Speed Limits 9-12-51 50035^/ff- Spur Tracks 5r4-50, 43077-^/^ Manchester Ave bet Lincoln Blvd ' Appl renew permits San Pedro St ' & Pershing Dr - Traf Eng Comsn nr 3rd-Mateo St-Santa Fe Ave - re.c amend MG estah .I'i .mnh ..So.Pa.c Co_.. .. „ r. i Speed Limits 10-1-51 50 1 Spur Track 5-11-50 43l89i Fallbrook Ave bet Ventura & Van Owen 3t-Amend MC 35 mph '-s Appl renew permit United Pipe & : -Traff Eng Comsn Const Co-Torrance Blvd - PE Rwv C( ' Speed Limits' 10-18-51 50526 ! Spur Tracks 8/15/50 44521 Iraperial Hiway bet Anza 3t & A T & Santa Fe RR appl for Sepulveda Blvd - Traf Eng estab N renewal of Ords covering - City , 3 5 mnh ' Jpeed Limits 11-21-51 50963 'Spux" Track' ' ' " s'-18-50 44552 | I-iajor sts San Fernando Valley- , Appl const across ptn "B"* St- Rec amend I-iC re. -Traff Eng 'Comsn-J San Pedro- Pac Elec Rwy Co Speed "Lim'its 2-7-52 " 5l853 , S'pur'Traok '9/8/50 ""44'8"96 1 Beverly Glen Blvd fr Ruthven 1 ,' LA Period Fum Co appl for Lane to Nly intersec Knob Hill Di, permit acrosa Santa Barbara & „ Rec 35 moh . .-Traff Corasn speed Liraits 2-19-52 52024 Spur Track 10-27-50' 4561-5 Rec estab 35 raph limits Sunset Sub appl LA& Salt Lake RR ,Co.for Blvd bet Amalfi & Capri Drs ' , renewal-aeross Altoona Pl-Union -Traf Eng Comsn Pacific RR Speed Limits 6-18-52 53734 Spur tracks 12-20-50 46271; Imperial Hiway bet V.'ly City j across 104th St east Aviation bndry at Vennont Ave & '."/ly line „ Jlvd near Lairport-Santa Fe Ry . Ivlain St- Rec estab 35mph -Traf En Speed Limits 9-221^2 ' 55l53 Spur Track ' ' 1/29/51 46757 Rec amend HC add 35 mph Pershing across Lakme Ave & 2 alley sin Dr fr Cabora Dr to Century & on -^ Track 1855-AT&SF Rvy Co appl for -. .Coast Blyd fr Century to Imperial pe.kmit const -r . Speed Limits' 9-21+-52 55186 Spur Track ' 2/9/51 46903 V/estern Ave bet W' 92nd St & V/ [wy Co appl renewal 108th St- Hec amend MC add 35 mpli^ bpur track permit Santa Monica -^ -Traf F.n a Cnman , Blyd .nr.Seward-Holl.vwd. Lumber Co , Speed Limits 12-9-52 56211+ Spur Track 8-21-51 4^797 Paseo del Kar bet '.-/ly line t 440 Commercial St- Agrmt mtnce Gaf.fey St & '.-/ly City limits-Rec N & oper be terminated with AT&SF 35 mph -Traff Enn Comsn ,. Rw.v Co ,-RPV/ . -Jpillway 1-26-50 41484 \ Spur Tracks 10-16-51 50455 Req adequate protection Dover 'St ; at LA River- Aetna Const Inc ^ AT & S Fe Rwy pet renewal franchise re single - var sts LA Sports Center 'ppur Tracks 12-18-51 51275 Atty resoesoll bailc titles bond Alameda 3t-"D" St-Dominguez Ave So Pacific RR Co sub appl renew - C-Redevelopiiim, ^miu cw^ . perraits for 21 yrs Spreading Basin 2-13-52 51916 Spur Tracks 1-15-52 51523 T W Minthorn prot use ptns San Across San Fernando Rd at Fernando Valley as water Sheldon Ave- So Pacific Co apnl '' p.ermit const Spring-bac'K 12/3/50 ' 46130 Spur Tracks "2-15-52 51984 Knives-Varbirton resol Atty prep LA & Salt Lake RR Co & Union Ord prohibit saie of to minors Pacific RR Co pet renew permit ' -r Ave 15 & across Albion St & others Sprinkling ' ' 8-2-51 " "49511 'Spur Track 2-21-52 52076 Pavements- Gladys L Grossman Permits var sts-Atehison Topeka protest prope & Santa Fe Rwy Co req renew - , 15.th St-Banning-2nd Sts- Spur Track. ' '2'-l?'4.9 76503 Spur Tracks 3-7-52 52297 Bd P/W sub check & appl Paclf t-lec Hwy mtnce on Torrance Blvd- Across 102nd St- A T & Santa Fe Acct Bur Rwy Co appl pennit const & ratn 2 -, Spur track '2-4-49" "'^6504 Pac Elec Rwy req temporary SpuFTraclc"" 5-1-52 ' "53l48" permit across Torrance Blvd Serv 411 E 1st St-BPV/ req Indus " Track Agrmt bet So Pac Co & City'\ Spur Tracks " ' ' 7-I7-49 "76970 be executed re AT&SF Rwy Co req 21-yr franchise Spur Trac'k 5-16-52 53351 Merrick k Sacramento Sts-Sonta > Permit across Bellanca near Fe Ave Allev S of Ba.-r St Lairport-AT& Santa Fe Rwy appl ', Spur Tracks 7-28-49 '^717'=i So Pac Co appl remew permits for 21 yr revocable . Alameda St "S'vay V/ash Blvd - -^lley . Spur Tracks 8-12-52 5I+6O6 Sly ''iolet "t - /Vcct^Sur Over 10th St in City-Co & State Spur Tracks '7-71-49 77247 territory- Union Pac RR Co sub -^ appl emer permit const .... "LA & salt Lake RR Co renew ' Spur Track 10-1-52 55313 permit 14th-Myers-Kearney- 62nd St bet Central Ave & iium'poldt sts- Ave 19th Avalon Blvd- Atchison Topeka & ' 1 Spur Tracks 7-12-49 " 38638 Santa Fe Rwy Co sub appl. AT & SF Rwy Co-apply renew permit Spur" Tracks 10-2-52 55321+ 7rd-Merrlck-Sacrcmento-Minerva Sts \ & .Slauson,Ave - et al (fo) Alameda St-"D" St-Dominguez Ave i Spur Track 12-3-49 40319 1st Alley N & S of Dominguez Ave- , Appl renewal Salt Lake & UP RR , So Pacif Co sub .fp pl renewal across Noakes St - Acctng Bur ^, Sp'ur'Track 12-1-52 56053 Spur Track 3-13-50 42184 "Across Newton St- Pac Elec Rwy Co^ Appl const across Inglewood- appl const & mtn -^ liedondo Blvd at LA Airport-AT&SF stadiums 7-21-49 3&&0/^'<> Highways-State 10-31-50 45646-?*<'/" Resol amend C2 zonine & B&S with"' Req vac ptn Fountain Ave adj a hold permits (jyer 3000 seating • capacity. - D alien. ^, _ _ Lot 6-Blk 3-La Paloma Tract ^ btiilrway S-lS-49 39272 Resol approo $2000 const-connect i'^ |State' Highways 'l/r9/5"l ' '46630' , Huntington Dr So & Beagle St- ^' ' Cronk resol memorialize State EE "lebs Legis to auth Mun to limit & reg 1 Stairway .. 9-1-49 ^ 39451 weight vehicles within Cities on - ' Resol approp §8400 const Ewing ; IState Highway 1/22/51 4'66'43 ': St bet Lake Shore Ave & Alvarado -, • Eng Dist VII-Req be notified of . St, - .3 5 3ebs - , pending appl for utility franchise Stairway 5-29-51 48476 or amendmts & date of pub hrg From Bellevue Ave to Alvarado Blvd-Mo approp §6800 to const State Hig'nway 3/12/51 47332 . .-Davenoort . Eagle Rock C of C req defer actr. Stairway 7-5-51 49060 of route bet Viota St & Eagle .. V,ista Dr-Rea notice re F.reewv hrgs Over Calif Cycleway bet Griffin. State Hsng Act 11-20-52 55951 ! Ave & Homer St nr Ave 43-3FV/ req".^ I B&S Comsn req local .ord cover s,:2500 r.e-const . -ICayor . standards eoual or greater than Standing 12-21-51 51336 State Ptns .'/ilcox Ave bet Cahuenga " • •- " •"• • I Blvd to HollyiMood Blvd- Traf Eng • . State Lands 5-16-51 43262 . Copsn. rec amend HC ,re Comsn- Rec & Parks Comanrs resol . ' Stands-Fruit Juice 7/5/50 24762 1054 end req chg rept re beach Z L Foster req Ord prohibit use of glass dispensers State Law ' \ 5-15-50 43226 auth°"cities"incur indebtedness State Agency ' 1-24-49 36350 for mun imps - Treas . • Resol Atty sunoort all legls to exempt LA City"from rules & reg- State Park System 8-7-51 49557 • EJ tjavenport Resol re acq Plaza area LA & _ I State Beach 5-13-52 53310 urge Gov Warren cons new bill Comsn-Resol State Legis give ..... ..no.^rcn.nnirt-. cons estab separate agency -Karby-, btate Real Estate 1-23-52 51609 Coi.isnr-cojaiiun re subaivisions & State College 3-3-52 52205 flooa uonuitions in connectio.a Resol Ccl support plan for new ,• with.storm facility on other than Belmont ^s State V/elfare 5-24-51 43399 High School site -Davenport & Institutions Code- Resol re State College 12-23-52 561+16 pub knowled.'^e prvsns ralating Site- Resol select Seui Fernando : to sex offenderG -Cronk Area -Warburton -i Station 133 3-24-50 4238I Resol 589 auth condemn prop State Compensation '9-4-49 39447 const in elec dist - Wtr * Pwr Com Insurance Fund - Rec acc offer redeem Cert of Sale V/ilshire Blvd > Statuary 10/19/50 ' '45430' Tr - „25.30 - 3d ?/-,.' at Exposition Park created by SC & PA Comt S-29-1+9 39"^55 T Boldsen-Hahn resol Cel req Mun Auth Leon T David att mtgs San Art Comsn to est value of - Francisco 8-70 to Sent 7-19I19 ^t Steam boiler 10/26/50 45586 State County & 11-15-49 40482 Units- W&P Comsn req app & auth • Fed Affairs Comt-Rec new file contract 7183 for C C Moore & Co • irap Sepulveda & Imperial Hwy "^^ intersec -7"'760 in arcliives Steam'Equlpt^'Oper 9-1-50 44780 State Co & Fed Affs 10/2/50 45184 B&S Comsn req amend LAMC re Comt-Resol req Bd Sup approp for licensing- Mayor mtnce of sts in City 1950-51 $1,152,621.72. ... ' Steam franchise 12-15-52 56300 SC&Fed Affs Comt 10/18/50 45426 7th St Co sub appl mtn pipeline Contr bet State Disvn Hiwys-City i.n 7t,h f>t,r...Ri-. -".- \TPT int.pTppp t-i ppr - LA & LA Co Flood Cont Dist-State , be sub for City in var contracts Steam Plant „ ^" '§-21-49 3667'= Resol b57-Req Ord for filing ' ' -SC&Fed Affs 12/4/50' ' '46063 action in eminent domain for acq Comt-Eng prep r/w maps-Atty prep oper at Har.bor-V/tr & Pwr ComRn Ord condemn land Tujunga Wash bet -, Steam Plant 3/15/51 47375 Hollywd Freeway & San Fndo Rd V&P Comsnrs Resol 542 acq pi'op SC&FA Comt 6-15-51 46797 site SVly Hansen Dam & SEly Alloc re 5/8!^ Major St Gas Tax Tujunga Vash fcr San Ferndo Valley Fund yr end 6/30/52 -^ Steam.' Plant 4/27/51 ' ' 4'7999 Order 2405 gi'ant lease to oper SC& Fed A'ffs '11-5-51 ' 50757 to 5-5-76 to Canner's Co-Operative Comt-Rec - ii.ng est cost imp El Steam Co Inc at LA Harbor land Segundo Blvd fr Figueroa St to , Steam Plant 6-8-51 48645 'Vermont^ Aye San Fernando Valley- V/&P Dept SC&FA'comt* ' 10-2-52 55318 Resol 999 re contracts for Rec Eng neg with Calif State materials .
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