Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons The Maine Broadcaster Local History Collections 12-1946 The Maine Broadcaster : December 1946 (Vol. 2, No. 12) Maine Broadcasting System (WCSH Portland, ME) Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/mainebroadcaster THE P•rtJand Public LibJ'~ ~~~ BROADCASTING MAINE BROADCASTER: SYSTEM PUBLISHED AS AN AID TO BETTER RADIO LISTENING Vol. II. No. yr' -12.. Portland. :Maine, D ecember, 1946 Price, Five Cents HOLIDAY SEASON BRINGS AIR TREATS Newest Allen's Alley Character Special Fare Began Radio Career _As Ti11y Tim Scheduled On NBC To Present NBC Stations Christmas is the one seaso11 of the Big ·9rchestras ye1tr - the uvern.ge year • when Amel"­ ican radio goes all out nnd gives tbe Of The Nation best it has to offer. Starting December 7th, the Orches­ Another two wel·ks or so 1rnd the tras of the Nation program, beginning eft'cct of tl1is tradition will begin to its fourth season over NBC, wil pre· !Jc noted on the loudspeakers of sent I 8 orchestras from 1111 sections of Maine's radio listeners as the various the count ry in a 26-week series. All stat ions of the s tutc send out the spe­ three Meris stations will carry the cial Christmns season programs from concerts on Saturdays from 8.00 to the various networks they represent, -t oo P· m. plus their own carr fully·ttrilored local shows. Twelve of the orchestras will !Jc new to t hl! series. M1111y of U1ese units, The Maine Broadcaster had been un­ which huve performed only in their able at press ti rne to obtn in a listing own cities, will l>e heard ttcross the of special ' BC programs which will nation for the firsl timl.'. &unuel be aired during Christmas week, but Chotzinoff a nd Eriwst J.,aPr1,de who was informt•d that very definite plans arranged the series. feel thnt since nre in the making for radio fare of radio has been lar~>cly responsible for unusual ttppcal. Illl6ecl on rmst years' the spri:ncl o f Ryrnphonic nius ic which cxpericnt.<e, this prediction would seem has made possll>lc the organization of to mrnn Lh11t listeners of MeBS sta­ these o rchestras, it is radio's place to Nine-Year Girl To Narrate tions WLB'.I., \VR.OO ond WCSH are give the orchestras 1111tion--wide heur­ due for audience treats extending ing. through the period December 19 to Ohristnms Day, at lenst, with uddi­ The progrnrn will ,briug to the Peter Donald 3-A Man's Christmas Story tional delights due for New Yc:lr'S Eve listeners much new music by contcm­ The nt'wcst resident of Allen's · In planning a speciul Christmas Conmtenting on the story, Mr. 1ind J 11nu11ry I. maDy rndio enter­ pora ry Arneric11n Composers. Many ,vm, Alley whose dwellers come to life each story for his daily children's J>rogram, Bnrnard st1id: "Oceasionnlly there tainers returned to civilian life from of these who ure known only sectiont1l­ S u nday evening on the Fred Allen The Three A Safety Man - Arlyn .E. is u s tory lhat can best be told thro11gh war servi<.-e who still were in uniform ly nnd have not come to the attention Show over Maine's three NBC sta­ Burnard - hos cast a little girl in the the voice of a child. Simple words of of the large symphonies, will have a yc11r ugo, U1e network has the ''best tions at 8.80, is Peter Donald. lie ~real hcauly often becon1c the more their works played. The following role of story-teller. She is Lillinn in the business" from whom to select broke into radio in 1928, ploying 1' iny Crosby,. aged· nine, of West Buxton, beuutiful when spoken in the clear for s peciul perform11.nces. orchestras will be heard during the Tim in Diek1ms' A Christrnns Carol. and she will be !ward w-il11 ~ir11plicity tt child cun impart. Little­ series, s tarting with Rochester Pl1il• Mr. Looully, the three stations will have SiYtec·11 yNu:s..J.atc.1:-he ,1W.s cast in th,. 13,.rrwl,'C. , ~ T,,-!~~t.y r..'1.1") ..• !'n;r:, f'...t'C. 21- ei;t A,,gel ; ! s uch \I, ~tn-r , end Litliun l1nrmon1c: s pecial ' hriscrnas fore for their same dmma as Tim"s (at.her. at his us ual broadcast time, 7.,i o to Cri:sby is the ideal child for the part." nudiences in connection with regu]l).l']y Other highlights of 1111 inlerc~ting Indianapolis Symphony, Fort,Vnyne 8.00 u. m. over ,vC SH. Aln:ady LiJlian has appeared over Philharmonic, San Antonio Symphony, scl1eduled progrnms or 11dditiona.l career to date include: Lillian will tell the story of the V.'CSH under Mr. Barnnnl's direction, fe11tures. Mnn,y kiJowatt hours of At three, Pl'ter Donald had his Jirst Ba ltimore Symphony, Minneapolis Littlest Angel, a fantasy of a little as tile Scrub Woma n's Soul in the Symphony, New H 11veo Symphony, vlectric current will he utilized just-­ stnge part - ond wus paid off in choc­ boy who, on a rriving at the golden Children's Theater presentation of ifiably during the next few weeks in Dnllas Symphony, Seattle Symphony, olate. gates of Paradise, makes heaven a Rachel Field's Three Pills in a Bottle, Maine homes for the 'enjoyment of the H ous ton Symphony, D11yton Phillmr­ Al 11, he hnd his first c11sh rule in mos t unheavenly place for a short ttnd u;; m1rrotor for Elizabeth Orton hcst American rad.io offers. Noel Coward's Bitte r Sweet. monic, New Orleans Symphony, Buffalo time. His ear-splitting whistle oncl ,Jonrs' book for children called Secrets. Al 13 he was the youngest radio Philharmonic, Okl1t}l()J11U Symphony, off-key singing re-sound through the Lillian is the d uughtcr of Mr. and C!mcce of a com111er ciol progr >1 m. Southern Symphony (Columbia, S. golden streets at 1111 hours. Constant­ Mrs. C11rl Crosby of Wrst B11xton And ,he's bt:cn on •his way up in sl1ow C.) : Santa Monica Symphony, East­ ly he is chasing n.ftcr his hnlo which and the youngest ·of their six childrt:n. business ever s incr, mainly in radio. man School Symphony, NBC Sym­ insists on ·slipping oft' the bnck of his All the children are talented and the Light Of The World phony (C-0lumhia U niversity F estival). H e iirst goint.-d na tion-wide attention head. The story builds to I). beautiful family is a musical one, the f1,1.ther be­ us the dialect-gifted rnconteur of Cun ending as the Littles t Angel's gift for ing tenor soloist in the Williston Church Returns To WCSH You Top This? H e started on thl).t tl1e Christ Child becomes the one choir, Portland. Lillian attends the Drurnati:•ations of Biblical storie., program s ix yea.rs ago and tlwt wus st!lected by God. grunmrnr school of her home town. when Fred Allen first heard him. Medical Series ·interpreted in n modern daytime dra• Fred suys he flied him under "D matic serial, Light of the World. re­ as in Dona.Id" and reminded himself Returns To NBC turns to NBC and WCSH, Portland, to look him up some day. New Sponsor Airs Fibber And Molly this rnonth. It is heMd Monday At the close o f last scuson's broud­ This month mrtrks the return of the through Friday nt 2.45 p. m., follow• ca.st ing, 1vhen "Falstaff Openshaw'' American Medical Association's dra­ Sports Broadcast Again Rated Tops ing Betty Crocker. Light of the World adapts the resigned, Allen remembered "D as in mntic series Doctors Then und Now, Hal Dyer's popular s ports <broadcast WiU, Fibber McGee $.nd Molly in Donald'' nnd l ooked up his yo1rng in the Hth yeur of public sen 1iee language of the Scriptures to 20th is now being sponsored three nights first choice p osition, NBC emerged Centur)' spct.<eh. It first was broad­ man, even now only 28. Allen and b roudcasting, in collahoration with weekly by George Washington smok­ with eight winners out of 15 in the cast in Ma rch. 1940, and since then has Oonnld workrtl on various dialects NilC. 1'he series will he cttrrird by ing tobacco. H eard each evening at " ,~ll-A mcrica prog rams" cla,5sificution and cha rocter types, and just before the three Maine NBC stations WCSH , received wide acclaim from leading 6:15 over the Maine Broadcas ting of The Clevclnnd Plain Dealer 194,6- clc ri:,.rymen, religious orgoniu1.tions and the current rndio season opened, WRDO, WLBZ - Suturclnys ut 4.00 System, Dyer offers liskners a com­ 19,i7 Readers' Radio Poll r ecently. selected th" name of Ajax Cassidy p. m. listeners. plete, interesting s11mm11ry of the clay's NBC scored two to one ngninst the Representative; of the three major for his new Alley tenant. The new series, d e11ling with a cen· sports highlights- top sportin~ news next closest network. A third net· tury of Amcricun medical history, will fuiths were consulted on scripts when of Maine, New Englund and the na­ work hucl three sh{)WS in this category. the progrnm st11rled. 'l'he consult11nts present drnmatizutions of the lives of tion. As an added listener-service, Here ore the eight N BG shows were Dr. Everett R. Clinehy, president men who have contributed to medical the progrorn includes n tw<.1 minute chosen in the "all - America pro­ of tlu: N11tional Co1mcil of Christians prni:-res~.
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