06-2805 PINK Mchigan Department of Education Rev. 10101 OFFICE OF BUDGET, CONTRACTS AND GRANTS GRANT AWARD APPROVAL FORM I - 1. OffIcialName of GrantProgram: Date_. of SBEapproval of grantcriteria ,- 5/10/05~.._~~ 2005-2006- UnitedStates Depl of Agriculture(USDA) Fresh Fruitand Vegetablep~ (FFVP) ~Initial OAmendment DContinuation (years) (title) (type) LegislationAuthorizing this Grant Program: The Child Nutritionand WIC ReauthorlzatlooAct of 2004 (Public Law 108-265)authorized the USDAto fund a FFVPin 25 elementaryor secondarysmoos. ~Federal GrantCFDA Number10.582 DState Grant DOther rlvate, Foundatloo .. Type and Purpose of Grant Program: (check one) To make free fresh fruits and vegetablesavailable to studentsthroughoot the sd)Od day in 1 or more areas ~Competitive designatedby the school. 0 Formula DOther (specify) 3. SBE Priorities and Policies that this Grant Program Supports: (check all that apply) ~ties ~ DOther Dlntegrating Communitiesand Sd1oo1s DBuilying DElevating EducationalLeadership DCharacter Education (specify) DEmbracing the InformationAge ~Creating EffectiveLearning Environments DEnsuring Early ChildhoodLiteracy DFamlly Involvement DEnsuring ExcellentEducators DSafe Schools 4. Grant Categories (if not described In Item 2): NOT APPLICABLE 5. Target Population to be Served by Grant: Studentsat 25 publicand privatesdtools locatedthroughout the Stateof Michigan. Theseschools represent a mix of schools,elementary and secondary.large and sma" urbanand rural, with differentpercentages of free and reducedprice lunch counts. 6. Total Funds Awarded: $1,158,012 (Theseschools ~re selectedfor awardrecommendations by a competitiveprocess. The award amountis a USDA-<leterminedallocation.) 7. AI sd\ooIs participating in the National SchOO Lunch Program in the State of Michigan were eI~bIe to apply - 8. Description of Priorities Given to Any Specific Population or location: APPUCABLE ~ !.!!1i! ~ Grants COO"dinationand Sd1OOI SdlOOIMeals Program Support LS~LS ~; ~~ Depf Supf for Anmin INSTRUCTIONS: A Completeitems I-lOon this fonn. The GrantsAdministration Unit will facilitate completionof items 11-14. B. Attach three (3) setsof Exhibits A, B, and C. Exhibit A ---List of applicants(alphabetical order) recommendedfor funding, the amountrequested, the amountrecommended, and a three to five sentenceabstract of the proposal. Exhibit B--List of applicants(alphabetical order) not recommendedfor funding and the amounteach requested. Exhibit C---Map of Michigan indicating the location of recommendedapplicants. Attach the grant award letters for the Superintendent'ssignature and the non-awardletters for the ServiceArea Director's signature. The letters should be submittedin the sameorder given in Exhibit A and/or B. For eachfinal Grant Award Notification letter, a Grant Award Notification form (yellow sheet)also needsto be submittedfor the Superintendent's signature. D. Transmit Grant A ward Approval Fonn (pink), attachments,and lettersto the Grant Administration Unit. ExhIoit A GrantsCoordination and School Support FreshFruit and VegetableProgram Applications Recommendedfor Funding 2005-2006 The awardamount is a USDA-determinedallocation. Amount of Recommended School District School.Name Funding Adrian City SchoolDistrict Garfield ElementarySchool $ 28,651 Alpena Public Schools SanbornSchool 22,823 AuTrain-OnotaPublic Schools AuTrain-OnotaPublic 4,400 Brighton Area Schools ScrantonMiddle School 11,111 Brimley Area Schools Brimley School 39,078 CarsonCity-Crystal Area Schools Crystal ElementarySchool 13,546 DearbornCity School District Iris BeckerElementary 22,741 Detroit City SchoolDistrict Denby High School 202,941 Detroit City SchoolDistrict William BeckhamAcademy 110,501 FarmingtonPublic SchoolDistrict FlandersElementary 20,524 Flint City School District HolmesMiddle School 47,451 GrandRapids Public School Harrison Park Elementary 36,204 Hale Area Schools Hale ElementarySchool 41,458 Holland School District West Middle School 44,824 Huron Valley Schools LakelandHigh School 114,195 Inland Lakes Schools Inland LakesMiddle School 25,696 JacksonPublic Schools Amy Firth Middle School 12,314 L'Anse Area Schools Sullivan ElementarySchool 66,333 LansingPublic SchoolDistrict Hill Center 34,973 Leland Public SchoolDistrict Leland Public Schools 34,809 ManisteeArea Schools JamesMadison Elementary 18,389 Mt. Morris ConsolidatedSchools CentralElementary School 51,392 SaugatuckPublic Schools DouglasElementary School 32,674 Taylor School District Taylor ParksElementary 34,480 Tri- Valley Academy Tri- Valley Academy 26,435 Exhibit B GrantsCoordination and School Support FreshFruit and VegetableProgram ApplicationsNot Recommendedfor Funding 2005-2006 The award amountis a USDA-determinedallocation. School District School Name Academyfor Business& Technology Academyfor Business& Technology Adrian City School District Adrian Middle School 7/8 Building Adrian City SchoolDistrict Adrian Middle School 5/6 Building Adrian City SchoolDistrict Adrian High School Alcona Community Schools Alcona ElementarySchool Allen Academy Allen AcadeJnY Allen Park Public Schools Allen Park Community School Allen Park Public Schools LindemannElementary School Allen Park Public Schools Allen Park High School Allen Park Public Schools Arno ElementarySchool Alpena Public Schools BesserElementary School Au Gres-SimsSchool District Au Gres-SimsElementary School Au Gres-SimsSchool District Au Gres-SimsMiddle and High School BaragaArea Schools Pelkie ElementarySchool BaragaArea Schools BaragaArea High School BaragaArea Schools Philip LatendresseSchool Bay City SchoolDistrict EastsideMiddle School Bay City SchoolDistrict WenonaCenter Bay City School District CentralHigh School Bay City SchoolDistrict WashingtonElementary School Big RapidsPublic Schools Big RapidsHigh School Brighton Area Schools Maltby Middle School Brown City Community Schools Brown City High School Brown City Community Schools Brown City ElementarySchool BuenaVista School District Henry Doerr CDC Byron Area Schools Byron Area High School Byron Area Schools Byron Area ElementarySchool B~on Area Schools Byron Area Middle School CarrolltonSchool District Carrollton Middle School Carrollton School District Carrollton High School Carrollton SchoolDistrict Carrollton ElementarySchool Carrollton School District Carrollton City ElementarySchool CarsonCity-Crystal Area Schools CarsonCity ElementarySchool 1 School District School Name CenterAcademy CenterAcademy CesarChavez Academy CesarChavez Middle School CesarChavez Academy CesarChavez High School CesarChavez Academy CesarChavez Academy ChesaningUnion Schools ChesaningUnion High School ChesaningUnion Schools ChesaningMiddle School ChesaningUnion Schools Big Rock ElementarySchool ChesaningUnion Schools Albee ElementarySchool ChesaningUnion Schools Brady ElementarySchool Crawford AuSableSchools Grayling High School DearbornCity SchoolDistrict Duvall ElementarySchool DearbornCity SchoolDistrict William Ford ElementarySchool Detroit City SchoolDistrict University Public Detroit City SchoolDistrict CarletonElementary School Detroit City SchoolDistrict Logan ElementarySchool Detroit City SchoolDistrict Pulaski ElementarySchool Detroit City School~istrict MAAT Imhotep TechnicalAcademy Detroit City SchoolDistrict BuncheElementary School Detroit City SchoolDistrict BoyntQnMiddle School Detroit City SchoolDistrict RobertoClemente Academy FarmingtonPublic SchoolDistrict O.E. Dunckel Middle School Fennville Public Schools Ana Michen ElementarySchool Fowler Public Schools Waldron Elementary& Middle School Fowlerville Community Schools H. T. Smith ElementarySchool Fowlerville Community Schools KreegerElementary School Fowlerville Community Schools Munn Middle School Francis Reh PSA FrancisReh PSA GeneseeISD St. Robert Catholic School GeorgeCrockett Academy GeorgeCrockett Academy GrandHaven Area Public Schools Ferry School Grand RapidsPublic Schools CA Frost EnvironmentalScience Academy Hamilton Community Schools Hamilton ElementarySchool Hamilton Community Schools Blue Star ElementarySchool Hamilton Community Schools SandyviewSchool Hamilton Community Schools BentheimElementary School Harbor Beach Community Schools Harbor BeachCommunity High School Haslett Public Schools Vera Ralya ElementarySchool Holland City SchoolDistrict PhoenixHigh School Hope of Detroit Academy Hope of Detroit Academy Hudson Area Schools Lincoln ElementarySchool HudsonArea Schools HudsonArea High School Huron Valley Schools Oxbow ElementarySchool Huron Valley Schools Country OaksElementary School Huron Valley Schools Spring Mills ElementarySchool 2 School District School Name Huron Valley Schools White Lake Middle School Inland Lakes Schools Inland LakesElementary School Inland Lakes Schools Inland LakesHigh School JacksonPublic Schools Tomlinson School JenisonPublic Schools Bursley School Joy PreparatoryAcademy Joy PreparatoryAcademy Lakeview SchoolDistrict Lakeview High School Lakeview SchoolDistrict WestlakeElementary School Lakeview School District Lakeview Junior High School Lakeview School District Minges Brook School Lakeview School District RiversideElementary School Lakeview School District Prairie View School Lakeview School District Territorial School Lansing Public SchoolDistrict PleasantView Magnet School Lansing Public SchoolDistrict Dwight Rich Middle School Lansing Public SchoolDistrict North School LapeerCommunity Schools C.K. SchicklerElementary School LapeerCommunity Schools Turrill ElementarySchool Lapeer Community Schools Irwin ElementarySchool Linden Community Schools ArgentineElementary
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