San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1932 Special Libraries, 1930s 7-1-1932 Special Libraries, July-August 1932 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1932 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, July-August 1932" (1932). Special Libraries, 1932. 6. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1932/6 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1930s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1932 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SPECIAL LIBRARIES "Putting Knowledge to Work" PROCEEDINGS of the TWENf Y-FOURTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE At Lake Placid, June 13-17,1932 ,t WORLD CHANGES By James G. McDonald SOME TRENDS IN SOCIAL AND E~ONOMICTH~NKING By Roderic Qlrendam THEME Changing Times and the Greater Need for Fact Finding Volume 23 JULY-AUGUST, 1932 Number 6 SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Official Magazine Spacial ~ibkrirr Edilo* FLORENCE BRADLEY LILrarian. Metro htan Llfe lnsurnnce Compnny %w York CIty Assoclolc Edlla for this Proceedinga Number MARTHA FOULK H. L. Doherty and Company New York Clty A full Bdltorial Board is to be announced in the Septtmber.ll~ue Advnlisinp Monoper M. DOROTHY HOWARD OFFICERSFOR 1931-1939 a PrrsMcnl Dirccfws ALTA R. CLAFLIN ANGUS FLETCHER, C.B.E. Libndan. Federal Kcsenre Bank Llbrarlan Cleveland, Ohlo Britlah Library of Information New York. N. Y. JOSEPH CONFORTI ELEANOR S. CAVANAUGH L~bnrlan Libranan, Standard Statlstia Co.. Inc. Pmplcr Gas L~ght& Coke Co. New York, N. Y. Clncnso. Illmols hlRS LOUISE 1'. DORN FRED A. ROBERTSON Llbrannn. Deuolt Bdimn Company 1,lbranJn Detro~t.Mlclilpn Hydro-Electnc Power Cornmiasion Toronto. Ontarlo, Canada ELIZAUISTH 0. CULLEN MARGAKET REYNOLDS Burrau of Kallwny Bconomlcs Ltbrarran 1024 l'ransw~rtdt~onIIldg E'irat Wisconsm Nat~onalBank Washington. D. C. Milwaukee, W18conaln Senclary REBECCA B. RANKIN OFFICERSFOR 1939-1933 Elected at the Lake Placid Convention June 16, 1932 Prcsidrnl Dircclas MARY LOUISE ALEXANDER HERBERT 0. BRIGHAM Marlager of Llhrary-Reaenrch Dent. Batten. Uarton, Durst~ne& Osborne, Inc. Librarlan New York, S. Y. Rhode Island Slate Llbrary Providence, Rhode lrland SOPHIA J. LAMMERS ANGUS FLETCHER, C.B.E. Lthrannn Librarisn The Joaepb Sehaffner Llbrary of Commerce Notthwestern University Dritinh Library of Informati011 229 Bast Chi~xgoAvenue New York. N. Y. Cl~icago.Illinole ADELINE M.,MACRUM FRED A ROBERTSON Ltbranan Llbrarlnn Tubcrculas~sLeague of Pittsburgh Hydro-Electric Powrr Cornmlsslon Plltshcrgl~,l'ennsylvunla Toronto. Ontano, Canada Trcostrrcr LAURA A. WNJDWARD ALTA B. CLAFLIN Llbrarrdn Llbrarlan hlarylund Cnsudlty Company Federnl Rescrvc Bank lil~ltlmur~.Morylsnd Clevclenrl. Olim Scnrlary REDECCA R RANKIN Gencrd Oflcc S'rANDAKD STATIbTICS DUILDING 3-lj EIudmn Street Nuw Turk, N. Y. Entercd dssecn~ld-classInatLCr at t\its Post Ol!iceaL Cancord, N. II., under thc hct uf March J, 1879 Volume 23 Number 6 SPECIAL LIBRARIES FLORENCE BRADLEY. Editor Our Convention -- Mary Louise Alexander ................ , . Business Needs Unmet .......................... ............ World Changes - James G . McDonald ................................. Some Trends in Social and Economic Thinking - Roderic Olzendam ............ Coijperation Between Special Libraries and Publishers - Ralph Foss ........... Codperation Between Special Libraries and the Government - Ernest A . Tupper .... Committee on Cooperation in Business Library Service ....................... Codperation Between Spcial Libraries Association and Trade Associations - Nathaniel Waring Barnes .................................................. GROUP ACTIVITIES Museum .............................................. Commercial-Technical ......................................... Committee on Resolutions ................................................. A Word of Welcome .Mrs . Melville Dewey .............................. President'sAddms ................................................. Our New President ................................................ Reports of Officers and Committees-The Secretary ........................ MembershipReport .................................................. Publications ....................................................... Editor of Special Libraries ............................................. Subscriptions .......................................................... Conlmittee on Classifications ................................................ Committee on Training ............................................. Committee on Nominations ................................................. Sub-committee on Revision or the Constitution ................................ Advertising Manager of Special Libraries ..................................... "RatherSpecial" ...................................................... Reveries of the Lake Placid Convention .................................... Digest of Business Book Reviews .......... ....................... SPECIAL LIBRARIES is published monthly September to April. bi-monthly May to August by Tha Special Libraries Association at 10 Ferry Street. Concord. N. H. Subscription Offices 10 Ferry Street. Concord. N. H., or 345 Hudson Streef. New York. N. Y . Ed~torialand Adver- lising Offices at 345 Hudson Slreet. New York. N. Y. Subscrip~ionprice: 17* 95.00 a war] foreign $5.50; single copies 50 cents SPECIAL LIBRARIES July-August, 1932 Institutional Members f. California Edison Electric Illuminatin~Co.,Dorchcstcr California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank of Boston California State Library, Sacramento First National Bank, Boston Pacific Gas & Electric Co., San Francisco Insurance Library Association bf Boston Standard Oil Company of California, San Jackson & Moreland, Boston Francisco Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Library, Technical Book Company, San Francisco Cambridge Massncliusetts Mutual Life Insural~cc Co., Springfield Connedlcut Massxhusetts State Library, Boston Hartford Public Library, Business Branch, Social Law Library, Boston Hartford Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company, I-iartford Michigan Yale University Library, New Haven Detroit News, Petrpit , Detroit Public Library, Detroit General Motors Reskarch Corporation, Oetroit ' Delaware University of Detroit, Detroit du Pont de Nemours, E. I., Wllmington University of Michigan, Bureau of Government, Ann Arbor Illinois b7. I Chicago Tribune, Chicago New Jeney . Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago Montclair Public ~ibrar~,Business Branch Elizabeth &fcCormick Memorial Fund, Chicago Montclair Illinois Chamber of Commerce, Chicago New Jersey Bell Telephone Cornpaay, Newark Illinois State Library, Springfield Newark Public Library, Business Branch, Insurance Library of Chicago Newark Middle West Utilities Company, Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago Public Service Corpration of New Jersey, Newark Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company, Chicago R C A Radiotron Co., Inc., Harrison Standard Oil Development Co., Elizabeth Indiana United States Rubber Company, Passaic Western Electric Co., Kearny Lincoln National Llfe Insurance Co., Fort Wayne Iowa New York Meredith Publishing Co., Des Moines Alexander Ham~ltonInstitute, New York American Bankers' Association, New York American Geographical Society, New York Maryland American Institute oi Accountnnts, New York Maryland Casualty Co., Baltimore American Museum of Natural History, New York American Telephone & Telegraph Co., General Massachusetts Library, New York Baker Library - Harvard School of Business American Telephone & Telegraph Co., Law Administration, Boston Library, New Y~rk Boston Elevated Railway, Boston Association of Life Insurance '~resldents,New Boston Globe, Boston York Cl~ristianScience Monitor, Boston Bankera Trust Co., New York. ' ' July-August, 1939 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Institutional Members New Yolk Ohla Oil Co., Findlay Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn, Ncw York Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York British Library of Information, New York Pennsylvania Brooklyn Edison Company, Brooklyn Armstrong Cork Co., Lancastcr Child Study Association, New York Delta Library, LVyomissing Consolidated Gas Co. of New York Franklin Institute, Philadelphia Doherty, Henry L. & Co., New York Houghton, E. F. & Co., Philadelphia Engineering Index Service, New York Jones & Laughlin Steel Company, Pittsburgll Federal Reserve Bank of New York Mrllon Institute, Pittsburgh Ford, Bacon & Davis, New York New Jersey Zinc Co., Palmerton General Electric Co., Main Library, Schenectady Pennsylvania Legislative Reference Bureau, Goldman Sacl~sTrading Corp., New York IIarrisburg Grant Co., W. T., New York Pennsylvania Museum of Art, Philadelphia Grosvenor Library, Buffalo Ph~ladel~hiaCollege of Pharmacy and Science, Guaranty Company of New York ~hilaciel~hia - Industrial Relations Counselors, New York Philadelphia Cornpan y, Pittsburgh Insuqnce Society of New York, New York Philadelphia Electric Company, Philadelphia International Telephone & Telegraph Co., New Ph~ladelphia Rapid Transit Company, Phila- York delphia John Price Jones Corporation, New York Provident~ ~ ~utualLife Insurance CO., Phila- Lehman Gorp., The, New York delphia McGraw-Hill Publishing
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