LiBfe FOUBTbzm iS i^rB tnr Evnttng V m ilb nUDAT. JANUARY S, i m AVERAGE DAILY CnBODLA’nON ning; councillor No. 1, Bva LataM; THE WEATHER mt r Barron, Proiecutor Shea reUted Traak, Virginia Armstrong, Myrtle for the Month of Oeoemher, 198S Forecast at U. 8. Weather Boreoa, THINXHUOTTE’S FOLKS that Tedford entered the bar-room DADffllERS OF VEIERANS No. 3 Fiorenea Traok; No. 8, Edith Hartford ABOUT TOWN Manchester of the ooclal club with a key which Maxwell; patriotic inatructor. During the evening gifts were hia father has owned as Janitor, Myrtle Anartrong. The ^rpointlve praaented to the vlstUng installing LIVING IN CANADA "Jimmied" open three locked draw­ INSTALL NEW OrnCERS offlcera are, eeoretary, Helen Henry; L T .W o o d C o . 5 , 8 5 2 lUin tonight and Snnday; slight­ KIm Wkltjr Brown and J. Herbert Date Book officer, and light rtfreahments were Member of the Audit fMattrljratpr lEurtttnn Sprain ers behind the bar before he found ly warmer tonight, coldor Snnday Walker apent New Year’s day with press correspondent Florence Traak; aeryed during the social Ume that 51 BisseD SL TeL 4496 afternoon and night. the money. guide, Mabel Strickland; guard, Boraaa of CtrcnlaHons liiaa Brown’s parenta, Mr, and Mrs. Selectman Johnston Hears Dead Tedford knew the money was be­ Leaders Inducted Daring Cere­ followed the ceremony. ■ ■ B. A. Brown of Andover. Tonight Enhd Carter; assistant guard, MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM Man’s Parents Are Some­ M. H. S.-Bristol game at State ing collected for Joseph Muldoon of mony at State Armory Last Azella Hampton; color bearer Mo. AGENT where in the Dominion. Cedar street, whose 14-year-old son Night by State President. Forget-me-not Junior Circle of Armory. 1, Edith Maxwell; No. 3, E tta Love­ VOL. LV., NO. 81. tClaaolfled Advertising on Page 8.), (TEN PAGES) Next Week had been killed ten days prevlbuely, land; No. 4, Virginia Armstrong; MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1936. X PRICE THREE CENTS| King’s Daughters will meet tomor- and that It was kept In the bar­ Mary C. Keeney Tent, Daughters FOR tow afternoon at 3 o'clock a t the Selectman James H. Johnston has Jan. 7.—Annual meeting and elec­ room, Mr. Shea said. musician, Maude Shearer. home of Lucile Niles, 17 Lllley completed the appraisal of the es­ tion of officers of Chamber of Com­ of Union Veterans of the Civil The following committees were FURNITURE tate of Noe Hiiotte of Hlllstown The man imm>dlately left town, War, seated Ita officers for 1936 in street. Dorothy Marka will conduct merce at Masonic Temple. going to the west, after committing appointed; flower, E tta Loveland; the meeting. Road who was fatally Injured on Jan. 11.—Turkey supper, setback the State Armory last evening. De­ social, Beatrice Manning, Florence Refinlahiiig and Repairing OPPERS Silver Lane Christmas Eve. party Odd Fellows hall, Local 2125, the crime, the court was Informed. partment State President, Mrs. KEEP-OUTS SEE Fascists * Planes Bomb PRAISE, BLAME offlclalB are still trying to locate Arrested by the Chicago police o( AH Kinds. ' Mr. and Mrs. John W. Holden of U. T. W. Minnie Tyrol! of Wethersfield was relatives of the deceased. Mr. John­ Oomlng Events several days ago at the request of the Installing officer. She was as­ .Middle ’Turnpike West apent New ston has unofficial Information that the local police, Tedford -was Polishing Done In Your ROOSEVELT TOUCHES OFF Jan. 14.- Open meeting of King’s sisted by State Secretary Mrs. OKE MERIT IN NEW T ear’s with Mra. Holden’s sister the parents of the deceased are still brought back by Lieutenant Barron RAPIDOL GREET SPEECH and hrother-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Daughters—.50th anniversary cele­ Augusta Roemer of Hartford, who Own Home. Makale Area, Kill 10 living somewhere in Canada. Offi­ bration, Second Congregational yesterday morning. 6 Frederick Hoffman of East Hart- acted as guide. Mra. Irene Woods HAIR DYE cials have been unable to locate any church. His police record, consisting of *lbrd. relatives In thi.s section. two offenses for taking automobiles of East Hartford was musician. <)iiich. Wonderful Bcenlts. Cash N E i n m PLAN Jan. 16-18.—Annual Poultry Show Officers installed were. President, William Hagenow BULLETINt fgreaa, caused a sensation In Euro­ OF P^ffiENT and Merchants' Exhibit st State without the permission of the own­ Onsranteed Not Hamfid. Price Rome, Jan. 4.—(AP)—An of­ Rehearsals of the Christmas play, ers and of aa;,aultlng a woman, was Grace Ames; Junior vice president, 710 Keeney St. Manchester pean capitals. OPENING GUN OF ELECTION Armory. ARTHUR DRUG STORE Ten ficial communique announced The general belief prevailed In "Jaselka", will be held this evening Jan. 15.—Open meeting of Young recounted by Mr. Shea for the Emma Strickland; obapialn, Miimle Phone 5019 a t 6 o’clock at the Polish National CHURCH SCHOOL TO HEAR Weeder; treasurer, Beatrice Man­ Way Smoothed for Passage today the Italians lost their London that If the Roosevelt admin­ Democratic club at High /icbool court. fourth plane in flames yesterday istration restricted exports of oil as Reaction to Message Mostly church, and tomorrow afternoon at hall. g o’clock. FOUNDAnON PROFESSOR on the Ethiopian war front. a war material, the League of Na­ Jon. 18,—American Legion caba­ of Anti-War Bill But Firm The communique stated the tions would follow suit. Premier On Party Lines; Called ret dance at Rainbow hall In Bolton. plane caught fire over the Cofta Mussolini has warned In the past YEAR WAR IN HIS MESSAGE! Officers of the Men’s League of Jan. 22.—Annual meeting of region, and Its occupants — two that an oU embargo would mean the Center Congregational church Dr. A. J. W. Meyers of Hartford Emanuel Lutheran church. Mandatists May Write officers, an observer and a non­ "fight.” Wonderful and Also invite all Interested, both men and Seminary at Confer Church Jan. 25.—Concert by Bethany commissioned pilot — were Red Cross Worker Dies women, to hear Ward Duffy, man­ Sunday Ni^hf. Girls at St Mary’s church, sponsor­ Special Values For The First Saturday In 1936 killed. Further adding to the European Congress Meets Midst Furore Over Roosevelt’s Message; - r Defiant Speech to Congre n in g editor of the Times, speak on ed by Men’s Bible class. Their Own Measure. Imbroglio over factors tangent to the high lights of 1935, Sunday Termed Rabble-Rousing. Dr. A. J. W. Myers of the faculty Jan. .30.—Annual President’s By ASSOCIATED PRESS the war In East Africa was the - i morning at 9:30 In the Robbins Birthday ball at State Armory. death of Gunner Lundstrom, one of Calls Friends and Foes U room. For a number of years Mr. of tjie Hartford Seminary Founda­ Italian bombs •alned anew on ex­ tion will address the officers and Jan. 31.—Mid-year graduation ex­ From HALE’S — Manchester’s Leading Store Washington, Jan. 4.— (API — plosive pocked Ethiopia today as the Swedish Red Cross workers Duffy has appeared before the ercises at Manchester High school. wounded during an Italian air raid By ASSOCIATED PRESS League at the first of the year to teachers of the Center Congrega­ President Roosevelt’s neutrality proposed changes In America’s neu­ Arms and Is Praised trality policy heightened a rapidly last blonday on the southern front. Expressions of opinion on Presi­ review happenings of the year Just tional church school at a special plan drew cheers today from Con­ Dr. Fried Hylandcr. chief of the meeting Sunday evening at 6 returning European crisis. dent Roosevelt’s address to Con­ closed. gressional Isolati'-nists and removed An Ethiopian lom.'nunlque an­ Swedish Red Cross unit in Ogaden gress range from "wonderful and Denounced; Called “Wc o'clock, to which the members of DRESS Province, hlmseif wounded, describ­ the Cyp club have been Invited. POLICE COURT many of the obstacles In the way of nounced a fleet of Italian planes courageous," to ’rabble-rousing." Mrs. Irven T. Klrpens of 112 January Sale Prices Now Prevail writing a new and permanent law to bombarded heavily the region south ed the Fascist air raid as an "ut­ Bushnell street, Hartford, who has Other speakers will be Everett P. ■y of Makale, on the northern front, terly deliberate act." Reaction to the annual message derfnl” and “Poiitk been In Manchester for the past five Walton of Strong street. Miss Ger­ Wilbert Irwin Tedford, 22, of 67 safeguard American peace. killing 10 persons and wounding 15 President Roosevelt's Internation­ for the most part was cleft by party weeks caring for her mother, Mrs. trude Carrier and MLss Esther Wadsworth street, pleaded guilty In COATS The administration program, pro­ In the sector where Emperor Halle ally broadcast annual message to lines. ' posing epochal changes In America's EHizabeth Wamock who la critically Sutherland. The meeting will be In Police Court this morning to break­ Higher priced fur trimmed coats made LADY PEPPERELL Selassie’s defenders have been wag­ Congress was ec:e:ved In Paris as Excerpts from some of the com­ Harangue”; Sharp Cril^ 111, had her remove<l by William P. the form of a conference. ing Into the Wa.ihlngton Social club historic policies toward warring ing their first major offensive. possibly Increasing, instead of hin­ nations, went further than many ment follow; Quish to her home in Hartford, A social period with refresh­ at 70 East Center street early Au­ of fine fabrics in black, brown and wine. Far from the zone of war.
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