E1708 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 3, 2015 the Georgia Municipal Government Hall of Decades after its inception, Motown is re- cation with her enrollment at the D.C. Teach- Fame, which ‘‘recognizes current and former membered as one of the most significant cre- ers’ College. She participated in the Teachers’ city officials who have made extraordinary ative outlets of the 20th century, and the Program at Columbia University, culminating contributions to their communities and actively music it fostered continues to entertain and in- in her receipt of a Master’s Degree in Edu- participated in the Association.’’ In 2012, he spire us all. Thanks to Mr. Gordy, Motown cre- cation at Trinity College. Ultimately, Maggie was one of four city officials to receive the ated a uniquely American sound and defined Louise accepted a tenured position as a third prestigious Certificate of Distinction from the the American experience for generations. grade teacher at J.C. Nalle Elementary School Georgia Municipal Training Institute at the Through this resolution, we recognize and in Southeast Washington, D.C. Georgia Municipal Association’s (GMA) Annual thank Mr. Gordy for creating a timeless musi- After nurturing and educating three genera- Mayors’ Day Conference. He has actively cal sound, for being a force of positive social tions of students, Maggie Louise retired with served on GMA committees that oversee em- change, and for his countless contributions to more than thirty years of service as an educa- ployee retirement benefits and training American culture. tor. She was considered to be one of the most courses for leaders of cities across Georgia. f respected Reading Specialists in District of Mr. Conyers is heavily involved in the com- Columbia Public Schools. Even after her re- munity and is a member of the Rotary Club, PERSONAL EXPLANATION tirement and to this day, she is fondly remem- American Legion Post No. 502, National Asso- bered by many of her students. ciation for the Advancement of Colored Peo- HON. RUBE´N HINOJOSA Her passion for education mirrored her ever- ple, and Bainbridge-Decatur County Chamber OF TEXAS lasting faith as a woman of God. Accepting of Commerce. He is also the City Council’s li- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Christ as her Savior at an early age, Maggie aison to the city’s Planning Commission and Louise began her Christian life in Martin Coun- Thursday, December 3, 2015 teaches about planning and zoning issues dur- ty, North Carolina and continued her Christian ing Bainbridge’s annual Student Government Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I was not journey in Washington, D.C. where she be- Days. present in the House chamber for the fol- came an active member in Michigan Park Dr. Benjamin E. Mays often said: ‘‘You lowing roll call votes. Had I been present on Christian Church in 1960. She brought her make your living by what you get, you make November 16th, 17th, 19th and 30th, I would God-given teaching talents into the church, your life by what you give.’’ Throughout his have voted ‘‘yea’’ on roll calls 627, 628, 632, teaching Vacation Bible School and Sunday life, Mr. Conyers has done so much for so 640, 642, 644 and 645 and ‘‘nay’’ on roll calls school. She was a chairperson of the many for so long. He is an example of public 626, 629, 630, 631, 633, 638, 639, 641 and Diaconate and a member the Christian Wom- service at its finest and his advocacy on be- 643. en’s Fellowship. As is the church’s tradition, in half of students of all ages has been invalu- f her eightieth year of life, Maggie Louise Knight able throughout the state of Georgia. His serv- Knox was humbly inducted into the Diamond PERSONAL EXPLANATION ice to his country and his community are but Club. a small testimony to the high caliber of char- To Maggie Louise, family was everything. It acter that he embodies. HON. JERRY McNERNEY was on May 5, 1950, in Washington, D.C., Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the OF CALIFORNIA that Maggie Louise married her loving hus- U.S. House of Representatives to join me and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES band, Mr. Reese Conway Knox. Devoted and committed to each other, the union of Maggie my wife Vivian, and the more than 730,000 Thursday, December 3, 2015 people of Georgia’s Second Congressional Louise and Reese produced three beautiful District, in recognizing and commending Mr. Mr. MCNERNEY. Mr. Speaker, on Decem- daughters: Regina Louise, Denise Yvette and Luther Conyers for his leadership in education ber 2, 2015, the House took roll call vote 644. Edna Teresa. and service to his community. I am recorded as voting ‘‘aye’’ on this amend- On a more personal note, Maggie Louise f ment, but I want to reflect that I intended to and I are born of the same lineage—the vote ‘‘no’’ and oppose the Barton of Texas Slades of North Carolina. The union of Simon INTRODUCTION OF A RESOLUTION Amendment No. 25 to H.R. 8. and Anna Slade produced thirteen children. Of HONORING BERRY GORDY f those children, Walter Columbus Slade (grandfather of Maggie Louise) and Robert HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. IN REMEMBRANCE OF MAGGIE Slade (my grandfather), were born. Maggie re- LOUISE KNIGHT KNOX OF MICHIGAN tained many valuable lessons from her youth, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES but the most important one came from her HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. grandfather, Walter Columbus Slade: ‘‘Always Thursday, December 3, 2015 OF GEORGIA stick together.’’ Maggie fervently adopted this Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, today I am in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as a guiding force throughout her life and troducing a resolution honoring the achieve- passed that same value to her daughters and Thursday, December 3, 2015 ments of Berry Gordy, Jr. and his musical leg- grandchildren. The concept of ‘‘staying to- acy, Motown Records. By establishing the Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, it is gether’’ is extremely important in our family. Motown record label in 1959 in Detroit, MI, Mr. with a heavy heart and solemn remembrance We annually gather for reunions throughout Gordy cultivated the careers of musical leg- that I rise today to pay tribute to a terrific edu- the nation and remain close with one another ends such as Smokey Robinson, Michael cator and beloved mother, grandmother and throughout our lives. Jackson, Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder, and cousin, Mrs. Maggie Louise Knight Knox of George Washington Carver once said, ‘‘How many, many more. Not only did the music of Martin County, North Carolina. Sadly, Mrs. far you go in life depends on your being ten- Motown advance its way to the top of the Knox passed away on Saturday, November der with the young, compassionate with the charts and the front of the music scene with 28, 2015. A Homegoing Celebration will be aged, sympathetic with the striving and toler- timeless hits such as ‘‘Please Mr. Postman’’ held on Friday, December 4, 2015 at 11:00 ant of the weak and strong because someday and ‘‘Ain’t No Mountain High Enough,’’ but it a.m. at the Michigan Park Christian Church in in your life you will have been all of these.’’ also communicated across race barriers and Washington, D.C. Maggie Louise was a gentle and loving touched people regardless of the color of their Born on February 3, 1928 to the late Annie woman who treated all people with respect. skin. In a racially divided and politically Slade Knight and Eddie Knight, Maggie Louise She loved her God. Her wisdom and kindness charged time, Motown Records, under the Knight Knox, known as Louise or Lou to family goes unmatched, and her gentle soul served leadership of Mr. Gordy, was the first to inte- and friends, grew up on the family farm in humanity in a special way. Each day she grate an all-white sales department and Martin County, North Carolina. She developed graced the people around her with an enthusi- produce music beloved by all. a passion for education early on and imme- astic sincerity of presence. The impression Mr. Gordy’s accomplishments are reflected diately upon graduation from Winston Salem she leaves on earth extends beyond herself to in his numerous awards and recognitions in- State University, she began her teaching ca- those whom she inspired and supported, and cluding his induction into the Rock and Roll reer within the Charles County Public School for it she will be remembered for time to Hall of Fame, his autobiography ‘‘To Be System. come. Loved: The Music, the Magic, the Memories of Her abiding commitment to education was Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the Motown,’’ and the Broadway success of reflected in her personal academic achieve- House of Representatives to join me and my ‘‘Motown The Musical.’’ ments, as she pursued a higher level of edu- wife, Vivian, in paying tribute to Mrs. Maggie VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:23 Dec 04, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A03DE8.019 E03DEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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