Comic Section In F o u n d e d Local Edition I N 1 8 6 9 •7th YEAR —4th WEEK Three Sectj^m MATAWAN, N. J.. FRIDAY, JULY 26, U35 18 Paget Thi* Issue Five Cents Single Copy, Mat. Township Police-Fire Calls Steady Stream Former Resident Here Scores Gaming Charge FORMALLY ANNOUNCES Crook Hearing When the police ee/Sre depart­ Residents Will ment I* needed la eaae of an t n emergency or fire la the Boro of Of Witnesses Find” In The Rare Book Field On <Fin Gamiesf Has Sectional Matawan, Instead aftafclnr time Have Beach Use te look op tetepheae numbers, Called Baseless Interest Here tell tbe operator yoa want to re­ In Weber Trial Alfred F. Goldrmith, mio Knows Hit First Editions, port a Bn or jam want the po­ t*gi Will Be blued By lice, It will save time, confus­ Called B y'p^th Sideg In Upset Calculations Qf Bibliographers With Discov­ Sloat Sayi Inveitigr.tion W ai Relieved Of Office By, ion and avoid delay*. There la Police; Decide On Move T * * ° ery Of First American 44Alice In Wonderland" Mayor Currie; Then , no one on doty at the boro hall Hearing; Attorney! Reveals No Use Of Gamb­ After Morrisey-Com- ~ r between the hoon of 9 p. m. add Hindi* Defenie’s Cate runner of the modern adding ma­ ling Devices In Boro; Acting Prosecutor; ' mittee Conference I a. m. the follewlag morning. At H » u Saturday A Keyport summer resident, Al­ chine. The date of the patent is­ Brot Up At Council Ssntenelli Desth ! AU ealh made doring that time fred F. Goldsmith, who with hla sued tor the computer given ln the are received at Chief Edwin C. wile spends week-ends at 161 ad was listed as M arch 10,1868. Oold­ PAMBKORDINANCE Sloai's residence. APPEAL threatened Broadway, Keyport, recently smlth concluded Irom this that FIRE-ALARM DELAYED” PROBE I chanced across one of the greatest the advertisers would not be In­ Indications Are That It Lewis Carroll “finds" ln twenty-live viting their readers to Inspect or HORSE DESTROYED IN Weber Announce* Convic­ years, aocordlng to book authorities. purchase a novelty not of current Boro Vote* Installation Of Sergeant Earl C. Wilson Will Be Passed After tion Be Fought; Mr. Ooldsmltti. In the buainesa vintage. Phone System; Warn Tells Commiision; Form* world, operates a rare bookstore at MADISOHBARN BLAZE And then the “chance" angle en­ Minor Changes; Meet­ M o r e H o u r s 49 Lexington Avenue, New York, Csr Speederi; Boot­ er Co. Detective Hat At £*»ht tered Into the proceedings. A few specialising In first editions of Eng­ ing It Harmonious days after the paper bound "Alice" Yet To Testify Many Companies Battle A T»k*n For Djgpoul lish and American literature. leggers Harried cime Into Mr. Ooldsmlth'a posses­ Stubborn Nite Fire Wed­ Some months ago Mr. Ooldamlth . Tha Matawan Townahlp Commit- sion a stranger entered his estab­ The question of bagatelle ntn- Testimony In the trial of Harry All day ^ llird iV ' *lth 11,0 tem ­ came Into poss>'ilon of a paper toe, mettlng at the Townahlp Hall, nesday; House Saved lishment bearing a small package. chlnct which return &1uh» nnrt rnln perature on the 0,|lsido E c h in i bound copy of 'V.llce'a Adventure* H Crook, suspended chief of Mon­ Holding out the package the to the player as prises bclnu oper­ Atlantic Avenue, Tunsdoy nit*, de­ •0 * poC*tc<* and "Welter­ In Wonderland.'1 The particular mouth County detective*, who w u At 10:30 o'clock Wednesdiy nlte, ing courts001*! *l the Matawan stranger said; ated Illegally ln tile Boro ot Mam- cided thit a proposed ordinance Mrs. Angellno Pagann and her volume that Mr. OoidsmUh chanoed relieved of his cfBce laat year by Boro uB|l listened to * steady "Would you like to buy this early wan, was raised at Tueaday nlte'.* whleh had been drawn up to regu­ family were aroused from their across had the appearance of the stream 0( *ltnr#s hi th« c«#e m adding machine T I need two dol­ regular meeting of the tioro council. tlie then Acting Prosecutor Edward late parking on varloua a'.reet* in dime novel boyhood favorite "Tlie sleep hy the stamping of horse's which Chester ^ber. bmke* lars." Tlie Issue arose when r-nnt.nl pres­ W. Cm liu, Matawan, wno had been hoofs In tlielr barn feet frcm Liberty Boys of 18" series. Ac­ the Ollffwood Beach section would 100 m ster, A'-!»'«|» A'.'Biuc, ident R L. Cattail, serving ns act­ appointed alter the removal ot the large Pagano farmhouse. Tlw cording to reports, tlie text, begin­ Whm the coni.ntn of the pack­ TOM RYAN WILL BE be'paaaed alter Edward Farry, Jr., ’t'ownaiiij,. ^».s lu|ni(l »u 'lty ol ning on IMR* Iwo la printed Iii three age wnn iIW IiimhI u was found that ing mayor In the absenre or !Cd~ Prosecutor Jonas Tumeii, slid Into non rushed (o the wlnduw ami naw drunken (lrlvlliB nn Mul” Btreet, ward W. Ourrle, who waH rnpoitcd townahlp attorney, had been given the bam cnKulird In tlnme.s. Ilo columns ftnrf numevmi* Temilt>l Il­ ll w<» Identically tlio name machine SHERIF CANDIDATE Its flfth day yesterday and names the necessary time to make minor the pi'ccrd111* Ti»i*r«li»y. lustrations lire nciiitpiml thru It ndverll.sed In V lice " On the bark out ol town oil liunlneka, stntrd thnt wllli oilier members of the family The rnrS irleii ^.foro ro - he l)u(1 received n telephone mil nnd places familiar to this taction out, to tUc biun mul wua The render I* comiM'lled tu nvtke the machine hole the patent <1nte amendments. A ballilni; ordinance rorclcr Hur13' llolti-. 8r, Wf'bPr, wll*1 liimi Mayor Currie thnt dny con- Cliffwood Man Will Make continued to be drawn Into the pro­ which would have prevent'd iiiiyimo, u v lu reactm n cow bill could nut eniUunlnu lcn|ia to other i n w <>l MsitIi 10. IBtlll Mr. (lnldainllh lost 111 wna by attorney11 It.ilph cmiliiu the regiilntlon of thn inn- ceedings. Crook Is being given a net over to tlie at ill to release llio the hunk, und frrqurnlly unrrlatcd little t linn tn romplHlug the tran- Run ln Democratic Pri- Including township residents, iroiu llcuaer, ,>( Mm„\tfi*n, sn[i Upiix-r' uhlnr.’i by the boro council. licsring before the Civil Service going bathing from any bc-ich nr horse due lo the Intense lient, llller.i life Inserted nt the rncln o| aactlon nn,I necurhiK the ninchlne. mariei; Independent ltotlK'uiwrK. «>i K ryw ri, IIii*hI hmtnllniente It. wnn iiiililisheil by Other teatn were applied hy Mr. Whm President Oartan lirol, up CmimlMlon to show cause why Its privately owned proiicrty was IhkI Haines nml smoke; thc itinmnl wna taoo mm )iP* iifnii.se revokod l«r two .lesM* lliinry fit. (Jn„ of New York. Ooldamlth mid all eeenied to ntvuire tlir point, a spectator 111 attendiiiice should be reinstated to hi* former over without any action Ueinit tnk- bunietl to death. your/I «n,.r **’out e1®1'! liotsfa Ucni ' ’I'liiiiuii.'i 11. Ilvini. linn nunotinrcd AppHieutly tlie m l lie text (a re- llmt hla ni'Ulnnl surmise In re­ Mated th st lie knew of aeverul plnc- IMMltlOII. •n. It wan dcclded, however, Hint A member ot tlw p«mti<i tamlly hlinsplf fta nn Independent candi­ Inn ot KiHll,,itiny. M«j,(1r K'lward Prixlueeil aave for llio Inst live para- gards tn the publication dnle were ns In town where the iiinchluca Ciook was deposed frrjii his of­ townalilp rcAldenU would Im* iwr- and a neighbor ncnt In » rciiciiiI date for sherlf ol Mnmniiuth Ooun- W, Ciiicip, H' the c"l'«dty ot bor<' Sraplis However, llie hrenk Pi no correct and that (lie much tatlnird were operating under the uiilne nf fice after an Investigation uf the miMed tlie (roe use o( the bcneh at alarm nnd nearby fire companies Mlorney **'« prOw'0Ullim. 1.v, luttowlnii a moveineut InaUtuted paper bound "Alice" In lilt |x«m s - games nf eklll. When thn I’luuge famous Nauglirlght committee, ap­ th e end of Ollflwood Avenue. rcaixuHlod. First to the scene o( way ninrn the contlniilty cf tliff In liu liehnlf som e niunllis «i<i. Jmmpt||i»teW „ft« r u w »cnirnC(i alon actually did outdate any pre­ wss made Oartan asked If the pointed by the legislature, had, At the meeting, attended by the fire was from biurence Harbor, story, rnnple who lisve Insiiectld lie W«s txiru In Ollffwood, Mata- w as' Pftmolin'!*d -h011' the acIcnd' vious similar volume ao tar d is­ lator would "prefer chargen ngaliuil found alleged Intimate connection* OtiirlM Morrlsey. of the realty Arm then Oak ShidM , Ollffwood, Wnuli- tlie volume niy that (tie p»|>er Is *f wnn Township, April 11, IM*- He ant'a sttorr1"^ w«re on their |oet covered. In fact the Keyport sum ­ llie ratabllslunent In which the between Crook and membera of th* Morrlsey Se Walker, and Howard Inglqp Engine of Matawan, Fre­ aileh w retehql quality “Uutl th e attended the publlo tehoola ot Ollff­ and th at tueY Viuuld •ll but total annihilation nr tltla mer resident eatabl tailed hla oaao gambling devices were aupi>osed lu county underworld. The formtr Wi Roberta, New Monmouth, act­ neau and Uhaowquikc, wood snd Mstawan until his fif­ nubmlt an animal within three ttaya ao tlioroly th at he wa* auecsaafiil In be operating." Tlie man speaking detectives hearing began Monday ing aa attorney for the developen, most fragile of 'Allocs' is not fo teenth year when ha became em­ The flte companiea fought the to IM t Mirt tit efto t« and ‘lineal- from the floor Indicated he wan un­ and oontlnuad every d*y thl* wtek.
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