSING I NDEX • Subjects Page Numbers Aarons, Slim 4, 136-137, 348-349 Adams, Cindy 62-63 Adams, Gerry 128-129 Adams, Joey 62-63 Adirondacks 130-131 Affleck, Ben 139 Aga Khan (IV), Prince Shah Karim Al Hussaini 344-345 Agnese 246-247 Ainsley, Terry 192-193 Aldrich, Nelson 218-219 Alison on Dominick restaurant 4 Altman, Kathryn 266-267 Altman, Robert 266-267 American Academy of Arts and Letters, The 348 Amiel, Barbara 238-239 Andersen, Svend 294-295 Anderson, Wes 228 Annenberg, Lee 172-173 Annenberg, Walter 172-173 Ansel, Ruth 348 Argentina, President Carlos Saúl Menem of 58-59, 132-133 Astor, Brooke 12-13, 15, 49, 348 Austen, Howard 228 Avedon, Richard 5, 348 Aykroyd, Dan 220-221 Bacall, Lauren 299 Baker, Nicholson 84-85 Banier, François-Marie 262-263 Bank of New York, the 4 Barford, Pete 323 Baron de Meyer 5 Bart, Peter 154 Bartlett, Jennifer 348 Basquiat, Jean-Michel 30-31 Beard, Nejma 45 Beard, Peter 45, 166-167 Beaton, Cecil 5 Beatty, Warren 202-203 Beaulieu 348 Becker III, A. Wm. (Bill) J. 4 Becker, Alison 4 Becker, J. Sebastian 352 Becker, Marion Rombauer 4 Becker, Peter 4 Bejmuk, Anita 224-225 II Bello, Brenda 323 Belushi, John 220-221 Biondi, Elisabeth 52, 348 Birch, Pat 4 Birley, Annabel 192 Birley, Mark 192 Black, David 218-219 Blass, Bill 222-223 Blenheim Palace 338-339 Blige, Mary J 282 Bloomingdale, Betsy 183, 196 Blunt, James 282 Bolan, Tom 18-19 Bolen, Eliza Reed 308-309 Borghese ,Princess Marcella 348 Bourgeois, Louise 348 Bourke-White, Margaret 5 Boutros, Boutros-Ghali 89, 228 Bowie, David 114-115, 228-229 Bowles, Camilla Parker 194-195 Boyle, Lara Flynn 191 Brandolini, Coco 150-151 Brandt, Noya 68-69 Brassaï 4-5, 6-7, 68, 348 Brassaï, Gilberte 68-69 Brazil, President Fernando Affonso Collor de Mello of 94-95 Brice, Fanny 349 Brinnin, John Malcolm 15 Brook, The 4 Bronx, The 348 Brown, David 40-41 Brown, Tina 86-87, 348 Bruce, Evangeline 108-109 Buchwald, Art 64-65 Buckley, Pat 48-49 Buckley, William F. 48-49 Buenos Aires 4 Bugajski, Craig 323 Burke, Kenneth 15 Burroughs, William S. 15, 348 Cafritz, Bill and Buffy 20-21 Cadwalader, Maisie 25 Callaway, Nicholas 264 Capepelli, Sergio 188-189 Cardin, Pierre 302-303 Cardinale, Claudia 322 Carné, Marcel 116-117 Carter, Ash 112-113 Carter, Bronwen 112-113 Carter, Graydon 4-5, 112-113, 152-153, 202-203, 301, 348-349 Carter, Max 112-113 Carter, Spike 112-113 Casey, CIA Director William 21 III Cassin, Bader J. , Chief Medical Examiner, Detroit 106-107 Castelli, Leo 53 Cetinale, Villa 346-347 Cerf, Christopher 348 Chamberlain, John 164-165, 349 Chanel 349 Chareau, Pierre 4 Chase, Chevy 220-221 Chateau de Wideville 247 Chatfield-Taylor, Adele 22-23 Checker Cab 348 Chelsea 348 Cholmondeley, Thomas 286-287 Churchward, Charles 98, 348 Clapton, Eric 230-231 Clark, Eleanor 15 Clemente, Francesco 266 Coco 4 Cohn, Roy 18-19 Colacello, Bob 5, 150-151, 196-197, 348 Colapietro, Father Pete 218-219 Collegiate School 4 Communism 5 Condé Nast 348 Coppola, Francis Ford 240-241 Cornell, Mark 284 Cornwall, HRH Dutchess of 268-269 Corriere, Konni 266-267 Cox Chambers, Anne 46-47 Creative Artists Agency 138-139 Criterion Collection 4 Cronkite, Walter 284 Crowninshield, Frank 4 Cruise, Tom 180-181 Cruz, Penelope 282 Cunningham, Bill 24-25 Curtis, Tony 183 d’Arenberg, TSH Prince Pierre & Princess Silvia 198 d’Arenberg Wedding 140-141 Dafoe, Willem 264-265 Dahl, Arlene 26-27 Damon, Matt 139 de Castellane, Silvia 140-141 De Cordova, Janet 310-311 de Heeren, Aimee 234-235 de la Renta, Oscar 49, 308 de la Falaise, Daniel 192 De Niro, Robert 284-285 De Sanctis, Fiamma 188-189 Deneuve, Catharine 142 de Ribes, Countess Jacqueline 140-141 Detroit 349 d’Harcourt, Marie-Solene 294-295 IV Dickinson, Angie 183 Dinkins, David 218-219 Dior haute couture 144-145 Dombasle, Arielle 208-209, 211-213 Dror, Barbra 25 Douglas Duncan, David 5 Dunne, Dominick 145, 241 Echezarreta, Luis 236-237 Edel, Leon 14 Eisenstaedt, Alfred 5 Elaine’s restaurant 45, 218-221 Ellison, Larry 252-259 Elkann, Lapo 322 Enthoven, Jean-Paul 208-209 Ertegün, Ahmet 183, 228 Eugene Smith, W. 5 Eula, Joe 44-45 Evans, Charles 204 Evans, Robert 204 Fawcett, Farrah 312 Feitler, Bea 4, 348 Fey, Tina 315 Finch, Charles 316-317 Fiorella, Joe & Mike 323 Fishburne, Laurence 230-231 Fisher, Carrie 228 Fitzgerald, F. Scott 4 Forbes, Malcolm 49 Ford, Tom 241, 251 Freudy, Ted 25 Frye, Northrup 14 Gabor, Chez Zsa Zsa 272-273 Gagosian, Larry 122-123 Galbraith, John Kenneth 14 Galindo, Hector 236-237 Gandolfini, James 298-299 Gardiner, Robert David Lion 92-93 Garrett, Chris 264 Gaspero, Josh 218-219 Gefter, Philip 52 Giammetti, Giancarlo 247 Gibson, Ralph 2 Giuliani, Rudolph 100-101 Glazer, Mitch 264-265 Glimcher, Arne 123 Gore Jr., Albert 36-37, 283 Gore, Kristin 283 Goude, Jean-Paul 4, 348 Graham, Martha 66-67 Grant, Hugh 202 Greece, HRH King Constantine II of 291 Greece, HRH Prince Constantine of 291 Greece, HRH Prince Pavlos of 288-291 V Greece, HRH Princess Marie-Chantal of 288-289, 291 Grigson, Dr. “Death” James 70-71 Grunwald, Henry 124-125 Grunwald, Louise 317 Guare, John 16-17 Guccione, Bob 248-249 Guest, Cornelia 21 Hackman, Gene 242-243 Hale, Denise 183 Hamilton, George 228, 251 Hanks, Tom 325 Hanover, Prince Ernst of 150-151 Harvard 4 Haslam, Nicky 304-305 Hernandez, Marifé 34-35 Herrera, Carolina 317 Herrera, Reinaldo 25, 315 Hersey, John 14, 348 Hertzog, Giles 208-209 Higdon, Robert 198 Hirst, Damien 114-115 Hitchens, Christopher 184 Hockney, David 228 Hoffman, Dustin 243 Holiday magazine 4 Hollyman, Tom 348 Hope, Dolores 178-179 Hopper, Dennis 282, 318-319 Hotchner, A.E. 218-219 Howard, Richard 14 Hoyningen-Huene, George 5 Huan, Zhang 278-279 Hughes, Fred 25 Humphries, Barrie 228 Hurley, Elizabeth 180 Huston, Anjelica 228, 299 Hutton, Lauren 266-267 Huysentruyt, Cassandra 301 International Best-Dressed List 4 Interview magazine 348 Inzerillo, Jerry 298-299 Jackson, Janet 202 Jagger, Bianca 29 Jagger, Mick 316-317 Jakobson, Barbara 50-51, 53 Janus Films 4 John, Elton 196 Jones, Clarence B. 270-271 Jones, Tommy Lee 236-237 Jorgensen, Marion 198 Joy of Cooking, The 4 Judd, Chris 202 Just, Ward 126-127 VI Kaufman, Elaine 45, 218-219 Kazan, Elia 158-159 Keitel, Harvey 298-299 Kennan, George F. 14 Kennedy, Jr., Carolyn Bessette & John F 185 Kennedy-Onassis, Jacqueline 10-11, 15 Kenneth Galbraith, John 348 Kevorkian, Jack 76-77, 104-106, 349 Kidman, Nicole 180-181, 282 King, B.B. 230-231 King, Bill 5 Kitt, Eartha 67 Klein, Calvin 66-67 Koehler, Henry 162-163 Kunstler, William 80-81 Lacroix (haute couture) 145 Lacroix, Christian 142-143 Lakshmi, Padma 240-241 Lapham, Lewis 218-219 Lauren, Ralph 49 Lauren, Ricky 49 Leakey, Richard 102-103 Lebowitz, Fran 228, 250-251, 266, 301 Lee, Spike 323 Leibovitz, Annie 5 Leon Talley, André 44-45 Lerman, Leo 348 Lessenberry. Jack 349 Levas, Dimitri 50 Levy, Bernard-Henri 206-213 Lewinsky, Monica 154 Lewis, R .W. B. 14 Liberman, Alexander 348 Life magazine 5 Locksley, Gordon and Boeck, Wayne 174-175 Lohmann, Signi 266-267 London 4 Lopez, Jennifer 202 Lord Conrad Black 238-239 Louboutin, Christian 301 Love, Courtney 190 Macphearson, Elle 180, 260-261 Madonna 66-67 Maison Verre 4 Malamud, Bernard 10-11, 15 Malle, Louis 5, 8-9, 348 Man Ray 5 Man Ray, Juliet 68-69 Mapplethorpe, Robert 50-51, 348 Marisol 15 Marks, Sara 323 Marlborough, Duke of, John George Vanderbilt Spencer-Churchill 340-341 Maroon Lake 226-227 VII Marsalis, Wynton 230-231 Martin, Steve 182 Martinez, Jacques 208-209 Massey, Alyne 232-233 Masson, Charles 296-297 McCourt, Frank 5 McDonald, Audra 230-231 McDonell, Terry 218-219 McEnroe, John 325 McGrath, Earl 228 McSorley’s 5 Mehle, Aileen 198 Mellon (gardens), Mrs. Paul (Bunny) 328-333 Mellon, Diana 326-327 Merlos, Agustin 236-237 Michaels, Lorne 220-221 Miller, Arthur 78-79 Minjun, Yiu 274-275, 280-281 Montecatini 348 Morath, Inge 78-79 Morgenthau, Robert M. 284 Mortimer, David 25 Mosbacher, Georgette 54-55 Mr. Pearl 142 Ms. magazine 348 Murdoch, Rupert 18-19, 282-283 Murdoch, Wendi 282 Myers, Mike 138-139 Neal, Patricia 20-21 Neel, Alice 15 Neel, Nancy 15 Nelson, Willie 230-231 Nevelson, Louise 14, 348 New West magazine 348 New York magazine 348 Newhouse, Donald and Sue 264 Newhouse, S.I. 5, 154 Newman, Arnold 348 Newton, Helmut 5, 98-99, 204, 348 Noguchi, Isamu 15, 348 O’Connor, John Cardinal 72-73 O’Neal, Ryan 312-313 O’Toole, Lorcan 228 O’Toole, Peter 228 Ozick, Cynthia 14 Palm Beach 5 Palminiteri, Chazz 298-299 Palminteri, Gianna 298-299 Paltrow, Gwyneth 154 Paris 4, 348 Paris Review, The 348 Parkinson, Norman 348 Parks, Gordon 5 VIII Pei, I.M. 14, 348 Penn Warren, Robert 15, 348 Penn, Irving 5, 348 Penn, Sean 282, 324-325 Perkins, Maxwell 4 Perry, Manhattan 228 Persky, Lester 45 Peru, President Alberto Fujimori of 132-133 Petrovich, Michael 323 Pfeifer, Chuck 218-219 Pick, Kay 154 Plimpton, George 45, 134-135, 218-219 Poitier, Sidney 315 Prince, Harold 4 Protas, Ron 67 Pucci, Puccio 186-187 Ray, Man 5 Reagan Inauguration Party 18-21 Reagan, Nancy 306-307 Redaelli, Massimo 241 Reginato, Jim 5 Revlon 348 Richardson, Natasha 299 Rickles, Barbara 323 Rickles, Don 323 Rio de Janeiro 348 Rivers, Joan 196, 198 Rivers, Larry 160-161 Rochas, Hélene 142 Roehm, Caroline 42 Rogers, Ginger 26-27 Rollei 5 Rolling Stone magazine 348 Rombauer, Irma 4 Rooney, Jan 325 Rooney, Mickey 325 Rosenfield, Stan 284-285 Rosenthal, Jane 284-285 Ross, Diana 202 Rossellini, Franco 96-97 Roth, Emery 4 Rothwax, Judge Harold 56-57 Ruscha, Ed IV & V 176-177 Sacco, Amy 284 Safra, Lily 196 Sager, Carole Bayer 251 Salisbury, Harrison E.

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