New York State Horse Council Volume 23Our Mission: “To create a strong unified voice for all interests toward the preservation of a future for horses in NY State.” Number 3 Summer 2017 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Equine Inherent Risk Gaining Steam Inherent risk legislation made the best progress, mittee. There are no floor votes scheduled for either ever, in the legislature this year. At this writing, As- piece of legislation so it’s still unlikely either bill will sembly bill A559 (Safety in Agricultural Tourism) pass again this year, BUT there is hope. If the equine made it out of the Judiciary Committee with only industry is going to get this protection, your help is 2 negative votes and was reported out of the Codes still needed. Please call, visit or write your Assembly Committee with only 3 negative votes. It advanced to member and Senator and ask them to support these its third reading. The comparable Senate bill, S1152, bills and give our industry a bit of added protection. advanced to its third reading in the Judiciary Com- NYSHC Visits Albany On May 16, nine NYS Horse Council Board members riculture and Markets and our State Veterinarian, Dr. representing the Southeast, North, and Central regions David Smith. Here, we had a very open discussion visited 14 legislators including Chairs of the Assembly about infectious disease management and what Ag & and Senate Judiciary and Agriculture Committees. Ev- Markets is doing to reduce risk in New York and how ery one of them heard us speak about key bills impor- the NYSHC can help them. A large proportion of bad tant to the equine industry – including equine inherent things are coming in from horses brought into New risk. All of them were sympathetic to our plight but York from other states. It is hard to control this given were consistent - WE MUST KEEP THE PRESSURE the resources needed to check every animal on the road. ON OUR LOCAL LEGISLATORS. They were pleased It is incumbent on everyone one of us to make sure ev- that we came to visit them and speak directly about our ery horse that is bought or sold has a health inspection concerns. A lot of those folks don’t have farm experi- and is in good health. We will be partnering with Ag ence. They need to hear our concerns in our words. & Markets in the future to help educate our members Our second stop was at NYS Department of Ag- and the general public about the disease management. Legislation Impacting the Equine Industry During our legislative visit we spoke on legislation 2. “Commission on Retired Race Horses” (A4167–Pret- which will impact our equine industry. Below is a brief low): There is no comparable Senate bill. It creates a explanation of each bill with respective Assembly and commission appointed by the Governor and Legislature to register and track race horses moving from the track Senate numbers. into the recreational or therapeutic uses. This bill serves 1. “Safety in Agricultural Tourism Act” (A0559-Woerner/ a very important purpose of trying to manage and care S01152-Ortt): The Senate bill is in the Judiciary Commit- for unwanted and retired animals and we support those tee and is awaiting action. The Assembly version is out efforts. However it does have some issues concerning, of the Judiciary Committee and is in the Codes Commit- cost, administration, implementation and management. tee. This bill extends protections now given to ski areas The NYSHC has expressed neither support nor op- to commercial farms. It is not a cure-all for the equine position to this bill and would like to see some of the industry. As presently worded, it only applies to equine concerns worked on. places which meet the farm definition, but it is a start. see President page2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE CONTUNUED FROM PAGE 1 www.nyshc.org 3. “NY Bred and Wholly Owned Harness Races” (A4448-Pretlow/S00999-Bonacic): OFFICERS This bill creates a class of races in which only horses bred in NY or wholly owned President ......................Stephen Ropel 518-366-8998 [email protected] by people in NY may enter. The intent with this bill is to create more opportuni- Exec Vice-President: ...Jeannette Dietrich ties for NY horses to race. Nearby states now have such races where a NY horse 518-526-0718 [email protected] cannot enter yet NY races are currently open to all horses from any state. It gives Treasurer: ....................Missy Whittington 716-655-2045 [email protected] more racing opportunities to NY horses which therefore gives more chances to Recording Secretary: ..Lorraine Van Luven NY breeders and owners to earn more money. 315-569-4643 [email protected] Past Presidents: ...........Marsha Himler 4. “An Act to Amend Buster’s Law” (S4038-Tedisco): There is no comparable As- 518-664-8370 [email protected] sembly bill. This bill has good intentions by strengthening penalties and restrictions President Emeritus: ....Col. George King (USA Ret.) on people who abuse or misuse any animal. Its major drawback is to reclassify President Emerita: ......Diane Jones equine as a “companion animal” or “pet”. Although we support the intent of this REGION VICE PRESIDENTS legislation and encourage stronger penalties for animal abuse, we oppose moving Capitol:.........................vacant seat equine from being considered “farm animals”. Removing equine from a “farm .......................................... animal” classification may have impact on tax and agricultural benefits and protec- Central: ........................Gary Slate 315-638-4868 [email protected] tions currently enjoyed as well as how we may care for our horses in the future. Finger Lakes: ..............Susan Knauer 585-413-3775 [email protected] DO SOMETHING TO BREAK THE HOLD OF TRIAL LAWYERS Mid Hudson Region ....Chip Watson 845-220-7857 [email protected] ON EQUINE INHERENT RISK. Northern: .....................Karen Lassell 518-845-7121 ext.120 [email protected] Visit this link for the NY Farm Bureau e-lobby site to advocate for Southeast:.....................Alison Clarke 602-300-3711 [email protected] nherent risk relief legislation: Southern Tier: .............vacant seat http://capwiz.com/nyfb/issues/alert/?alertid=71304646&type=ST&show_alert=1 .......................................... Western: .......................Lissette Ruotolo 203-809-9559 [email protected] Send a letter to your legislators – NOW. DIRECTORS BY REGION Stephen Ropel Capitol:.........................Teresa Passaretti President 518-466-6284 [email protected] Metrics ..........................Laura Schreiner [email protected] 518-366-8998 518-207-5367 [email protected] Central: ........................Sharon Young Slate 315-638-4868 [email protected] .......................................Dan Gruen 315-749-8086 [email protected] When you join the New York State Horse Council you Finger Lakes: ..............Dru Malavese 585-657-7053 [email protected] …become part of a strong membership, joining together for the welfare of our horses ........................................ • Opportunity to become actively involved in the future of horses and horse sports in NYS ....................................... ....vacant seat • Insurance: $1M personal liability insurance for each General Member Mid Hudson Region: ..Shannon Budnik 845-436-7669 [email protected] • Eligibility for $1000 scholarship at several equine programs at NY State colleges .......................................Mark Gisselbrecht 914-443-5966 [email protected] • Discounted fees at NYSHC Annual Trail Rides and Competitive Trail Riding Clinic Northern: .....................vacant seat • Quarterly the NYSHC Newsletters and discounted advertising fees ........................................ • Link to your website on the NYSHC’s website at www.nyshc.org .......................................vacant seat ........................................ • 15% discount on all High Visibility North America merchandise Southeast: .....................Jacqueline Osborn • Participation in the American Horse Council (AHC) ADVANTAGE Plan - giving substan- 914-826-7347 [email protected] cial savings through local dealers on products/services (some are shown) from its Official .......................................Joanna Sasso 516-922-8245 [email protected] Suppliers. Visit www.horsecouncil.org/Advantage_Plan.php or call 866-678-4289 Southern Tier: .............Wendy Wakula 607-849-6042 [email protected] .......................................vacant seat ....................................... Western: .......................Barb Cunningham New York State Horse Council Mission Statement 716-735-3529 ................ [email protected] .......................................Mary Szarek We are New York’s equine volunteer umbrella organization devoted to creating a forum in 716-837-3761 [email protected] which horsemen of diverse interests can use their “horsepower” to guarantee a future of horses, horse sports, trail development, land use and horse-related businesses in NY State. At large: .......................vacant seat ........................................ Our membership consists of individuals, equine organizations, stables
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