ABU BAKR AL-SEDDEQ The first Caliph By Mohammad Redha Former Iibrarian of Fouad the 1st Library Interpreted by Mohammad Agha DAR al·KOTOB al-ILMIYAH Beirut - Lebanon ~I ,1:aJ.wo.,.... ~I,J ~Jtl ~I ~ e-+­ ~.J ,JI jI.,..I'; ~ ~ JUtJ - ~'.H! ~I ~~I ,)& ~) ·1~,Jf '}l..lS: 7'U1II ~ iJl&!,Jf ~U1"lo-1 .,Ja <-4-0.>! ,J1 ..;i~1 ..,la ~~"!,JI ~ :~ ~uJl öül$. t! ~.,... Copyright © All rights reserved Exclusive rights by DAR .!-KOTOS ... ILMIYAH Beinat - Leba_. No part ofthis publication may be translated, reproduced, distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. ~1 . f,L,J1 j1:b bü.....J - ......::J~~ .=.)1Sl. ~~ .~~I l)l..:. .~)JI J.o) : \)~I .. ( ~11 I) 1·l1H - n1m - ntT'A : ~li.J .JJäI:; ~~ - '='.J~ \I - ,tu :~~ JJ.1.i..o DAR al-KOrOB al-ILMIYAH Beirut - Lebanon Address :Rame! al-Zarif, Bohtory 51., Melbrt bldg., 151 F1oore. Tel. &Fax: 00 (9611) 60.21.33·36.61.35 -36.43.98 P.O.Box : 11 ·9424 Beirut· Lebanon ISBN 2-7451-2191-X 90000> http://www.al-i1miyah.com.lb/ e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful Introduction of interpreter P"4Ue de u /ltt41e, t" tok"" dd""9 4tt ,tM, ~d ""'9Iet, 1 1e4~ ~~~~: tie~~tie~~~tie~ ""tIe"d,,~ ('4Uftle: /I~ ~4'" /lt Seddef, IM eJ.tUH ""4' /lUaIe' 4 9fJ"d ~ u /J'UUIed, 7M4 u ~ 4 jJ ~ 4 ~ M ~ ~ ~ tüHe. 7leu "4 4 du~ed ep~ U 4tMf ~ ~ ~ tlee ""eHlM9 "1 ~~&~, M~tie~~~~~~u~ ~ 1414Ht ~ tU eaJdf~, ~ ~~~, ~ ~~, ~tie44U~~tie~~~~ tie ~ ~ /Itl4Ie, u ~ ~ /lftId'4 ~~ ~ fze4u de 9"4"ted. 1t U 4 9fJfJd ~ ~ ~ 4ft.d taa.aiee4 4 ,,~ "1 tlee ~ ~ ~ ~ tie P~, ~, ~ tie HIfJ4t 4eWue4~~~~~~~~~~ /Ittai" tie 04 ~ ~, 4ft.d is tie ~ Hfe44a,e ~ 1414Ht, 7M4 U tie ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ u de ~ ~~, 71ee 4WJ#Ut etJ.itt de (Jft. tie ~: ()HIM 1d4 a.t-'K1ea.ttaI.: tie diIut etJ.itt de ~ ()~ 1'" /I~ 4ft.d tie ~ «JiIt de (Jft. /Ilt 1'" /Idt 7atJ.. 71eue 4eUe6 ~ ~ ~ Me ~ ~ ruet u ~ tIee flute ~ ~ 1414Ht. 7~ ~ u ~ ~~, tie ~ liIItM­ ~. ~ tie ~ ~ '4~, 4ft.d tie ~ ~ ~ ~: 4d 44: ~, tie ~ ~ /Ittai" /It-~444ft. 4ft.d /It-~U44eüe. 71e6u Me ftufde tok ~ tie P'tfJ/tIeet ~ /lUd, u ~ ~ /Iftd'4 ~~ 4ft.d fte4'e de~. 7~ ddieued is 1414Ht ~ tie ~ ~ ~ tU ~ 4ft.d ~ 4 4fAIeat 4ft.d &od. u ~ tie ft.4HIe ~ /lttd, ~e Iee eudted, ~ ~ (Jft. tM4 #e. 7~ ~ 4ft.d 3 ~ au a tMd ~ t4e ~ ~ aMt~. ;41«1, ;4~ g'~ ;4e-Sedderf ~t4e 6d 05 tka tMd ~ ~ eu f#itIt laitIt aMt ~ 6M 1~ aMt ~. ~u f4e U1M a f1ute e~ t<J. de ~. ;41«1, M4 ~ ~ a tute 't04d t<J. ~ tue it 9fddd 4 t4e ~ 05 'tit)M aMt ~ üe ;4e­ ~. g'e ~e eudted. ad üe ~u~. t<J. ~ Ht<Uf ~'tt g'fe4­ 4Ü«)4 ad peau de ~. 7M dattt'e4 tka ;4~ g'~ ~~ t4e ~ aMt «4e­ ~ ~ t4e ~ ad t4e fHß4t~. 7~~. ~­ ~ t4e 1fIaw 05 ;4~'f. ßr.dtt a ~ ~ aMt IWH ~datiu 6Mtk~051~. ~ada~~~. 1~~ ~a~e died d.e~o.'te it ~ad d.eeo.me .«a d.a.4))... g'ett tM ~i,t<J.'tiett d.'t~t do«t 4 ;4d.tt g'~-eed dattt'e4. a<t M U1M t4e ~ 05 t4e ~ o.~ ;4eea~ 9a~ 1tteam aee mo.meH-tum to. 90. ~U1l-tM", to. t~e ",ei91ek.U1l-üe9 ~. 7M fdedge 05 ~1tU ~ t<J. ~ 4 ~ ~ at4o. fao.­ uided ~ f#itIt alt ~ ad ~ t<J. ~ t4e ~ ~ 05 1tt­ iaHt. 1 ~ ;4ttai.. g'e ~e exatted. tka tM4 ~ eudt de ~ aMt it4 ~ t<J. de 4«6~ aMt tue t4e twet 05 it4 ~ ~ ""'­ Me 6M ~ t« tk euMU (J(,IQl.. ;4",d ma'f ,4eea~ .d.e<tttutJ (J.It eu ~evttM", ttetu.etttt tfJ üett4duee fJtM't wo.W. 05 1damu ~ <to. " t<J. Mtft- t4e ~ /UtJIde4 ma4e ae,­ ~ «dd tMüt. ~ ~ aMt t4e ~ 05 t4e eaJd'f ~051~. The Interpreter Mohammad Agha 4 In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful INTR,ODUCTION Thanks be to Allah for His abundant favours and for His Graces which are innumerousand uncountable. And 'I beg His pardon from the grave guilts and the small ones as weIl. And I beseech His guidance andblessings. And I say May Allah's Blessings and peace be granted to Mohammed the Messenger of Allah. I actually had a great desire to write the glorious biography of the Messenger of Allah; To whom May Allah's Bessings and Peace be Granted in order to disseminate it in the Islamic world. So, I spent days and nights in fullreading and gerting through the biographies and I collected them and explained the mysterious sides and verified the rightness of narrations and . confirmed the datesand events and replied to objections and silly questions by bright evidence and categorical proofs. The book was satisfactory to me as for bringing about the right information into the Islamic World. When it was done, people received it with acceptance and approval and they read it with eagerness and enthusiasm. Thanks be to Allah, the book has so far obtained the satisfaction of both the public and the elite. And I have received the messages of praise and encouragement from great Elmas and men of letters. I feIt myself pushed forward by a force to continue researches and writing in spite of the pre-occupations of daily life. Many friends asked me to follow the biography of Allah's Messenger by the biographies of the Orthodox Caliphs in the same way. I had the pleasure to hear that and I couldn't but respond to them positively. I kindly requested Allah to guide me to the best. I saw to write the biography of 5 Abu Bakr al-Seddeq, for whom Allah's good pleasure is prayed. He is the first one of the Orthodox Caliphs whom the Messenger of Allah ordered us to follow and to be guided by. When the prophet, to Whom may Allah's blessings and peace be granted, died Arabs were shocked and Muslims became at adds; particularly al-Ansar (Supporters) and the immigrants; for caliphate (succession). Abu Bakr, armed with wisdom and presence of mind, defused the dispute and got the pledge of allegiance by consensus. Abu Bakr, for whom Allah's Good pleasureisprayed, proved that he was the most efficient man and the man of that time because when the messenger of Allah died, many Arabs apostatized and things turned very dangerous in the Arabian Peninsula. Thus, predictors emerged and gathered their armies and rebelled against Muslims. Some of them apostatized and others prevented alms and prayers and permitted the practicing of taboos and dismissed many Walis (Governors). Had not Abu Bakr been astrang adherent to the Sunna of Prophet and had not he been of strong will and courage, the apostates would have prevailed and beat the Islam onee for all. First, the matter caused fears to the great companions of Prophet Mohammed, to Whom may Allah's blessings and peace be granted; but, Abu Bakr showed steadfastness and efficiency in sending armies and choosing commanders and Walis to all parts of the Arabian Peninsula. He defeated the apostates and restored security to the country in less than a year. Furthermore, he sent armies to Iraq and al-Sham and defeated the Persians and Romans arrd their Arab allies. The Arab conquerors went beyondthe Arabian Peninsula in their conquests. All this was done during his Caliphate; which lasted two years and a few months. No doubt, great achievements were made in this short period; thereby paving the way for his successors to go ahead with Islamic conquests. By this the wisdom of Prophet Mohammad, to Whom rnay Allah's blessings and peace be granted, was proved through the selection of Abu Bakr after _ Hirn. He, for Whom Allah's good pleasure is prayed, was niee, docile, humble, ascetic, austere, fair and not greedy. His concern was to disseminate Islam and bolster its foundations as weIl as to follow the Sunna of Allah's 6 Messenger, to Whom may Allah's blessings and peace be granted. He worked for closing the ranks of Muslims. In general, he was the best example for them in their religion and their life. He chose the best for them to be his successor after hirn; the orthodox caliph Omar Ibn al-Khattab, for whom AlIah's Good pleasure is prayed. He was his minister and judge and he accompanied hirn all the time during his caliphate for maintaining the entity of Islam. This is Abu Bakr al-Seddeq, the successor of Allah's Messenger in whose Iife I was interested and whose life I interprepted. And I explained his great acts in my book.I kindly request Allah to whom be ascribed all perfection and majesty that I was asuccess in my job. And I request Allah the Almighty that the Muslims get the benefit and to make use of their good ancestors as I made things easier for understanding with a view to explaining the battles, the Men's biographies, setting dates right and explaining the mysterious phrases to facilitate the revision and research and to save time. In conc1usion, I extend my great gratitude to all those people who showed care and appreciation for my book «Mohammed the Messenger of Allah». Undoubtedly, I owe them all this sympathy and encouragement. Mohammad Redha 7 Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Seddeq For whom may Allah's Good pleasure in prayed He is Abdullah Ibn Othman Ibn Amer Ibn Amre Ibn Ka'ab Ibn Said Ibn Taim Ibn Murra Ibn Ka'ab Ibn Louay AI-Qarashi AI-Tamimi.
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