CO-CATHEDRAL of the SACRED HEART Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston November 20, 2016 1111 St. Joseph Parkway at San Jacinto / Fannin St. Church Hours — M - F: 6:30 am - 6 pm; Saturday: 9 am - 8:30 pm; Sunday: 6:30 am - 9 pm Weekend Mass Sacrament of Penance (Confessions) English: Saturday Vigil 5 pm Monday - Friday: 30 minutes prior to Mass Sunday 7 am, 9 am, 11 am, 5:30 pm First Thursday of the month: 4:30 - 5:15 pm Vietnamese: Saturday Vigil 7 pm (Weekdays: Confessional near the Sacred Heart transept) Sunday 1 pm Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 pm Spanish: Sunday 7:30 pm Sunday: 8:15 - 8:45 am (between 7 & 9 am Masses) Weekday Mass 10:15 - 10:45 am (between 9 & 11 am Masses) 7 am, 12:10 pm Monday - Friday 4:30 - 5:00 pm 7:30 pm, First Fridays: Vietnamese Mass, Vietnamese and Spanish 30 minutes prior to Mass followed by Exposition and Benediction (Weekends: Confessional near entrance way on the right) CATHEDRAL CENTRE Parish office is located at the Cathedral Centre. 1701 San Jacinto at Jefferson St. Houston, TX 77002-8215 (Parking behind the Centre) Phone: 713-659-1561 Fax: 713-651-1365 Office hours: Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm (Closed: 12 noon - 1 pm) CO-CATHEDRAL of the SACRED HEART Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, D.D., S.T.L. Archbishop of Galveston-Houston The Most Reverend George A. Sheltz, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop The Most Reverend Joseph A. Fiorenza, D.D., Archbishop Emeritus The Most Reverend Vincent M. Rizzotto, D.D., J.C.L., Retired Auxiliary Bishop Co-Cathedral Clergy The Very Reverend Lawrence W. Jozwiak, J.C.L., Pastor / Rector The Reverend Anthony Columba Ekanem, MSP; The Reverend Alfonso Dat-Nhan Tran, Parochial Vicars Deacons: Johnny Salinas, Leonard Lockett, John Carrara, Daniel Addis and Truong Son Nguyen Co-Cathedral Staff Selma DeMarco - Director of Evangelization and Faith Formation Carmen Benitez - Faith Formation Associate; Stephanie Rocha - Youth Director Crista Miller - Director of Music / Co-Cathedral Organist; Natasha Manley - Music Associate / Wedding Music Michael Emmerich - Co-Cathedral Associate Organist; Jeong-Suk Bae - Co-Cathedral Assistant Organist Bree Delphin - Secretary for Weddings; Elizabeth Perez - Bulletin Editor and Secretary for Sacramental Records Deacon John Carrara - Business Manager; Gwenne Buck - Facilities and Project Coordinator Shannon Wesley - Parish Accounting; Chris Felix - Building Engineer Katherine Buck - Baptismal Secretary / Receptionist; Esmeralda Cervantes - Receptionist Ruben Valenzuela, Trong Pham - Maintenance; Guillermo Herrera, Ray Garcia - Sextons Phone: 713-659-1561 Visit our web site for vital info: www.sacredhearthouston.org New Parishioners: Marriage: Register with the parish office: ext. 111. Contact ext. 131 at least 9 months prior to wedding date. Church Certificates: Vocations for Priesthood and Religious Life: For all sacramental certificates: ext. 137. Contact the Office of Vocations: 713-652-8239 or www.houstonvocations.com Baptism: ext. 136. Holy Communion to the Sick/Homebound: —For infants & children under age 7—713-337-3570. —For 7 years & older (Rite of Christian Initiation Anointing of the Sick: adapted for Children): ext. 142. Any Catholic who is to have surgery due to a serious Children’s Catechesis & Evangelization (CCE): illness; any Catholic whose health is seriously im- paired by sickness or old age should be anointed For pre-K through high school: ext. 142. ASAP, preferably before going to the hospital. First Penance & First Holy Communion: Contact the parish priest to be anointed: ext. 136. For 2nd through 12th grade: ext. 142. Funerals: ext. 143. Confirmation: —For high school youth: ext. 142. Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help: Wednesday before 7 am & 12:10 pm Mass —For adults: ext. 141. Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: High School Youth Ministry: ext. 142. Friday during 7 am & 12:10 pm Mass Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction: For adults inquiring about becoming Catholic and —First Thursday of the Month (English) baptized Catholics who lack Confirmation and Holy Conclusion of 12:10 pm Mass until 6 pm Communion: ext. 141. —First Friday of the Month (Vietnamese) Evangelization & Adult Faith Formation: ext. 141. 7:30 pm Mass followed by Exposition / Benediction Music Ministry: ext. 152. Parish Outreach: [email protected] Young Adults: [email protected] Tours of the Church: ext. 143 Pastor’s Message p. 3 November 20, 2016 2nd Collection Today: Campaign for Human Development Dear Friends in Christ: Support Group for Abused, Maria Goretti Network, p. 11 Quí Ông Bà và Anh Chị Em thân mến trong Chúa Kitô: Thanksgiving Day Mass, Nov. 24 at 9:30 am, p. 11 Estimados Amigos y Amigas en Cristo: At the Saturday 5 pm Vigil Mass, Bishop George Sheltz person then commented “going to confession had been a will close officially the Holy Doors, the Doors of Mercy, much more peaceful experience than she expected, and that here at the Co-Cathedral. There were 6 designated parish she also appreciated everything that (the priest) said to her.” churches in the Archdiocese plus St. Mary Cathedral Basili- I am so grateful that this lady took the time to write me such ca in Galveston and the Co-Cathedral. We are the last a letter. One never knows how we affect each other. God church in our archdiocese to close the Doors of Mercy . works in wonderful and mysterious ways! It was a year ago on Dec. 8 that Pope Francis opened an Have you noticed that Fr. Tony is not around? He decid- Extraordinary Jubilee Year, a Holy Year of Mercy that ed that he wanted to learn to speak Spanish. So he is at a lan- would last in Rome through Nov. 20, 2016 (Christ the King). guage school in Mexico for 4 weeks and will return Dec. 9. “Pope Francis invited us to think about mercy anew as the So please be patient, especially with confessions, since we ‘act by which God comes to meet us’ but also mercy as the will have one less priest available. We have a high number ‘fundamental law that dwells in the heart of every person of confessions here. Many of our confessions are people who looks sincerely into the eyes of his brothers and sisters from other parishes who appreciate that we have confessions on the path of life’. He invited us to live by this mercy in our everyday of the week, a unique reality here at the Co- parishes and lives, to forgive others as well as to seek recon- Cathedral. Cathedrals tend to have reputations for the availa- ciliation. He challenged us to understand mercy and justice bility of confessions. Unfortunately, so many parishes have as ‘two dimensions of the same reality’ on the way of con- only one priest, or maybe two at some of the larger parishes. version of the sinner towards love.” With the number of Masses on weekends, these parishes can- It was amazing how many people experienced this great not offer confession times on Sundays as we do here. Please event. It was amazing how many people went to confession pray that we can continue to offer such an availability of here at the Co-Cathedral and all the other sites. People do confession times. want to be reconciled with God and one another and want to Yes, Christmas is only about a month away. So please extend such mercy to one another. begin to think about contributing to our Christmas Flower There are countless stories of how we affect each other. I fund so as to offset the expenses of decorating the church. received recently a typed, one page letter from a lady in our Since our church is so large, it takes many flowers to make it archdiocese thanking me for maintaining a “steady supply of look beautiful. Please be generous. prayer/information sheets about the Holy Door at the Co- Today’s 2nd collection goes to the Catholic Campaign for Cathedral.” (And we went through so many of those infor- Human Development (CCHD) sponsored the U.S. Confer- mational sheets in a year, plus the material was on our parish ence of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). As hopefully you website!) This lady passed on these sheets to many of her know, I like to inform you on what and how much the Catho- family and friends. Then she shared four different stories: lic Church does to help others. What is the purpose of her friend in New York, her sister in Vermont, and two peo- CCHD? In the gospel of Luke, Jesus told his disciples, “Go ple here in Houston. They were so impacted by these infor- out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring mational pages that they were moved to experience the Holy in here the poor and the crippled, the blind and the lame (Lk. Doors and confession. One of her friends noted that she had 14: 12-24).” This is the mission of CCHD. See p. 12 for a experienced confession only 3 times in 42 years! This same more detailed explanation of the services of CCHD. Praised be the Sacred Heart of Jesus! Forever, amen! Hãy chúc tụng Thánh Tâm Chúa Giêsu đến muôn đời, amen! ¡Alabado sea el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús! ¡Por siempre, amen! Fr. Lawrence W. Jozwiak Pastor / Rector p. 4 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe WELCOME to the Co-Cathedral! MUSIC for MASS We are a community of faith where all people are welcome! Gathering Hymn: Visitors, please come back as often as possible. If you do not 5pm: #742 There's A Wideness in God's Mercy have a parish home, consider joining our parish, sharing your #626 Crown Him with Many Crowns time and talent with us.
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