cyfotmnS^"^ /^4S^ of PHI KRPPn P$l The Phi Kappa Psi Frafernify was founded February 19, 1852, at JefFerson College, Canonsburg, Pa., by WILLIAM HENRY LETTERMAN Born Aug. 12, 1832, at Canonsburg, Pennsylvania Died May 23, 1881, at DufFau, Texas CHARLES PAGE THOMAS MOORE Born Feb. 8, 1831, in Greenbrier County, Virginia Died July 7, 1904, in Mason County, West Virginia THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OFFICERS President—Howard L. Hamilton, 113 University Hall, Columbus 10, Ohio. Vice President—Homer D. Lininger, The Lod^e on the Desert, Tucson, Ariz. Treasurer—Harlan B. Selby, Box 797, Morgantown, W. Va. Secretary—C. T. Williams, 1940 E. Sixth St., Cleveland 14, Ohio. ARCHONS District 1—H. Calvin Coolidge, 100 Meeting Street, Providence 6, R. I. District 2—Robert E. Leber, Phi Kappa Psi House, Gettysburg, Pa. District 3—Dana F. Harland, Phi Kappa Psi House, 543 N. Main Street, Meadville, Pa. District 4—Prank S. Whiting .Jr.. Phi Kappa Psi House, 911 So. Fourth St., Champaign, HI. District 5—Gene R. McLaughlin, Phi Kappa Psi House, 1100 Indiana Ave., Lawrence, Kans. District 6—John C. Noble Jr., Rt. 1, Box 110, Lake Grove, Oregon. *• • • APPOINTED OFFICERS Attorney General—John J. Yowell, 111 West Washington St., Chicago 2, 111. Director of Alumni Associations—Homer D. Lininger, (see above). Scholarship Director—Frank C. Baldwin, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Assistant Secretary-Editor—Ralph D. Daniel, 1940 East Sixth Street, Cleveland 14, Ohio. Director of Fraternity Education—W. Lyle Jones, 201 Court House, Clarksburg, W. Va. Mystagogue—Sion B. Smith, 192 North Sprague Ave., Bellevue, Pittsburgh 2, Pa. Tom Piatt Alumni Fund—Ralph R. Haney, Director, (see below). • • • PUBLICATIONS The Shield—C. F. Williams, Editor, 1940 East Sixth St., Cleveland 14, Ohio. The History—Co-editors: Harry S. Gorgas, 76 Beaver St., New York 5, N. Y., and J. Duncan Campbell, Box 464, Colonial Park, Pa. The Grand Catalog—Ralph R. Haney, Editor, 2451^ South Western Ave., Los Angeles 4, Calif. The Song Book—Dr. Herbert J. Tily, Editor, 121 Montgomery Ave., Bala Cynwyd, Pa. THE of Phi Kappa Psi VOLUME 69 NOVEMBER, 1948 NUMBER 1 Contents for November COVER: SWGP Winston R. Tate (left) and President-elect Howard L. Hamilton, at Grand Arch Council Banquet Page The 44th Biennial GAC 3 President Tate's Report of Stewardship, 1946-48 8 Conventionalities 21 SC Meeting (What becomes of Fraternity Men?) 29 Fraternity Officers, New and Old 33 1948 GAC Registration 38 The President's Page 43 Women's GAC Registration 44 The Tom Piatt Alumni Fund, by Ralph R. Haney 45 Halsey W. Wilson is Index Publisher 46 Top New York World-Telegram Editors are Phi Psis 47 You May Find it Here 48 Newsletters from 53 Chapters , 53 Phi Psis at US Military Academy 58 Newsletters from 15 Alumni Groups 83 Marriages - Births 90 Obituaries 91 Fraternity Directory, Inside Front and Back Covers and 93 Mr. Frank B. Lanning, Providence, K I., is Art Director of The Shield. Established 1879. Published in November, January, March, May, under authority and direction of the Executive Council. Subscription price $2.00 the year . .. single copy, fifty cents. 1940 EAST SIXTH ST. • c. F. WILLIAMS, EDITOR • CLEVELAND 14. OHIO Entered as gecond-elasa mail matter, Oct. 17, 1929, at the post office at Cleveland, Ohio, under the Act of March 3,1879. Aceepunce for msilinc at the ipeeial rate of pottage provided for in Motion 1103 Act of October 3. 1917, authoriied April 1921. m ->- ifi^^K fc-^ ' '^^ " "li ^^H^^HH ^HKRI^ ' ;? 4. f u li?^'-••• 31 O a "3 ^HHI^^^^ra-L^^H o -C-^'il;;/- U jZmSu^ l^^^l 1 »n^p^M' " ^ ^m^F'^'^^M- '*^MI a. o X u .^flH^^^^^n^^^fiBn^^^H <i ''^S/^^^^ a Rt ^^H^HHxSHHfl^HK ^^^SKm^ ^B^^^I 9|H9^^K . H -» '« IP , i .. Ma ^^m.k'^/t ^ i^'^)-[ t ^B ^Hji% ^ ' '^.'''''' 1 ^^^^B The 44th Biennial Grand Arch Council Held In Mystic Shadows of the Rockies N THE QUIET, mystic surroundings of I inspiring snow-capped peaks forming the eastern frame of picturesque Kocky Mountain National Park, the 44th Bien­ nial Grand Arch Council of the Fra­ ternity was held July 6, 7, 8, and 9, 1948, at the Stanley Hotel, Estes Park, Colo. In attendance were 289 enthusi­ astic sons of iloore & Letterman, many of them accompanied by their wives and children. Fifty signed the guests' register. The main hotel building and manor house were jammed-packed with CACing Phi Psis, much the same as most post-war chapter houses. Presiding at the six business meetings, held in the Casino, was SWGP Winston R. Tate. An able, diplomatic leader, well-grounded in the ancient customs and traditions of the Fraternity, he conducted the meetings in a dignified manner, to the complete satisfaction of undergraduates and alumni in attend­ ance. Undergraduates, as generally is SWGP Winston R. Tate the case at Phi Psi Councils, took a preaches the Phi Psi gospel decidedly active part in all the discus­ sions and deliberations. ognized authority on national and world affairs, delivered a masterful message GAC Officers on The Illusion of the Far Away at After invocation, pronounced by Vice the second meeting of the Council. President Howard L. Hamilton, SWGP "The question which you young men Tate administered the oath of office to face is," Dr. Cherrington pointed out, the following: '' will the next twenty years of your life SWVGP: Howard L. Hamilton; SWP: be characterized by as much world trag­ Harlan B. Selby; SWAG: C. F. Williams; edy as the first twenty years of your SWBG: John C. Bair; SWSG: Ralph D. life ? ... Must you spend these years im­ Daniel; SWHods: H. Calvin Coolidge, Wasson Baird, Dana F. Harland, David B. mediately ahead preparing for war and Cowles, Gene R. McLaughlin, John C. perhaps participating in automatic war, Noble; SWHi: Edward H. Knight; or is there some hope that you may be SWPhus: Webb M. Mize, William A. able to realize your fondest dreams and Benner. live out your life in peace and har­ The far Aviay Illusion mony? . The American people have Dr. Ben M. Cherrington, Neb. Alpha fallen victim to an illusion which is '08, Director of the Social Science always a menace to everyone, the illu­ Foundation of Denver University, a rec- sion of far away . We must always November, 1 948 Page 3 be on guard against this far away il­ to Gamma Phi, a local fraternity or­ lusion. '' ganized in 1946 at Wabash College, Committee chairmen marshaled their where Indiana Gamma flourished 1870- members and went to work. Some com­ 1901; mittees kept right at it practically on Placed Washington State College, a day and night basis for two or three Michigan State College, Kansas State days. Committees and chairmen were: College, the University of North Caro­ lina and the University of South Caro­ Committee Choirmen lina on the accredited list, which gives Credentials: Louis D. Corson. the Executive Council, through unani­ Dispatch of Business: Thomas A. mous vote, the power to establish a Cookson. chapter at any or all of these institu­ State of the Fraternity: W. Lyle tions in the period elapsing between the Jones, with sub chairmen Roland D. 44th and 45th GACs; Gidney, James W. Good Jr., and Reed Directed, indeed mandated, the Fra­ Bachman. ternity's Committee on Collegiate In­ Constitution: Joseph W. Riley. formation and Extension to study the Finance: Warren S. Reed, with sub possibility of establishing chapters at chairmen James C. Addison, Ralph R. the following thirteen universities: Haney, and Emerson C. Scholer. British Columbia, Alberta, McGill, The Shield: Clyde M. Joice. Manitoba, Southern Methodist, Wyom­ Extension: Edward T. Sturgeon. ing State, New Mexico, Rutgers, Dela­ Scholarship: Walter Lee Sheppard ware, Nevada, Utah, Montana, and Jr. Idaho; Membership: Charles E. Strickland. Declined to amend the Ritual to per­ Education: Ray F. Kruse. mit the giving or loaning of the badge Alumni Association: Homer D. Lin­ to any one not a member in good inger. standing; Next OAC: George R. Bollinger. Repealed an amendment to the By Grievances: Past President Thomas Laws affecting building of chapter A. Cookson, with all other past presi­ houses or improvements thereto, the dents in attendance serving as sub chair­ acquisition of property for chapter men: Sion B. Smith, Harold G. Town- house purposes, and the placing of in­ send, H. L. Snyder, Charles E. Strick­ cumbrances upon chapter property, it land, and Harry S. Gorgas. having been found that it was impos­ Hamilton is New President sible to enforce such regulations or Before SWGP asked if there were restrictions; any more old or new business to bring Adopted an amendment to the Con­ before the GAC, the following were stitution (subject to chapter ratifica­ elected: tion) prohibiting the initiation of a Howard L. Hamilton, President; candidate by one chapter over the writ­ Homer D. Lininger, Vice President; ten protest of another chapter, with the and the following were reelected: stipulation that unsettled cases between Harlan D. Selby, Treasurer; chapters be referred to the Executive C. F. (Dab) Williams, Secretary. Council for disposition, thus including Here's What GAC Did in the written Constitution a practise The 44th GAC: in effect since 1905, authorized by a Granted a chapter charter (it takes decision or ruling of the Attorney Gen­ the unanimous affirmative vote of all eral which was adopted by the Execu­ chapters and alumni associations in tive Council; attendance to grant a Phi Psi charter) Adopted a By Law amendment en- Page 4 The SHIELD of Phi Kappa Psi abling the Executive Council after the their college educations. Brother Town- reissuance of a chapter charter, to re- send was reelected to succeed himself transfer to such chapter as alumni as a trustee (1948-56) of the Fund.
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