To app ear in ApJ Letters Brown Dwarfs in the Pleiades Cluster Conrmed by the Lithium Test R Reb olo E L Martn Instituto de Astrofsicade Canarias E La Laguna Tenerife Spain G Basri G W Marcy Department of Astronomy University of California Berkeley Berkeley CA USA and M R Zapatero Osorio Instituto de Astrofsicade Canarias E La Laguna Tenerife Spain email addresses rrliaces egeiaces basrisoleilb erkeleyedu gmarcyetoileb erkeleyedu mosorioiaces ABSTRACT We present m Keck sp ectra of the two Pleiades brown dwarfs Teide and Calar showing a clear detection of the nm Li resonance line In Teide we have also obtained evidence for the presence of the sub ordinate line at nm A high Li abundance log N Li consistent with little if any depletion is inferred from the observed lines Since Pleiades brown dwarfs are unable to burn Li the signicant preservation of this fragile element conrms the substellar nature of our two ob jects Regardless of their age their low luminosities and Li content place Teide and Calar comfortably in the astro-ph/9607002 1 Jul 1996 genuine brown dwarf realm Given the probable age of the Pleiades cluster their masses are estimated at Jupiter masses Subject headings op en clusters and asso ciations individual Pleiades stars abundances stars lowmass brown dwarfs stars evolution stars fundamental parameters Based on observations obtained at the WM Keck Observatory which is op erated jointly by the University of California and the Californian Institute of Technology Introduction In stellar interiors Li nuclei are destroyed via proton collisions at relatively low temp eratures K This element has long b een used as a tracer see eg Reb olo Michaud Charb onneau of internal structure in stars of dierent types The strong convection of very lowmass stars M M causes an extremely ecient mixing of Li and indeed signicant depletion has b een observed in these stars even in the very young ones Zapatero Osorio et al a Garca Lopez Reb olo Martn Martn Reb olo Magazz u Ob jects with masses M M M Jupiter mass J units are well b elow the minimum mass for hydrogen burning and cannot reach the Li burning temp erature so unlike very low mass stars they must preserve a signicant amount of their initial Li content during their lifetime This can b e detected sp ectroscopically and therefore can provide a diagnostic of substellar nature for brown dwarf candidates Reb olo Martn Magazz u Magazz u Martn Reb olo At the age of the Pleiades cluster even the most massive brown dwarfs M J should have preserved a large amount of their initial Li but searches Martn et al Marcy Basri Graham of the faintest prop er motion members failed to detect it An obvious conclusion was that brown dwarfs had not b een discovered yet in the cluster This prompted the search for new fainter and co oler candidates that led to the discovery of Teide and Calar Reb olo Zapatero Osorio Martn Zapatero Osorio Reb olo Martnb These are two very latetype dwarfs near the center of the cluster with radial velocities photometric and sp ectroscopic prop erties and a prop er motion measurement in the case of Teide consistent with Pleiades membership Reb olo et al Zapatero Osorio et al b Martn Reb olo Zapatero Osorio Their luminosities and eective temp eratures qualify them according to all the available evolutionary mo dels as brown dwarfs However a denitive conrmation of their substellar nature can only b e obtained via the Li test Such conrmation is a key step to consolidate our understanding of brown dwarf interiors Very recently Li has b een discovered Basri Marcy Graham in PPl a photometric member Stauer Hamilton Probst of the Pleiades ab out one magnitude brighter than Teide and Calar which strongly encouraged us to extend the search for Li in these new ob jects PPl app ears to dene the Li reapp earance b oundary in the Pleiades and sits on the frontier b etween stars and brown dwarfs Observations and results We rep ort sp ectroscopic observations of Teide and Calar that provide clear evidence for the presence of Li in b oth The observations were carried out at the m Keck telescop e Mauna Kea Hawaii on November and and February using the Low Resolution Imaging Sp ectrograph LRIS The gmm grating provided a disp ersion of Apixel on the TEK pix detector in the region of the nm Li i resonance doublet and Apixel in the region of the sub ordinate nm Li i line The arcsec slit width nally gave an eective resolution of A The total integration time for Teide in the sp ectral regions of the nm and nm Li i lines was and hr resp ectively individual exp osures ranged from to min Only one min sp ectrum could b e obtained for Calar on February at the wavelength of the resonance line due to bad weather The individual images have b een indep endently pro cessed using standard pro cedures within the IRAF package which included debias at eld optimal extraction and wavelength calibration using arc lamps The sp ectra in the region of the Li resonance line were ux calibrated using the standard star GBB Massey et al The nal sp ectra of Teide and Calar centered at nm are shown in Fig H is seen in emission equivalent widths of A and A resp ectively and lines of K i at nm as well as TiO and VO bandheads are clearly detected The new more accurate radial velocities of Teide and Calar are and km s fully consistent with Pleiades membership and previous measurements Reb olo et al Martnet al They were determined by crosscorrelating with the sp ectrum of vB v kms Goldb erg obtained with the same instrumental conguration The r nm VO absorption index Kirkpatrick Henry Simons previously employed for sp ectral classication Reb olo et al was also measured in the new sp ectra resulting in values of and in Teide and Calar resp ectively in very go o d agreement with measurements for other very latetype dwarfs The Li i line at nm is clearly present in the sp ectra of Teide and Calar with remarkable strength as compared with the nearby TiO bands as can b e seen in Fig a An accurate measurement of the equivalent width of the Li i nm line cannot b e p erformed at our sp ectral resolution b ecause of the strong blending with the nearby TiO lines In order to determine approximate equivalent widths we subtracted the sp ectrum of other very latetype dwarfs vB LHS observed with the same conguration for which much higher resolution sp ectra do not show any evidence of Li absorption and then measured the equivalent width of the feature at the p osition of the resonance doublet We found these pseudoequivalent widths to b e A and A in Teide and Calar resp ectively They are useful as a reference for future searches although they should IRAF is distributed by National Optical Astronomy Observatories which is op erated by the Asso ciation of Universities for Research in Astronomy Inc under contract with the National Science Foundation b e used with caution to derive an abundance from the available theoretical curves of growth Pavlenko et al since these curves were computed considering pure Li absorption The same pro cedure was applied to the nal sp ectrum of Teide in the region of the Li i at nm After subtraction of the sp ectrum of a typical M dwarf obtained averaging the sp ectra of LP and vB an absorption is apparent see Fig b at this precise wavelength with a pseudoequivalent width of mA which we interpret as additional evidence for the presence of Li in the atmosphere It would b e desirable in principle to conrm this feature with higher sp ectral resolution and SN ratio Lithium abundances and brown dwarf status To estimate the Li abundance in our ob jects we have used sp ectral synthesis computations based on Allard Hauschildt AH mo del atmospheres for very co ol dwarfs The eective temp eratures of Teide and Calar were estimated from a new sp ectral type classication using pseudocontinuum indices Martn et al and the T calibration given in Kirkpatrick et al which was revised Kirkpatrick e according to the new AH mo dels For M dwarfs this calibration yields an eective temp erature of K The M dwarf PPl would have a T ab out K hotter e The Li abundance was determined by comparison with the available sp ectral synthesis Pavlenko et al and with new computations kindly provided by Ya Pavlenko using various molecular line lists Kurucz A set of sp ectra with several Li abundances were generated for the AH mo dels with eective temp eratures of and K While these mo dels describ e reasonably well the TiO bands in the vicinity of the Li resonance line co oler AH mo dels pro duce to o broad and deep TiO absorption bands which do not t the observed sp ectrum and app ear to indicate that the eective temp erature of our two ob jects is indeed higher than K Unfortunately the limitations in the available molecular line lists and the uncertainties in the eective temp erature prevent a very precise determination of the Li abundance We should note that there are other eective temp erature calibrations in the literature Brett Tsuji Ohnaka Aoki which give lower values by K for very latetype dwarfs Several computations have b een conducted to determine the sensitivity of the Li resonance doublet to uncertainties in the eective temp erature It can b e safely concluded that Teide and Calar have a rather high Li abundance in the range log N Li where the usual scale is log N H At present we cannot claim any dierence in the Li content b etween Calar and Teide Our preliminary
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