America's Favorite Circus Weekly Volume 2 July 2, 1973 Number 26 The Foreign fOUR Questionable Campaign The Wenatchee (Wash.) Youth A circus phone too* at Burien, Circus opened its 1973 season with Wash, was shut down last week (June two performances at Tacoma, Wash. 15) after they were cited for vio- on June 9th. Some 7,000 people were lation of Seattle's new charitable on hand to see the performances, solicitation ordinance. King County show director Paul Pugh reported. officials said all ticket sales are This is the student show's 21st to be stopped and then asked for a annual tour and this year they went list of buyers so money can be re- to Mexico City for a week's stand funded. starting June 17th. This is being The Jaycees, sponsors of the cir* followed by an eight week tour of cus, said they were exempt from the Europe* where the circus will be regulations because the circus is presented in Athens, Rome, Milan* not for any charitable purpose. The Munich (with the Circus Krone) and tickets even disclaim any such con- several other cities. nection. The show will return to the U. However* officials said the en- S. in tine to play Bothell, Wash. velopes that circus tickets were on Aug. 26th and Wenatchee on Aug. mailed in has what amounts to a 26-31. The final dates will Include charitable purpose. The envelope performances for the CFA Convention states that tickets will be distri- at Seattle. >|fapr-n buted to "deserving and less for- tunate children" if the purchaser desired. PLEASE NOTE Cited were Donald Anderson, pre- There ie no connection between the sident of the Jaycees and Gary San- Karl Winn'e European High-Wire derson, manager of the phone room Show and Curoporera, Inc., operated promotion* They estimated that some by John $10,000 worth of tickets had been sold. Pegs 2 The Circus Report Ae we go to press WOTES word has Just been re- Straw houses have been common oc- ceived on the folio** •» curences with Royal Bros. Circus on news items. _ their current Canadian tour. Wallace 4 Rogers Cirrus The Holter Show went on the road lost their big toe on lest meek end reportedly ie heading Friday evening (be- for eastern dates* tween shows) June.,22 Two of Wolfgang Holzmeir's lions at Wenatchee, Wash. It escaped et Little Rock, Ark. on Juft.is expected that the tent will be 16th. One was captured end the other repaired within a few days. was shot end killed* The (Mtwood Thrill Show is plan- "Dummy" Perry, a member of the ning to operate a west coast unit wall-known circus family, died of e starting next year. heart attack at Launcaaton, Aust. on The Sen Francisco, Calif* Zoo has April 19th. He was 77 years old. sold its baby hippo to Lion Country Safari In Atlanta, Ca. Troubling Time Oe Wayne Bros, Circus will report- There are plenty of problems to edly be playing dates in Alaska in get a show on the road and Fritz August. May has found that out. Ha is the The SJW Fiesta Shows played the promoter who plans to tour England Henford, Calif, fair June 13-17. with the German Clrcua Sarreasanl* Mexico's Cireo Blue haa a reported The show was scheduled to start seating capacity of 1,600 people in its British tour on Easter weekend, their big top* but unforeeeen problems developed* Mattel's "Entertainment Croup" in- The big pinstic tent, suitable for cludes Rlngling-6arnum, Radnltz-Mat- the Continent, did not conform tel end Frankfurt Communications. with London regulations. Their seles for the present quarter May tried desperately to get a ere up 21% over the same period for tent made in tine, but felled. Fin- lest year. ally en Australian firm agreed to fly in some special lightweight ma- THE CIRCUS REPORT is published each terial, which is now being made in- week by Don Warcks, 525 Oak Street. to a tent in Switzerland. El Cerrito, Calif. - 94530. The show now plena to open its Subscription ratesi $1.00 per month tour in early August. If all goes or $5.00 for six monthsj $10.00 for well the opening will be et Black- the year. Air Mail service is $2.00 heath. additional. July 2, 1973 Page 3 ers ilotel A report nere on Juna 4, 1973, its a winner that Frank and "arnica Dean (Not A winning combination of animal Barbara) were with the 1973 Royal acts, clowning and audience partlci< Wild Mast Circus was in error. The potion, plua a feature act (this popular sharpshooting stars are not yeer it'a the Wandany Family - acro- traveling with that circus. bats end Juggling) keeps the Happy- tims Circue booked the y«ar-round. Frank and Bernlca produced a whip act end rope spinning routine In addition to the show's for en Orlentel night club tour in steady route of western the Far East in 1971, than revived fairs, they play e dtools, and produced the Circus Sharpehoot- shopping centers and even ing act — ala TOM Mix -- last year. sponsored dates. As a re- Working with the Royal Wild West sult the ehow ia on the Circus end Circus Hall of Fame last road almost continuously — year* the couple did isore than 360 fro* Hid-January to late performances* December* They are currently working on a The show's rolling equip* different presentation which will be ment ia flashy with lota available in 1974. of colorful lettering anil ecroll work. The tent is The Season blue, with red and white trim, while the poles are A big crowd attended the George red, white and blue* The side well natthsws Circus at Wichita, Kens, on ie red end white. Seete are pastel June 17th, including a group of some colors, with each section being a ^0 CFA fans. Children and adults different color* The ring curb ie /ere even sitting on the ground, ma- green and white, with "happy faces" king it a real straw house. in e variety of colore end cleen Despite temperatures of 100 de- white sawdust ia uaed throughout the grees or so, there was a atrong tented area. •ind blowing most of the day. At The show has several trained dog times the wind whipped the canvas, acts, goats, ponlee and other ani- end often even made tha poles dance mals. Their latest addition ia a around a bit. baby chimp and a furry-haired Carman One fan, Velma Lowry, reports shepherds which will eoon be work- that many people left the show be- ing^ with the llama. fore it was over* she says, "that his group had work- "One Jaycee spokesman told me," ed hard for several months to sell tickets* More than $60,000 worth of tickets were sold, he reported*" Page 4 The Circus Report WOWS 'EM .... By Pat Bissonette strong When the Sells & Gray Circus was A well planned route hee been •t Long Branch, N.J. (June 17) they providing good business on a daily were sponsored by the Woodrow Wil- schedule for the John Strong Circus. son Hones Parents Assoc. Both the The show Is currently pleying in the weather and business were good* mid-west and will not be heading for the Pacific Coast area until fall. It was a tight fit for the show on a small lot, and manager Wilson "Business at Lske Tahoe was all Storey is to be complimented for good," says John. "We had turnaways at Bishop, three ehows in Ely end getting everything on the lot. fantastic business in Flagstaff,and Lively music is provided by vet- Albuquerque. However* at Amerlllo eran trumpeter Ramon Excorcie and we drew only feir crowde*" Mr* Stuart at the organ* The show's In at least three towne the ringmaster is Jon Friday, who also Strong show dey-and-dated Ringling- has the side show, while Mr. Hemm'd Barnum with no 111 effects on busi- handles the office chores. ness* In all there are some 16 display features, all with good costumes* Severel of the "big show" folks Admission price is $2.50 with an ex> were seen visiting John Strong*e tre 500 for center section seats* A circue and at one stand the entire : coloring/program book is sold for RBBB clown alley turned out* In full Just 25*. costume, and some even got Into the performance* The big top is tan, with blue . • and white sidewall, and it seats a- Elizabeth - Spanish web bout 1*200 people* The rolling Rudolph and Dora - dogs equipment is all colorfully painted Miyoehi Amato - hair hang while the cabs are red* Signer Pietro - role bola Miss Sandre - contortion is only one clown on the Hi llanos' trained monkeys show, Rerjalito, who is excellent in The Campas Sisters - unicycles a musical Comedy routine with his The Ilonas - aerlellsts wife end daughter* The Canistrelli Kide - tumblers The program as presented here Miss Oagmar, Mies Alizabeth and featured! (Hiss Wilma - swinging ladders The Suerez Troupe - riding act Ricerdo Troupe* Miss Oagmar and Pietro It Joyce - unsupported lad. Hiss Elizabeth - tight wire Inge Reichel* Mike Wudtke* and The Williams - eskimo 4 chow doge Tina Storey - Juggling Miss Oonna, Miss Martha and Buddy Baker - elephents (2) July 2, 1973 Pege 5 the end of a great day by TAD TOSKY Tour Having missed both the Hoxle and This yearns tour will take King shows when they were in the Garden Bros. Circus into some 80 Chicago area, I was fortunata to see cities over a period of 21 weeks.
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