Jax State to reinstate Pi Kappa Phi by Vanessa Ramirez Tuesday, the jury in the O.J. Simpson hews writer civil trial found Simpson liable on all 'We want to leave some of the sins of the nine counts with which he was behind" said Clyde McSpadden, acting charged. Simpson must pay $8.5 mil- advisor for Pi Kappa Phi fraternity. lion in compensatory damages. The It has been nearly two years since Pi jury also found that Simpson mali- Kappa Phi was suspended from the ciously caused the death of Ronald University. PIKappa Ph fraternity will be Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson. Judge Hiroshi Fujisaki can award more reinstated at Jacksonville State University money for the emotional pain and suf- this Fa#. They will function as an associate fering of the plaintiffs. chapter of the national fraternity. This means they will not be fully recogntzed by From College Press Services: their national fraternity until they satisfy WEST POINT, NY-A West Point certain requirements to regain their charter. cadet accused of raping a female class- Under Mike James, a member of the previ- mate after an off-campus party was acquitted Jan. 24. ous Pi Kapp chapter, the fraternity will The case marked the first time a cadet work toward regaining full charter status. Theformer home of JSUb Pi Kappa Phi chaptel; located on West Rhonda Helm5 has accused a classmate of rape since He, along with Pi Kapp alumnus and retired Mountian, remains vacant and vandalized since thefraternity lost its charte!: the academy began enrolling women 20 JSU faculty member McSpadden, blame with allegations of illegal behavior. ate a '%rand new projection of Pi Kappa years ago. disorganization and lack of discipline as McSpadden states that "Pi JSappa Phi does Phi" said McSpadden. McSpadden says James P. Engelbrecht, 22, would have some of the reasons Pi Kappa Phi disinte- not want to exist with that image anymore." they want a new and improved version of faced life in a military prison or dis- grated. missal from the Army if convicted. The fraternity became associated Both James and McSpadden want to cre- See Pi Kappa Phi page 3 LAWRENCE, Kan.-Seth Dunscomb. a University of Kansas senior and co- JSU celebrates Black History Month captain of the varsity swim team, died Jan. 22 during swim practice. by Jeana Miller Minority Affairs, the show was a A "Soul Food Banquet," with The cause of death was unknown, News writer "celebration of religions" and a guest speaker Dr. Charles Hines and although Dunscomb had a history of African-Americans recognize night for fellowship and praise. music by the Inspirational Voices asthma. Next week's events include a For Christ, will begin at 6:30 p.m. A complete autopsy was planned to February as the birth month of sev- determine the cause of death. eral great pioneers and institutions forum at Patterson Hall on Monday, on Thursday, February 13. Tickets in their history. These include such February 10, entitled "Why Black for students, faculty, and staff are ALBANY, NY-A sting operation tar- people as Frederick Douglass and Women Don't Respect Black Men & five dollars. A similar banquet for geting chiid pornography on the W.E.B. DuBois and such institu- black alumni will be held the fol- Internet led to the Jan. 21 arrest of a tions as the NAACP. Here at JSU, lowing Saturday. State University of New York-Albany the Office of Minority Affairs, the "Black History Month is Events later this month include the student. African American Association and Mr. and Mrs. Black JSU Pageant on Nathaniel Levy, a 21 -year-old senior, something that we should the Student Government Monday, February 17, at Leone is accused of using America OnLine to 77 download 35 pictures of children as Association have planned a variety share, Cole Auditorium. Tuesday at 7:00 young as 18 months engaging in sexual of activities to celebrate this signif- --Subrena Carter p.m., Pin Points Theater out of acts with adults, according to New York icant month in African-American Washington D.C. will present the Attorney General Dennis C. Vacco. History. play "1001 Black Inventions." The "The Internet is an invaluable tool for The celebration kicked off on Why Black Men Don't Respect play, which is now on its 13th sharing information around the globe," Tuesday at 7 p.m. with the showing ~iackWomen." On February 12, national tour, demonstrates in an Vacco said. "It has also become a play- Ms. Lyndia Grant, the Director of entertaining fashion how black ground for perverts." of the Spike Lee movie "Get On The Bus" at the TMB. Last night at 7 the African-American Civil War ingenuity touches our daily lives. p.m. in Leone Cole Auditorium stu- Memorial Foundation in On Wednesday, February 19, dents gathered to share their talents Washington D.C., will speak at Chuck D., a founding member of the popular rap group Public Enemy, l~orn~iledby Chris Colvard and I in the "Gifts From God Talent Leone Cole Auditorium about Jennie Ford Showcase 2." According to David African-Americans who fought in from College Press Services. Zeigler, Director of the Office of the Civil War. See History page 3 The Chanticleer February 6, 1997 SGA elects four new senators by Thomas Webb starring Leonardo di Caprio 1/24/97 Johnnie Edward Sanders, Jr., 31, of Birmingham, AL was arrest- and Claire Danes, will show ed at the Birmingham Police Depmntand charged with carrying a News writer at 7:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. codedweapon and disorderly conduct. 1/24/97 Ann Hare Cheatwood reported theft of property at Houston Cole This week the SGA had Admission is $1. Library. barely enough members pre- After the officers' reports, 112497 Tracy Turner reported theft of property at Houston Cole Libmy. sent to make a quorum. SGA the SGA moved on to new 1/27/97 Sammy Lyn Houston reported theft of property at Houston Cole President Bob Boyle, com- business. After suspending Library. menting on this week's atten- the rules, Bills 35 and 36, 1/29/97 Eric Walter Jones, 21, of Jacksonville, AL was arrested at Dixon dance, said: "We've got a lot which sought to appoint to Hall and charged with criminal conspiracy. of empty spaces right now, the SGA Senate Josh 1/29/97 Devon Markell Berry, 20, of Birmingham, AL was arrested at some because they are oDen Bowers and Allison Eason Dixon Hall and charged with receiving stolen property. spaces, and some because respectively, both passed 1/30/97 JSU reported DUI and possession of marijuana at Mountain they're not here for one rea- unanimously. Bill 37, Street and Fomey Avenue. son or another. We need to brought to appoint Monaleto 1/30/97 Jason Edward Haynes, 26, of Jacksonville was arrested at Mountain Street and Fomey Avenue and charged with DUI and 2nd get people in the seats. We Irby as a senator, passed with degree possession of marijuana need to get some opinions only one dissenting vote. flying around about things In the most contested vote 1/30/97 Roy Williams ID,18, of Gadsden, AL was arrested at Dixon Hall senator, Ben Cunningham and charged with minor in possession of alcohol. you'd like to see changed." of the night, Bill 38, passed 1130'97 JSU reported trespass warning at baseball field. After the reading of last by a vote of 13 to 9. The bill tions. 1/31/97 Joshua Ray Compton,l8, of Albertville, AL was arrested at week's minutes, Heather appointed former The final order of business Logan Hall parking lot and charged with minor in possession of alcohol. Brackrnan, SGA Director of Chanticleer editor Benjamin was Resolution 2, which 113 1/97 Elijah Dane Holsonba& 18, of Albertville, AL was arrested at Publicity said she is already Cunningham to the senate for called for 24-hour security in Logan Hall p&g lot and charged with minor in possession of alcohol. working on next month's cal- the remainder of the academ- student dorms. The resolu- 1/31/97 Jason Lany Hilsman, 19, of Albertville, AL was arrested at ic year. Logan Hall parking lot and charged with minor in possession of alcohol. endar of events. Comptroller tion passed unanimously, 1/31/97 Brian William Eason, 19, of Albertville, AL was arrested at Robbi Patti announced an Bills 39 and 40, which also and the SGA adjourned until Logan Hall parking lot and charged with minor in possession of alcohol. allocations meeting at 4:00 filled vacant Senate seats, next week. The SGA meets 2/1/97 Ralph Alan Nettles, 20, of hston,AL was arrested at Fomey p.m. next Monday in the passed unanimously, every Monday night at 6:00 Avenue and chatged with receiving stolen property in the third degree. SGA offices. appointing Lance Jordan and on the third floor of the 2/3/97 Mellisa D. Kaylor reported indecent exposure at Martin Hall park- Second Vice President Christy Taylor as senators. TMB. All students are ing lot. Angel Narvaez reminded the The last of the night's bills, encouraged to attend. In the audience of the SGA's ongo- Bill 41, appointed Jimmy past, dorms were unprotected ing movie series. Tuesday's Whited as Elections Clerk between the hours of 6:00 movie, "Romeo + Juliet," for this spring's SGA elec- a.m. and 2:00 p.m. SGA plans concert for this semester Wed, Feb. 12,3-4:30 *The English and Art Departments are offering EH 48414846-- by Thomas Webb early ApriI as a tentative have complained of the Current New York Theatre and Art 484--New York Art Museums.
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