Provisional List- Integrated M.Sc B.Ed

Provisional List- Integrated M.Sc B.Ed

CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN 6th CONVOCATION *List of Students of Integrated M.Sc. B.Ed Chemistry Programme-2016 Batch. Name of Student's in Name of Student's Mother's Name in Mother's Name in S.No. Enrolment No. Father's Name in English Father's Name in Hindi Englilsh in Hindi English Hindi 1 2016IMSBCH001 Akankasha Yadav vkdka{kk ;kno Suresh Kumar lqjs'k dqekj Sunita Devi lquhrk nsoh 2 2016IMSBCH002 Akshita Agrawal vf{krk vxzoky Ramji Lal Agrawal jketh yky vxzoky Laxmi Devi Agrawal y{eh nsoh vxzoky 3 2016IMSBCH003 Biswaranjan Sahu fo'ojatu lkgw Ganeswar Sahu x.ks'oj lkgw Minati Pal feurh iky 4 2016IMSBCH005 Harkirat Kaur gjdhjr dkSj Manjit Singh eathr Çlg Hemlata gseyrk 5 2016IMSBCH007 Kritika Dogra —frdk Mksxjk Vivek Dogra foosd Mksxjk Kiran Dogra fdju Mksxjk 6 2016IMSBCH008 Minakshi Kumari ehuk{kh dqekjh Hari Singh gjh Çlg Parmeshwari Devi ijesÜojh nsoh 7 2016IMSBCH011 Reena jhuk Om Prakash vkse çdk'k Sushila Devi lq'khyk nsoh 8 2016IMSBCH012 Saavi Kaul lkoh dkSy Sanjay Kaul lat; dkSy Shakti Kaul 'kfä dkSy 9 2016IMSBCH013 Snehraj Gaur Lusgjkt xkSM+ Bhagwat Singh Gaur Hkxor Çlg xkSM+ Mithilesh Kumari fefFkys'k dqekjh 10 2016IMSBCH015 Kailash Mohar dSyk'k eksgj Bhagirath Singh Bareth HkkxhjFk Çlg ckjsB Roop Kanwar :i d¡oj 11 2016IMSBCH016 Komal dksey Dalip Kumar nyhi dqekj Shimla Devi f'keyk nsoh 12 2016IMSBCH017 Maheshwari Ghotia ekgs'ojh ?kksfV;k Bheru Ram Ghotia HkS: jke ?kksfV;k Munni Devi eqUuh nsoh 13 2016IMSBCH018 Payal Birla ik;y fcM+yk Rajkumar Birla jktdqekj fcM+yk Geeta Devi Birla xhrk nsoh fcM+yk 14 2016IMSBCH019 Priya Yadav fç;k ;kno Dharmpal Yadav èkeZiky ;kno Kiran fdj.k 15 2016IMSBCH020 Pradhumn Singh Yadav çèkqeu Çlg ;kno Sher Singh Yadav 'ksj Çlg ;kno Indu Yadav banq ;kno 16 2016IMSBCH021 Sarita lfjrk Mohan Lal eksgu yky Mathura Devi eFkqjk nsoh 17 2016IMSBCH022 Shweta Singhal 'osrk Çl?ky Umesh Kumar Singhal mes'k dqekj Çl?ky Nisha Singhal fu'kk Çl?ky 18 2016IMSBCH023 Raja Devi Jogi jktk nsoh tksxh Moti Nath Jogi eksrh ukFk tksxh Nandu Devi Jogi uanw nsoh tksxh 19 2016IMSBCH024 Sumitra Mahan lqfe=k eg.k Suresh Singh Mahan lqjs'k Çlg eg.k Manju Devi eatw nsoh 20 2016IMSBCH025 Rajani Meena jtuh ehuk Dhanraj Meena èkujkt ehuk Meera Meena ehjk ehuk *Subject to verification and 'No Dues' from respective department/section(s). CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN 6th CONVOCATION *List of Students of Integrated M.Sc. B.Ed Economics Programme-2016 Batch. Name of Student's in Name of Student's in Father's Name in Mother's Name in Mother's Name S.No. Enrolment No. Father's Name in English Englilsh Hindi Hindi English in Hindi 1 2016IMSBEC001 Mahesh Kumar Jangid egs'k dqekj tkaWfxM Om Prakash Jangid vkse çdk'k tkWafxM Manju Devi eatw nsoh 2 2016IMSBEC002 Mahima Jain efgek tSu Prakash Chandra Jain çdk'k pUæ tSu Suman Jain lqeu tSu 3 2016IMSBEC003 Monika Chauhan eksfudk pkSgku Abhay Kumar Singh vHk; dqekj Çlg Madhu Chauhan eèkq pkSgku 4 2016IMSBEC005 Raju jktw Pema Ram isek jke Soni Devi lksuh nsoh 5 2016IMSBEC006 Tasleem Khanam rLyhe [kkue Mohammad Akther eksgEen v[rj Fayman Begum Qseu csxe 6 2016IMSBEC007 Afsha Siddique v¶'kk flíhdh Iqbal Siddique bdcky flíhdh Shamshad Siddique 'ke'kkn flíhdh 7 2016IMSBEC008 Devraj Pal Jadoun nsojkt iky tknkSu Shyamendra Pal Jadoun ';kesaæ iky tknkSu Kiran Kanwar fdj.k d¡oj 8 2016IMSBEC009 Ekta Kumari ,drk dqekjh Dayanand Singh n;kuan Çlg Subhita lqfHkrk 9 2016IMSBEC010 Rajani jtuh Ramji Lal jketh yky Lilawati Devi yhykorh nsoh *Subject to verification and 'No Dues' from respective department/section(s). CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN 6th CONVOCATION *List of Students of Integrated M.Sc. B.Ed Mathematics Programme-2016 Batch. Name of Student's in Mother's Name in S.No. Enrolment No. Name of Student's in Hindi Father's Name in English Father's Name in Hindi Mother's Name in English Englilsh Hindi 1 2016IMSBMT001 Aasu Ram Jakhar vklw jke tk[kM+ Sona Ram Jakhar lksuk jke tk[kM+ Anadu Devi v.knw nsoh 2 2016IMSBMT002 Abhishek vfHk"ksd Udai Bhan mn; Hkku Sunil Devi lquhy nsoh 3 2016IMSBMT003 Arjun Singh vtqZu Çlg Amar Nath Singh vej ukFk Çlg Anamika Devi vukfedk nsoh 4 2016IMSBMT004 Divya Chopra fnO;k pkSiM+k Khan Singh Chopra [kku Çlg pkSiM+k Kailashi Devi dSyk'kh nsoh 5 2016IMSBMT005 Kartik Sharma dkÆrd 'kekZ Surender Kumar lqjsUnz dqekj Kiran Sharma fdj.k 'kekZ 6 2016IMSBMT007 Manoj Kumar eukst dqekj Prabhu Narayan çHkq ukjk;.k Savitri Devi lkfo=h nsoh 7 2016IMSBMT009 Neha Bhookar usgk Hkwdj Hanuman Prasad Bhookar guqeku çlkn Hkwdj Sumitra Devi Bhookar lqfe=k nsoh Hkwdj 8 2016IMSBMT010 Nirmal Kumar Loona fueZy dqekj yw.kk Ramdev Loona jkenso yw.kk Tiju Devi rhtw nsoh 9 2016IMSBMT011 Peeyushi Jain ih;w"kh tSu Rajkumar Jain jktdqekj tSu Nirmala Jain fueZyk tSu 10 2016IMSBMT012 Pardeep Yogi çnhi ;ksxh Krishan Kumar yogi —".k dqekj ;ksxh Vimla Devi foeyk nsoh 11 2016IMSBMT013 Vikash Kumar Bokoliya fodk'k dqekj cksdksfy;k Prabhu Dayal Bokoliya çHkq n;ky cksdksfy;k Bhagwati Devi Hkxorh nsoh 12 2016IMSBMT014 Anil Sunda vfuy lqaMk Shivpal Sunda f'koiky lqaMk Dali Devi Mkyh nsoh 13 2016IMSBMT015 Hardeep Singh gjnhi Çlg Nayab Singh uk;c Çlg Rajindr Kaur jftUnj dkSj 14 2016IMSBMT016 Kavita Joshi dfork tks'kh Prem Prakash Joshi çse çdk'k tks'kh Sanju Lata latw yrk 15 2016IMSBMT017 Komal Joshi dksey tks'kh Ramavtar Joshi jkekorkj tks'kh Vijay fot; 16 2016IMSBMT018 Pratibha Mahan çfrHkk eg.k Tarachand Mahan rkjkpan eg.k Parmeshwari Devi ijes'ojh nsoh 17 2016IMSBMT019 Ramjeet Chaudhary jkethr pkSèkjh Ramchandra Chaudhary jkepUnz pkSèkjh Rukma Devi #dek nsoh 18 2016IMSBMT020 Ravindra Singh Deval johUæ Çlg nsoy Shaitan Singh Deval 'kSrku Çlg nsoy Prem Kanwar çse d¡oj *Subject to verification and 'No Dues' from respective department/section(s). CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN 6th CONVOCATION *List of Students of Integrated M.Sc. B.Ed Physics Programme-2016 Batch. Mother's Name in Mother's Name in S.No. Enrolment No. Name of Student's in Englilsh Name of Student's in Hindi Father's Name in English Father's Name in Hindi English Hindi 1 2016IMSBPH001 Anjali vatfy Sourabh Kapil lkSjHk dfiy Hema Kapil gsek dfiy 2 2016IMSBPH002 Bhavana Avasthi Hkkouk voLFkh Gajanand Avasthi xtkuan voLFkh Sheela Avasthi 'khyk voLFkh 3 2016IMSBPH003 Hem Kanwar Rathore gse d¡oj jkBk+SM Narendra Singh Rathore ujsUæ Çlg jkBk+SM Subhodh Kanwar lqcksèk d¡oj 4 2016IMSBPH004 Krishna Meena —".kk ehuk Brij Mohan Meena c`t eksgu ehuk Lohari Bai Meena yksgM+h ckà ehuk 5 2016IMSBPH006 Ojaswi Tandi vkstLoh rkaMh Kirtan Tandi dhrZu rkaMh Chanchala Tandi papyk rkaMh 6 2016IMSBPH007 Pramod Kumar Bhardwaj çeksn dqekj Hkkj}kt Mohan Lal Sharma eksgu yky 'kekZ Premlata Sharma çseyrk 'kekZ 7 2016IMSBPH008 Rohit Pal Choudhary jksfgr iky pkSèkjh Ram Chandra Choudhary jke pUæ pkSèkjh Gita Devi xhrk nsoh 8 2016IMSBPH009 Surbhi Sharma lqjfHk 'kekZ Mohan Lal Shastri eksgu yky 'kkL=h Nanda Sharma uank 'kekZ 9 2016IMSBPH010 Swarnendu Mandal Lo.ksZUnq e.My Bibhusan Mandal fcHkw"k .k e.My Bandana Mandal cUnuk e.My 10 2016IMSBPH011 Tulchhi Ram rqyNh jke Babu Lal ckcq yky Chhoti Devi NksVh nsoh 11 2016IMSBPH012 Vikram Singh Regar foØe Çlg jsxj Nemchand Regar usepan jsxj Omwati vkseorh 12 2015IMSBPH011 Namrata Verma uezrk oekZ Rajkumar jktdqekj Sneh Lata Lusg yrk 13 2016IMSBPH013 Amita Semwal vferk lseoky Dinesh Kumar Semwal fnus'k dqekj lseoky Madhu Semwal eèkq lseoky 14 2016IMSBPH014 Anju Kumari vatw dqekjh Jageshwar Singh tkxs'oj Çlg Subhita Devi lqHkhrk nsoh 15 2016IMSBPH015 Madhavi Pachauri ekèkoh ipkSjh Devi Charan Pachauri nsoh pj.k ipkSjh Pushpa Pachauri iq"ik ipkSjh 16 2016IMSBPH016 Ramavtar Dhandha jkekorkj èkkUèkk Ramchandra Dhandha jkepaæ èkkUèkk Nosar Devi ukslj nsoh 17 2016IMSBPH017 Rajesh Kumar jkts'k dqekj Rameshwar Lal jkes'oj yky Mohani Devi eksguh nsoh 18 2016IMSBPH018 Renu Kumari js.kq dqekjh Brij Mohan Singh c`t eksgu Çlg Anita Devi vfurk nsoh 19 2016IMSBPH019 Seema lhek Tola Ram Togasia rksyk jke Vksxfl;k Ramee Devi jkeh nsoh 20 2016IMSBPH020 Shankar Ghotia 'kadj ?kksfV;k Bheru Ram Ghotia HkS: jke ?kksfV;k Munni Devi eqUuh nsoh 21 2016IMSBPH021 Shubham Dwivedi 'kqHke f}osnh Rajesh Kumar Dwivedi jkts'k dqekj f}osnh Sunita Dwivedi lquhrk f}osnh 22 2016IMSBPH022 Vishal Yadav fo'kky ;kno Jagbeer Singh Yadav txchj Çlg ;kno Pushpa Devi iq"ik nsoh *Subject to verification and 'No Dues' from respective department/section(s)..

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