1 2 FOREWORD DoD 5000.59-M, January 1998 DoD MODELING AND SIMULATION (M&S) GLOSSARY TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 REFERENCES 5 P1. PART I -- ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS 7 P1.1. A 7 P1.2. B 14 P1.3. C 16 P1.4. D 25 P1.5. E 32 P1.6. F 35 P1.7. G 38 P1.8. H 41 P1.9. I 43 P1.10. J 48 P1.11. K 52 P1.12. L 53 P1.13. M 55 P1.14. N 60 P1.15. O 63 P1.16. P 65 P1.17. Q 67 P1.18. R 68 P1.19. S 71 P1.20. T 77 P1.21. U 81 P1.22. V 83 P1.23. W 84 P1.24. X, Y, and Z 86 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS DoD 5000.59-M, January 1998 P2. PART II -- DEFINITIONS 87 P2.1. Glossary A 87 P2.2. Glossary B 93 P2.3. Glossary C 95 P2.4. Glossary D 103 P2.5. Glossary E 111 P2.6. Glossary F 116 P2.7. Glossary G 121 P2.8. Glossary H 123 P2.9. Glossary I 126 P2.10. Glossary J 130 P2.11. Glossary K 131 P2.12. Glossary L 132 P2.13. Glossary M 135 P2.14. Glossary N 141 P2.15. Glossary O 144 P2.16. Glossary P 147 P2.17. Glossary Q 151 P2.18. Glossary R 152 P2.19. Glossary S 155 P2.20. Glossary T 164 P2.21. Glossary U 168 P2.22. Glossary V 170 P2.23. Glossary W 173 P2.24. Glossary X, Y, and Z 175 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS DoD 5000.59-M, January 1998 REFERENCES (a) Defense Systems Management College (DSMC), "Virtual Prototyping: Concept to Production," March 1994 (b) "A Glossary of Modeling and Simulation Terms for Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS)," August 1995 (c) IEEE Std 610.3-1989, "IEEE Standard Glossary of Modeling and Simulation Terminology" (d) Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-130, "Management of Federal Information Resources," February 8, 1996 (e) DoD 8320.1-M-3, "Data Quality Assurance Procedures," February 1994 (f) DoD Directive 5000.59, "DoD Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Management," January 4, 1994 (g) DoD 5000.59-P, "Modeling and Simulation Master Plan," October 1995 (h) DoD Instruction 5000.61, "DoD Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Verification, Validation, Accreditation (VVA)," April 29, 1996 (i) Department of the Army Pamphlet (DA PAM) 5-11," Verification, Validation, and Accreditation of Army Models and Simulations," October 15, 1993 (j) DoD 8320.1-M, "Data Administration Procedures," March 29, 1994 (k) Defense Systems Management College (DSMC), "Systems Acquisition Manager's Guide for the Use of Models and Simulation," September 1994 (l) Department of Defense Director, Defense Research and Engineering, "Defense Science and Technology Strategy," September 1994 (m) High Level Architecture Glossary, http:/hla.dmso.mil (n) Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication (PUB) 184, "Integration Language for Information Modeling (IDEFIX), Undated (o) "Military Handbook for Joint Data Base Elements for Modeling and Simulation (M&S)," August 5, 1993 (p) "M&S Educational Training Tool (MSETT), Navy Air Weapons Center Training Systems Division Glossary," April 28, 1994 (q) DoD 8320.1-M-1, "Data Element Standardization Procedures," January 15, 1993 (r) Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication (PUB) 11-3, "American National Dictionary for Information Systems," (adopted in entirety from American National Standards Institute (ANSI) X3.172-1990), February 1991 (s) DoD Directive 5000.2-R, "Mandatory Procedures for Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPS) and Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Acquisition Programs," March 15, 1996 5 REFERENCES DoD 5000.59-M, January 1998 (t) Military Operations Research Society (MORS) Report, "A Taxonomy for Warfare Simulation (SIMTAX)," October 27, 1989 (u) National Bureau of Standards (NBS) PUB 500-149, "Guide on Data Entity Naming Conventions," October 1987 (v) Joint Pub 3-13.1, "Joint Doctrine for Command and Control Warfare (C2W)," February 7, 1996 (w) DoD 498-STD, "Software Development and Documentation," December 5, 1994 (x) Joint Pub 1-02, "Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms," March 23, 1994 (y) "Army Model and Simulation Master Plan," May 18, 1995 (z) "Marine Corps Modeling and Simulation Master Plan," July 29, 1994 (aa) DoD Directive 8320.1, "DoD Data Administration," September 26, 1991 (bb) National Bureau of Standards (NBS) Special Pub 500-152, "Guide to Information Resource Dictionary System Applications: General Concepts and Strategic Systems Planning," April 1988 (cc) DoD Directive 8000.1, "Defense Information Management Program," October 27, 1992 (dd) Defense Science Board Report, May 1988, "Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Computer Applications to Training and Wargaming," May 1988 (ee) CJCSI 8510-01, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 8510.01, "Joint Modeling and Simulation Management," February 17, 1995 (ff) Air Force Modeling and Simulation Master Plan, January 16, 1996 (gg) MIL-HDBK-850, "Glossary of Mapping, Charting, and Geodetic Terms," January 21, 1994 (hh) "Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol (ALSP) 1993 Confederation Annual Report," November 1993 (ii) DMA Technical Report 8350.2, 2nd Edition, September 1, 1991, Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984 6 REFERENCES DoD 5000.59-M, January 1998 P1. PART I -- ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS P1.1. A P1.1.1. ADSS A/D analog-to-digital P1.1.2. A2ATD Anti-Armor Advanced Technology Demonstration P1.1.3. Aa Achieved Availability P1.1.4. AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science P1.1.5. AAAV Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle P1.1.6. AAIS Advanced Airborne Interceptor Simulator P1.1.7. AAL ATM Adaptation Layer P1.1.8. AAODL Atmospheric Aerosols and Optics Data Library P1.1.9. AAR 1 - After Action Review 2 - After Action Report P1.1.10. AARS After Action Review System P1.1.11. AAS Advanced Automation System P1.1.12. AASP Army Automation Security Program P1.1.13. AASPEM Air-to-Air System Performance Evaluation Model P1.1.14. AATD Army Advanced Technology Demonstration(s) P1.1.15. ABCSIM Atmospheric, Biological, and Chemical Simulation P1.1.16. ABE ALSP Broadcast Emulator P1.1.17. ABM Armor Breakpoint Model P1.1.18. ABS Advanced Battle Simulation P1.1.19. ABU Analog Backup P1.1.20. ACAAM Air Courses of Action Assessment Model P1.1.21. ACAD Advanced Computer Aided Design P1.1.22. ACALS Army Computer-aided Acquisition & Logistics Support P1.1.23. ACC Aegis Computer Center P1.1.24. ACDI Asynchronous Communications Device Interface P1.1.25. ACEC Army Communications-Electronics Command (now CECOM) P1.1.26. ACEM 1 - Advanced Campaign Effectiveness Model 2 - Air Combat Evaluation Model P1.1.27. ACETEF Air Combat Environment Test and Evaluation Facility P1.1.28. ACI AWSIM CTAPS Interface 7 ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS (A) DoD 5000.59-M, January 1998 P1.1.29. ACISD Advanced Computational and Information Sciences Directorate P1.1.30. ACM ALSP Common Module P1.1.31. ACMI Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation P1.1.32. ACMS Air Combat Maneuvering Simulator P1.1.33. ACMT Automated Configuration Management Tool P1.1.34. ACOE Army Common Operating Environment P1.1.35. ACPT Automated Corporate Planning Tool P1.1.36. ACQSIM Acquisition Simulation P1.1.37. ACR Advanced Concepts and Requirements P1.1.38. ACS Access Control System P1.1.39. ACSIT Aegis Combat System Interactive Trainer P1.1.40. ACT 1 - Advanced Concepts and Technology 2 - ALSP Control Terminal 3 - Architecture Characterization Template P1.1.41. ACTD Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration P1.1.42. Ada High Level Computer Programming Language P1.1.43. ADDS 1 - Advanced Data Distribution System 2 - Automated Data Distribution System P1.1.44. ADEPT Administrative Data Entry for Processing Transmission P1.1.45. ADL Ada Design Language P1.1.46. ADLP Advanced Data Link Program P1.1.47. ADM 1 - Acquisition Decision Memorandum 2 - Advanced Development Model 3 - Application Distribution module P1.1.48. ADMP Army Data Management Program P1.1.49. ADO Army Digitization Office P1.1.50. ADP Automatic Data Processing P1.1.51. ADPA American Defense Preparedness Association P1.1.52. ADPE Automatic Data Processing Equipment P1.1.53. ADPSO Automatic Data Processing Security Officer P1.1.54. ADPSSEP Automatic Data Processing System Security Enhancement Program P1.1.55. ADPSSO Automatic Data Processing System Security Officer P1.1.56. ADRG Arc Digitized Raster Graphics P1.1.57. ADS 1 - Advanced Distributed Simulation 2 - Authoritative Data Source 3 - Automated Data System 8 ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS (A) DoD 5000.59-M, January 1998 P1.1.58. ADSI Advanced Distributed System Interface P1.1.59. ADSIM Air Defense Simulation P1.1.60. ADSS 1 - Air Defense Simulation System 2 - Army Data Standardization System P1.1.61. ADST Advanced Distributed Simulation Technology P1.1.62. ADTAM Air Defense Tanker Analysis Model P1.1.63. ADUA Administrative Directory User Agent P1.1.64. AESAT Avionics & Electrical Systems Advanced Trainer P1.1.65. AESOP Army EMP Simulator Operations P1.1.66. AETS Airborne Electronic Threat Simulator P1.1.67. AFAM Advanced Field Artillery Model P1.1.68. AFATDS Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System P1.1.69. AFCENT Allied Forces Central Europe P1.1.70. AFEWES Air Force Electronic Warfare Evaluation Simulator P1.1.71. AFIN Air Force Information Network P1.1.72. AFIT Air Force Institute of Technology P1.1.73. AFNET Air Force Network P1.1.74. AFO Awaiting Further Occurrence P1.1.75. AFOR Automated Forces P1.1.76. AFS Advanced Flight Simulator P1.1.77. AFSCN Air Force Satellite Control Network P1.1.78. AFWG 1 - Acquisition Functional Working Group 2 - Analysis Functional Working Group P1.1.79. AG Application Gateway P1.1.80. AGCCS Army Global Command and Control System P1.1.81. AGES Air to Ground Engagement Simulation P1.1.82.
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