Cnlmttn Courier VOL 42 COLOMA, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 19.1939 Z NO. 41 GRADUATING CLASS—COLOMA HIGH SCHOOL.-1939 Benton Harbor Men Coioma's Commencement Program Are Suicide Victims BACCALAUREATE SERVICES Sunday, May 21, 8:00 p. m. Edward English Died From Carbon Processional, "The Spacious Firmament On High" Haydn Miss Marjorie Furman Monoxide Fumes—Edward Fisher Hymn - - "Jesus Calif Us" Prayer - Rev. Elhtworth Moran Ended His Life In Benton Harbor Anthem "Spirit of God" by Gillette City Jail. Maroon Choir, Congregational Church. Lesson from the Scriptures 12th Chapter of Romans Two Benton Harbor men were Read by Virginia Miller suicide victims over the week-end. Anthem "Soldiers of the Cross" by Halton Edward E. English, a well-known Choir of Methodist Church h' itrr real estate and insurance man, ended Sermon, "The Greatest Thing in Life" Rev. Ray S. Utterback 0' v his life by inhaling carbon monoxide Anthem "Blet* the Lord," by Adams gas fumes while seated in his auto- Choir of Methodist Church. mobile at his home on Monday. Ed- jjymn "True Hearted, Whole Hearted" Bohtr t Kf>r**-k ward Fisher committed suicide by Benediction. hanging himself in the Benton Har- bor city jail. Hrrr-.r" E'thtt' Rotr'nt) The body of Mr. English was found CLASS DAY PROGRAM in his car shortly after noon on Mon- Tuesday, May 2S, S:00 9. n. day. He had not appeared at his nuhtrii * 9* office in the morning and when a Master of Ceremonies—Fred Undem friend called at his home to find out Class Song Arranged by Jean Friday and Mildred Hembree 5*rr*i. i*e Wit 7* where he was. an Investigation re- rj;ci vealed his remains. The garage doors President's Welcome DeRosa were closed and the garage was filled Class History Roger Woodward, Edward Rockwell, Raymond with gas fumes. Coroner Kerlikow- Ostrom, Robert Umphrey. ske was called and decided that it Class Poem Rodney Caprez, Eleanor Friday, Joseph Greco was a plain case of suicide and that Class Prophecy Paul Turner, Richard Lyon, Rose Mary Arcus, • no inquest was necessary. Germaine Waldo. ^ m Vrrvtf »> M- 'U Mr. English ws bom in New Troy Personality Songs - Arranged by Marjorie Elsenhart and Paul Turner *\9•.***• and taught school for some time in Class Declaration of Independence—Elizabeth Stoffle, Robert Kll- Hinchman and at Three Oaks, later mark, Richard Becht, Steve Greco. moving to Benton Harbor where he Class Grumblers John DeField, Oscar Fisher, Lewis Cordaro, has since resided. He was a promin- Eleanor Rorick. ent Democrat and formerly held the Faculty Take-off: „ ^ ^ fibht'd He* h. position of county school examiner. Mr. Alwood .1 Rodney Caproz He is survived by his widow and one Mr. McDaniels Oscar Fisher daughter. Mr. Lehew Raymond Ostrom Mrs. Baushke Germaine Waldo Prisoner Ended His Life. Miss Rundle : Eleanora Rorick Miss Garrison Mildred Hembree Edward Fisher of Benton Harbor Mr Potts Robert Umphrey was arrested early last Saturday evening and was lodged in the city Miss Oelhaffer Elizabeth Stoffle Sit r'r Mrs Woodward Eleanor Friday t jail on a charge of driving an auto- Mrs. Kibler ------ J«n ^klay tsn Friths mobile while intoxicated. He creat- Mrs Dewey - Marjorie Elsenhart ed some disturbance at the jail but Senior Band—Robert Umphrey. Richard Becht, Edward Rockwell, .was finally quieted after he had Jack Becht. Robert Kilmark, Jack DeRosa, Richard Lyon, John short-circuited the electric lights in DeField, Virginia Miller, Fred Undem. his cell. A little while later officers Glftatory Virginia Miller and Fred Undem walking through the cell block dis- Jj* covered Fisher's body hanging in the Clasr Will Howard Elliott, Robert Hathaway, William Hafer, W.LAfw^ FtufTurrrr jack Becht. • w rVmil f'/tp cell. He had fashioned a noose out of his belt and buckled it over the bars of the cell and had been dead COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES but a few minutes when his remains MRS. EVELYN KLOTTER were discovered. Thursday, May 25, 8:00 p. m. Officers reported that Fisher had Nightwatch Winkler IMPROVES AT HOSPITAL at several previous times attempted Processional—"Andante" by Beethoven Miss Marjorie Furman to commit suicide, but each effort Invocation ReV- Grant Jordan GOMMT BE had been frustrated. The deceased Class Greeting - John DeField Paw Paw Lake Woman Is Recovering was 31 years of age. He is survived Cornet Solo—"Popsy Wopsy Schottishe Theodore Craig Was Bitten by Dog by a sister. Mrs. Glen Anderson of Robert Umphrey # From Self-inflicted Wounds. Benton Harbor: his mother, Mrs. El- Address, "You Can Win" Rev. John G. Koehler mer Anderson of Bridgman, and a Minister First Baptist Church, Benton Harbor J Mrs. Evelyn Klotter, wife of brother. Charles Fisher of Chicago. Cornet Solo, "La Clnquantlne" by Gabrlel-Marle—Robert Umphrey Canine Nabbed Him on the Wrist I ) rt Georg™ Klotter at Paw Paw Lake, Is He had been estranged from his wife Class Address V ^ 1 When Officer Attempted to Catch for some time. Rev. Glenn M. Frye, American Legion School Award. Mrs. Ivan Ryno and Earl Rockwell evening, arriving home some time reported to be slowly Improving at Seniors Will Visit Detroit on Friday early Sunday morning. pastor of the Methodist Peace Tem- Honor Awards Principal S. L. McDaniels The Animal Mercy hospital in Benton Harbor ple, conducted funeral services Tues- Presentation of Dipi.>mas Earl H, Rockwell and Saturday—Baccalaureate Ad- Eighth Grade Program from a wound from a .32 caliber day afternoon &nd the remains were Senior Memorials Jack DeRosa Herbert Winkler, Coioma's night watchman, is nursing a very sore revolver which was inflicted on Sun- interred in Crystal Springs ceme- Benediction Rev. Grant Jordan dress to be Given Sunday—Class On Wednesday afternoon. May 24, tery. at 1:30, a program honoring members wrist as the result of an encounter day afternoon. Day Exercises on Tuesday—Eighth of the eighth grade of the Coloma with a stray dog which he captured According to reports given the of- CLASS ROLL on the street early Tuesday morning. Grade Program on Wednesday— school will be given in the audi- ficers. Mrs. Klotter was alone In her torium, to which parents and friends Mr. Winkler spotted the dog and room at their cottage when she shot Arcus, Rose Mary Friday, Eleanor Miller, Virginia "Summer." A page of unusual Commencement Exercises Thurs- are cordially invited. The program called to him: the dog stopped to lay herself with the revolver, the bullet Becht, Jack Friday, Jean Ostrom, Raymond down on the sidewalk, but when Mr. sketches in COLOR by the popular will be featured by an address by entering her left side just below the English artist, Alastair, K. MacDon- Becht, Richard Greco, Joseph Rockwell, Edward day. Winkler attempted to take up the Greco, Steve Rorick, Eleanora Rev. Ellsworth Moran, pastor of the heart. Dr. M. J. Kotler of Coloma ald. One of the many interesting Caprez, Rodney Free Methodist church. tramp the dog nabbed him on the was called and had the patient re- Cordaro, Lewis Hafer, William Stoffle, Elizabeth The coming week will be a very wrist, making several cuts which features in The American Weekly, Hathaway, Robert Turner, Paul busy one for the senior class of the There will be music, an address of moved to Mercy hospital. According the magazine distributed with the DeField, John welcome and readings by members were cauterized and treated by Dr. to reports, Mrs. Klotter had been DeRosa, Jack Hembree, Mildred Umphrey, Robert Coloma high school. The activities M. J. Kotler, and which caused the Sunday Chicago Herald and Exam- Kilmark, Robert Undem, Fred will start on Friday of this week of the class. Superintendent W. I* despondent for some time. iner.—Adv. Elsenhart, Marjorie Alwood will present certificates of watchman considerable pain. But Elliott, Howard Lyon, Richard Waldo. Germaine when the class will make a trip to Winkler accomplished his purpose. Woodward, Roger Detroit, also visiting at other points promotion to ihose who are eligible Fisher, Oscar to enter high school next fall. Re- He managed to take the dog to the enroute. On Sunday evening the village jail, where he was kept en- baccalaureate address will bo given cipients of the American Legion School awards will be announced at closed until the "dog warden came Class Flower—White Carnation. at the high school auditorium by for him on Tuesday. The warden Rev. Ray S. Utterback, pastor of the these exercises. Class Colors—Turquoise and Silver. Inasmuch as the semester examina- was given orders to watch the dog Class Motto—"The Door to Success Is Labeled Tush'." Congregational church at Coloma. carefully for ten days for any in- On Tuesday evening the annual class tions will not be completed until next week, the names of the eighth grad- dications of rabies before disposing LOMA THEATRE day exercises will be given. On ers who receive certificates of pro- of the beast. ADMINISTRATION Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 a pro- gram will be given honoring the motion and thus become eligible to COLOMA, MICH. enter high school next fall cannot be William L. Alwood w—— Superintendent eighth grade graduates. On Thurs- LOUIS NAMETZ DIED FROM Sherman L. McDaniels Principal announced until the next issue of day evening the annual commence- The Courier. ment exercises will be held, when CHARGE OF SHOTGUN Best of Pictures. Modem. Air Conditioned the address will be given by Rev. BOARD OF EDUCATION John G. Koehler, pastor of the First Shew starts at 7 *• p. m. Sond^ Matinee at 4:00 p. m. CmdiiMM Earl H. Rockwell President Baptist church of Benton Harbor. SHIRLEY TEMPLE COMING Members of Family Believe That the THEATRE PHONE 123 F 1 RESIDENCE PHONE 123F 3 Harold E.
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