June 17, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4511 these counterterrorism programs. undergraduate and law degrees from for this position, and I am very pleased These programs are legal, constitu- the University of New Mexico, a school to be here today to support him. tional, and utilized only under the that I am proud to call my alma mater. Ken has a long and distinguished strict oversight of both parties and all After graduating he was a law clerk record of public service, including more three branches of government, includ- to New Mexico Supreme Court Justice than a decade of service in our mili- ing a highly scrutinized judicial proc- Joseph Baca, and he worked as a legis- tary. Ken has served as the U.S. attor- ess. In the end, these programs rely on lative assistant for Senator Jeff Binga- ney for New Mexico since April 2010. the trust of the American people. And man. His elevation to lead that office fol- with that trust lacking today, I am He began his career as a Federal lowed more than a decade of service asking my fellow Members of Congress, prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s Of- there as an assistant U.S. attorney. I as well as the media, to fact-check first fice for the District of New Mexico in would like to highlight at least one of before mischaracterizing programs 1999, prosecuting a wide range of Fed- his many accomplishments that I find that save lives. eral offenses, including narcotics and particularly important. I believe we can—and we must—pro- violent crime cases. He holds the rank I think Ken’s efforts as U.S. attorney tect both security and liberty when it of major as a judge advocate in the demonstrate not only his character and comes to counterterrorism efforts, and U.S. Army Reserve, which he joined in his intellect but the dedication that he I believe these programs do just that. September 2001. He has provided crit- has to serving his home State and Mr. President, I yield the floor. ical legal assistance to hundreds of ac- making it a better place for all our f tive and retired soldiers and spouses, residents. both here and overseas. In 2008 he was Much of New Mexico is Indian Coun- CONCLUSION OF MORNING called to Active Duty as a part of Oper- try for which the U.S. attorney has the BUSINESS ation Enduring Freedom, where he was responsibility to prosecute criminal ac- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under stationed at Fort Bragg and served as a tivity. Ken has taken the initiative to the previous order, morning business is senior trial counsel. reorganize and focus the U.S. attor- closed. Mr. Gonzales has been an exemplary ney’s resources to more effectively U.S. attorney for the District of New combat the higher-than-average rates f Mexico. He oversees a broad array of of violent crime, sexual assault, and EXECUTIVE SESSION criminal and civil cases. sexual abuse that have plagued Indian f I would also like to note that he has Country. made Indian Country a priority in the This includes creating the first In- NOMINATION OF LUIS FELIPE U.S. Attorney’s Office, making a real dian Country Crime Section within any RESTREPO TO BE UNITED difference in prosecuting cases of vio- U.S. Attorney Office. This section in- STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR lence against native women and chil- cludes a team of lawyers responsible THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF dren. for pursuing felony offenses on tribal PENNSYLVANIA Not surprisingly, his advice and lands. The office is also collaborating f counsel are highly valued. He serves on with tribal prosecutors to investigate NOMINATION OF KENNETH JOHN the Attorney General’s Advisory Com- and prosecute domestic violence in GONZALES TO BE UNITED mittees on Native American Issues, on more than 20 pueblos and tribes located STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR the Southwest Border and Immigration throughout the State of New Mexico. THE DISTRICT OF NEW MEXICO Issues, on the Environmental and Nat- This is just one example of Ken’s ural Resources Working Group, and is a work, but throughout his career Ken The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under member of the Tenth Circuit Advisory has shown a dedication to serving the the previous order, the Senate will pro- Council. people of New Mexico. It is the sum of ceed to executive session to consider He is also a member of the New Mex- all his efforts and accomplishments the following nominations, which the ico Hispanic Bar Association. If con- that make me believe he will make an clerk will report. firmed, he will join only 58 other His- outstanding addition to the Federal The legislative clerk read the nomi- panic active district court judges—less bench, and I am pleased that today we nations of Luis Felipe Restrepo, of than 10 percent of the country’s 677 dis- are at the final step toward getting Pennsylvania, to be United States Dis- trict court judgeships. him here. trict Judge for the Eastern District of Mr. Gonzales is esteemed for his di- The process for getting to the Fed- Pennsylvania and verse experience, for his even tempera- eral bench is a long road to travel. The Kenneth John Gonzales, of New Mex- ment, and for his integrity. From a Judiciary Committee’s leadership from ico, to be United States District Judge young man dreaming of going to col- both sides of the aisle takes seriously for the District of New Mexico. lege, to his life in public service, his its responsibility to ensure that every The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under story is one of great determination and nominee is fit to serve. I want to say a the previous order, there will be 30 commitment. He has shown a reverence special thanks to Senator LEAHY and minutes of debate equally divided and for and dedication to the law through- Senator GRASSLEY for working to- controlled in the usual form. out his career. gether and with Senator UDALL and The Senator from New Mexico. I urge his confirmation. I know Ken myself to get Ken through this process. Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Mr. Gonzales will serve New Mexico well on As the vetting process surely showed, President, I am pleased to rise today to the Federal bench. Ken has the knowledge, temperament, strongly support the confirmation of Mr. President, I yield the floor. and integrity to serve on the Federal Kenneth Gonzales for U.S. district The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- bench. I have no doubt that he will dis- judge for the District of New Mexico. ator from New Mexico. tinguish himself there, as he has Mr. Gonzales is an exceptional nomi- Mr. HEINRICH. Mr. President, I throughout his entire legal career. nee with an impressive range of legal would like to take a few minutes to I strongly support his nomination, experience and expertise. He was also speak about the nomination of and I urge all of my colleagues to do unanimously confirmed by the Senate Kenneth Gonzales to be a Federal dis- the same. as the U.S. attorney for the District of trict judge for the District of New Mex- Mr. President, I yield the floor. New Mexico in 2010. But he is more ico. ∑ Mr. TOOMEY. Mr. President, I wish than just his resume, remarkable as it Ken, as he is known back home to to offer my full support for the nomi- is. He is also an inspiring American many of us, is truly a standout nomi- nation of Judge Luis Felipe Restrepo story. nee. I wish I could take credit for his to serve as U.S. District Judge for the Mr. Gonzales grew up in the Pojoaque nomination, but that credit belongs to Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Valley in the northern part of our our former U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Before I begin, I wish to take this op- State. He was the first in his family to and to our senior Senator TOM UDALL. portunity to thank Chairman LEAHY graduate from college. With the help of But I want to thank both of them for and Senator GRASSLEY for helping fa- scholarships and grants, he received his putting forward such a great candidate cilitate Judge Restrepo’s confirmation VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:05 Jun 18, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.026 S17JNPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4512 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 17, 2013 hearing and Leader REID and Leader In 1954, I was 10 years old in the At- and then say: Why don’t you send more MCCONNELL for their assistance in lanta public schools when Brown v. people? Frankly, a lot of people say: bringing his nomination to the Senate Board of Education was decided in the Why should I spend 6 months or a year floor. U.S. Supreme Court. JOHN LEWIS was 4 waiting while they hold me up? Now I would also like to thank Senator years older than me. He was born just the President has sent nominees for CASEY for his collaboration in our bi- outside of Pike County, AL, and went the multiple vacancies that continue partisan effort to fill Pennsylvania’s to the Pike County, AL, segregated on the DC Circuit. So the same Sen- judicial vacancies with exceptional public school. He went on to Fisk Uni- ators who are complaining that he was candidates. Over the past 21⁄2 years, we versity to get a degree in religion and not sending up nominees now say he is have worked together to identify and philosophy and volunteered for sit-ins sending up too many.
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