September 14, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 16 21555 schools, financed mission trips, and helped experiences. The world has changed in many two days by planning mini-hikes with his pack put more than 500 million copies of Scripture ways over these past ninety years. However, and cross-training in the pool and on the track. in the hands of people around the world. our country would not be the great power it is Among all of these achievements, Jacob is Millions of people have dined at Jonathan today without the dedication and hard work also involved in the White River Fellowship Byrd’s Cafeteria since it opened in 1988, but that citizens like Ms. Hyman put forth over the Church as a youth leader and a worship team this enterprise wasn’t the only business ven- last 90 years. member. I congratulate Jacob in his achieve- ture Jonathan Byrd found success in. Surely these many years have departed on ments and commend him for his aspirations to He Founded Byrd Enterprises of Arizona— her wisdom and knowledge that few can continue on his path to accomplish the Con- their products include Intercontinental, Hilton share. I appreciate the contributions that my gressional Gold Medal. and Marriott Hotels. Jonathan Byrd’s Rare constituents make to their communities and f Books and Bibles quickly became the nation’s Ms. Hyman’s have certainly been numerous largest dealer, importer, and restorer of an- and valuable. HONORING THOSE WHO COACH US cient Bibles and theology books under his Madam Speaker, I sincerely hope that my TO GREATNESS stewardship. colleagues will join me in honoring Ruth Like many Hoosiers, Jonathan had a pas- Hyman on the occasion of her birthday. Her HON. HEATH SHULER sion for auto racing that led him to form his leadership and dedication will long serve as a OF NORTH CAROLINA own race team. True to form, Jonathan ap- shining example of what can be accomplished IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES plied his business sense to his race team and by the determined human spirit. Monday, September 14, 2009 of the 16 cars that he entered in the Indianap- f olis 500, he is credited with 7 top-ten finishes. Mr. SHULER. Madam Speaker, as football He was also blessed with a wonderful fam- CONGRATULATING JACOB COS- season kicks off, I am reminded of the excep- ily: wife Virginia of 35 years; two sons, Jona- TELLO FOR HIS CONGRESSIONAL tional coaches I’ve worked with over the than and David; and many grandchildren. My AWARD SILVER MEDAL years. I have been lucky to learn from great prayers will be with them in the days and men like Mike Ditka, Johnny Majors, Phillip weeks ahead. Though Jonathan Byrd is no HON. JOHN BOOZMAN Fulmer, Norv Turner, and my high school foot- longer with us, we can all take comfort know- OF ARKANSAS ball coach Boyce Deitz. During high school, ing that the Byrd legacy will live on because IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Coach Deitz influenced me more than anyone outside of my immediate family. Of all the of the example he leaves behind. Monday, September 14, 2009 Jonathan Byrd personified the American coaches I’ve had before or after, he has had Dream. Though he was a well known busi- Mr. BOOZMAN. Madam Speaker, I would the strongest and most-lasting impact on my nessman, Jonathan was guided by strong like to ask my colleagues to join me in recog- life. Most adults still can remember the name principles, anchored by his faith and had a nizing Jacob Costello from Wesley, Arkansas or face of one childhood coach who taught servant’s heart. for achieving the Congressional Award Silver them a better way to throw a ball, improve Let that be the standard to which we all as- Medal. their time, or overcome an obstacle that pire. The Congressional Award Silver Medal is seemed insurmountable. f achieved after participating in 200 hours of Today, we live in a time when young people Public Service in the community as well as face serious challenges to their well-being. IN HONOR OF RUTH HYMAN setting and achieving challenging goals in Childhood obesity has reached record propor- physical fitness and personal development tions. School drop-out rates approach fifty per- HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. and expedition/exploration. cent in many urban school districts. Nearly OF NEW JERSEY Jacob’s volunteer service was completed one million minors report association with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES through involvement in the Washington County gang activity. Where these trends are at their Historical Society, the Washington County worst, coaches often play a critical role in Monday, September 14, 2009 Master Gardeners, and the Boy Scouts of equipping young athletes with the tools to Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I rise today America. He also worked with a local summer make better choices. Coaches dedicate count- to recognize Ruth Hyman on the occasion of camp for children with parents in prison, help- less hours of their time helping young people her 90th birthday celebration. On September ing prepare the facilities by painting, hauling build strong work ethics, communicate effec- 13, we celebrate Ruth Hyman’s birthday as gravel and removing fallen leaves. In addition tively, and work as part of a team. The coach- well as her many years of service to her local to completing the requirements for the Silver es, who have the vital role of parlaying those community. Ms. Hyman is certainly deserving Medal, he’s already added 40 hours of volun- values to our youth, make up the backbone of of the recognition that she has received over teer work through his Boy Scout Eagle project youth sports programs. the years for her passionate work. which will go towards his Gold Medal aspira- To recognize the service of youth sports Ms. Hyman has been a longtime leader in tions. coaches for their tremendous contributions, I the Jewish community. Her leadership as the To complete the physical fitness portion of have been working with Rep. MIKE MCINTYRE president of the Long Branch Hadassah the award, Jacob biked, swam, hiked, and and other Members of the U.S. House to brought fresh ideas and a successful path to- backpacked for more than 100 hours. He actu- enact the first ever National Coach Apprecia- wards empowering and motivating women in ally completed more than half of the nec- tion Week. This week can be a time to recruit the Jewish community. Also, as a benefactor essary hours to achieve the Congressional hundreds of thousands of new coaches, and and board member of the Jewish Community Gold Medal. to honor every youth, JV, and Varsity coach Center of Greater Monmouth County, Ms. For the personal development requirement, who gives so much to our Nation’s next gen- Hyman has provided a place where people of Jacob joined the performance for Peter Pan at eration of leaders. all ages have access to programs that im- the Northwest Academy of Fine Arts. Playing My high school football coach taught me to prove their health and enrich their lives. his violin, he attended rehearsals and prac- be both mentally and physically tough. He Ms. Hyman has been recognized for her su- ticed on his own time, learning how to play in constantly challenged me to improve myself, perior support of Jewish causes both in my a group setting. He attended a Fiddle Work- including encouraging me to run track to im- district and in Israel. Perhaps the greatest re- shop at the Ozark Folk Center and traveled to prove my speed on the football field. Coach flection of her commitment is the dedication of New York City to play with the North Arkansas Deitz warned me early on about excessive the Ruth Hyman Jewish Community Center by Youth Orchestra at Carnegie Hall. Once there, media attention and said ‘you will never be as the Community Center of Greater Monmouth he practiced under Conductor Myron Flippin to good as they make you out to be and you will County. It is appropriate that the center be prepare for the orchestra. never be as bad as they make you out to be.’ named after Ms. Hyman considering her years Jacob had the unique opportunity to attend His advice has guided me through the high- of hard work, generosity and devotion to her Philmont Boy Scout camp for his Expedition. lights and rough patches of my college and fellow members of the community. To prepare for this, he worked toward his NFL career, and in my current role as a Mem- As Ms. Hyman celebrates her 90th birthday Physical Fitness goal of carrying 55 pounds in ber of Congress. When I was elected to Con- I am sure she will reflect on her many unique his backpack for a distance of 12 miles over gress, I knew I had to surround myself with VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:29 Apr 03, 2012 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E14SE9.000 E14SE9 wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 21556 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 16 September 14, 2009 the best staff I could, so Coach Deitz was one HONORING IRVING PARK BAPTIST offer a personal invite for Helen to join the of my first hires. CHURCH AND 120 YEARS OF COM- ranks of distinguished women pilots. Helen MUNITY SERVICE We stand at a crossroads in which all of us would go on to join the WASP and honor the inroads her heroines had paved. must reflect on the qualities that have helped American society thrive and endure.
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