Eastern Michigan University DigitalCommons@EMU Alumni News University Archives 2003 The dE ge, Spring 2003 Eastern Michigan University Follow this and additional works at: http://commons.emich.edu/alumni_news Recommended Citation Eastern Michigan University, "The dE ge, Spring 2003" (2003). Alumni News. 200. http://commons.emich.edu/alumni_news/200 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@EMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni News by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@EMU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SPRING2003 A publicatio1 lor alumni and lri1nds ol lastentMichigan Universilv Gettin downt bu sine Talking strateuv11f AdvancementVP Stu INSIDE: • EMU homecomin1upllate • campus dilital maleovers- • New Sludentunion ll'Oiect l:------------------�--=���S_PR_I_G__N 20_ 0 ___3 �------------�--------- I I I I Ci!iMU.MiMay 19 - Faculty Seminar Se- CB·folnt%Mli ries at EMU - Monroe, 1555 S. l:.ve1ygeneration of EMU Raisinville Rd., Monroe, students and alumni has · challenges to deal with. Il ow Mic· h ., 6 :30 - 8 p.m. "N egouat- we handle those challenges ing Win-Win Relationships in l • adi·ngOff helps define us. the Workplace" presented by e With the University now Dr. Sally McCracken. Cost: About our new look facing financial challenges $15. R.S.V.P. to 734.487.0250 due to the state's decision to May 29 - Grand Rapids, Mich., cul several million dollars alumni reception, 6-8 p.m., an d OU r new ffllSSIOD. from its appropriation, it's up Amway Grand Plaza. Cost: • • to us to respond to the needs $10. Info: 734.487.0250 If you've been on campus lately or talked with anyone who has, of our alma mater. And that is May 31 - Kensington Valley you know that sweeping changes are reshaping Eastern Michigan what makes this an exciting Alumni ChapterAnnual "Best . time to be a pan University. of Best" Golf Outing, 10 a.m, of Eastern '. ,, l!ll� Eagle Crest Coif Club. Info: The changes are both subtle and profound, but altogether Michigan � 248.344.0188 unprecedented. Local, state and national trends are redefining University. June G -Alumni Football Coif As the new who we are, where we're going and how we hope to get there. Outing, noon shotgun start, president of the Eagle Crest Coif Club. Info: It's a time of uncertainty for higher education, but a historic Alumni Associa- .... ·'.:. .. .� ···. 734.487.1050 moment of opportunity for your alma mater. tion, I am looking ,·(�· · . forward to :: June 7 - LatinoAlumni chapter Already, these shifting currents have brought to campus . annual meeting, 1 p.m., Ypsi- work ing w1t· 1 a II -� !anti. Info: Sonia Ponce de Leon students who are more worldly, classrooms that are more high- of you to make . this a successful time in at emu-latl noalumni·@ tech and planning processes that are the envy of many Fortune Eastern'shistory. One yahoo.com 500 compa'1ies. June 19 - Lucy Parker Coif immediate priority is to help al Ieviate some of the financial Outing to benefit women's More im"'ortantly,,., there is a renewed purpose in connecting with constraints facing our athletics, 8:30 a.m. shotgun and serving you. This magazine, with its different design, story mix University. To accomplish start, Eagle Crest Coif Club. and format, is just the first tangible proof behind this new promise. this, we must pull together. Info: 734.487.1050 . And we're already at work on developing next-generation prod- To aid in that, theAlumni June 2G - -1,raverse c·ny, M1ch · A sociation Board of Direc- alumni reception, 6-8 p.m. u;::ts, including e-mail newsletters, that will keep you better tors has voted to eliminate Cost: $l0. Info: 734.487·0250 irformed ard raise your sense of belonging. the dues requirement for membership in the associa- Everywhere on campus today, you will hear students, faculty More events online at: tion. This way, we are all on www.emich.edu/alumni/ and staffspeaking passionately about new programs, initiatives an equal footing as we unite calendar and ideas. It is indeed an exciting time to be on campus. to help shape the future. There are many ways to About us and contact information accomplish our goals. Some ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICERS & CHAIRS: of us can donate time to President: Karen M. Pillon, '79; Past President: Eric mentor students or talk to Rass, '91, '95; Parliamentarian: Melissa Oostmeyer, '94; legislators about the unique Secre1aryfl'reasurer: Harold "Bud" Schimmelpfenneg, opportunities Eastern offers, '68; Chair, Membership Committee: Mark Johnson, and ask them to remember '97; Chair, Programming Committee: Tom Borg, '79; that during the appropria­ The Edge is a semiannual publication for alJmni and Chair, Promotions Committee: Jennifer Maxwell, '93 friends of EasternThe Michigan EdgeUniversity. Editor: Kevin Merril tions process. Others can (B.S. '86, kevin.merrill @emich.edu). Cover and inside OTHER BOARD MEMBERS: Ken Behmer, '64, '70; provide internship opportuni­ photos by Richard Schwarze, University photographer. Toni Bowden, '95; George Eason, '88; Paula ties or hire our fellow alumni. Editorial committee: Cassina Sanders, Nancy J. M1da (B.S. Featherston, '96, '02; Scott Frush, '94; Gerald All of us can look at where '72), Laura DiSano, Vicki Reaume (B.S. '91 M.A. '96). Gemignani, '94; Daniel Hunter, Jr., '93; Louis "Rusty" we are today and where we Address changes, duplicate copy information or Machovec, '80; William Malcolm, '76; David might be without the information requests should bedirected to: Mamuscia, '67, '71; PJ Moffett, '97; Michelle Owens, education we received at Officefor Alumni Relations '94, '97; George Papadopoulos, '89, '92; Marie Quayle, Eastern, and find a way to 1349 S. Huron St., Suite 2 Ypsilanti, Ml 48197 '92, '96; Rick Ross, '75, '77, '85; Jeff Stabnau, '73 repay some of the debt we 734.487.0250 owe. 1.800.8.ALUMNI ALUMNI RELATIONS TEAM: Director: Vicki Reaume, Warmest regards, fax: 734.487.7009 '91, '96; Assistant Director:Amy Schulz; Offtce Karen M. Pillon, '79 [email protected]�.edu/alumnl Supervisor: Carrie Phillips; Student assistants: Laura President © Eastern Michigan University 2003 DiSano, Cassandra Peters, Rachel Reynolds EMU Alumni Association L -2 SPRING 2003 . trengthened by a new .. "My challergeis to build S alumni relations and trust in our fund-rai3ing system development model across campus and with our for a new century, Eastern alumni 2nd friends," Michigan University is in the Etarner said. middle stages of implementing the most aggressive outreach coverStorv program in its 154-year histo1y. The person in d1arge of en­ suring the strategy's success is the newly hired Stuart J. Stamer, a veteran of higher education development programs and a former college head basketball Fresh coach. "What my coaching experi­ ence lends itself to is team­ building," said Starner,the new vice president for University ad­ vancement and executive direc­ start, tor of the EMU Foundation. "Because of that background, I've always valued and nurtured collaborative partnerships with external constituencies." For EMU, building those connections has never been bold more important. State funding cuts, past and present, have led to a growing reliance on tu­ ition, fees and external revenue sources - grants, endowments and annual gift-giving - in or­ der to maintain operations. It goals is a growing and resource-con­ suming d1allenge, but one not Alumni relations, development unique to Eastern Michigan. and communications form Eastern Michigan's response has been to re-engineer how it three-pronged strategy for reaches alumni, how it asks for serving 107,000-plus alumni financial suppon and how it coordinates its outreach and By KEVIN MERRILL development activities. The re­ Advancement Publications sult: a college-based model in which the deans, key faculty and significantvolunteers work jointly to facilitate resource de­ - and annual giving and develop­ Michigan's large alumni base in port with our legi31ativeefforts. velopment activities to enhance ment - previously a part of the the life of the University contin­ One of Starner·s early initia­ educational opportunities, EMU Foundation - have been ues to be a big priority in the ad­ tives is to spread this message Starner said. centralized under one advance­ vancement plan. The alumni re­ of change and to educate "We are so vety pleased with ment administrator. In addition, lations office plans numerous alumni and frier c.s about the our leadership at the college the ties between the EMU Foun­ outreach events, recognizes out­ strategy and the importance of level, where the emotion and dation, a private nonprofit corpo­ standing alumni during its An­ its success. "My diallenge is to message for worthy projects ration, and Eastern have been nual Alumni Awards Dinner and build trust in ou- fund-raising that need p ri va te clarified and codified showcases faculty at the Teaching system across campus and with support are most ef- in that the University Excellence Awards held each year our alumni and friends," said fectively conveyed," Did vou know? vice president in during homecoming. Starner. he said. Nearly 26 per:ent charge of advance­ In addition, the staff is focus­ Assisting Starner in this en­ As part of the of all EMU alumni ment now holds the ing on alumni volunteerism. deavor is the 29-n�mber Foun­ transformation, currently reside in simultaneous title of EMU graduates can now help the dation Board ofT-ustees and re­ alumni relations - Wayne County, executive director of University by assisting with stu­ source development boards, previously under Michigan. the EMU Foundation. dent recruitment, mentoring stu­ University Relations Engaging--- Eastern 3-dents for careers and offering sup- See FRESH page 10 SPRING 2003 Kirkpatrick, Point & click: student swap Ne•Uodate registration jobs for a day goes online Eastern Michigan University Students are now using the President Samuel A.
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