E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1996 No. 85 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was The headlines in this morning's where the next team of Woodward and called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Washington Times indicate how this Bernstein might be found, and one also pore [Mr. SHAW]. credibility canyon continues to widen. wonders what the results of an inves- f Lists of files may be incomplete. White tigation would bring or, given the pre- House stories face Hill questions. But, vailing advocacy of journalists in this DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Mr. Speaker, there are more than ques- town, would the book written be titled, TEMPORE tions which will emanate from this maybe ``One or Two of the President's The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Chamber and in committee. There are Low-Level Functionaries'' instead of fore the House the following commu- questions that the American people the title ``All the President's Men.'' nication from the Speaker: have about the stewardship of the Pres- It is very interesting, Mr. Speaker, to WASHINGTON, DC, idency, about the veracity of claims come here from elsewhere, to come June 11, 1996. made by this President and, again, the here from the heartland of America I hereby designate the Honorable E. CLAY disparity between the rhetoric and the and to see this dichotomy between SHAW, Jr., to act as Speaker pro tempore on reality. rhetoric and reality. Mr. Speaker, this this day. How unfortunate it is, Mr. Speaker, Congress will move to close the credi- NEWT GINGRICH, that this administration and, in par- bility canyon. Speaker of the House of Representatives. ticular, this President are not defined f by the innocent question, what can he f MORNING BUSINESS do or what can we do together to solve America's problems. Indeed, Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- CONGRATULATIONS TO THE Speaker, the question that we hear COLORADO AVALANCHE ant to the order of the House of May 12, from coast to coast and, indeed, in the 1995, the Chair will now recognize Sixth District of Arizona, is this one: The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Members from lists submitted by the How can the President explain it away the Speaker's announced policy of May majority and minority leaders for this time? What verbal gyrations, gym- 12, 1995, the gentlewoman from Colo- morning hour debates. The Chair will nastics, contortions will be brought to rado [Mrs. SCHROEDER] is recognized alternate recognition between the par- bear to put the best face on obtaining during morning business for 5 minutes. ties with each party limited to 25 min- hundreds of FBI files on members of Mrs. SCHROEDER. Mr. Speaker, I utes, and each Member other than the the Republican Party? Our President hope everybody knows what this is be- majority and the minority leader lim- would have us believe plaintively that cause if they do not, they are going to ited to 5 minutes, but in no event shall it was, ``an honest snafu.'' by the end of the day. In Colorado, this debate continue beyond 9:50 a.m. Well, he is partially right. Snafu is is gold. This is the wonderful jersey of The Chair recognizes the gentleman an accurate term. But as for the first the Avalanche who last night won all from Arizona [Mr. HAYWORTH] for 5 word mentioned, the American people of our hearts by winning the Stanley minutes. have serious questions. Cup in four straight gamesÐfour f It is a tragedy that those in the exec- straight games. And this was their utive branch fail to understand the very first season in Colorado. THE CREDIBILITY CANYON missive of Mark Twain, who wrote that Now, my district is normally a mile Mr. HAYWORTH. Mr. Speaker, I rise history does not repeat itself but it high, but today I think it is 2 miles this morning first to bring greetings to rhymes. Mr. Speaker, I read with inter- high. I cannot tell you the excitement. you and those who look in from the est the comments of Daniel Schorr, the And I know I should apologize to all of Grand Canyon State of Arizona. As liberal media commentator who to his you who are here who were awakened proud as Arizonans and indeed all credit in the wake of what transpired last night at about 1:04 in the morning Americans are of the Grand Canyon, 25 years ago during a Republican ad- when the winning goal was made, but rhetorically and in terms of actions ministration now says of this adminis- we are not going to apologize because within this city of Washington, DC, tration, what makes these people be- we think it is great that you were there is, indeed, a credibility canyon, lieve that the FBI is their private do- awakened by people from Colorado not a gap but a canyon, an main to do their private bidding in cheering everywhere. everwidening chasm between the rhet- terms of political investigations. In- In fact, we are even talking this oric of our President and the reality of deed, the challenge exists for journal- morning about renaming the Rocky his actions and inactions. ists in this town. Indeed, one wonders Mountains to the Hockey Mountains. I b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6119 H6120 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE June 11, 1996 think they are going to find that hock- 12, 1995, the gentleman from North nal Cord Injury Planning Counsel, and ey fever has taken over and is abso- Carolina [Mr. BURR] is recognized dur- on the emergency medical services lutely captivating. ing morning business for 5 minutes. task force on spinal cord injury. Gene Some of the things that I particu- Mr. BURR. Mr. Speaker, this Sunday was also very active in national neuro- larly want to point out as we talk is Father's Day, a day when millions of surgery organizations. For example, he today is this wonderful, wonderful Americans will thank their fathers for was chairman of the program evalua- team. You just heard 5 minutes of the the special role they play in all our tion committee for the 1994 Congress of same kind of thing we hear over and livesÐfor being a protector and a pro- Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting over again. The fabulous thing about vider, for being a counselor, a mentor and he had major roles in several other this Avalanche team is they have acted and a friend. On this morning, I would national meetings. as a team. I do not know if it was their like to take a few moments to share Dr. Gene Rossitch's commitment to marvelous Canadian trained organiza- with my colleagues the story of a gift- finding new ways to treat spinal injury tion, whatever, but you do not see egos ed doctor, a trusted teacher and most patients can be found in the 61 original popping out. You see them working to- importantly a wonderful father, the scientific journal publications he ei- gether and liking each other, and look story of Dr. Eugene Rossitch, Jr. ther authored or coauthored. Gene was what they did in 1 year. There may be On November 18, 1994, Gene Rossitch also the coeditor of three books. Two some real messages there for politi- drowned off a Florida beach while suc- dealt with the history of neurosurgery cians, some tremendous messages for cessfully saving his young son. I would and the third, ``A Handbook of Neuro- politicians. like to focus this morning, however, on surgery for House Officers and Medical So I think I would be remiss not to the inspirational life of Gene Rossitch, Students.'' demonstrates Gene's desire thank our wonderful neighbors to the who accomplished so much in his 35 to share his vast knowledge with his north in Quebec who helped train this years with us. fellow surgeons of how to treat spinal great team and, of course, everybody is On February 18, 1959, in Guines, Cuba, cord injuries. particularly fond of the goalie who Eugene and Carmen Rossitch were While at the Brigham and Women's happens to share my first name, but we blessed by the birth of their first child, and Children's Hospitals, Dr. Rossitch are so proud of him. But he would not Gene Rossitch, Jr. In 1962, when little supervised the research work of a num- want to be singled out because they Gene was 3 years old, his parents left ber of medical students, residents and really see themselves as a total work- Cuba with only one suitcase and their visiting research fellows. Gene also ing unit. That is kind of a novel con- wedding picture and moved the family served as a preceptor for the Introduc- cept when it comes to politics, but it to the United States. The Rossitches tion to Clinical Medicine Course at the could be something we could all learn settled in my hometown of Winston- Harvard Medical School. from. Salem, NC, where they raised Gene and I have never encountered a more im- We know today that Colorado is his four younger brothers. pressive record of service and achieve- going to be a work-free zone.
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