TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 Volume 61, #16 The Golden Hinde: 19 AMS adventure training SEE PAGE 2 AND 3 FOR THE FULL STORY Approved Service Provider to the DND Integrated Relocation Program Royal LePage In the 2536 BROOKFIELD DR., COURTENAY Comox Valley ENJOY COMFORTABLE LIVING in this well 272 FORESTER AVE., COMOX #121-750 Comox Road, BEAUTIFUL NEW RANCHER In one Tina Vincent designed 3 bedroom rancher at “the Streams”! Jamie Edwards Personal Real Estate Corp. Featuring a nice open living area with a white Courtenay, B.C. V9N 3P6 of the Comox Valleys most sought after neighbourhoods. 3 bed, 2 bath, open concept Personal Real Estate Corp. shaker kitchen, large island, granite counter tops Bus: 250-334-3124 Tina Vincent home has everything you are looking for. 250-703-6202 plus lots of storage & counter space. Beautiful Toll Free: 1-800-638-4226 Including hot water on demand, hardi plank natural gas fireplace, hardwood thru the main 250-792-2776 Fax: 250-334-1901 siding, heat pump, stone countertops, modern Kristin Sinclare [email protected] living area & a good size master bedroom with a www.royallepagecomoxvalley.com kitchen, ensuite with heated tile and a vaulted Personal Real Estate Corp. walk in closet & 4 piece ensuite. Email: [email protected] ceiling in the great room. 250-218-5522 $569,900 www.royallepage.ca/id/457455 $629,900 www.royallepage.ca/id/453031 2 | SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 | TOTEM TIMES Totem TIMES MANAGING EDITOR Camille Douglas 250-339-8211, ext 8752 [email protected] GRAPHIC DESIGNER Gillian Ottaway Querin EDITORIAL ADVISOR Capt Brad Little DISTRIBUTION Michael Pearce The Golden Hinde: 19 Air Maintenance Squadron A Division of Personnel Support Programs adventure training 19 Wing Comox, PO Box 1000 Stn. Main, Lazo, BC V0R 2K0 [email protected] Tired eyes and eager smiles came together MCpl Lalonde at 5:00 a.m. on an August morning, ready |19 AMS | to embark on an adventure, none quite sure what the coming days would bring. Eleven members of 19 Air Maintenance Squadron, each with their own personal goals in mind, came together with one main objective: conquer the Hinde. Standing at 2,200 metres, it is the largest mountain on Vancouver Island and gains more elevation than Everest’s base camp to summit. We stepped off at the trailhead near the Westmin Copper mine, with the sun on our backs and seven days of provisions. What lay ahead were switchback, ridges, crevices and climbs - all of which the most seasoned hikers would balk at. Ascending several hours to Arnica Lake, we stopped for lunch before proceeding to the base of Phillips Ridge to make camp. The morning greeted us with favour, catching our first glimpse of the Golden Hinde and beginning our climb up the ridge to our next camp. Deciding to push our limits and test our fitness, we bypassed our pro- posed camp and proceeded on the daunting ridge to Schjelderup Lake, a mere 11 hour hike. Arriving just before dark we made camp and rested for the next day’s summit. Stripping all but the essentials, we packed our day packs and made way up Burman Ridge and the endless ups and downs, route find- ing along the way. By midday we had reached the tarn at the base of the mountain, and rested for our ultimate test. With persistence and determination we made our scramble up the The Totem Times is an unoffi- challenging loose rocks and gravel of the scree slope. Our last stop and cial publication of 19 Wing Co- mox, BC. The Editor reserves breathtaking views of the valley met us, along with a friendly visit from the right to edit copy and re- a SAR training flight. ject advertisements to suit With the weather rolling in, we attacked the summit with no delay. The the needs of the publication. high winds and thick fog were a reminder of the risks of taming such Views expressed are those of the contributor unless express- a beast, as only a brave few pushed on to the summit as the remainder ly attributed to DND, CAF, or saved their courage for another day. other agencies. In case of ty- On the decent we were met by the darkness and rain, switching to pographical errors, no goods headlamps to make our way back to camp. may be sold and the difference claimed against this paper. The Having accomplished what we had set out to do, the next few days paper’s liability is limited to a flew by. Many stops were made to take in the spectacular scenery and refund of the space charged enjoy the wildlife. Some of us even took a dip in the frigid mountain for the erroneous item. Mate- pools and lakes along the way. rial may be reprinted with at- tribution. Published 22 times In the end everyone made it home safe and sound, although with sore a year, every second Tuesday, knees and tired feet. Though the journey was long and tough, it made with permission of Col Dany us all stronger, gaining experience and developing the bonds that help Poitras, 19 Wing Commander. us make an effective team. Publications Mail Registration No.4098. Printed by Ladysmith Plans are already being discussed for our next adventure, as 19 AMS Press, Ladysmith, BC. Circula- is eager to prove that, once again, we can rise to any challenge. tion: 1800. SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 | TOTEM TIMES | 3 䌀䄀一䄀䐀䤀䄀一 䴀䤀䰀䤀吀䄀刀夀 倀䔀刀匀伀一一䔀䰀 刀䔀䈀䄀吀䔀 倀刀伀䜀刀䄀䴀 ␀㔀 刀䔀䈀䄀吀䔀 ㈀㔀䈀 䌀漀洀漀砀 刀搀⸀ 漀渀 愀渀礀 渀攀眀 䠀漀渀搀愀 䌀漀甀爀琀攀渀愀礀Ⰰ 䈀䌀 䌀伀䴀䔀 䤀一 伀刀 䌀䄀䰀䰀 唀匀 䘀伀刀 䴀伀刀䔀 䤀一䘀伀刀䴀䄀吀䤀伀一 ⴀ ㈀㔀 ⸀㌀㌀㠀⸀㜀㜀㘀 嘀㤀一 ㌀倀㠀 4 | SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 | TOTEM TIMES Silver Totems host kids’ sports camp The 24th annual kids’ sports camp, hosted by the Silver Totems Old Timers Hockey club, was held from August 19 to 24 at 19 Wing Comox. More than 100 kids in three groups between the ages of 7 and 13 spent five days in the camp, spending their days on ice, visiting various units at the wing, experiencing sporting activities, and receiving coaching in a variety topics. Participants enjoyed more than 15 ice times per group, and played a friendly inter-squad game to culminate their camp experience, sharing their newly acquired confidence with their parents. The camp is provided by the Silver Totems hockey play- ers, with assistance from the team at Glacier Garden arena and several young helpers - Silver Totems camp graduates who are giving back to the organization by providing addi- tional supervision to the kids. This huge team effort makes this camp possible every year. Soldier On donation The camp donates a portion of the revenues to the Soldier On program, supporting ill and injured CAF veterans. This year the Silver Totems donation will be in excess of $1,000. “The Silver Totems extends a heartfelt thank you to 19 Wing Commander Col Dany Poitras and to all 19 Wing units who supported the camp by organizing visits, facilitating access and transporting kids to and from their activities,” shared camp organizer Maj Francis Laplante. Registration for the 2020 sports camp will open in April 2020 – watch for the details in the Totem Times! Wing Commander becomes Silver Totems hockey club member Silver Totems president Maj Francis Laplante (left) and vice-president WO Jeff Bruce (right) present 19 Wing Commander Col Dany Poitras (centre) with a Silver Totems hockey jersey to show the team’s appreciation for the significant support 19 Wing Comox provides to their annual sports camp activities. With his own honorary jersey, Col Poitras is the newest mem- ber of the Silver Totems! SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 | TOTEM TIMES | 5 Nick was one of more than a hundred kids who attended the 19 Wing Sil- ver Totems Old Timers Hockey 24th annual sports camp from August 19 to 24. He is in his second year of novice with the Comox Valley Minor Hockey Association. Nick has been playing hockey for two years, with one year as a goalie. According to his parents, who are both serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces, Nick is aspiring to be a goalie in the NHL for the Winnipeg Jets. Q - What were you looking Q - What was the hardest forward to? part? A - Silver Totems hockey camp… be- A - The hardest part was trying to cause hockey is awesome. save the slap shots because they hurt a lot! Q - What was your favou- rite part of the camp? Q - What were the coach- A - Playing hockey again and going es like? to the pool. A - Like coaches - they made kids do push ups when we were being Q - What was the funniest too silly. part? A - When I didn’t know what team Q - Would you recommend to celebrate with after the game be- the camp to other kids? cause I had played goalie for both A - Yes! teams! Q - Do you want to go to the camp again next year? A - YES!!!! SILVER TOTEMS ATHLETE PROFILE 䄀吀吀䔀一吀䤀伀一 䴀䤀䰀䤀吀䄀刀夀 䴀䔀䴀䈀䔀刀匀℀ 䌀漀洀攀 漀甀琀 愀渀搀 琀爀礀 漀甀爀 渀攀眀 愀洀愀稀椀渀最氀礀 搀攀氀椀挀椀漀甀猀 愀渀搀 栀攀愀氀琀栀礀 匀琀漀渀攀最爀椀氀氀 䐀椀渀椀渀最 䔀砀瀀攀爀椀攀渀挀攀℀ 吀栀椀猀 甀渀椀焀甀攀 ᰠ搀爀礀 挀漀漀欀椀渀最ᴠ 洀攀琀栀漀搀 椀猀 爀攀挀漀最渀椀稀攀搀 愀猀 戀攀椀渀最 漀渀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀 栀攀愀氀琀栀椀攀猀琀 洀攀琀栀漀搀猀 愀瘀愀椀氀愀戀氀攀 琀漀搀愀礀⸀ 匀椀洀瀀氀攀Ⰰ 栀攀愀氀琀栀礀Ⰰ 搀攀氀椀挀椀漀甀猀 愀渀搀 昀甀渀℀ 䌀漀洀攀 戀礀 愀渀搀 攀渀樀漀礀 琀栀攀 戀攀猀琀 猀琀攀愀欀Ⰰ 栀愀氀椀戀甀琀 漀爀 猀愀氀洀漀渀 礀漀甀 洀愀礀 攀瘀攀爀 琀愀猀琀攀⸀ ㈀㌀㔀㔀 䴀愀渀猀昀椀攀氀搀 䐀爀⸀Ⰰ 䌀漀甀爀琀攀渀愀礀 ⨀䰀椀瘀攀 䔀渀琀攀爀琀愀椀渀洀攀渀琀 䘀爀椀⸀ ☀ 匀愀琀⸀⨀ ⨀䈀攀攀爀 愀渀搀 圀椀渀攀 匀琀漀爀攀⨀ ⨀䄀氀氀 漀甀爀 挀漀氀搀 戀攀攀爀 愀渀搀 猀瀀椀爀椀琀猀 愀爀攀 ㈀㔀 ⴀ㌀㌀㐀ⴀ㐀㔀 猀漀氀搀 愀琀 氀椀焀甀漀爀 猀琀漀爀攀 瀀爀椀挀攀猀 漀爀 戀攀氀漀眀⸀⨀ 眀眀眀⸀眀栀椀猀琀氀攀猀琀漀瀀瀀甀戀⸀挀漀洀 6 | SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 | TOTEM TIMES 19 Wing Imaging REXSPO More than 500 visitors attended the 19 Wing Comox 20th annual recreation exposition (REXSPO) on September 7.
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