Allston library renamed for Brian Honan .. P. cEs nCommunity Newspaper Company www.allstonbnghtontab.com FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 2003 Vol. 7, No. 37 46 Pages II 3 Sections 75¢ Speaking up about war and pe8ce A-B residents join massive Local veterans support rally on Boston Comnzon soldiers fighting in Iraq By Phoebe Sweet soggy Common STAFF WRITER Beneath raintxw. flag~ and anti­ By David Nelson ''Right or wrong, it's our coun­ CORRESP"NDENT mong the 25,000 people war banners, th~ whir of police try," said William Dyer, a Navy A gathered on the Boston helicopters and a gm) k) that n. a country where television vet •ran who left ,Brighton High Common Saturday to protest threatened serimt\ rain the -.mall I viewers tay constantly tuned School in I 940 f6r a position in a America's military action in Iraq, a contingent of A B residents tuned i'ii to fighting in Iraq, church con­ submarine ·during World War II. group of local residents marched in and out of sp·eche and wan­ gregations meet to pray for peace ''11'e troops are over there, you behind an "Allston-Brighton for dered among th booths and tent-. and anti-\\.ar prote ts shut down ha\c to support them." Peace" banner. set up at Boston large-.t prolest in the stree~ of Boston, some in the ··1 don't understand the march­ Along with protesters from decades. community rely on something es against it," said James Mur­ around New England, the crew of 'The most t. citing thmg \\a-; simpler to under;tand their role in phy, president of the men's club about 30 A-B neighbors gathered to stand there m d look out on the the war: personal experience. at lhe Veronica Smith Senior to voice their opposition to a war Bo ton Comm 1 and as far a:; the While <;0me local World War II Center in Brighton. 'The people that is now nearly three weeks eye could see ti ·re \\ere people, ST-'Ff PllOTO BY JIM\\~ \ eterans ha\ e mixed feelings on the that march against the war are old, as the bells of the Arlington just to know th. 11 that man) p&>- Jae-Lynn Start (left), Andrea Doremus (right) and Pat Walsh.4t;enter decision to enter Iraq, they~have no well educated; administrators, Street Church rang out over a back), all of Brighton, help lead one of the groups from Allston­ doubt on how Americans should RALLY, page 24 Brighton during Saturday's anti-war rally and march In Boston. college professors, college stu- respond to the miltlal) oction. VETS, page 25 Another In support ofMiclurel Hynes chunk of land for Harvard? By Phoebe Sweet ~T~WI" Harvard University is set to snatch up 91 more acre., ofAllston this week after a whopping $75 million ofter put it ahead of a pack of three other bidder., looking to take over five Massachusett<; Turnpike plots of land. But in a lalit-minute attempt to stall the deal, f\.fa)or Tom Menino and four top state officials asked the Pikt to put off finalizing the sale, according to the Boston Globe. Although Pike officials were reportedly schedulP<l tn make a decision toda) Hida} , · e .,po e~man Seai 1 O'Nc II said that the deal won't be finalized until early next Wt.i!k and was never scheduled to be made at today's board meeting. Harvard's bid i'> expected to be accepted despite the opposition from Dc\elopmem ~ICtar) Doug Fo) Transportation Secretal') Dan Grabau-,ka.'., and !\1eninu reported in the Globe. The Pike doe-, '>till ha\e the au thorit) to deny Harvard any or all of the five parcels de­ spite the fact that they are the highest bidder. O'Neill called the deal a win/win situation for both the Pike and the university. The parcels are mostly industrial land wedged be ~n Cambridge Street, Soldiers Field Road and CSX f9ilroad tracks . • According to the Globe, critics of Harvard\ takeover say that if the univer..it) cut<; off access to th ran yards, trucks would have to travel through Boston to llie next nearest rail yard in Worcescer. STAFF PHOTO BY MICHAEL M.AAIN!NG But O'NeilJ said Thursday that ince CSX has an Caltlln Kane dances the Siege of Ennis with Jim Mcilvaine during the Michael Hynes Jr. fund-raiser at the Freeport Hall on Sund y afternoon. In March easement on the land in perpetuity, access to the rail 2002, Hynes, 42, sustained a life-threatening injury while wort<Jng on a light fixture at Star Market In Brighton. The fund-raiser was held to collect money yard will never be cut off. to help the Hynes family. HARVARD, page 27 INSIDE It's show ti111e Budget ax aimed at Baldwin School By Pho be Sweet STAff WRITER Students who leave the Baldwin Elementary School in Brighton for summer vocation may never come back if the Boston School Committee approves the closing of five schools, includinp the Baldwin, in the coming weeks. The Baldwin, along with two other grammar schools and two middle school'> in Boston, will probably be closed at the end of this school year to help save ENTERTAINMENT Boston Public Schools n •arly $6 million. Sigourney Weaver BALDWIN, page 27 brings a 9-11 story to the screen Waterworks site ._SEE PAGE 17 proposal unveiled By PhOebe Sweet INSIDE STAI 1- WRITER Three development lt.'ams unveiled proposals for Commentary 12 restoration of the Cleveland Circle Waterworks site Community Notes 3 Tuesday night, saying that blueprints for new construc­ sr.tlf ""° e Ringmaster Ryan Kearney gets the 102nd annual minstrel show underway at St. Anthony's Parish last tion on the site are certa111 to change during the public Crime 11 weekend. This year saw the school present ·The Greatest 'Shows' on Earth." proce s. "What you see is not what you are going to get,'' said Entertainment 17 WATERWORKS, page .?6 Ubrary Notes 28 \IA EL . FREE ONLINE Obituaries 31 When you say it (:lllH( H>R.\( :TH : BANKING with flowers make People 10 !~ FREE CHECKI!':G sure they're ours! Sport ACCOU~T 1; Pnvale and group lessons with or without 14 \~ Auto Mi11ihane's Flower partner • weekly dances • low rates MERC.A Wedding preparation Specials ~21 mIE(lj&NK Shawmut Properties FREE .,. ' ..,, e'1" ~1 } Work lnjurie · Banking on a Frst name basis & Garden Shop 134 Tremont Street • Brighton 617-566-7850 '423 Washington Street • Brighton 425 WASHINGTON STREET DanceSport Academy Your Neighborhood Realtor® 556 Cambri1li:t• "'t .• Bri!!hton 617-783-3500 BRIGHTON CENTER • 61 7-254-1130 .,._ of Netv England www.men:antilebo$tOn.com (617) 787-2121 (617) 787-8700 Ample Free Parking r 384 Harvard St. Brookline 7 2 Member FDIC www.DanceSport-NewEngland.com / Page 2 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, Ap1ll 4, 2003 , Key contacts: . COMMUNITY II !Jl~J~R~PER THIS WEEK on townon ne. c m Editor............. Wayne Braverman (781) 433-8365 WWW lownorllle com TAB' Welcome to the AJlston-Brighton We • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • [email protected] The Allston-Brighton TAB is published onfine at www.townonfine.com/allstonb ton and America are eager to serve as a forum for the communi­ 'fleportlr •.......... ....... Phoebe Sweet (781) 433-8333 Online Keyword: Town Online. Town Online features news from more than 45 Jo J publications,- pro­ ty. Please send us calendar listings, social . • . • ••. •••.• •.• . •••.•.••....... [email protected] files of more than 200 Eastern Massachusetts ~ommunities, and items of regf al interest. news and any other items of community Editor In chief. .. ... ... Greg Reibman (781) 433·8345 • • • . .... .....•••.. •• . .... .... [email protected] interest. Please mail the information to Wayne Parents & Kids Braverman, editor, Allston-Brighton TAB. Advertising Director •.•• • . .... Cris Warren (781) 433-8313 Advertising sales . • • •• . Harriet Steinberg (781) 433-7865 Community Newspaper The Boston Celtics P.O. Box 9112, Needham. MA 02492. You Company's online guide to Real Estala sales . .. Mark R. Macrelli (781) 433-8204 As our arrne orces prepare to may fax material to (781) 433-8202. Our smart parenting from baby to Basketball season is well Russian section advertlsl.ng . Yun Tabansky (617) 965-1673 confront Ira Boston Herald : deadline for press releases is Monday, 5 p.m., preteen has been completely underway. Follow the Classlfledftlelp wanted . (800) 624·7355 photograph Kuni Takahashi prior to the next Friday's issue. redesigned. Check out Boston Celtics as they Cllendlr lisllnp. •................ (781) 433·8211 chase a playoff berth and is embedde with the troops. Residents are invited to call us with story Newsroom lax number ••. .... ..•. • (781) 433-8202 the new site at. www.townonnne.com/ ... a world championship. Follow his verage of the ideas or reaction to our coverage. Please call Altslllstlngs tu number .. • • • . • • • • . (781) 433-8203 poten al war at: parentsandklcls/ www.bostonherald.com/ Allston-Brighton TAB Editor Wayne To subscribe, call . •••••.. ...... ....•... (888) 343-1960 celtlcs.html Braverman at (781) 433-8365 or News General TAB number. • •.•. .. •.•.•.•.. (781) 433-8200 News e-mail . • • • • • • • • • ....... allston·brighton@cnc com Reporter Phoebe Sweet at (781) 433-8313 Sports • • . • . • . •• allston·[email protected] The Boston Bruins with your ideas and suggestions. Events calendar • • • • • . [email protected] Arts and Mllrtlinment . .. .. [email protected] Hockey season is in full swing. Follow the Boston Bruins as they pursue tt Arts calendar ...•. .... .... •. •.. [email protected] www.bostonherald.com/brulns.html CNC Editor In chief . ... Kevin R. Convey-kconvey@cnc com The Allston·Brighton TAB (USPS 14·706) is published by TAB Community Newspapers, 254 Second Ave • Needlam, MA 02494, TOWN ONLINE INDEX weekly. Periodicals postage paid at Boston, MA.
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