TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 362, Number 1, January 2010, Pages 261–288 S 0002-9947(09)04814-4 Article electronically published on July 31, 2009 LOCAL STABILITY OF ERGODIC AVERAGES JEREMY AVIGAD, PHILIPP GERHARDY, AND HENRY TOWSNER Abstract. We consider the extent to which one can compute bounds on the rate of convergence of a sequence of ergodic averages. It is not difficult to construct an example of a computable Lebesgue measure preserving transfor- mation of [0, 1] and a characteristic function f = χA such that the ergodic 2 averages Anf do not converge to a computable element of L ([0, 1]). In par- ticular, there is no computable bound on the rate of convergence for that sequence. On the other hand, we show that, for any nonexpansive linear op- erator T on a separable Hilbert space and any element f, it is possible to compute a bound on the rate of convergence of Anf from T , f,andthe norm f ∗ of the limit. In particular, if T is the Koopman operator arising from a computable ergodic measure preserving transformation of a probability space X and f is any computable element of L2(X ), then there is a computable bound on the rate of convergence of the sequence Anf. The mean ergodic theorem is equivalent to the assertion that for every function K(n) and every ε>0, there is an n with the property that the ergodic averages Amf arestabletowithinε on the interval [n, K(n)]. Even in situations where the sequence Anf does not have a computable limit, one can give explicit bounds on such n in terms of K and f/ε. This tells us how far one has to search to find an n so that the ergodic averages are “locally stable” on a large interval. We use these bounds to obtain a similarly explicit version of the pointwise ergodic theorem, and we show that our bounds are qualitatively different from ones that can be obtained using upcrossing inequalities due to Bishop and Ivanov. Finally, we explain how our positive results can be viewed as an application of a body of general proof-theoretic methods falling under the heading of “proof mining.” 1. Introduction Let T be a nonexpansive linear operator on a Hilbert space H, that is, a linear operator satisfying Tf≤f for all f ∈H.Foreachn ≥ 1, let Snf = f + Tf + n−1 1 ...+ T f denote the sum of first n iterates of T on f, and let Anf = n Snf denote their average. The von Neumann mean ergodic theorem asserts that the sequence (Anf) converges in the Hilbert space norm. The most important instance of the mean ergodic theorem occurs when H is the space L2(X ) of square-integrable functions on a probability space X =(X, B,µ), and T is the Koopman operator Tf = f ◦ τ associated to a measure preserving transformation, τ, of that space. In that setting, the Birkhoff pointwise ergodic theorem asserts that the sequence Received by the editors December 12, 2007. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 37A30, 03F60, 03F03. Work by the first author was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-0401042. Work by the second author was partially supported by a postdoctoral grant from the Villum Kann Rasmussen Foundation. c 2009 American Mathematical Society Reverts to public domain 28 years from publication 261 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 262 JEREMY AVIGAD, PHILIPP GERHARDY, AND HENRY TOWSNER 1 (Anf) converges pointwise almost everywhere, and in the L norm, for any f in L1(X ). The transformation τ is said to be ergodic if there are no nontrivial invariant − subsets, in the sense that τ 1(A)=A implies µ(A)=0or µ(A) = 1. In that case, limn→∞ Anf is a.e. equal to the constant function fdµ, which is to say, almost every sequence of time averages converges to the average over the entire space. It is known that, in general, the sequence (Anf) can converge very slowly. For example, Krengel [24] has shown that for any ergodic automorphism of the unit interval under Lebesgue measure and any sequence (an) of positive reals converging to 0, no matter how slowly, there is a subset A of the interval such that, if χA denotes the characteristic function of A,then 1 lim |(A χ )(x) − µ(A)| = ∞ →∞ n A n an almost everywhere, and 1 lim A χ − µ(A) = ∞ →∞ n A p n an for every p ∈ [1, ∞). For related results and references, see [15, Section 0.2] and [25, notes to Section 1.2]. Here, however, we will be concerned with the extent to which a bound on the rate of convergence can be computed from the initial data. That is, given H, T ,andf in the statement of the von Neumann ergodic theorem, we can ask whether it is possible to compute, for each rational ε>0, a value r(ε), such that for every n greater than or equal to r(ε), we have Ar(ε)f − Anf <ε. Determining whether such an r is computable from the initial data is not the same as determining its rate of growth. For example, if (an)n∈N is any computable sequence of rational numbers that decreases monotonically to 0, then a rate of convergence can be computed trivially from the sequence: given ε, one need only run through the elements of the sequence and until one of them drops below ε. On the other hand, it is relatively easy to construct a computable sequence (bn) of rational numbers that converge to 0, for which there is no computable bound on the rate of convergence. It is also relatively easy to construct a computable, monotone, bounded sequence (cn) of rationals that does not have a computable limit, which implies that there is no computable bound on the rate of convergence of this sequence, either. These examples are discussed in Section 5. Indeed, in Section 5, we show that there are a computable Lebesgue measure preserving transformation of the unit interval [0, 1] and a computable characteristic function f = χA such that the limit of the sequence (Anf) is not a computable element of L2([0, 1]). For this we rely on standard notions of computability for Hilbert spaces, which we review there. The noncomputability of the limit implies, in particular, that there is no computable bound on the rate of convergence of (Anf). On the other hand, we show that, for any nonexpansive linear operator T on a separable Hilbert space and any element f, one can compute a bound on the rate ∗ of convergence of (Anf)fromT , f,andthenormf of the limit. In particular, if T is the Koopman operator arising from a computable ergodic measure preserving transformation of a probability space X and f is any computable element of L2(X ), then f ∗ is equal to | fdµ|, which is computable; hence there is a computable bound on the rate of convergence. In situations where the rate of convergence of the ergodic averages is not com- putable from T and f, is there any useful information to be had? The logical License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use LOCAL STABILITY OF ERGODIC AVERAGES 263 form of a statement of convergence provides some guidance. The assertion that the sequence (Anf) converges can be represented as follows: (1) ∀ε>0 ∃n ∀m ≥ n (Amf − Anf <ε). A bound on the rate of convergence is a function r(ε) that returns a witness to the existential quantifier for each ε>0. It is the second universal quantifier that leads to noncomputability, since, in general, there is no finite test that can determine whether a particular value of n is large enough. But, classically, the statement of convergence is equivalent to the following: (2) ∀ε>0,M : N → N ∃n (M(n) ≥ n →AM(n)f − Anf <ε). To see this, note that if, for some ε>0, the existential assertion in (1) is false, then for every n there is an m ≥ n such that Amf − Anf≥ε.Inthatcaseε, together with any function M(n) that returns such an m for each n,representsa counterexample to (2). Assertion (1) is therefore equivalent to the statement that there is no such counterexample, i.e. assertion (2). But if the space is explicitly presented and (2) is true, then for each ε>0and M one can compute a witness to the existential quantifier in (2) by simply trying values of n until one satisfying AM(n) − An is found. Thus, (2) has an inherent computational interpretation. In particular, given any function K(n), suppose we apply (2) to a function M(n) which, for each n, returns a value m in the interval [n, K(n)] maximizing Amf − Anf. In that case, (2) asserts ∀ε>0 ∃n ∀m ∈ [n, K(n)] Amf − Anf <ε. In other words, if r(ε) is a function producing a witness to the existential quantifier, then, rather than computing an absolute rate of convergence, r(ε)provides,foreach ε>0, a value n such that the ergodic averages Amf are stable to within ε on the interval [n, K(n)]. It is now reasonable to ask for an explicit bound on r(ε), expressed in terms of K, T , f,andε. In Section 2, we obtain bounds on r(ε) that, in fact, depend only on K and ρ = f/ε . Since the bound on the rate of convergence is clearly monotone with ρ, our results show that, for fixed K, the bounds are uniform on any bounded region of the Hilbert space and independent of T .
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