AGENDA (530) 661-0816 NOTICE If requested, this agenda can be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Federal Rules and Regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Persons seeking an alternative format should contact Kathy Souza, Executive Assistant, for further information. In addition, a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to participate in a public meeting should telephone or otherwise contact Kathy Souza as soon as possible and preferably at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Kathy Souza may be reached at telephone number (530) 661-0816 or at the following address: 350 Industrial Way, Woodland, CA 95776. It is the policy of the Board of Directors of the Yolo County Transportation District to encourage participation in the meetings of the Board of Directors. At each open meeting, members of the public shall be provided with an opportunity to directly address the Board on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Directors. Please fill out a speaker card and give it to the Board Clerk if you wish to address the Board. Speaker cards are provided on a table by the entrance to the meeting room. Depending on the length of the agenda and number of speakers who filled out and submitted cards, the Board Chair reserves the right to limit a public speaker’s time to no more than three (3) minutes, or less, per agenda item. MEETING DATE: February 13, 2017 MEETING TIME: 7:00 P.M. MEETING PLACE: YCTD Board Room 350 Industrial Way Woodland, CA 95776 The Chairman reserves the right to limit speakers to a reasonable length of time on any agenda item, depending upon the number of people wishing to speak and the time available. Time Estimated Deliberation/Action Info/Discussion 7:00 PM 1. Call to order/roll call/Pledge of Allegiance X (Voting members: Woodland, Davis, West Sacramento, Winters, Yolo County) (Nonvoting members: Caltrans, UCD) 7:00 2. Consider Approval of Agenda for February 13, 2017 meeting X 7:00 3. Comments from public regarding matters NOT on the Agenda, but within the purview of X YCTD CONSENT CALENDAR 7:00 4a. Approve YCTD Board Minutes for Meeting of January 9, 2017 (Souza) (pp 1-3) X 7:00 4b. Consider Authorization of Executive Director to execute Maintenance Agreement with X Caltrans for PG&E Training Center Bus Stop in the City of Winters (Luken) (pp 5-10) REGULAR CALENDAR 7:05 5. Board Member Reports, Announcements, Other Nominations, Presentations (Oral Reports) X 7:05 6. Oral Update from Transdev(Carmen Alba, Transdev General Manager) X 7:10 7. Consider Authorizing Executive Director to Execute Services Agreement with X Yolo TMA (Luken) (pp 11-12) 7:30 8. Approve Connect Card MOU (Bassett) (p 13-23) see separate attachment X 7:50 9. Consider Director’s Report (Bassett, Luken, Phillips) (pp 24-35) X a. Oral Report b. Meeting Regarding Intercity Transit Partnership Opportunities c. Status of Countywide Capital Program d. Update Regarding Trillium CNG Contract e. Budget and Strategic Planning Process f. West Sacramento Service Change Request g. Status of Cache Creek Casino Resort Hotel Expansion Project h. FTA 5310 Grant Application by YCTD i. Changes in Service Through February 9, 2017 j. Update on Gillig k. Technology Project Status i. AVL ii. Cameras l. Attachments i. February 9, 2017 Letter from Transdev ii. Comments from Riders Taking Bus to Women’s March iii. Financial Report through December 31, 2016 iv. Ridership Reports through December 31, 2016 v. Performance Indicator Report through December 31, 2016 8:05 10. Closed Session: X Public Employee Performance Evaluation (Gov. Code § 54957) Title: Executive Director 8:15 11. Public Report of Actions Taken in Closed Session X 8:20 12. Adjournment X THE NEXT MEETING OF THE YOLO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS WILL BE March 13, 2017 AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE YCTD BOARD ROOM, 350 INDUSTRIAL WAY, WOODLAND, CA 95776. The Board reserves the right to take action on all agendized items, including items under the Executive Director's Report, at any time during the meeting, except for timed public hearings. Items considered routine or non-controversial are placed on the Consent Calendar. Any Consent Calendar item can be separately addressed and discussed at the request of any member of the YCTD Board. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda was posted on or before Friday February 10, 2017 at the Yolo County Transportation District Office (350 Industrial Way, Woodland, California). Additionally, copies were FAXED or transmitted electronically to the Woodland, Davis, West Sacramento and Winters City Halls, as well as to the Clerk of the Board for the County of Yolo. Kathy Souza, YCTD Clerk to the Board Item 4a YOLO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING January 9, 2017 Yolo County Transportation District Board Room 350 Industrial Way, Woodland, CA 95776 Agenda Item 1 – Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge of Allegiance Former Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. in the absence of Chair Saylor. He then lead the assembly in the pledge of allegiance. The following representatives were in attendance: Winters – Harold Anderson (Primary) Davis – Lucas Frerichs (Primary) arrived at 7:07 pm West Sacramento – Babs Sandeen (Alternate) Woodland – Xochitl Rodriguez (Primary) Caltrans District 3 – Jacob Buffenbarger (Alternate) UC Davis – Matt Dulcich (Alternate) Not represented was the County of Yolo Staff present were Terry Bassett, YCTD Executive Director, Mike Luken, YCTD Deputy Director Operations, Planning & Special Projects; Janice Phillips, YCTD Deputy Director Finance, Grants & Procurement; Tom Follansbee, YCTD Associate Transportation Planner; Hope Welton, YCTD Legal Counsel, and Kathy Souza, YCTD Executive Assistant. Also present was Carmen Alba, Transdev. Agenda Item 2–Consider Approval of Agenda for January 9, 2017 meeting Chair Anderson asked if there were any changes to the agenda. There being none: Minute Order 2017-01 Director Sandeen made the motion, seconded by Director Rodriguez, to approve the agenda for the January 9, 2017 meeting as distributed. Roll call resulted in: AYES: Anderson, Rodriguez, Sandeen NOES: None ABSENT: City of Davis representative, Yolo County Representative ABSTAIN: None The motion passed. Agenda Item 3 - Comments from public regarding matters NOT on the Agenda, but within the purview of YCTD No comments were received. Agenda Item 4–Consider Selecting YCTD Vice-Chair for the Remainder of FY 2016/17 Minutes Order 2017-02 Director Sandeen made the motion, seconded by Director Rodriguez, to select Director Rodriguez as the Board’s Vice-Chair for the remainder of FY 2016/2017. Roll call resulted in: AYES: Anderson, Rodriguez, Sandeen NOES: None ABSENT: City of Davis representative, Yolo County Representative ABSTAIN: None The motion passed. Former Chair Anderson passed the gavel to Vice-Chair Rodriguez. Agenda Item 5 Consent Calendar Counsel Welton suggested that Item 5a be tabled to the February meeting as there was not a quorum of directors who were present at the December meeting. Director Frerichs arrived. 1 Minute Order 2017-03 Director Sandeen made the motion, seconded by Director Frerichs, to table Item 5a to the February meeting and approve the following items on the Consent Calendar: 5b. Adopt Resolution 2017-02 Approving State Transit Assistance Claim 5c. Declare Five Buses Surplus and Authorize Disposal: ASSET BUS NUMBERS Mileage as of 3/31/16 One (1) 2002 Orion V Low Floor CNG Bus 324 (1VHBH3C2726501648) 553,565 (Sonoma) One (1) 2002 Orion V Low Floor CNG Bus 326 (1VHBH3C2526501650) 809,340 (Sonoma) One (1) 2002 Orion V Low Floor CNG Bus (Sonoma) 327 (1VHBH3C2726501651) 628,450 One (1) 2002 Orion V Low Floor CNG Bus (Sonoma) 328 (1VHBH3C2926501652) 586,495 One (1) 2002 Orion V Low Floor CNG Bus (Sonoma) 330 (1VHBH3C2226501654) 587,440 Roll call resulted in: AYES: Anderson, Frerichs, Rodriguez, Sandeen NOES: None ABSENT: County of Yolo representative ABSTAIN: None The motion passed. Agenda Item 6–Board Member Reports, Announcements, Appointment Nominations, Presentations Director Rodriguez introduced herself to those in attendance. Agenda Item 7 – Oral Update from Transdev Carmen Alba, General Manager Transdev: Informed the board January monthly safety meetings would include training on the new Connect Card system and a safety module from the Transdev Operator Development Program. Transdev was actively recruiting for the Operations Manager position. Safety & Training Manager was serving as the Interim Operations Manager. Agenda Item 8 – Oral Report on Yolobus 35th Anniversary Mr. Bassett presented a PowerPoint overview of 35 years of Yolobus history. He distributed a list of proposed events during the year to celebrate the anniversary. Director Sandeen asked if the Connect Card system would capture boarding Los Rios students. Mr. Bassett replied it would. Director Buffenbarger asked what reasons were given for the drop in ridership in recent years. Mr. Bassett responded probably the drop in gas prices and the recent increase in bus fares. Director Frerichs welcomed Director Rodriguez. He stated the promotions were good ideas and requested the District consider participation in the October Davis Neighbors Night Out, Davis Children’s’ Candle Light parade and the Picnic Day parade. He added that the District needed to work with the airport to provide better shelter for bus passengers at Terminal B. Director Buffenbarger was to provide consultant contact information to Director Frerichs for the airport general plan update. 2 Agenda Item 9 – Adopt Resolution Adopting the 2016 Title VI Program for the Yolo County Transportation District Mr. Perez presented the staff report. Minute Order 2017-14 Director Frerichs made the motion, seconded by Director Anderson, to adopt Resolution 2017-01 adopting the 2016 Title VI program for the Yolo County Transportation District.
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