A 1 SCOTTISH RITE NEWS BULLETIN ISSUED BY AUTHORITY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33°, SOUTHERN JURISDICTION, U. S. A. 1735 SIXTEENTH STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON 13, D. C. The sentiments expressed herein do not necessarily carry the endorsement of the Supreme Council. No. 98 October 21, 1946 MEETING IN PARIS MONTANA AND SCHOOL TAXES Grand Commanders of several Su­ preme Councils of Continental Europe [Editor’s N ote: A short time ago the try, wdiich is . between $2,700 and recently held a conference at Paris. It publication called Montana Education printed $2,800. is well known that some of the Supreme a bulletin from the Montana Education As­ If you are a parent . if you are a sociation Public Relations Office of which Councils are still dormant. Attending Del Rayburn is Director. After deploring forward-looking citizen with a belief however, were Dr. L. J. J. Caron of the the teacher shortage, he wrote the follow­ in Montana’s future and the future of Netherlands, Fernand Leveque of Bel­ ing paragraphs under the subhead “ The America as a whole . if you want Remedy.” ] gium, Col. Paul Collet of Switzerland, Montana’s children trained to equal and Rene Raymond of France, each EFORE World War I we devoted and excel the best thinking that they Grand Commander in his respective B more than 25 per cent of all tax will have to compete with from Russia country. collections to the support of public or England or any other country in the A letter was read from Dr. Karl elementary and secondary schools. world of tomorrow . please read with Doppler of Austria who was not able In 1940, before our entry into World thoughtful consideration the following to attend. His Supreme Council is not War II, we used 3 per cent of our total propositions, offered in solution of our as yet functioning fully. At the con­ income for schools. preseiTt low school standards. ference were received Augusto Barcia, Today we are using not more than 5 1. Provide more state aid. former Grand Commander of the Su­ per cent of our total tax collections for 2. Make such state aid automatic— preme Council of Spain and Jean Pan- the support of our public schools. eliminating the necessity of appealing gal, a former Grand Commander of the Today we are using less than l 1/? per to the Legislature every two years. Supreme Council of Rumania, and they cent of our total income for school [Etc.] _______________ gave information about the Freema­ purposes. sonry in their countries. However, the GRAND LODGE OF ILLINOIS Montana leads the states of the former has been in Mexico and the Ar­ Union in consumption of alcoholic bev­ The Grand Lodge of Illinois held its an­ nual session in Chicago beginning with Grand gentine since the beginning of the War erages, per capita. Master William Tinsley’s dinner and recep­ and the latter has been in Portugal and Between 1939 and 1942 the American tion October 7th. Next morning the Grand France most of the time since Rumania people increased their expenditures for Master opened the Grand Lodge in the was overrun, but they probably have alcoholic beverages from 3.4 billion presence of a great attendance of Illinois Ma­ some connections in their countries at sons seated in the auditorium of the Medinah dollars to 5.2 billion dollars; their to­ Shrine Temple. Visitors were received by present who can furnish them with in­ bacco bill jumped from 1.8 billion to the Grand Lodge one by one. The number formation which they feel satisfied is 2.4; and beauty treatments and cos­ of Grand Masters, Deputy Grand Masters, accurate. metics went from 1 billion to IV2 bil­ Grand Secretaries and Grand Treasurers pres­ The situation in Italy was discussed ent perhaps exceeds the number in attend­ lion. Each year since ’42 has seen the ance at any other Grand Lodge meeting in and a communication was received from rate of expenditure for such luxuries any state. one group in Italy called the United climb higher. The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Supreme Council of the Piazza del Surely people with so much money Ontario, Canada, Charles S. Hamilton, 33°, Gesu and Palazzo Giustiniani, through who is Grand Treasurer General of the Su­ for pleasure can afford to invest more preme Council of Canada, was among visitors. Giovanni Mori of Rome, Lieutenant in the educational future of their chil­ Also present was a Past Grand Master of Grand Commander of this group of dren. What kind of odds are we giving the Philippines and Past Grand Master of which Tito Signorelli is Grand Com­ education . if civilization is “a race Kentucky, John H. Cowles. Grand Secretary mander. The report was that this group between catastrophe and education” ? Richard C. Davenport, 33°, reported that seventeen Grand Secretaries were present. is now near to realizing unity with If Montana’s children are to have Each visitor was individually greeted by the other Grand Powers in Italy, but con­ educations comparable to those of the Grand Master with a word or two. ditions there are still so confused that children of our neighboring states . Immediately after this greeting, the tribute no recommendation was made. if Montana’s children are to be prop­ to departed members was given, with music, Those at the Paris conference dis­ and then the officers’ reports were made, erly fitted to hold their own and make which were most satisfactory and they were cussed the next International Confer­ capable citizens in the atomic world of well received. Committee reports followed ence of Supreme Councils and the senti­ tomorrow . this school problem must and business was finished promptly at noon, ment seemed to be that it should be be recognized and solved by the parents including election of Grand Lodge Officers. held on this side of the Atlantic, but All of them had served so faithfully and effi­ and forward-looking citizens of today. ciently that one by one they were unani­ no mention was made of a date or As the first step in that direction . mously reelected to office, except the Grand place. our salary schedules must be raised Treasurer, who had passed away. The va­ immediately so that we can offer at cancy was filled by the election of Arthur I. Peters. ______________ CAMP FOR BOYS IN INDIANA least $2,250 starting pay for a B.A. de­ For a number of years the Knights Tem­ gree, reach $4,000 for an M.A. with ten By ignoring principles and the lessons of plar Commanderies of Indiana have spon­ or more years’ experience, and at least history and accepting the theories of men sored annual outings for boys at Camp and political expedience for our guidance, we Crosley on Lake Tippecanoe. This year 201 equal the average federal salary, or have made vassals of our states and depend­ boys were the guests of 50 of the 60 Com­ skilled and semi-skilled wage in inclus- ents of our people.—Hatton W. Sumners. manderies one week in the summer. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NORTHERN SUPREME COUNCIL PEOPLE OF WISCONSIN ALERTED The 134th annual session of the Su­ X NOVEMBER 5th the people of posed amendment be submitted to a preme Council, 33°, Ancient Accepted O Wisconsin will vote on the adop­ vote of the people at the general elec­ Scottish Rite for the Northern Masonic tion or rejection of the following tion in November, 1946, and if a ma­ Jurisdiction, was held at Pittsburgh, amendment to an Article in the State jority of the voters- voting thereon Pa., September 20-26. Pennsylvania Constitution: shall approve this amendment it shall has the largest number of Scottish Rite “ Article X, Section 3. The legisla­ become a part of the constitution of Masons of any state in the United ture shall provide by law for the estab­ this state. Be it further States or in any country, there being lishment of district schools, which shall “ Resolved, That the question of the 71,235 32nd Degree Masons in Pennsyl­ be as nearly uniform as practicable; ratification of this amendment shall be vania; and Pittsburgh has the largest and such schools shall be free and with­ stated on the ballot as follows: membership in that Orient, 17,235. out charge for tuition to all children be­ “ Shall section 3 of article X of the A religious service was held at the tween the ages of four and twenty constitution be amended so as to au­ First Presbyterian Church on Sunday years; and no sectarian instruction thorize the legislature to provide for the under the direction of the Rev. A. Gor­ shall be allowed therein, except that transportation of children to and from don MacLennan, the sermon being such prohibition shall not bar the legis­ any parochial or private school or insti­ preached by the Rt. Rev. Austin lature from providing for the transpor­ tution of learning?” Pardue, 32°, Episcopal Bishop of the tation of children to and from any Thus here is another attempt to in­ Diocese of Pittsburgh. After the open­ school or institution of learning.” vade the field of the.public schools and ing of the session on Tuesday morning The Joint Resolution No. 78 of the to their disadvantage. If this amend­ Grand Commander Melvin M. Johnson Legislature in 1945 relative to this ment passes, then no doubt soon there read his Allocution, mentioning the amendment stated: will be another one proposed, providing success of the research work in the cure ‘'Therefore, be it for the state to erect school buildings for dementia praecox, the plans for "Resolved by the Senate, the Assem­ or to pay salaries of teachers in private, Rituals, the assistance given foreign bly concurring, That the foregoing parochial and other sectarian schools.
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