Texas Podcast Assignments TX LO: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. • Civil Protests & Protesting Civility Texas Matters • Texas as a Bellwether of American Politics The New Yorker • A Smarter Texas Center for Strategic and International Studies TX LO: Analyze the state and local election process. • Will this be the year of ‘reverse coattails’ in Texas? Texas Take • Risks of Candidate Debates Houston Matters • O’Rourke and Cruz Clash Over What it Means to Be American Texas Take • Cannabis Oil, Special Elections, and Redistricting Texas Tribune TX LO: Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens. • The Gun Show More Perfect • Civil Protests & Protesting Civility Texas Matters • A Right To An Education Texas Matters • Texas v. Hernandez Stuff You Missed in History Class TX LO: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. • Racism in Law Enforcement Houston Matters • How Will Cuts To Arts Funding Impact The Texas Economy? The Source • Lethal Injections and Opioids Texas Standard • Why Texas Works Alphachat Want to Nominate a Podcast episode for the next update? Visit: https://goo.gl/RBcbX2 Because learning changes everything.TM mor12418_fm_i-xxx.indd 1 12/14/18 8:06 AM mor12418_fm_i-xxx.indd 2 12/10/18 9:18 PM THE STATE OF TEXAS: Government, Politics, and Policy FOURTH EDITION iii mor12418_fm_i-xxx.indd 3 12/10/18 9:18 PM mor12418_fm_i-xxx.indd 4 12/10/18 9:18 PM THE STATE OF TEXAS: Government, Politics, and Policy FOURTH EDITION Sherri Mora Texas State University With contributions from: • Donna Hooper, North Central Texas College • Patrick Moore, Richland College • Veronica Reyna, Houston Community College • Thomas Varacalli, Texas State University • Geoffrey Willbanks, Tyler Junior College mor12418_fm_i-xxx.indd 5 12/10/18 9:18 PM THE STATE OF TEXAS: GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, AND POLICY, FOURTH EDITION Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2019 by McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Previous editions © 2017, 2015, and 2014. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States. This book is printed on acid-free paper. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 QVS 21 20 19 18 ISBN 978-1-259-91241-2 (bound edition) MHID 1-259-91241-8 (bound edition) ISBN 978-1-260-16733-7(loose-leaf edition) MHID 1-260-16733-x(loose-leaf edition) Portfolio Manager: Jason Seitz Product Development Manager: Dawn Groundwater Marketing Manager: Will Walter Content Project Managers: Rick Hecker/George Theofanopoulos Senior Buyer: Laura Fuller Designer: Matt Diamond Content Licensing Specialist: Brianna Kirschbaum Cover Image: ©Alejandro Loya/EyeEm/Getty Images Compositor: Aptara®, Inc. All credits appearing on page or at the end of the book are considered to be an extension of the copyright page. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Mora, Sherri, author. Title: The state of Texas : government, politics, and policy / Sherri Mora. Description: Fourth Edition. | New York : McGraw-Hill Education, [2019] | Audience: Age: 18+ Identifiers: LCCN 2018042882| ISBN 9781259912412 (acid-free paper) | ISBN 1259912418 (acid-free paper) Subjects: LCSH: Texas--Politics and government. Classification: LCC JK4816 .M67 2019 | DDC 320.4764—dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018042882 The Internet addresses listed in the text were accurate at the time of publication. The inclusion of a website does not indicate an endorsement by the authors or McGraw-Hill Education, and McGraw-Hill Education does not guarantee the accuracy of the information presented at these sites. mheducation.com/highered mor12418_fm_i-xxx.indd 6 12/17/18 10:15 PM PREFACE Built for Texas Government Courses . By Texas Government Voices . For Texas Government Students! The State of Texas: Government, Politics, and Policy, 4e, combines concise content with effective digital tools that provide a personalized learning experience for every student. Built to align directly with state learning outcomes and core objectives, this highly readable program provides students with the content and tools to make Texas government relevant in their lives. Developing Foundational with disabilities. And as part of any government course, SmartBook now focuses on the broader con- Knowledge and Honing Skills text for and building blocks of the political system. With a comprehensive content program, a revision Specifically, it has been enhanced with improved that was informed by student data, and numerous learning objectives to ensure that students gain foun- assignable activities in Connect Texas Govern - dational knowledge while also learning to make con- ment®, The State of Texas includes ample material nections for broader understanding of government for a full semester course on Texas government. institutions, events, and behavior. SmartBook per- sonalizes learning to individual student needs, con- SmartBook 2.0®, found in Connect Texas Govern- tinually adapting to pinpoint knowledge gaps and ment, is organized around the Texas Learning Out- focus learning on topics that need the most atten- comes and Core Objectives, providing the ability to tion. Study time is more productive and, as a result, assess directly on those outcomes. students are better prepared for class and course- Better Data, Smarter Revision, work. For instructors, SmartBook tracks student Improved Results progress and provides insights that can help guide teaching strategies. Students study more effectively with SmartBook 2.0. Using SmartBook, students helped inform the SmartBook 2.0 is an adaptive reading experience revision strategy: designed to help students learn better, study smarter, and retain more knowledge for greater success. It STEP 1. Over the course of two years, data points helps students distinguish what they know from showing concepts that caused students what they don’t know and focus on concepts they the most difficulty were anonymously are most likely to forget. collected from the Connect Texas New to this edition, SmartBook is now optimized Government SmartBook product. for mobile and tablet and is accessible for students vii mor12418_fm_i-xxx.indd 7 12/19/18 4:06 PM viii THE STATE OF TEXAS: Government, Politics, and Policy STEP 2. The dat a from SmartBook were provided to the authors in the form of a Heat Map, which graphically illustrated “hot spots” in the text that impacted student learning (see images left). STEP 3. The authors used the Heat Map data to refine the content and rein- force student comprehension in the new edition. Additional quiz ques- tions and assignable activities were created for use in Connect Texas ChapTer 4 The Executive DepartmentGovernment and the to Office further of the support Governor student of Texas success. 153 RESULT: Because t he Heat Map gave the authors empirically based feedback at the paragraph and even sentence level, they were able to develop Each governor is going to make differentthe use new of editionher or his using staff. precise In recent student years data that pinpointed concepts most have used their staff to keep track of thatstate caused agencies students over which the most the governors difficulty. themselves have little or no direct control. The staff also gathers information and makes recommendations on changes in policy that affect most areas of state gov- ernment. A message from a memberUnderstanding of the governor’s Impact staff to a state agency is taken seriously. A report issued by the governor’s office automatically attracts the Understanding Impact features help students understand why key content matters attention of significant state leaders and the news media. Often the governor must and includes critical thinking questions to help them apply what they learn. Top- use the information gathered to wage a public relations war with the legislature or ics include understanding the impact of informal qualifications in the Texas state agencies. In Texas, the increases in the size, professionalism, and complexity gubernatorial race and understanding the impact of Internet-savvy campaigns for of the governor’s staff have become necessary to offset the limited formal control upstart candidates. the governor has over state government. Understanding Impact In the previous section, Formal Powers of the Governor, you learned that the powers of the Texas governor are relatively weak when compared to the power conferred on governors of other states. In this section you learned that the informal powers of the governor have evolved over time and the position has achieved new relevance. Do you believe the governor’s informal powers have strengthened the power of the office, or does our governor still occupy a relatively weak position in state government? Give reasons for your answer. Conclusion How To Even though governors in most states do not have much governing this large, diverse, and economically impor- formal power, the office has greatHow importance To features in provide state studentstant state with challenging. step-by-step Some guidance reform for of developingthe powers ofskills the politics. In recent years, the importancethey need of thefor officecollege has and forgovernor life. Topics is still include needed, “How but to it Think is doubtful Critically that about such increased. Of the past five U.S.Issues” presidents, and “Howthree haveto Interpret changes a Table.” will occur. The political culture of the state 140 The STaTe of TexaS: Government, Politics, and Policy been state governors before their move to the White does not support that change. Leadership will have to House (Ronald Reagan in California, Bill Clinton in come from force of will and personality, not from for- Arkansas, and George W.
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