Environmental Assessment Document Initial Environmental Examination Grant Number: 0093 NEP February 2010 Nepal: Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Program Bagbazaar-Bagarkot District Road Subproject, Dadelhura District Prepared by the Government of Nepal The Environmental Assessment is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Government of Nepal Ministry of Local Development Depertment of Local Infrastructure Development and Agriculture Roads Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Program [ADB Grant 0093 NEP] Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) of Bagbazaar-Bagarkot District Road (Dadeldhura District, Nepal) Submitted to: Ministry of Local Development Government of Nepal Proponent: Office of District Development Committee/ District Technical Office Dadeldhura District Ferb, 2010 Prepared By: District Implementation Support Team (DIST) GIDA Nepal Pvt. Ltd. TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (NEPALI) II Executive Summary (English) v SALIENT FEATURE VIII Name and Address of Proponent IX 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 BACKGROUND 1 1.2 RELEVANCY OF THE PROPOSAL 1 1.2.1 OBJECTIVES 1 1.2.2 METHODOLOGY ADOPTED 1 1.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL 2 1.4 CONSTRUCTION APPROACH 2 2.0 public consultation and information disclosure 6 2.1 PUBLIC CONSULTATION 6 2.2 INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 6 3.0 Review of Relevant Acts, Regulations and Guidelines 7 4.0 Existing Environmental Condition 9 4.1 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 9 4.2 BIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT 10 4.3 SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT 11 5.0 Project Alternatives 16 5.1 NO ACTION OPTION 16 5.2 PROPOSAL ALTERNATIVES 16 5.3 ALTERNATIVE ALIGNMENT 16 5.4 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION APPROACH 16 5.5 ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE AND PROCESS 16 5.6 ALTERNATIVE RESOURCES 17 6.0 Identification of Impacts and Benefit Augumentation/Mitigationmeasures 18 6.1 MITIGATION MEASURES DURING PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE 18 6.2 BENEFICIAL IMPACTS AND BENEFIT AUGMENTATION MEASURES 19 6.3 ADVERSE IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 21 7.0 Environmental Management Plan 29 7.1 INSTITUTIONS AND THEIR ROLES 29 7.2 REPORTING AND DOCUMENTATION 30 7.3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 31 7.4 MITIGATION COST 38 7.5 IMPLEMENTATION OF MITIGATION MEASURES 38 7.6 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 39 8.0 Conclusion and Recommendations 46 8.1 CONCLUSION 46 8.2 RECOMMENDATION 46 9.0 Miscellaneous 47 Tables Table 1.1 Sub-Project Implementation Schedule 5 Table 2.1 Summary of FGD Meeting 6 Table 3.1 Review of Environmental Acts, Regulations and Guidelines 7 Table 4.1 Summary of Streams Along the Road Alignment 9 Table 4.2 Summary of land Use Pattern Along the Road Alignment and Additional Land Requirement 10 Table 4.3 Community Forests Along the Road Alignment 10 Table 4.4 Ethnicity and Population Composition 11 Table 4.5 Settlements and Population within the ZOI of Road Alignment 11 Table 4.6 Public Services and Infrastructure Along Road Alignment 14 Table 6.1 Recommended Spoil Disposal Sites 21 Table 6.2 Proposed Drainage and Cross Drainage Structures Along the Road for Water Management 22 Table 6.3 Recommended Quarry Sites 24 Table 6.4 Affected Public Services and Infrastructure with Specific Mitigation Measures 26 Table 7.1 Institutions and Theirs Roles 29 Table 7.2 Likely Beneficial Impacts and Proposed Enhancement Measures 32 Table 7.3 Likely Adeverse Impacts and Proposed Mitigation Measures 33 Table 7.4 Cost Estimate for Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Measures 38 Table 7.5 Environmental Monitoring Cost 39 Table 7.6 Monitoring Indicator Selected for IEE 40 Table 7.7 Compliance Monitoring for Bagbazaar-Bagerkot Road Construction Works 42 Table 7.8 Impacts/Effects Monitoring for Bagbazaar-Bagerkot Road Construction Works 44 Figures Figure 1.1 Map of Nepal Showing the Location of Bagbazaar-Bagerkot Road Subproject in Dadeldhura District 2 Figure 1.2 Topo. Map Showing the Alignment of Bagbazaar-Bagerkot Road 4 Figure 7.1 Environmental Management Organization Structure 30 ANNEX Annex I Terms of Reference for IEE study Annex II REA checklist (ADB) Annex III Abstract of cost Annex IV RRRSDP Environmental Checklist Annex V Public notice Annex VI Recommendation and suggestion Annex VII Notic pasted & Deed of Enquiry Annex VIII Name of the organizations Annex IX List of persons contacted Annex X a. Distribution of household by major occupation b. Summary of public services and infrastructures according to settlement c. Land holding pattern of settlements within ZoI d. Number of households belonging to different food security category AnnexXI List of tress to be Removed Annex XII Minimization of slope cutting and preservation of vegetation cover Annex XIII a. Topography, geology and soil type along the road. b. Summary of land use pattern along the road alignment. c. Recommended structures necessary for slope stabilization at various places Annex XIV Photographs Annex XV Comments from ADB and Modification made by proponent ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank LEST Livellhood Enhancement and Skill Training amsl Above mean sea level AP Affected Person LRMP Land Resource Management Project BG Building Group M meter CBO Community Based Organization Ml Milliliter CDC Compensation Determination Committee MLD Ministry of Local Development CDO Chief District Officer MOE Ministry of Environment CEA Country Environmental Analysis MoU Memorandum of Understanding CF Community Forest NGO Non-Governmental Organization CFUG Community Forest Users Group NRs Nepali Rupees CGI Corrugated Galvanized Iron NTFPs Non timber forest products Ch Chainage OFID OPEC Fund for International Development CISC Central Implementation Support OP Operational Plan Consultants OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries CITES Convention on International Trade in PAM Project Administrative Memorandum Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna PCC Plain Cement Concrete DADO District Agriculture Development Office PCU Project Coordination Unit DDC District Development Committee RBG Road Building Group DFID Department for International Development RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete DFO District Forest Office/Officer RCIW Rural Community Infrastructure Works DG Director General REA Rapid Environmental Assessment DIST District Implementation Support Team RES Rapid Environmental Screening DIT District Implementation Team RIDP Rural Infrastructure Development Project DoLIDAR Department of Local RP Resettlement Plan Infrastructure Development and RRRSDP Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Agricultural Roads Sector Development Program DPO District Project Office RS Resettlement Survey DPCC District Project Coordination Committee SA Social Appraisal DRSP District Road Support Programme SDC Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation DSCO District Soil Conservation Office SF Social Funding DTO District Technical Office SM Social Mobilizer DTMP District Transport Master Plan SDS Social Development Specilist EA Environmental Assistant/Assessment TA Technical Assistance EARP Evironmental Assessment and Review ToR Terms of Reference Procedures TWS Technical Walkover Survey ES Environmental Specialist VDC Village Development Committee EIA Environmental Impact Assessment VICCC Village Infrastructure Construction Coordination EMP Environmental Management Plan Committee EMS Environmental Management Section ZoI Zone of Influence EPA Environmental Protection Act EPR Environmental Protection Rules ESD Environment Screening Document FGD Focus Group Discussion GoN Government of Nepal GIS Geographical Information System Ha Hectare Hh Household IEE Initial Environmental Examination IUCN International Union for Conservation Nature Km Kilometer LDO Local Development Officer LEP Labour based, environment friendly and participatory Bagbazaar-Bagerkot Road Sub-Project, Dadeldhura | i afuahf/–au/sf]6 ;8ssf] k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f k|ltj]bg sfo{sf/L ;f/f+z k[i7e"ld k|:tfljt afuahf/–au/sf]6 ;8s pk-cfof]hgf ;'b'/ klZrdf~rn ljsf; If]q cGtu{t 88]Nw'/f lhNnfdf kb{5 . o; ;8s pk–cfof]hgf To;} sRrL ;8ssf] cd/u9L gu/kflnsfsf] afuahf/ b]vL z'? 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