c\stc1 CITY AND INDUSTRIAL ( , qppg. OF MAHARASHTM LIMITED ( A Govt. of Maharashtra Undertaking) 'NlRMAL", 2no floor, Nariman point CIDCO Bhavan, CBD Belapur Mumbai - 400 021 . Navi Mumbai - 400 614. E mail- [email protected] Phone :22 -6791 812318564 Website- cidco. maharashtra. gov. in Fax .22 -6791 8194 CIN : U99999MH 1 970SGC01 4574 - t 8 tcr:csD/tirrlr'csY3 /o'bHtfta*n'fiiLnsion - I for Appointmen. :rn INDEPENDENT EXTERNAL MONITORs (rEMs) The last date is extended till 20th October, 201g for receiving the application from interested eligible person for appointment of two Independent External Monitors (IEMs). The details of the eligibility criteria, role of IEMs and application format available at CIDCOs website. The link is www.cidco. maharashtra.gov. in. Interested individuals qualifying the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the technical document should apply in the format before 3.OO pM on 20th october, 2018 i.e. the last date of submission. The applications shall be opened on 20th October, 2018 at 3.OO p.m. The IEMs are to be appointed in consultation with the chief Vigilance officer/MD, The other terms and conditions are same as adveftised on 02.07.201g, cIDCo reserves the right for rejecting any or all applications received '^ without assigning any reasons whatsoever. Those who have already sent applications need not to apply again. lcl: CSDrfil. ic. r'fit.ot1rzltt4 I.P. CIDCO Phone: 022-67918564 tt'r'" Emalt : [email protected] Vt-adtV P'r-b ["r'"tn pr.ct(ocldcolndia.com \'/16- P R, - on NQ-tt/oNQt^/^ Pr"}Pc4el e r ' Itltt 1,2 -fO r4afu*A ,lfeu^ l't\cuacL5a v '- Sy bn c r'Dro povyl. ,/r,*- ffiTcoRPoRArloN ( , OF MAHARASHTRA LIMITED F,4P,c,9" ( A Govt. of Maharashtra Undertaking) REGD.OFFIGE: HEAD OFFICE: 'NIRMAL", 2nd floor, Nariman Point CIDCO Bhavan, CBD BelaPur Mumbai 400 614. Mumbai 400 021 . Navi - - 8123/8564 E mail- [email protected] Phone : 22-6791 Websit+ cidco. maharashtra. gov.in Fax .22 -6791 8194 CIN : U99999MH1970SGC014574 APPOINTMENT Offer for Appointment of INDEPENDENT EXTERNAL MONITORS (IEMs) A detailed advertisement is available on website www.cidco. maha rashtra.qov. in. Applicants are requested to logon to apply for this appointment' The last date for receiving application is 10th August, 2018 (3'00 p'm')' (Vinay Kargaonkar) Additional Director General of Police & Chief Vigilance Officer, cIoCo fimited,clDCo Bhavan, 6tn floor, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai-400614. www.cidco. maharashtra.oov. in. cfsat ( ,Qlp.qo OF MAHAMSHTRA LIMITED (A Govt. of Maharashtra Undertaking) REGD.OFFICE: BelaPur 'NIRMAL", 2no floor, Nariman Point CIDCO Bhavan, CBD Navi Mumbai 400 6'14. Mumbai 400 021 . - - -6791 812318564 E mail- [email protected] Phone :22 Websrte. cidco. maharashtra. gov.in Fax . 22 - 6791 8194 CIN : U99999MH1 970SGC01 4574 Adveftisement for Appointment of INDEPENDENT EXTERNAL MONITORS (IEMs) city & Industrial Development corporation of Maharashtra Limited (clDco) invites apptications from interested eligible persons for appointment of two inoepenbLnt Externat Monitors (IEMs). The details of the eligibility crlterla, rote,orlEMsandapplicationformatareenclosedasRequestfor Qualification (RFQ). the Interested individuals qualifying the eligibility criteria as mentioned in technicaldocumentshouldapp|yintheformatavailableat www.cidco.maharashtra.gov.in befbie 3.00 PM on 10th August, 2018 i.e. the last date of suOmfiion. the applications shall be opened on 10th August, 2018 at 3.00 P.m' The IEMs are to be appointed in consultation with the chief Vigilance pact to officer/MD. The names'of the IEMs are to be cited in the integrity be signed between CIDCO and the Vendor (Contractor)' CIDCO reserues the right for rejecting any or a1l aRqllgtions received without assigning any reasons whatsoever. (Vinay Kargaonkar) Addl. Director General of Date: >t1 l',---lg Police & Chief Vigilance Place: Officer, CIDCO Limited,CIDCO Bhavan, 6th floor, CBD BelaPur, Navi Mumbai- 400614. ./t*r OeVelOPl'leNr CORPORATION ( ,9r.P!9: OF MAHARASHTRA LIMITED ( A Govt. of Maha rashtra Underta king) REGD.OFFICE: HEAD OFFICE: 'NIRMAL', 2"0 floor, Nariman Point CIDCO Bhavan, CBD BelaPur Navi Mumbai 400 614. Mumbai - 400 021 . - E mail- [email protected] Phone .22 -6791 812318564 Website. crdco. maharashtra.gov.ln Fax 22-6791 8194 CIN : U99999MH1 9705GC01 4574 Reouest for Qualifi cation(RFO) Purpose of RFQ: CIDCO invites applications from interested persons for appointment of two Independent External Monitors (IEMs). The IEMs are to be appointed in consultation with the Chief Vigilance Officer/Managing Director. The names of the IEMs are to be cited in the integrity pact to be signed between CIDCO and the Vendor (Contractor). Eligibility Criteria: The eligibility criteria for consideration for selection of IEM shall be as under:- The choice of IEM will be restricted to officials from the government and public sector undertakings who have retired from very senior positions. The very senior positions shall mean level of Secretary/Additional Secretary/lt. Secretary to the Govt' of India/Secretary to GoM and above or equivalent pay scale. From Public Sector Undertakings, top positions shall mean Board level in Schedule A companies, Public Sector Banks/Insurance Companies/Financial Institutions' c/373 ( ,91.P,c.,9* OF MAHARASHTRA LIMITED ( A Govt. of Maha rashtra Underta king) REGD.OFFICE: HEAD OFFICE: 'NIRMAL', 2nd floor, Nariman Point CIDCO Bhavan, CBD BelaPur Mumbai - 400 021. Navi Mumbai - 400 614. E mail- [email protected] Phone : 22 -6791 812318564 Website- cidco.maharashtra. gov.in Fax . 22 - 6791 8194 CIN : U99999MH1 970SGC014574 a* 2. Age should not be more than 65 years at the time of appointment/extension of tenure. 3. i) Civil Servants (in cadre belonging to IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS,IMS, other central seruices etc.) having served as Secretary/Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary to Govt' of India/Secretary to GoM or equivalents positions & above in State Govts. ii) Retired Judges of Supreme Court/High Court. iii) Ex-Chairman/CMD/Directors and equivalent of Schedule'A' and Schedule'B' Public Sector Enterprises/Public Sector Undertakings. Note :- Preference wil! be oaven to Applicant residino in Navi Mumbai/Mumbai reoion. 4. The upper age limit should not exceed 65 years as on l0th August, 2018. 5. The applicant should be a person of high integrity and reputation. c/sa r ffiTcoRPoRATIoN C t OF MAHARASHTRA LIMITED 9,r"*99 (A Govt. of Maharashtra Undertaking) REGD.OFFICE: HEAD OFFICE: 'NlRMAL", 2'o floor, Nariman Point CIDCO Bhavan, CBD BelaPur Navi Mumbai 400 614. Mumbai - 400 021 . - E mail- [email protected] Phone: 22 -6791 8123i8564 Website- cidco.maharashtra. gov.in Fax: 22 - 6791 8194 CIN : U99999MH1970SGC014574 6. Person appointed as IEM in two organizations would not be considered. 7. The applicant should be based at Maharashtra. 8. No punishment was awarded under any disciplinary action, if any whatsoever initiated. 9. Applicant was not arrested in any criminal case and no criminal case is pending against anY court of law. 10. weightage shall be given to those having domain experience in the field of premises/projedsflenders/procurements/General Admin & Services/Private or public enterprises besides Educational/Professional qualification. 11. Role ofthe Independent ExternalMonitors: 1.1. The Monitors shall not be subject to instructions by the representatives of the pafties and shall peform their functions neutrally and independently. They would review independently and objectively, whether and to what extent parties have complied with their obligations under the Integrity Pact. For this purpose/ they would have access to all contract documents / books of accounts of the bidders in case of any c/ss> ( , gt"P,qg. OF MAHARASHTRA LIMITED ( A Govt. of Ma harashtra U ndertaking) REGD.OFFICE: HEAD OFFICE: 'NIRMAL", 2no floor, Nariman Point CIDCO Bhavan, CBD BelaPur Navi Mumbai 400 614. Mumbai - 400 021 . - E mail- [email protected] Phone .22 -6791 812318564 Website- cidco.maharashtra. gov.in Fax . 22 - 6791 8194 CIN : U99999MH 1 9705GC01 4574 allegation of violation of any provisions of the Integrity Pact. 1.2. Ideally all IEMs of an organization should meet once every two months to take stock of ongoing tendering process. 1.3. The IEMs would examine all complaints received by them and give their recommendations / views to the CVO/MD, at the earliest. The Monitors would also inform the CVO/MD, if they notice or have reason to believe, a violation of the Integrity Pact. They may also send their report directly to the CVO/ Managing Director, CIDCO, in case of suspicion of serious i rregularities requiri ng legal/admi nistrative action. 1.4. The email Ids of IEMs would be invariably cited in the NlTflender Advertisement, However for ensuring the desired transparency and objectivity in dealing with the complaints arising out of any tendering process, the matter should be examined by the full panel of IEMs, who would look into the records, conduct an investigation, and submit their joint recommendations. 1.5. Aggrieved bidders may approach CVO - CIDCO or IEM directly with any complaint about the tender or its award' cf:n ,9l2eP^ I ( A Govt. of Maharashtra Undertaking) REGD.OFFICE: HEAD OFFICE: 'NIRMAL', 2no floor, Nariman Point CIDCO Bhavan, CBD BelaPur Mumbai 400 614. Mumbai - 400 021 . Navi - E mail- [email protected] Phone : 22 -67 91 812318564 Website- cidco. maharashtra. gov.in Fax: 22 - 6791 E194 CIN : U99999MH1 970SGC014574 1.6. Only complaints of Bidders will be dealt by IEM and complaints from non-Bidders will be dealt by the vigilance department. 1.7. IEMs, shall monitor the bidding process and also monitor the execution of contract by bidders/appointed pafties and review objectively and independently in respect to whether and to what extent the parties comply with the obligations under the Integrity Pact. Their recommendations would be advisory and not legally binding. Their role is Independent, and once tendered would not be subject to review at the request of CIDCO/Bidder/s.
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