/'•'•.• — ••-.' THE OCANFORli CITIZEN'AND CHRONICLE. THURSDAY, AUGUST 14,1958 Harris, a Chicago lawyer who founded Rotary.' Mrs. Redden Named Collegeli Dr. Edward M. Coe, president, %l who presided, announced a meet- ReviewedatLocalMeeting ing of the club's directors will be Chairman for SixtK District \ Service has always? been the keystone of Rotary,t. Wesley A. held Monday a,t bis home and Mrs. Charles Redden of 201 Co- Stanger, Sr., told fellow members of the Cranford Rotary Club at an institute is planned for Sep-lumbia avenue has been named include conducting an anhual Col- theirxluncheon meeting loitj Thursday in the Methodist Church Sixth District chairman for thelege Day .to help acquaint high GARWOOD tember 22 at The Pines, Metuchen. college committee of the New Jer- "School juniors and seniors with CRANFORD KENILWORTH educational building. Guests included Howard D. sey State Federation of Women's the courses and activities at Doug- Describing Rotary-4s th«- first group in the world to bring Todd. Lake Wales. Fla.; Ralph W. Clubs, succeeding Mrs. Walter lass. Many of the buildings at the No. 30. CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21. 1958 ind m weond cU» mall matter M together men of all religious faiths ~^~' ' " " Aikinson,'Isindri, India; John B. Conley of 3- Sylvester street. college have been built with the The Fo* Offle* at OnaforC N. J. 3 Sections, 20 Pages—10c for the.purpose of. service to their |for the Cranford Boys' Camp at Coker, Linden, and C. S. Mac- The college committee, which is help of the federation. '. • fellowmen, Mr. Singer said two \ Silver Lake In Warren County, farland and Carl Bunker, West- composed of the district chairmen Aroom, fund established by the of Rotary's slogans are "He profits "He listed many of the services field. They were welcomed by and representatives from each college committee- helps foreign ISewer ST. MICHAELS SCHOOL Committee CRANFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS most who serves the - best"" and rendered byy various Rotary clubs Past President Arthur Burditt. member club, promotes the feder- students who attend Douglass" but are unable to bring the small com- School Calendar -1958-1959 Schools Opening "Service above self." School Calendar - 1938:1959 . ' throughout the world. ation's scholarship fund for girls 1 We know more bad things about attending Douglass College in New forts from home, such as bed- Interviews He recalled tha,t shortly after The speaker was introduced by [s Nearkig September 8-Monday ..„ ,_ ^^1 Opens ourselves than does anybody else, Brunswick. Last year the fund spreads, drapes, lamps, blankets September 2—Tuesday - _ Registration the formation of the Cranford Edwyn MJ Lewis, who pointed out , September 29—Monday ...„ _.„ st Michael's Day club its initial service project was \ that Mr. Stangcr had been a mem- yet no one thinks so highly of us'totaled $1,100 and provided help and similar items. v September 3—Wednesday _ Registration SI October 15-^Monday „ _ Columbus Day Architects raising half of the funds for the | ber of Chicago Club No. 1 andas we do ol ourselves;—Vranz V. for six girls.' District activities of the college September 4—-Thursday ; _ School Opens Plans Announced Mipletion November 4—Tuesday _..,... Election Day purchase of the present camp site was a friend of the late Paul Schoehthan This comittee's activities also committee include*"education for- The Township Committee will November 4—Tuesday Election Day—Schools Open —AT— A $25,035 sanitary sewer- project Cranford's public schools will open on Thursday, Septem- November 11—Tuesday , .'. ....... Veterans' Day conclude . its preliminary inter- November 6—Thursday — Teachers" Convention jn Springfield avenue, serving November 27—Thursday „ ;.. Thanksgiving BIBS. CHAKLES REDDEN view* with architects Tuesday November 7—Friday Teachers" Convention ber 4, with all grades back on regular .sessions and nine schools Ipropertifs on Springfield avenue November 68—Friday ...„ _ . , Thanksgiving :# evening in preparation for the se- November 11—Tuesday Veterans' Day—Schools Open in operation instead of eight with which the system closed in land Pawnee, Shawnee, Seneca and December _ | •>•—Monday Feast of the Immaculate Conception lection of an archictect for the November 27—Thursday _... Thanksgiving,, June. urns, district' conferences with IrhiDpcwa roads, should be com- December 23^-Tuesday .... Christmas Recess, 3 p.m. Closing 1 youth conservation and education pleted by tomorrow Township En- proposed new municipal building, November 28—Friday !.'1..: — -... Thanksgiving Dr. Clark W. MeDermith, superintendent of schools, an- January 5—Monday :...„ School Opens committees and keeping a check, police headquarters and public December ' 23—Tuesday .... Christmas Recess, 3 p.m. Closing Iginecr Patrick J. GraU announced January 20—Tuesday _ Mid-year Exajns nounced today that the Cran- on action of the State Legii.iature library, Mayor John L. Brennan January 5—Monday - —:— School Opens TYPEWRITER SPECIAL! January - 21—Wednesday ..* Mid-year Exams ford .High School building to see that money for the state Col- |Theod.°M> C. Young of 11 Chlp- announced yesterday. Febriiary 12—Thursday Lincoln's Birthday ••/•. Civil Defense leges is not sidetracked. .. lace was thc resldent ^January 22—Thursday —....„.•... Mid-year Exams February 23^—'Monday. ' Washington's Birthday this year will serve pupils iii Inewa P "*?*' Conferences -will be held with ON SALE THURS., FRIDAY & SAX. AUG. 14-15-16th Mrs." Redden, who previously Ito have his home connected with February 12—Thursday .".... Lincoln's Birthday March 26—Thursday••.,....'. Easter Recess Begins grades 9 through 12 from the two more architects Tuesday eve- served as youth conservation chair- Ithe new sewer line, Mr. Grail sta- February 23—'Monday . ' Washington's Birthday April 6—(Monday .....'...«. .'- School Opens Report Made entire township, while Cleve- man for the Fifth District (which ning, bringing to' 13 the number land and Sherman Junior High Ited. The engineer asked that other March ' 24—Tuesday Easter Recess Begins at- 3 p.m. June 16—Tuesday , School closed -tor students formerly included Union County), Ibouseholders arrange for connect- April 8—Monday '... School Opens interviewed during the past two Schools will serve grades seven BRAND NEW June 16—Tuesday High School Commencement About Siren and eight in the northern and has long been active as a member ing lines as "soon as possible so we May 7—Thursday Ascension Day months. Two members of the li- and in committee and officer posts n complete regrading of the June 19—Friday '. Children receive report cards A nine-page report prepared by southern halves of the township of "the Village Improvement Asso- ' June 16—Tuesday „ „ „ ..„. Final Exams brary board of trustees sat in with September ;..."; 19 days February ..- 18 days a special committee about the im- respectively. ciation, and the Wednesday Morn- The Semeraro Construction Co. June 17—^Wednesday .-. Final Exams the Township Committee during October ..... 23 days March _ _ 19 days provement of the township's civil Bloomingdale Avenue School : REDUCED 25% •.. •).•; PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS ing Club..X - [ patcrson, contractor, on the Job, "June . 18-rrThursday . .'. Final Exams this week's conference. November ...: 16 days April 19 days defense warning system has been will be opened for the first time June, . ' 19^-Friday :....- .. Commencement and will take students who attend- She served on the Cranford .ported it should be finished The conimittee expects to make December . „.. 17 days May — - —- 21 days submitted to the Township Com- Iworking by tomorrow, Mr. Crall ed Cleveland School last spring. Board/of Education for nine years its selection of an architect by January 20 days June _ 12 days mittee, G. Holmes Williams, direc- •stated. ••'- ..;• Livingston Avenue School opened! and/was instrumental in the forma- September 15 and it is hoped that tor of thc Cranford Civil Defense last spring and took stndcnts from k£n of the Cranford Adult School, I Work was begun July 9. Esti- Total ..._. .184 days Imtted completion date for the the long-needed building program and Disaster Control Council, an- Sherman School, which then be- of which' she is a past director and Six Room Addition Planned nounced today. came a junior high school. • . $40.50 past president,, She is a past pres- ilect was August 15, but time may get under way early next P|us Tax PLASTIC TRAVEL KITS 1 The Warnings System Research Administration offices in all ident of the Roosevelt PTA and ; because of weather conditions year, the mayor stated.' Committee, made up of W. Jonschools will be open throughout' Iso was active in .the Cranford j responsible for the 10-day de- For St. Michael's School The committee also met with r In completion, according to the representatives of the Planning Hoffman, chairman, and Frederick next week from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. to Includes Carry bit Case and Free Typing Instruction Book High School PTA. REDUCED Because of the rapid rise_injenrpllnient, a six room addition to Ward and Webb Vandermark, are ._ilneer. • • •... - Board and Zoning Board during register new entrants, confer with St. Michael's Parochial School, corner of Miln and Alden streets, Board Names Music, all specialists in_the electronics | AD appropriation of $32,000 was the past week io discuss the first pupils and parents and to make is planned within the next year or two, the Rev. William B. Donnelly, field. Their study began when Beauty Contest. Entrant ct aside for the job. four sections of the proposed new other preparations for opening of In preparation for the opening pastor of St. Michael's Church arid it was felt that the present civil the new school year, Dr. IWcDer- A limited number of .1959 model Underwood Leaders, ParcJs & KENILWORTH — Miss Carol r zoning ordinance. • - school, paving work was corn- director of the school, revealed defensc^sirgn would be inadequate mith announced.
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