Tintwistle Parish Council Newsletter September/October 2020 Tingtwisel 1369 View from the Chair In May the Parish happened this year. attempt to demystify Council should have However, this does not some of the activities held an Annual Parish prevent you - children, of the Council by giv- Meeting. This is an an- young people and ing you information nual event to which all adults -having your on current topics and residents are invited. say. Many people ap- plans. You can also The Chair of the Parish proach one of our attend a Council Council reports on the Councillors informally meeting by writing to finances and activities to raise a concern, or emailing our behalf to make Tintwistle of the Council over the complaint or, especially Clerk, Mrs Brid- and Crowden better places preceding year. welcome, their ideas for Marie Lowrie. At the to live, work and enjoy Tintwistle and Crowden the village. An individ- moment, these meet- your leisure time. Please residents have an op- ual Councillor can then ings are virtual, on do contact us. Let us know portunity to comment ask the Clerk to put Zoom. You can also how you think we are do- and raise issues which your item on the next visit our website ing and what you would they want the Council Council meeting agen- which is regularly like to see improved or to address in the forth- da. Sometimes people updated with Council developed. We have put coming year. write directly to the meeting agendas and Councillor and Clerk con- Chair or the Clerk with minutes tact details in this newslet- Because of the pandem- their concerns. ter. Thank you. ic and restrictions on Your Councillors are meetings this has not In our Newsletters we there to work on your Cllr Marianne Stevenson Our Rights of Way—Time to Act!! In the Countryside and ing the Derbyshire County But you may wish to take part Rights of Way Act 2000 Sec- Council Definitive Map and as a way of getting to know tions 53 to 56 a cut off date then actually walking or riding local routes better. was prescribed for the re- the routes in our area, looking If you are interested in joining cording of definitive maps of for blockages or footpaths and this initiative please let Mari- footpaths and bridleways bridleways that are not record- anne Stevenson or Tony Ow- created before 1949. There ed. Then a Claim can be made. ens know and we shall arrange is a cut off date of 1 January This can be done by individuals a meeting to acquaint our- 2026. We need to claim the selves with the definitive map or via a group. Tintwistle Par- and decide how to confirm the rights of way in our area by ish Council thinks it would be this date otherwise they locations of our footpaths and helpful to pull together a group bridleways. could be lost. We cannot of interested residents who take our local footpaths and could work on this together. Cllrs Marianne Stevenson & Tony Owens bridleways for granted. We We have many experienced need to record them. This is walkers in the village who done by first of all examin- know our local footpaths well. VJ Celebrations 15 August 2020 After a day of rain, it finally stopped and the sky cleared (almost) to allow the lighting of the Beacon at 9pm in order to commemorate VJ Day. The beacon was lit by Ann Rochell and Susan Brierley precisely at 9am A two minute silence led the moment followed by some traditional songs from our one and only Vera Lynn. Cllrs Shaun Grace and Allan Dyer EVENTS UPDATE WINNERS 2nd Prize Scarecrow Jade the Firefighter Covid-19 caused the cancellation 3rd Prize Competition of some Events, but The Milkman Joint 1st Prize The Scarecrow Competition Highly Commended Colonel (Sir) Tom (M’cr Rd) 13th to 19th July and and the Aldi Worker Bertie the Binman The Garden Competition Flower Power 18th July, proceeded, recogniz- Young Shoots ing the requirements for Social 1st Jonah & Rowan Collins Distancing and other safeguards. Plant Potters A great turn out for both Events 1st David Marshall with some cracking entries. 2nd Sara Scott-Rivers Prizes Awarded on Sunday 16th Bee Friendly August at the TAGA Cabin on Old 1st David Marshall Road. 2nd Jonah & Rowan Collins Monies raised from the Garden Competition (£265) split be- Small Garden/Yard tween Glossop Foodbank and 1st J Hatton Haywill Animal Rescue and pre- 2nd Shirley Goodier sented to both organisations by Large Garden Marianne Stevenson, Parish 1st Tracy & Gary Coleman Council Chair on 18th August. 2nd Richard Booth NEW RESIDENTS LEAFLET Guerilla Gardener 1st David Buddell, Jane Corkin Gradually over the next year or two we shall be welcoming Allotments a considerable number of new residents to the village, not 1st Lisa & Paul Clough only in the new Willow Gardens at the bottom of New Road 2nd Jacquie Grace but also across the Wards of Tintwistle and Crowden. It has been proposed that a ‘New Residents Leaflet’ is created This Cllr Shaun Grace will be discussed at the Parish Council meeting in October. If you have any ideas do let any one of the Parish councillors know. Thank you. Improving the look of the Village You will be noticing a few Grace has worked with con- ‘cosmetic’ changes around tractors to maintain grass cut- the village which we hope ting around the village and on CONTINUED THANK YOU TO you will welcome. Cllr the Sexton Street field. We are ALAN KENDRICK Emily Scriven has organ- working on keeping the field For his offering of the weekly ised new dog poo bins, al- free of litter and bringing back church service on Chapel Brow, ready much in use. They natural spaces. An young oak come rain or shine are around the Arnfield tree will be planted at the cen- Allotments Site where re- otaph to replace the one that WELL DONE ALAN pairs have also been done died. Cllr Grace is getting the to the gateways; at the en- benches at the Cenotaph re- trance to the Quarry area, varnished and will be installing on the Sexton Street field two new planters at the and at the entrance to ‘Viewing Gallery’ ** on Old Bramah Edge. Cllr Shaun Road. Tintwistle Allotment Gardener’s Association (TAGA) will then plant them up. If you have any other ideas of how the Parish Council can improve the look of the village, please just let one of your Councillors know. ** By what name do you know this scenic spot? Do let us know Cllrs Shaun Grace and Mari- anne Stevenson A History & Archive Group for Tintwistle? One glance at our Tintwis- when you could go to Glos- William Barbour’s little tle Then and Now site on sop Library and search booklet printed over 60 social media will tell you through their archives. Do years ago; unlike Hadfield that any number of village you think you would like to and Padfield there is no his- residents have wonderful see a history group formed tory trail in the village; se- collections of photos and where Tinslers could dis- curing National Lottery memorabilia that reflect the cuss what they would like Heritage monies would history of our village and its to do to make sure the his- help preserve or re-erect peoples. When I moved tory of the village and its old village edifices or ob- here, I had an intriguing families is not lost? For in- jects of historical interest time finding out who had stance to my knowledge Cllrs Marianne Stevenson lived in my house over the there has been no published and Tony Owens last 150 years. That was history of Tintwistle since Allotments The Parish Council’s Allot- ments Sub Committee led by Cllr Pat Jenner and including Phil Jones (TAGA) and Cllrs Tom Wynne and Jill Cross- land carried out an inspec- tion of all the allotments in August. Their report will be presented to the next meeting of the Council on 21 Septem- ber. Allotment tenants will will be informed of the fees find out which allotments for the forthcoming year need to be improved and which will need to be paid those that will become va- as soon as possible after cant. If you are on the wait- receipt of the letters. ing list, the Clerk of Council Cllrs Pat Jenner and Mari- will contact you if you have anne Stevenson been allocated a plot. After which the waiting list will be updated. Allotments tenants stan, Pakistan and Nigeria. Po- duit Street, the round bed at There may lio could just be the second hu- the bottom of Old Road and man disease to be totally eradi- under some of the trees up at be 9 million cated worldwide in history**. the Cenotaph. The crocuses The purple crocus is the Rotary will bring some early spring bicycles in Club’s symbol for this cam- colour to the village and re- paign because purple is the mind us of the Rotary Club’s Bejing but colour of the dye used to mark contribution to the ‘End Polio the finger of a child who has Now’ campaign. soon there been immunised. 4,000 crocus Please contact Marianne Ste- corms have been ordered by venson if you would like to will be Geoff Bain, Glossop Rotary, for join the planting team Tintwistle. The Glossop Rotary 4,000 Cro- Club will collect them at the end of September and present ** which was the first human cuses in them to us.
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