THE INTERFACE BETWEEN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND ALLIANCE POLITICS THE ANC-SACP-COSATU DIALOGUE IN SOUTH AFRICA By JODY P. CEDRAS A Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Administration (D.Admin) In Public Management at the School of Public Management and Administration in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences University of Pretoria Pretoria South Africa Supervisor: Professor Dr. Jerry O. Kuye School of Public Management and Administration UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA PRETORIA SOUTH AFRICA ©2013 © University of Pretoria DEDICATION To my wife, Lucinda, son, Joshua and daughter, Priyah. Your steadfast support and patience have inspired me to achieve this. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My sincere gratitude to the following souls who contributed in a special and significant way to this work: • My wife Lucinda, son Joshua and daughter Priyah for suffering patiently and without complaints as I spent many hours and days buried in this research project and; the extended family and friends for their encouragement and support. • Professor J. O. Kuye my supervisor, for his wise counsel, academic coaching, persuasive coaxing and incisive insight. • All the staff at the School of Public Management and Administration for adopting me as one of their own and their firm words of encouragement and support over the years. • Cadres from the ANC, COSATU and the SACP who shared their experiences in the hope and commitment for a better South Africa, I commend. iii ABSTRACT After three hundred and forty-two years of colonialism and apartheid, South Africans of all walks of life experienced their first democratic elections in 1994. Now, as the country is at the precipice of the 5th democratic elections, it has known no government other than the African National Congress (ANC). The ANC has had landslide victories at the ballot box and always managed to secure an electoral vote of around 66%. These victories have not been by accident and have been carefully managed through an Alliance Pact with the South African Communist Party (SACP) and the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU). The nature of the Alliance has infiltrated and influenced the character of contemporary South African public administration. This study postulates vigorously that an alliance is not a coalition, but rather a partnership of ideological semblance and political decorum. This is most significantly expressed through the National Democratic Revolution (NDR). The study further elucidates the notion that the NDR remains the main political artery of the ANC and is seminal in the policy debates and critical platforms for each of the Alliance Partners. The study affirms that irrespective of this convergence of ideology, there is periodic divergence on the leadership role of the ANC viz a viz that of the Alliance as the strategic centre for policy and governance issues. However, the ANC has over the years successfully challenged this assertion and through practice, led the Alliance in a politically driven manner that is predicated on consultation, due diligence and functional purpose. However, any member of the iv SACP or COSATU who desires to be part of parliament or the executive is required to be a member of the ANC. This, the study asserts, is the new formation of a political partnership. The study adumbrates that the SACP (even though it is registered as a political party with the Independent Electoral Commission) and COSATU do not contest elections separately. As part of the agreement, only the ANC contests elections and as such leads the Alliance. While COSATU and the SACP provide advice through Alliance structures on the deployment of cadres in the public service, the deployment committee is an ANC structure and the final decisions in regard to deployment resides with the ANC. This study has reinterpreted the dialogue within the Tripartite Alliance and how this has moulded the political nomenclature of the ANC, and the solidified impact on the way in which public administration is affected and effected in South Africa and vice versa. The study presents with equanimity how the practice, for example, of dual membership of two political organisations (ANC and SACP) enriches the public service and the policy-making process in a developmental state. It furthermore points to the imperative for a clear underlying ideology (as provided for through the NDR) and certainty as to who leads in such an arrangement. This study finds that it is through the Alliance structures that individual leaders within the Governing Party (ANC) are held to account for their actions – and after a hundred years of existence, the ANC and Alliance structures have managed to address the challenges of time, the pressures of political stress and the coalition of a “broad-based political church”. The logic of maintaining this political marriage and developmental triangulation, and also interpreting the essence of consolidating party manifestos to its membership, and further to preserving v democratic principles, while at the same time translating this into the action of good governance in South Africa, is complex, yet manageable. vi STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY I hereby state that this is my original work in both form and content, and that I have duly acknowledged the work of other authors wherever I have referred to it. Jody P. Cedras (28448589) Signed: ……………………………………………… Date: ………………………………………………. vii ACRONYMS AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ANC African National Congress ANCVL African National Congress Veterans League ANCWL African National Congress Womens League ANCYL African National Congress Youth League ARV Anti-retrovirals ASGISA Accelerated Shared Growth Initiative – South Africa BEE Black Economic Empowerment CC Central Committee CEC Central Executive Committee CEO Chief Executive Officer CEPPWAWU Chemical, Energy, Paper, Printing, Wood and Allied Workers Union CODESA Convention for a Democratic South Africa COPE Congress of the People COSATU Congress of South African Trade Unions CPSA Communist Party of South Africa CST Colonialism of a Special Type CWU Communications Workers Union CWUSA Creative Workers Union of South Africa DA Democratic Alliance DENOSA Democratic Nurses Organisation of South Africa DFI Development Funding Institution FAWU Food and Allied Workers Union GDP Gross Domestic Product GEAR Growth, Economic and Redistribution Programme viii GNU Government of National Unity HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus IANSA International Action Network on Small Arms IDP Integrated Development Plan IFP Inkatha Freedom Party JIPSA Joint Implementation Programme for South Africa LEC Local Executive Committee MP Member of Parliament MWP Mass Workers’ Party MTV Medium Term Vision NC National Conference NDP National Development Plan NDR National Democratic Revolution NEC National Executive Committee NEDLAC National Economic Development and Labour Council NEHAWU National Education Health and Allied Workers Union NGC National General Council NGP New Growth Path NHI National Health Insurance NOB National Office Bearer NP National Party NPA National Prosecuting Authority NPC National Planning Commission NUM National Union of Mineworkers NUMSA National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa NWC National Working Committee PAC Pan Africanist Congress ix PAWUSA Public and Allied Workers Union of South Africa PB Political Bureau PC Provincial Congress PEC Provincial Executive Committee POSIB Protection of State Information Bill POPCRU Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union RDP Reconstruction and Development Programme SACCAWU South African Commercial Catering and Allied Workers Union SACP South African Communist Party SACTU South African Congress of Trade Unions SACTWU South African Clothing and Textile Workers Union SADNU South African Democratic Nurses’ Union SADTU South African Democratic Teachers’ Workers Union SADWU South African Domestic Workers Union SAFPU South African Football Players’ Union SAMA South African Medical Association SAMWU South African Municipal Workers Union SANCO South African National Civic Organisation SANDU South African National Defence Union SASAWU South African State and Allied Workers Union SASBO South Africa Society of Bank Officials SASFU South African Security Forces Union SATAWU South Africa Transport and Allied Workers Union SOE State-Owned Enterprise SSC Shop Steward Council TAC Treatment Action Campaign UDF United Democratic Front x TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 1 BACKGROUND TO THE ANC-COSATU-SACP ALLIANCE 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Fighting for Freedom: The Period Before 1990 3 1.3 Negotiating Democracy: 1990 to 1994 9 1.4 Democracy at Last: 1994 to 1999 15 1.5 Consolidating Democratic Gains: 1999 to 2004 23 1.6 Can the Centre hold? 2004 to 2012 31 1.7 Summary 36 CHAPTER 2 38 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2.1 Introduction 38 2.2 Defining and Understanding Research 40 2.3 Typologies of Research Methods 41 2.3.1 Quantitative Research 42 2.3.2 Qualitative Research 42 2.3.3 Action Research 46 2.4 Data Collection Techniques 49 2.4.1 Literature Review 50 2.4.2 Interviews 52 2.4.3 Fieldwork 53 2.4.4 Deskwork 54 2.4.5 Case Studies 55 2.4.6 Experiments 56 2.5 Research Paradigm 56 2.6 Methodology Selected for the Study 58 i 2.7 Purpose of the Study 62 2.8 Objectives of the Study 64 2.9 Problem Statement of the Study 66 2.10 Research Question 68 2.11 Significance of the Study 69 2.12 Need for the Study 73 2.13 Limitations of the Study 76 2.14 Structure of the Study 77 2.13 Summary 80 CHAPTER 3 83 PRINCIPLES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND ALLIANCE POLITICS
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