, CONTENTS FOR /MARCH 1953 CALENDAR - V O L. 10 N O. 3 The Magazine of Folk and Square Dancing LET'S DANCE! CALENDAR 2 OUR HOST CITIES—Santa Barbara, San Francisco 3 EMBROIDERIES AND EMBROIDERY by Charles Blum 4 YOUR COUNCIL AND MINE- 5 CROATIAN COSTUME (Yugoslavia) 6 AROUND THE SQUARE SET by Peg Allmond 7 BY OSMYN STOUT, 705 Maulsby Drive, Whi+tier TELL IT TO DANNY 8 FRANK MOORE. 2658 21st Avenue, San Francisco THE RECORD FINDER by Dave Boyce 9 FEDERATION FESTIVALS LET'S DANCE SQUARES by Jack McKay 10 MARCH 8, SUNDAY San Francisco FOLK DANCE—Los Lanceros 11 National Guard Armory Council meeting 12:30. Dancing 1:30 to 5:30, 7:30 to 10:30. REPORT FROM SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA by Paul Pritchard 13 Sponsored by San Francisco Folk Dance Council. FRESNOTES by Mary Spring 14 MARCH 15, SUNDAY Santa Barbara Santa Barbara High School YOUR CLUB AND MINE 16 Council meeting 11:30. Dancing 1:30 to 5:00. Sponsored by United Nations Youth Dancers. THE HAYLOFT SQUARE DANCE HALL .... 17 APRIL II, SATURDAY Long Beach RADIO AND TELEVISION NOTES by Fred Macondray 18 Council meeting 6:30 p.m. Municipal Auditorium Dancing 8 to 12. Hosts, Long Beach Folk. Dance Cooperative. FIRST ANNUAL FOLKLORE TOUR (part one) APRIL 12, SUNDAY Sacramento by Millie von Konslcy .... 18 Sponsored by Sacramento Folk Dance Council WHERE TO CALL 19 MAY 9, SATURDAY Walnut (5 mi. west of Pomona, I mi. west of Valley Rd.) Dancing 7:30 to 11:30- Mt. San Antonio College Gym May Flowers Festival. Hosts, Pomona Valley Folk Dancers ROBERT H. CHEVALIER, Editor Council meeting 5:30 p.m. MAY 10, SUNDAY Santa Rosa ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Sponsors, Santa Rosa Merry Mixers. Jack McKay, Frank Moore, Osmyn Stout, Phil Maron, Paul Pritchard, Danny JUNE San Diego McDonald, Peg Allmond, Kathleen Chevalier. Mary Spring. Hosts, San Diego Folk Dancers. Balboa Park OFFICERS: REGIONAL FESTIVALS President, North—Leonard Murphy, 4315 La Cresta Ave., Oakland, Calif. MARCH 14, SATURDAY San Gabriel Recording Secretary—Mrs. Sue Lemmon, 192 Fairmont Ave., Vallejo, Calif. Time 1:30 to 4:00. Dept. Rec. Hall, 250 So. Mission Dr. President, South—Hacvord Hicks, Box 728, Wilmington, Calif. Fourth Junior Federation folk and square dancers of Southern Cali- Secretary—Elmo McFarland, 177 N. Hili Ave., Pasadena, Calif. fornia, hosted by San Gabriel Dancers. Square Dance Callers Association of Northern California—Jay Balch, Presi- dent, 2002 Alameda Ave., Alameda, Calif. MARCH 27, FRIDAY Santa Barbara 8:00 to 12:00 p.m. McKinley School, 600 Cliff Dr. PROMOTION COMMITTEE: AGENTS Community Folk Dance Festival. Hosted by combined Santa Barbara clubs. Helen M. Kennedy Los Angeles Erma Weir Corvallis, Ore. Sam Smoot Petaluma Daphne Upton Los Angeles MARCH 28, SATURDAY Westwood Clarence Carlson Martinez ME My City Emerson Jr. High School, Ohio & Selby Sts., West Los Angeles Bess Redd Sacramento 8:00 to 11:00 p.m. Hosted by Westwood Co-op Folk Dancers. MARCH 31, TUESDAY Long Beach OFFICES: Silverado Club House General Office—Folk Dance Federation of California, Tilden Sales Building, 8:00 to 11:00 p.m. Hosted by Silverado Folk Dancers. Room 521, 420 Market St., San Francisco: SUtter 1-8334. Party night and exhibitions. Advertising, Circulation, Subscriptions—Federation Office above. MARCH 27, 28, 29 Kansas City, Missouri Business Manager—Wm. F. Sorensen, 94 Castro St., San Francisco, UNderhill National Square Dance Convention. 1-5402. For information write Zane Hensley, 4163 Holly St. Editorial—1382 San Anseimo Ave., San Anselmo, California, GLenwood APRIL 8, 9, 10, II St. Louis, Missouri 4-2550. 18th Annual National Folk Dance Festival. Publication—435 Alma Street, Palo Alto, California. DAvenport 5-3294. For information write Sarah G. Knott. 4041 Washington Ave., St. Louis OTHER EVENTS LET'S DANCE! Is published monthly by the Folk Dance Federation of California. MARCH I, SUNDAY Fullerton Subscription price: $2.50 per year. Foreign, $3.25 per year. Dancing I :30 to 5:30. Sunny Hills Square Dance Barn Re-entry as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Palo Alto, California, Hosted by Sets Out of Order. (I mi. north on Hwy. 101) applied for, under Act of March 3, 1879. MARCH I, SUNDAY Bell COVER AND CONTENTS COPYRIGHTED 1953 BY Dancing 1:30 to 4:30. Terry's Hayloft, 4215 E. Florence AVI Contradanse Workshop for folk and square dancers. THE FOLK DANCE FEDERATION OF CALIFORNIA (Continued on Page Fourteen) LET'S DANCE! Most CitlCS - Santa ftarbara, San francisco them by their able and popular leader, SANTA BARBARA former Federation President Bill Her- SAN FRANC/SCO low. "~T~HE San Francisco Folk Dance Coun- LANS for the March folk dance fes- Dorothy Evans, secretary of Larry tival in Santa Barbara on Sunday, J oil's annual Federation Festival will Hoyer's group, the Terpsichoreans, be held at the San Francisco Armory P March 15, from 1:30 to 5:30, are writes that they are preparing a produc- now in full swing. Arranged to guarantee on March 8. A mammoth folk dance get tion number with the intriguing title of together such as this affair takes much a go'od time for everyone, the program Montmartre After Dark. will include some forty dances, simple, planning and work, and we have some In addition to these, the hostesses are of the workingest, joiliest, capable folk intermediate and advanced. Square danc- hoping that the well-known Bavarian Ty- ers will hear their squares called by to see that this job will be done! roler Zither Club and the Mildred and Booths will be set up by individual Newell Renaux, Marjorie and Osmyn Kramer Walter Dancers, who were so Stout, and Harvard Hicks. clubs depicting their history, costumes ver}r well received for their outstanding and activities. Randy Randolph, that The seventh birthday of the California presentations for the Santa Monica fes- Folk Dance Federation presents an an- bearded chap, will be general chairman. tival in December, will be able to in- Randy states for those from out of town niversary theme for decorations. The clude this festival in their busy sched- masters of ceremonies will be past presi- that there is lots of easy parking. All the ules. Mission street buses stop right in front dents of the Federation, Allen Pelton, Santa' Barbara's many folk dance and San Francisco's famous restaurants Harold Comstock, and Bill Herlow, and clubs will also be well represented at the present President Harvard Hicks. March festival. On hand will be the are near at hand. The San Francisco Intermissions will provide the oppor- United Nations Youth Dancers of Folk Dance Council extends a hearty welcome to its friends from near and far. tunity for exhibitions b)' a number of Santa Barbara High School, which was groups. Since the hostesses for this fes- A bit of background on use of the founded five years ago as a service club. Armory building comes from Florence tival are a group of high school girls, Under the direction of Elizabeth San- McMurray. It was in 1946 that the Folk the United Nations Youth Dancers, they ders, this group performs dances for want to have youth groups well repre- Dance Council realized that the use of local societies and participates in vari- San Francisco's Civic Auditorium was sented in these exhibitions. They them- ous community projects. selves plan to present two picturesque Also present will be members of the both too costly and too small for the large numbers of folk dancers that at- Mexican courtship dances—the Jarabe Santa Barbara Folk Dance Club, the tended these festivals. Then came the Pateno from the state of Coahuila and city's oldest, founded seven years ago one of the numerous versions of the and today presided over by Jack Lau- idea to try to secure the Armory. The Fun Club, hosts of the March 1946 fes- Jarabe Michoacano from the state of ters, and the Recreation Center Folk Michoacan. Both of these dances were Dancers, an intermediate group whose tival, took the initiative to contact those studied by their teacher, Elizabeth San- president is Frank Cole. Without ques- in charge. After much correspondence ders, last summer when she'was a stu- tion, members of Dorothy and Jack with Captain Blanco, who took the mat- dent in La Escuela Interamericana de Lauter's own Wednesday night work- ter to the Adjutant General, who in turn Verano in Saltillo, Mexico. Recordings shop group will be present. advised a letter be directed to the Board of the music for these dances are not of Directors in Sacramento, clearance Festivities will take place in the boys' was finally secured. A lease arrange- available and will have to be cut from gymnasium at Santa Barbara High ment for a nominal sum for 24 hours' manuscripts for piano. School located at Anapamu and Quar- Newell Renaux, one of Santa Bar- use was made. The Armory has the larg- antina Streets. The school may be est floor space of any building in the bara's favorite square dance teachers reached by driving one mile east on and callers, has promised that his junior state. Anapamu from Highway 101. A large A military motif was decided upon. high school group will be present to en- parking area is available. tertain with their square dancing. Colonel Colossal, the dance indicator a Also representing the host city in the The U.N.Y. Dancers want to see you mere 28 feet tall, and the largest ever exhibitions will be the folk dance group all there, and guarantee you a good designed, was made by Arnold McMur- from the Santa Barbara branch of the time.
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