SEWARDSTONE HALL FARM TRANSPORT STATEMENT Client: E.W. Davies Ltd TRANSPORT STATEMENT SEWARDSTONE HALL FARM Client: E.W. Davies Ltd i-Transport LLP 85 Gresham Street London EC2V 7NQ Tel: 020 3705 9215 www.i-transport.co.uk i-Transport Ref: NM/MD/ITB6205-005A R Date: 25 July 2018 COPYRIGHT The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of i-Transport LLP QUALITY MANAGEMENT Report No. Comments Date Author Authorised ITB6205-005A Issue 25/07/2018 MD NM File ref: L:\PROJECTS\ITB Nos\6000 Series\6205ITB - Sewardstone Hall\Admin\Report and Tech Notes\ITB6205-005A Transport Assessment - 2018 Application.docx Ref: NM/MD/AC/ITB6205-005A R Date: 25 July 2018 Former Haulage Yard, Sewardstone Transport Statement CONTENTS SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................ 3 SECTION 2 POLICY CONTEXT .......................................................................... 6 SECTION 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS ............................................................... 12 SECTION 4 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL ......................................................... 21 SECTION 5 OPPORTUNITIES FOR SUSTAINABLE TRAVEL ............................... 24 SECTION 6 FRAMEWORK TRAVEL PLAN ....................................................... 31 SECTION 7 TRAFFIC IMPACT ........................................................................ 32 SECTION 8 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS .................................................. 41 FIGURES FIGURE 3.1 LOCAL PEDESTRIAN AND CYCLIST ROUTES FIGURE 3.2 2018 OBSERVED MORNING PEAK HOUR FIGURE 3.3 2018 OBSERVED EVENING PEAK HOUR FIGURE 5.1 LOCAL FACILITIES PLAN FIGURE 7.1 2023 WITHOUT DEVELOPMENT MORNING PEAK HOUR FIGURE 7.2 2023 WITHOUT DEVELOPMENT EVENING PEAK HOUR FIGURE 7.3 DEVELOPMENT DISTRIBUTION FIGURE 7.4 DEVELOPMENT ASSIGNMENT MORNING PEAK HOUR FIGURE 7.5 DEVELOPMENT ASSIGNMENT EVENING PEAK HOUR FIGURE 7.6 2023 WITH DEVELOPMENT MORNING PEAK HOUR FIGURE 7.7 2023 WITH DEVELOPMENT EVENING PEAK HOUR DRAWING ITB6205-GA-002 REV D SITE ACCESS Ref: NM/MD/AC/ITB6205-005A R Date: 25 July 2018 Page 1 Former Haulage Yard, Sewardstone Transport Statement APPENDICES APPENDIX A TRAFFIC SURVEY DATA APPENDIX B PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDENT DATA APPENDIX C EXISTING LAND USES APPENDIX D TRICS REPORT AND CALCULATIONS APPENDIX E ILLUSTRATIVE MASTERPLAN APPENDIX F STAGE 1 ROAD SAFETY AUDIT AND DESIGNER’S RESPONSE APPENDIX G DISTRIBUTION TABLE APPENDIX H JUNCTIONS 9 OUTPUT REPORTS Ref: NM/MD/AC/ITB6205-005A R Date: 25 July 2018 Page 2 Former Haulage Yard, Sewardstone Transport Statement SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION Introduction 1.1.1 E.W. Davies Farms Ltd has appointed i-Transport LLP to provide transport and highways advice in relation to an outline planning application for a residential development on land at the former haulage yard, Sewardstone Hall, Sewardstone, Essex. The site currently houses two residential units and a number of buildings associated with the former haulage yard. 1.1.2 The development will provide up to 40 dwellings on land to the west of Sewardstone Road and south of Hawes Lane. Epping Forest District Council (EFDC) is the Local Planning Authority (LPA) and Essex County Council (ECC) is the local highway authority (LHA) responsible for the site. 1.1.3 In accordance with ECC’s Development Management Policies (February 2011), this Transport Statement has been produced in accordance with the Department for Transport’s ‘Guidance for Transport Assessment’. Planning History 1.2.1 An application on the site for up to 73 residential dwellings and a 200sqm community facility or retail unit was submitted in 2014 (planning ref: EPF/1556/14). 1.2.2 Whilst the application was refused by EFDC as the LPA, ECC as the LHA offered no objection. The LHA was clear in its consultation response dated 26th September 2014 to the planning application that from a highway and transportation perspective the impact of the proposal is acceptable to them. This is detailed fully as follows: “The proposed development has been assessed against current National and County policy and safety guidelines and has been found acceptable to the Highway Authority. The applicant has submitted a comprehensive and robust Transport Assessment which demonstrates that the development will not have a detrimental impact upon the local highway network in the vicinity of the site or upon the wider highway network. There are no capacity issues associated with the development and the access has more than appropriate visibility for the speed of the road. Furthermore the developer is proposing significant highway works which will greatly improve and regulate the operation of the site access, Hawes Lane and Mott Street to the benefit of all highway users. Ref: NM/MD/AC/ITB6205-005A R Date: 25 July 2018 Page 3 Former Haulage Yard, Sewardstone Transport Statement Consequently the Highway Authority is satisfied that the development will not be detrimental to highway safety, capacity or efficiency and will improve safety and accessibility to the site and in the locality”. 1.2.3 An appeal was lodged, (appeal ref: APP/J1535/W/15/3033482), and was dismissed in September 2015. 1.2.4 The new application seeks a significant reduction in the number of residential units proposed and no longer proposes the non-residential building. Pre-Application Discussion 1.3.1 Pre-application discussions for the new scheme were held with EFDC during March and April 2018. The key points raised during the pre-application discussions, relating to transport and accessibility of the scheme, are detailed below: The reduction in the number of units from the previous application will reduce the anticipated impact of the scheme; The anticipated trip generation of the proposal may be similar to the level of vehicle movements of the existing uses. Further information regarding the changes in trip generation is required; and It is recognised that new housing development, within a District that cannot demonstrate a five-year land supply, can outweigh any concerns about locational sustainability of a scheme. Structure 1.4.1 The remainder of this document is structured as follows: Section 2 – Policy Context; Section 3 – Existing Conditions; Section 4 – Development Proposal; Section 5 – Opportunities for Sustainable Travel; Section 6 – Framework Travel Plan; Section 7 – Traffic Impact; and Ref: NM/MD/AC/ITB6205-005A R Date: 25 July 2018 Page 4 Former Haulage Yard, Sewardstone Transport Statement Section 8 – Summary and Conclusions. Ref: NM/MD/AC/ITB6205-005A R Date: 25 July 2018 Page 5 Former Haulage Yard, Sewardstone Transport Statement SECTION 2 POLICY CONTEXT Introduction 2.1.1 This section summarises the national and local transport policies that provide the context for the transport appraisal of the proposed residential development. National Policy National Planning Policy Framework (2012) 2.2.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) provides the overarching document for which all planning policy should be considered against. The specific transport policies are contained within Section 4 of the NPPF. This sets out the importance of facilitating sustainable development by reducing the need to travel and re-balancing the transport system in favour of sustainable transport modes. 2.2.2 The NPPF recognises the importance of transport policies in facilitating sustainable development. Paragraph 32 of the NPPF states that: “All developments that generate significant amounts of movement should be supported by a Transport Statement or Transport Assessment. Plans and decisions should take account of whether: The opportunities for sustainable transport modes have been taken up depending on the nature and location of the site, to reduce the need for major transport infrastructure; Safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved for all people; and, Improvements can be undertaken within the transport network that cost effectively limit the impacts of the development.” (Ref: NPPF Paragraph 32) 2.2.3 In summary, development should provide opportunities for sustainable travel; achieve safe access; and should only be prevented where the residual cumulative impact is ‘severe’. Draft National Planning Policy Framework (2018) 2.2.4 The updated draft version of the NPPF was published in March 2018. The latest draft continues the presumption in favour of sustainable development. With regard to transport, the plan states that development should ensure the following: Ref: NM/MD/AC/ITB6205-005A R Date: 25 July 2018 Page 6 Former Haulage Yard, Sewardstone Transport Statement “A) appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be – or have been – taken up, given the type of development and its location; b) safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved for all users; and c) any significant impacts from the development on the transport network (in terms of capacity and congestion), or on highway safety, can be cost effectively mitigated to an acceptable degree. Development should only be prevented or refused on highways grounds if the residual cumulative impacts on the road network or road safety would be severe.” Local Policy Essex Development Management Policies (2011) 2.3.1 Essex’s policies for managing the transport impacts of development are set out in their ‘Development Management Policies’ document (February 2011). The relevant policies to this proposal are summarised in the following paragraphs. 2.3.2 Policy DM1 provides general transport policy guidance. It requires
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