e r -\J \rs S ì « PITTSBURGH h- a Sì PvJ o ' •j O > X z o 3 3 o 5 > 2T ** 3 O X - * t— O ~« < UJ 00 00 o 3 a »« o _i o _j a 146 No. 49 25 cents Established in 1844: America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper in Continuous Publication Friday, February 22, 1991 R ite of E lection at St. Paul C athedral 700 prepare to join Catholic Church By TERESA K. FLATLEY PITTSBURGH - Bishop Donald W. Wuerl told hundreds of people gathered last Sunday in St. Paul Cathedral in Oakland that from that day forward, they would never be alone because they had chosen to join in the full communion of the Catholic Church. Bishop Wuerl’s remarks were made to nearly 700 people who, Dean with their sponsors, filled the cathedral to celebrate the Rite of Father Charles Bober Election for those who are return­ answers a reader who ing to the Church to complete the asks why his pastor is sacraments, or who are joining also called a "dean.” He the Church for the first time. explains what the posi­ This was the sixth annual Rite tion entails and how a of Election ceremony, with about priest is selected for it. 12 0 parishes represented from Faith journey Allegheny. Beaver, Greene, Over 672 participated In the Lawrence, Butler and Rite of Election at St. Paul Washington Counties. There were Cathedral, Oakland, last Sun­ 672 people who participated in day. The catechumens are cur­ the ceremony this year, up from rently preparing for baptism to 618 last year. take place at their parishes Page 7 Adults of all ages who have Easter Vigil services on Holy been participating in instruction, Saturday. The rite Is one of the prayer and apostolic work through their parish Rite of Chris­ final steps before being receiv­ ed into the Church. Top photos: tian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Sponsors place hands on organizations were called forward shoulders of catechumens, to join Bishop Wuerl in the while Bishop Wuerl and Father cathedral's sanctuary. By the end Dies M. Eric Diskin, diocesan direc­ of the ceremony, the front steps tor of evangelization, officiate Father James F. and the altars overflowed with at the ceremony. McBride, a retired priest those who were then asked to of the diocese and pastor publicly declare their intentions Photos by John C. Keenan emeritus of Assumption to join with the Church. Church, Bellevue, died During the ceremony, the Feb. 14 in the Vincen­ names of 176 people who were tian Home. McCandless. never baptized and are known as He was 77. "/•u'echumens" were read aloud. The catechumens were then ask­ ed to sign the Book of the Elect Page 12 and will receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist during Easter Vigil ceremonies at their own parishes. Also called forward were 496 people who had been baptized, either in the Catholic Church or in other Christian churches, but had not been catechized in the Catholic Church. Father M. Eric Disldn, director of evangelization and Christian Bottom photos: A young girl initiation for the diocese, said signs the Book of the Elect these people had “never received while Bishop Wuerl greets the Christian formation necessary those in attendance. During to partake in the sacraments." Fr. the event, 496 people were call­ Diskin said they will be confirmed ed forward who had been bap­ and receive communion at the tized but not catechized in the Easter Vigil in their parishes. Catholic Church. They will be In his homily. Bishop Wuerl confirmed and receive commu­ Movie commented on how rare it was to nion at Easter Vigil ceremonies in their home parishes. Father Peter Horton see the cathedral filled, and said says the movie "Silence (Continued on page 2) of the Lambs,” based on the best-selling novel by Thomas Harris, has Blessing Nun rushes aid to Peru. been remarkably transferred to the screen PITTSBURGH - Sister Mary Peru are already in such dire by director Jonathan Louise Nash, director of the poverty. Most of them don't have Demme. ceremony Carlow Hill College at Carlow Col­ adequate food to be strong lege, left Pittsburgh on Feb. 14 for enough to fight disease." an emergency, one-week trip to Sr. Mary Louise took 240 boxes for new Chimbote, Peru. with 7,000 pounds of medicine With Peru in the midst of a donated by Mercy Hospital. Later Page 6 cholera epidemic, Sisters of Mercy in the month, Anita Carruthers, a archabbot who live in Chimbote reached to Pittsburgh woman who will serve their sisters in Pittsburgh for with the sisters as a missionary, By PATRICIA BARTOS help. Last week, they telephoned will take the materials from Holy LATROBE — A solemn blessing Sister Sheila Carney, president of Cross Hospital. for newly elected Archabbot the Sisters of Mercy, with a list of "As a Sister of Mercy, I am Douglas Nowicki, who recently needed medicines. Sister Sheila grateful for the ways we can be became the 1 1 th leader of the contactd both hospitals con­ connected with the people in Inside Benedictine community of St. nected with the Pittsburgh Mercy Peru,” said Sr. Mary Louise. Editorial Page 4 Vincent in Latrobe, will be held Sisters: The Mercy Hospital of Pit­ “Mercy Hospital and Holy Cross Columns Page 5 Friday. March 1, at 2 p.m. in the tsburgh and Holy Cross Hospital Hospital provided medicines Entertainment Page 6 archabbey basilica. in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. quickly and generously. Carlow Bible Quiz Page 6 Officiating will be Greensburg Sr. Mary Louise, who has College encouraged me to go Catholic Life .... Page 7 Bishop Anthony Bosco, with visited Peru, offered to go to make because it is an extension of the Classified Page 8 Philadelphia Archbishop An­ Photo by John C. Keenan sure the materials get to the peo­ college mission of service." Around Diocese thony Bevilacqua presiding and ple in need. “The disease could be One of the missionaries there is .................Pages 9-12 Pittsburgh Bishop Donald Wuerl Archabbot Douglas Nowicki, OSB, says that he hopes to build on the avoided more easily in this coun­ Sister Elizabeth Carroll, a former Obituaries Page 12 as homilist. Reception and dinner 150-year history of St Vincent Archabbey and to have It continue to try," she said, "but the people of president of Carlow. Schools Page 11 will follow at 5 p.m. in Kennedy serve as a cultural and religious resource in the area. A solemn Hall. Invitations are required for blesslngfor newly elected archabbot will be held Friday, March 1, at ...Pope asks help for victim s the Mass, because of limited 2 p.m. In the archabbey basilica In Latrobe. seating capacity, and for the reception and dinner. election on Jem. 8 , succeeds Ar­ fessor of psychology at St. Vin­ VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope outbreak. Another 14,000 people Also on hand will be four former chabbot Paul Maher as leader of cent College since 1978. He holds John Paul II asked Catholics were infected with the virus. archabbots of St. Vincent: more than 200 Benedictine a Ph.D. in clinical psychology throughout the world to give Peruvian health officials said Rembert Weakland, now ar­ monks. from the University ofTennessee. money and send medical supplies that the numbers of those in­ chbishop of Milwaukee, Wise.; Archabbot Paul had resigned on As archabbot he will head a for the victims of a cholera fected could surpass 200,000 Leopold Krul, now in campus Nov. 30 at the mandatory retire­ community founded in 1846 by epidemic in Peru. within three months, and 8,000 of ministry at Penn State: Egbert ment age of 65. Archabbot Boniface Wimmer as Speaking in Spanish after his those probably would die. Donovan, now retired and living Archabbot Douglas, 45, had the first Benedictine monastery in Feb. 17 Angelus address, the pope EDITOR 'S NOTE — Funds fo r at the archabbey; and Paul headed the education department the U.S. Today the community said he wanted to express Peru may be sent to Father John Maher. since 1986. Earlier he was pastor numbers 224 men, including "solidarity with the people of Harvey, director, diocesan Socie­ Archabbot Douglas, who had of Our Lady Queen of Peace, priests, deacons, brothers and Peru” threatened by the disease. ty fo r the Propagation of the been serving as diocesan North Side. Archabbot Douglas novices. St. Vincent is the second Nearly 100 people died during Faith, 111 Blvd. o f the Allies. P itt­ secretary for education until his also has been an associate pro- (Continued on page 2) the first 10 days of the cholera sburgh, PA 15222. - Page 2 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Friday. February 22, 1991 D iocesan/w orld new s Pittsburgh Diocese form s PITTSBURGH - The diocese reflects the guidelines The option selected, follow­ will reorganize three elemen­ delineated in the Reorganiza­ ing a parent survey, maintains tary schools In the West End tion for Excellence plan. It is kindergarten through eighth Persian G ulf com m ittee and Sheraden sections of Pitt­ essential to utilize resources in grade at the Holy Innocents PITTSBURGH — The Pitt­ tivlties or support services for sburgh, effective with the fall such a way as to provide site. Pre-school classes for sburgh Diocese has formed a com­ members to cope with problems 1991 term. schools with sufficient enroll­ three- and four-year-old mittee to coordinate diocesan related to the war. Children also will be offered. The schools involved are Ho­ ment and a solid financial response to the war in the Persian Catholic Charities of the W e s t E n d base." Program enhancements are ly Innocents.
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