Pushkin Leningrad State University VESTNIK of Pushkin Leningrad State University Periodical scientific edition № 4 Volume 4. History St. Petersburg 2015 Vestnik of Pushkin Leningrad State University journal Periodical scientific edition № 4 (Volume 4)΄2015 History Published since 2006 Establisher Pushkin Leningrad State University Editorial Board: Vyacheslav N. Skvortzov, Full Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences (chief editor); Larisa M. Kobrina, Full Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (deputy chief editor); Nataliya V. Pozdeeva, Associate Professor, Candidate of Geographic Sciences (executive editor); Leonid L. Bukin, Associate Professor, Candidate of Economics Sciences; Tatiana V. Maltseva, Full Professor, Doctor of Philology Editors Council: Valentina A. Veremenko, Associate Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences (managing editor); Leonid Yu. Gusman, Associate Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences; Andrzej Dudek, Full Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences (Poland); Kirsti Ekonen, Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy (Finland); Nikolai D. Kozlov, Full Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences; Svetlana I. Kovalskaya, Full Professor, Doctor of Historical (Republic of Kazakstan); Vadim O. Levashko, Assistant Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences; S. V. Lyubichancovskiy, Full Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences; Kimitaka Matsuzato, Full Professor, Doctor of Law (Japan); Sergey M. Nazariya, Associate Professor, Doctor of Political Sciences (Republic of Moldova); G. N. Sobolev, Full Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences; Natalia L. Pushkareva, Full Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences; Mikhail I. Frolov, Full Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences; Liu Juan, Full Professor, Doctor of Philological Sciences (China) Under the VAC (Higher Attestation Commission in Russia) of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science decision “Vestnik of Pushkin Leningrad State University journal” has been included in the list of scholarly journals and periodicals, where basic scientific results of theses for academic degrees of doctors of sciences (doctor) and doctors of philosophy (candidate of sciences) should be published. Registration certificate No. FS77-39790 Subscription index of Rospechat: 36224 Postal Address: 10 Peterburgskoe shosse, St. Petersburg (Pushkin), 196605 RUSSIA Tel. / fax: (812) 476-90-36 http: // www.lengu.ru © Pushkin Leningrad State University, 2015 © Authors, 2015 Contents SOCIAL HISTORY V.A. Veremenko, I.A. Tropov The Russian nobility in the context of modernization (2nd half of the XIX – early XX centuries) ................................................ 7 A.E. Zhukova The officers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia in the second th half of the 19 century: a personal story and general characteristics ... 14 A.M. Iordanskaya Aspects of the everyday life of the diplomatic corps in Russia in the second half of the XIX – at the beginning of the XX centuries ...... 20 I.V. Sinova The evolution of legislative regulation of child labor in the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries .......................................................... 24 T.Y. Shestova The problems of the childhood in the Ural provinces medicine of the post-reform period ........................................................................ 30 V.V. Karpova, L.N. Semenova Agricultural labor squads of Petrograd students in 1915 ........................ 34 MILITARY HISTORY V.O. Levashko Rumors in Leningrad and Leningrad region in the period of the Soviet-Finnish War ................................................................................. 45 N.D. Kozlov The Soviet state in the Great Patriotic War in assessments of the Allies and the Enemy .................................................................... 52 A.L. Nikiforov Participation of Soviet military specialists in the armed conflict in Nicaragua (1981–1990) ...................................................................... 58 HISTORIOGRAPHY AND SOURCE STUDIES V.N. Benda The national historiography of the contribution of General Feldzeugmeister Petr Ivanovich Shuvalov to the development of Artillery and Engineering in Russia in the middle of the XVIII century ................................................................................. 63 E.V. Nikulenkova Professional training of historians at The Institute of Red Professorate in the 1920-s ......................................................... 69 3 THE HISTORY OF SOCIAL MOVEMENTS S.I. Kovalskaya The spread of Jadidist ideas in the Kazakh steppe (Second half of the of the XIX – early XX centuries) .............................. 76 S. N. Emel'yanov The clergy and laity reaction to the confiscation of church values campaign of 1922 in the provinces of Central agricultural region ........... 84 THE HISTORY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION S.V. Lyubichankovskiy Practice of Administrative Investigations of the Officials` Malfeasances in the Russian Empire in Early XX Century ..................... 90 S.I. Podolsky The transfer of authority from Center to regions: the interaction between the Leningrad Council of National Economy and the local authorities ......................................................................... 98 NUMISMATICS S.N. Travkin The monetary circulation on the East of the Ottoman Empire and the buried treasure of the village Dmitrovka .................................. 103 About the authors ................................................................................. 108 4 Содержание СОЦИАЛЬНАЯ ИСТОРИЯ В.А. Веременко, И.А. Тропов Российское дворянство в условиях модернизации (вторая половина XIX – начало ХХ в.) ............................................. 7 А.Е. Жукова Служащие Министерства иностранных дел России во второй половине XIX в.: личная история и общие характеристики ................................................................... 14 А.М. Иорданская Аспекты повседневной жизни иностранного дипломатического корпуса в России во второй половине XIX – начале XX вв. ........... 20 И.В. Синова Эволюция законодательной регламентации детского труда в Российской империи во второй половине XIX – начале XX в. .... 24 Т.Ю. Шестова Проблемы детства в медицине уральских губерний в пореформенный период................................................................. 30 В.В. Карпова, Л.Н. Семенова Сельскохозяйственные трудовые дружины учащихся Петрограда в 1915 г. .......................................................................... 34 ВОЕННАЯ ИСТОРИЯ В.О. Левашко Слухи в Ленинграде и Ленинградской области в период советско-финляндской войны ........................................... 45 Н.Д. Козлов Советское государство в годы Великой Отечественной войны в оценках союзников и противника .................................................. 52 А.Л. Никифоров Участие советских военных специалистов в вооруженном конфликте в Никарагуа (1981–1990 гг.) ........................................... 58 ИСТОРИОГРАФИЯ И ИСТОЧНИКОВЕДЕНИЕ В.Н. Бенда Отечественная историография о вкладе генерал- фельдцейхмейстера Петра Ивановича Шувалова в развитие артиллерии и инженерного дела России в середине XVIII в. ........ 63 Е.В. Никуленкова Подготовка кадров историков в Институте красной профессуры в 1920-е гг. ................................ 69 5 ИСТОРИЯ ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫХ ДВИЖЕНИЙ С.И. Ковальская Распространение идей джадидизма в казахской степи (вторая половина XIX – начало ХХ вв.) ........................................... 76 С.Н. Емельянов Реакция духовенства и мирян на кампанию 1922 г. по изъятию церковных ценностей в губерниях Центрального Черноземья ..... 84 ИСТОРИЯ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ С.В. Любичанковский Практика административного расследования должностных преступлений государственных служащих в Российской империи в начале XX в. ............................................. 90 С.И. Подольский Передача полномочий от центра к регионам: взаимодействие Ленинградского совета народного хозяйства и местных органов власти ............................................... 98 НУМИЗМАТИКА С.Н. Травкин Монетное обращение на востоке Османской империи и клад из села Дмитровка ................................................................. 103 Сведения об авторах ........................................................................ 110 6 SOCIAL HISTORY УДК 94(47)«1850/1917»:316.343-058«653» V.A. Veremenko, I.A. Tropov The Russian nobility in the context of modernization (2nd half of the XIX – early XX centuries) Российское дворянство в условиях модернизации (вторая половина XIX – начало ХХ в.) The article explores the changes in financial position, views and activities of the noblemen in modernization of Russia in the second half of the XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries. It is shown that the «Great reforms» of the 1860s-1870s led to radical changes in the position of the nobility and contributed to the growth of social tension in the country. В статье рассматриваются изменения в финансовом положении, взглядах и положении дворян в условиях российской модернизации во второй половине XIX – начале XX веков. Показано, что «Великие реформы» 1860–1870-х гг. привели к радикальным изменениям в положении дворянства и способствовало росту социальной напряженности в стране. Key words: Russia, the nobility, modernization, social changes, "oskudenie", the abolition of serfdom, "Great reforms". Ключевые слова: Россия, дворянство, модернизация, социальные изменения, «оскудение», отмена крепостного права, «Великие реформы». Year 1861 marked the
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