Initial Environmental Examination Document Stage: Draft Project Number: 48434-003 September 2017 IND: Visakhapatnam Chennai lndustrial Corridor Development Program – Naidupeta Economic Zone Subproject - Providing Bulk Water Facility and Summer Storage in Naidupeta lndustrial Cluster Package Number: VCICDP/APIIC/04 Prepared by Andhra Pradesh Industrial lnfrastructure Corporation Limited, Government of Andhra Pradesh for the Asian Development Bank. This draft initial environmental examination report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Draft lnitial Environmental Examination Document Stage: Draft Project Number: 48434 September 2017 IND: Visakhapatnam Chennai lndustrial Corridor Development Program (VCICDP) Naidupeta Economic Zone Subproject - Providing Bulk Water Facility and Summer Storage in Naidupeta lndustrial Cluster - VCICDP-04 Prepared for Andhra Pradesh Industrial lnfrastructure Corporation Limited This initial environmental examination is prepared based on available data and earlier IEE oI Tranche '1. Some of the standard content included in the IEE prepared for VCICDP -03 Project has been included appropriately in the present IEE Page 1-1 APIICL ito-.,I iiitYt*"ou E-,Pd TABLE OF CONTENTS CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 08 March 20'16)..................................,................. 1-5 lntroduction 't.6 1.1 '1.2 1.3 1.4 15 2.1 Relevant Environmental Regulatjons ................2-11 2.'1.1 ADB Safeguard Policy/Categories - Environment.......... .........2-11 2.2 Social Regulations/Policies ...............................2-12 2.2.1 ADB'S Policy on lnvoluntary Resettlement, 1995........... .........2-12 2.2.2 ADB Safeguard Policy/Categories - lnvoluntary Resetflement................................2-12 2.2.3 ADB Safeguard Policy/Categories - lndigenous People...................... ....................2-13 3 Project Description 4 Desc.iption of Environment and Social Conditions 4-22 Page 1-2 Lx; f 5 Anticipated Environmental and Social lmpacts/|ssues."..........'...' ........."""' 5'36 6 Public Consultation and lnformation Disclosure 7 lnstitutional Arrangements and Responsibilities........".... .....7-44 I lnstitutional Capacity and Development 8-50 9 Environmental Management Plan 9-52 9.'1 lmpact and Mitigation Matrix during Construction Phase. ..'...... """"""""" 9-52 9.2 lmpact and Mitigation Matrix during Operation Phase........'... ............""""" 9-53 9.3 Environmental Monitoring Programme................." .""""""" 9-53 9.4 Environmental Monitoring . - . """" """ 9-54 10 Resettlement Plan (RP) 10-55 10.1 Land for Summer Storage Tank...........,.. """' 10-55 10.2 Land for Pumping Main A1ignment................... """"""""""' 10-55 10.3 Land for Construction Woris """ 10-1 10.4 Consultation with Downstream Users..'......... """"""""""""' 10-1 q-+{2Y Page 1-3 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1. Water Treatment Plan Layout........... .............3-2i Figure 4-1: Variations in Temperature ................... ..........4-24 Figure4-2: Annual Rainfall.......... ...............4-25 Figure 4-3: Variations in Mean Wind Speed ....................4-25 Figure 4-4: Variations in Relative Humidity........ .............. 4-25 Figure 4-5: Seismic Zoning Map ........... .....4-26 Figure 4-6 : Windrose Diagram ...............4-28 Figure 4-7 Monitoring Locations Map............... ................4-29 Figure 4-8: Ambient PM16 Levels ............4-31 Figure 4-9: Ambient PM2s Levels. ...........4-31 Figure 4-10: Ambient SO2 Levels. ...........4-22 Figure 4-1 1: Ambient NOz Levels ............4-32 Figure 4-12: Ambient Or Levels. ............. 4-33 Figure 4-13: Ambient CO levels ...............133 Figure 4-14: Ambient Day time Noice levels ...................4-34 Figure 4-15: Ambient Night equivalent noise |eve|s............. ..................4-34 LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1: Major lndustries in Naidupeta Cluster...... .........1-7 Table 1-2: Primary and Secondary lnformation sources......... ................ 1-g Table 2-1 Relevant Environmental Regulations. ..............2-j1 Table 3-'1: Summer Storage Tank Details.. .............:.......3-19 Table 4-1 Climatological Summary - Nellore Region ......4-24 TableL2'. Monitoring Locations...... ...........+29 Table 4-3: Ambient PM10, PM2.5, SO2 and NO2 Monitoring Data........... ..................4-29 Table *4: Ambient 03 Monitoring Data............... ............4-30 Table 4-5: Ambient CO Monitoring Data.............. ............4-30 Table 4-6: Day and Night Equivalent Noise Leve|s............ ....................4-34 Table 5-1: Potential lmpacts Screening Matrix............ ....5-36 Table 7-1:Tentative PMU Structure.................... .............7-44 rabieT-2: APllc Environmental safeguard officer Tasks and Responsibilities ........... ....................1-4s Table 7-3. lnstitutional Roles and Responsibility: Environmental Safeguards .............7-41 Table 8-1: Training Program for Environmental Management.............-... .................... g-50 Table 9-1: Environment Monitoring Plan - Construction phase ............ 9-54 Table 9-2: Environment Monitoring Plan - Operation phase...... ........... 9-S4 f, aeridlta., tiiaYawada Page 1-4 CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 08 March 2016) Currency unit - lndian rupee (Rs) Rs1.00 = $0.0149 $1.00 1NR66.9940 ABBREVIATlONS ADB Asian Development Bank APIIC Andhra Pradesh lndustrial and lnfraslructure Corporation Limited BGL Below Ground Level BOD Biological Orygen Demand BIS Bureau of lndian Standard CPCB Central Pollution Control Board DO Dissolved Oxygen DoE Department of Environment PMC Project Management Consultant EA Executing Agency EIA Environmental lmpact Assessment EMP Environmenial Management Plan EMoP Environinental Monitoring Plan ESO Environmental and Safety Officer GoAP Government of Andhra Pradesh Gol Govemment of lndia IEE lnitial Environmental Examination IMD lndian Meteorological Department IS lndian Standard MFF Multi Tranche Financial FacilitY MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forests MSL Mean Sea Level MW Mega Watt NGO Non - Government Organization NOx Oxides of Nitrogen APIIC Proiect lmplementation U nit RF Reserve Forest ROW Right of Way PMSC Project Management and Supervision Consultant SPCB State Pollution Control Board SPM Suspended Particulate Matter so2 Sulphur Dioxide SSI Small Scale lndustries NOTES (i) ln this report, "$" refers to US dollars. (ii) "lNR" and "Rs" refer to lndian rupees tilaYawada L+vAP;[iid., Page l-5 1 lntroduction 1.1 Preamble Andhra Pradesh lndustrial lnfrastructure Corporation Limited (APllC) a wholly owned undertaking of Government of Andhra Pradesh (GoAP) has a mandate to develop industrial areas across the state. APIIC has developed around 300 lndustrial Parks spread over an extent of 121,655 acres and in addition it has also developed sector specific industrial parks and special economic zones at strategic locations across the state. The proposed project is providing bulk water and summer storage in Naidupeta lndustrial Cluster Naidupeta Cluster Overview: APIIC developed the Naidupeta Cluster comprising of a Multiproduct SEZ (2,549 acres), Naidupeta lndustrial Park (1,244 acres) and Attivaram lndustrial park (406 acres). Naidupeta Cluster comes under the proposed Vizag - Chennai lndustrial Corridor (VCIC) within the yerpedu - Srikalahasti Node. Figure 1: Map location of lndustrial Clusters and Nodes of Visakhapatnam Chennai lndustrial Corridor (VCIC) ln view of the proposed VCIC and the envisaged developments, the demand for industrial land especially from engineering, pharma, textile sectors is expected to increase and in order to cope up with the developments; APIIC is planning to upgrade the infrastructure in these lndustrial clusters as per market needs. Naidupeta cluster is located 8 km west of Naidupeta town in Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh. The cluster comprises of the following estates. Page 1-6 APIIC Ltd., Vijayawada L try \'/ Name of the Estate Extent (in Acres) Multiproduct SEZ 2,549 Naidupeta lndustrial Park 1.244 406 Attivaram I ndustrial Park Table 1-1 : Major lndustries in Naidupeta Cluster (in Extent Remarks S. No Name of the lndustrY Type of lndustrY acres) Multiproduct SEZ (MPSEZ) 210 ln operation 1 M/s Greentech Manufacture of automobiles lndustries components, automobile engines & machinery ln operation 2 M/s Prime Electricals Manufacture and exPort of Power 100 Pvt. Ltd. transformers ln operation J M/s Hemair Systems Clean room technology equipment and 25 lndia Ltd. HVAC equipment and other accessories Commissioned 4 M/s Aurobindo Pharma Pharmaceuticals and Formulations 32 Ltd. lP Naiduepta 200 ln operation 1 Hindustan National Manufacture of Container Glass Glass and lndustries 60 ln operation 2 SKI Carbon Black Manufacture of carbon black and (lndia) Pvt Limited oower (bvoroduct) 54 ln operation 3 Loyala Textiles Limited Manufacture of Yarn and Fabric 5 ln operation 4 BASF lndia Pvt Limited Manufacture of Additive Mixtures 50 Yet to 5 Chemsynth Manufacture of Bulk drugs commence Laboratories construction lP Attivaram MS Billets and 100 ln operation 1 DRA lndustries Manufacture of Construction Steql- 20 In operation 2 Nithva Steels and
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