[42051 OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA iPc:bhshcd by Authority at 3 .30 p .m .) No. 86] PERTH : FRIDAY, 12th DECEMBER [1980 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Schedule 1 . "GOVERNMENT GAZETTE" File No . ; Description of Land ; Certificate of Title, Volume ; Folio . CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR PUBLICATIONS . 2977/77-Portion of each of Woodanilling Subur- AS the "Government Gazette" for Wednesday, 24th ban Lots 32, 34 and 38 ; 1525 ; 343 . December, 1980, will be published at 12 noon the 2977/77-Portion of each of Woodanilling Subur- closing time for acceptance of notices for publica- ban Lots 29 and 31 ; 1526 tion will be 12 noon on Monday, 22nd December, ; 019 . 1980 . 2668/78-Portion of East Location 17 being Lot 329 on Plan 1376 ; 1193 ; 25 . Closing time for acceptance of notices to be pub- 2668/78-Portion of East Location 17 being Lot lished in the "Government Gazette" on Wednesday, 330 on Plan 1376 ; 1193 ; 270 . 31st December, 1980, will be 3 .00 p.m. on Monday, 29th December, 1980 . 2668/78-Portion of East Location 17 being Lot 331 on Plan 1376 ; 1196 ; 184 . 2668/78-Portion of East Location 17 being Lot 332 on Plan 1376 ; 1193 ; 761 . 2668/78-Portion of East Location 17 being Lot Transfer of Land Act, 1893 . 333 on Plan 1376 ; 1193 ; 17 . PROCLAMATION 1429/78-Portion of Sussex Location 123 ; 1572 ; WESTERN AUSTRALIA,') By His Excellency Rear-Admiral Sir Richard John 279 . To Wit: J Trowbridge, Knight Commander of the Royal RICHARD Victorian Order, Governor in and over the State of 2902/79-Portion of Jandakot Agricultural Area TROWBRIDGE, Western Australia and its Dependencies in the Lot 181 being Lot 82 on Plan 11581 ; 1439 ; Governor . Commonwealth of Australia . 597 . [L .S.] 1006/79-Laverton Lot 465 ; 1537 ; 659 . File No . 5735/50, V8 . 1006/79-Laverton Lot 454 ; 1537 ; 660 . WHEREAS by the Transfer of Land Act, 1893, 1366/79-Portion of Mt . Helena Lot 243 and being the Governor is empowered by Proclamation in the part of Lot 12 on Diagram 55177 ; 1563 ; Government Gazette to revest in Her Majesty as 496 . of Her former estate all or any lands, whereof 3415/980-Portion of Fremantle Lot 1632 ; 1179 ; Her Majesty may become the registered pro- 169 . prietor, and whereas Her Majesty is now the registered proprietor of the land described in the 2841/980-Perth Town Lot G8 ; 1474 ; 383 . Schedules hereto : Now therefore, I, the Governor 4331/69--Portion of Perthshire Location and being with the advice and consent of the Executive Lot 166 on Diagram 58386 ; 744 ; 164 . Council, do by this my Proclamation revest in 971/68-Portion of Halls Creek Lot 167 ; 294 ; 149A . Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors . the land 382/64-Hester Lot 22 ; 968 ; 69 . described in the Schedules hereto as of Her former estate . 382/64-Hester Lot 23 ; 968 ; 60 . Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this 3rd day of Schedule 2 . December, 1980 . File No ; Description of Land . By His Excellency's Command, . 1335/980-Portion of Wellington Location 1 being D. J . WORDSWORTH, Lot 383 on Plan 13209 and being part Minister for Lands . of the land comprised in Certificate of GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ! ! ! Title Volume 1567, Folio 341 . 4206 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W .A. [12th December, 1980. 4015/76-Portion of Canning Location 18 and being Land Act, 1933-1977. part of Lot 79 on Diagram 51759 and being part of the land comprised in PROCLAMATION Certificate of Title Volume 1370, Folio (Resumption .) 986. WESTERN AUSTRALIA, By His Excellency Rear-Admiral Sir Richard John To Wit: Trowbridge, Knight Commander of the Royal 620/980-Portion of Wellington Locations 942 and RICHARD Victorian Order, Governor in and over the State of 20 being Lots 431 and 432 on Plan 13135 TROWBRIDGE, Western Australia and its Dependencies in the and being part of the land comprised Governor . Commonwealth of Australia . in Certificate of Title Volume 1561, [L.S .] Folio 974 . File No . 1005/65, V3 . 2912/69-Portion of Geraldton Lot 834 being Lot WHEREAS by section 109 of the Land Act, 1933- 88 on Plan 12991 and being part of the 1977, the Governor may resume, for any purpose as land comprised in Certificate of Title in the public interest he may think fit, any portion Volume 1230, Folio 694 . of land held as a Pastoral Lease ; and whereas it is 733/980-Portion of each of Sussex Locations 682, deemed expedient that the portion of Pastoral 1258 and 3085 being Lots 31, 44, 45 Lease described in the schedule hereto should be and 50 on Plan 13139 and being part resumed for "Recreation" : Now therefore, I, the of the land comprised in Certificate of Governor, with the advice and consent of the Title Volume 1566, Folio 101 . Executive Council do by this my proclamation re- sume portion of Pastoral Lease No . 3114/813 Crown Lease No . 90/1969 for the purpose aforesaid . Given under my hand and the Public Seal of Western Australia, at Perth, this 3rd day of December, 1980 . By His Excellency's Command, Land Act, 1933-1977 . D. J . WORDSWORTH, PROCLAMATION Minister for Lands . (Resumption .) GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ! ! ! WESTERN AUSTRALIA, lBy His Excellency Air Chief Marshal Sir Wallace To Wit : (Kyle, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable WALLACE KYLE, Order of the Bath, Knight Commander of the Schedule . Governor . Royal Victorian Order, Commander of tin Most That Portion of Pastoral Lease No CL.S .] Excellent Order of the British Empire, Companion . 3114/813 dis- of the Distinguished Service Order, Distinguished tinguished as Dampier Location 153 on Lands and Flying Cross, Knight of Grace of the Most Surveys Reserve Diagram 366 containing an area of Venerable Order of the Hospital of St . John cf about 10 hectares Jerusalem, Governor in and over tare State of . Western Australia and its dependencies in the (Plan Derby 1 :250 000 .) Commonwealth of Australia. File No . 1207/72 . WHEREAS by section 109 of the Land Act, 1933- 1977, the Governor may resume, for any purpose as in the public interest he may think fit, any portion AT a Meeting of the Executive Council held in the of land held as a Pastoral Lease ; and whereas it Executive Council Chambers, at Perth, this 18th is deemed expedient that the portion of Pastoral day of April, 1979, the following Order in Council Lease described in the schedule hereto should be was authorised to be issued :- resumed for road purposes : Now therefore, I, the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Local Government Act, 1960 . Executive Council do by this my proclamation re- ORDER IN COUNCIL. sume portion of Pastoral Lease Nos. 3114/590, 3114/835, 3114/884, 3114/476, Crown Lease Nos . L. & S. Corres . 1207/72 (R 5868) . 395/1966, 674/1966, 403/1967, 461/1966 . for the WHEREAS by section 288 of the Local Government purpose aforesaid . Act, 1960, it shall be lawful for the Governor, on Given under my hand and the Public Seal of request by a Council of a Municipal District, by Western Australia, at Perth, this 18th Order published in the Government Gazette to day of April, 1979 . declare any lands reserved or acquired for use by the public or used by the public as a street, By His Excellency's Command, way, public place, bridge or thoroughfare, under D . J . WORDSWORTH, the care, control, and mangement of the Council, Minister for Lands . or lands comprised in a private street, constructed and maintained to the satisfaction of the Council, GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ! ! ! or lands comprised in a private street of which the public has had uninterrupted use for a period of not less than ten years, as a public street and if the Council thinks fit, that the Governor shall declare the width of the carriageway and . footpaths of the public street ; and whereas the Schedule Shire of Shark Bay has requested that certain lands (a) That portion of Pastoral Lease 3114/590 named and described in the schedule hereunder, containing approximately 483 hectares as which have been reserved for a street within its delineated and coloured red on Lands and municipal district be declared a public street : Surveys Miscellaneous Plan 470 . Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor by (b) That portion of Pastoral Lease 3114/835 and with the advice and consent of the Executive containing approximately 433 hectares as Council, doth hereby declare the said lands to be a delineated and coloured red on Lands and public street, and such land shall, from the date Surveys Miscellaneous Plan 470 of this Order, be absolutely dedicated to the public . as a street within the meaning of any law now or (c) That portion of Pastoral Lease 3114/884 hereafter in force . containing approximately 313 hectares as R . D . DAVIES, delineated and coloured red on Lands and Clerk of the Council. Surveys Miscellaneous Plan 470 . (d) That portion of Pastoral Lease 3114/476 Schedule . containing approximately 139 hectares as delineated and coloured red on Lands and Road No . 16167. A strip of land 100 metres wide Surveys Miscellaneous Plan 470 . commencing from the northernmost southern boundary of Edel location 19 and extending (Public Plans Edel and Yaringa 1 :250 000 .) generally southward, southeastward, eastward and 12th December, 1980 .] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W .A. 4207 northeastward through Pastoral Leases 3114/590, File No. 2694/78.-That Reserve No . 36994 should 3114/835, 3114/884, 3114/476 and stock route to vest in and be held by the Minister for Water terminate at a southeastern boundary of the said Resources in trust for the purpose of "Sewage stock route.
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