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CINK ' 7.-t-r - 1 -:t- THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OFTHE UNIVERSITY OF INDIANAPOLIS 2 1 ./&.-1 , ' ii....3... ·P J .439 *le , ,. 96..'..., . , \ : - PA---*d .. ,5-, 43 /c.:421,1''tj - A' 1 4 9. f Ll *: 1 1 24 i -j. /4/ )11 k 7 + 4-4 . *. 3 2.0.2 - A- 4. ., r -. •' : t - .-.... f, 1 1 13 ./4 IPT *- > r '2 1 , 1.- ; ///////< , 1 · S' , r 1 1 -, "'*fr'T- A 24**7N 1 i.9.„.54„,4 -::S. 1.-1 ) 144 . 2- I - . , #r\ . --1 1 45 '9 ... 1 f- *- - . - " 1-' 4- ... .. «1- «e. 1 fi- -j,j ' t.*r v--. .4.94*d;La 1 .illie f 1 6: .....- \ 1.-S .1,8 ..-7- 1 . -· 534)11 ' *04---h Ca...6.11.ill.I(.5*Ilililillil Edlml,livrl: wk.71,. ,=:d:,a: l > See reflectoruindyedu Photo by Matt Kryger/Ibe Indianapolis Star =F'GI 'h I S S U E 5 . * NOVEMBER 14,2012 * reflectonuindy. edu -12ly 4/ UIndy looks At * ... -- 7- :.+ ahead with 9 'h- il / ' Vision 2030 A .* By Kyle Weidner 2.. 44 STAFFWRITER 't'·e,· - 1 ...4 . : Anew strategic planningprocess for .. - 4 the future of the University of India- ., napolis is unfolding since the arrival of . «1 '- 5*. -Af 4,« . .President Robert Manuel. - - · Thisprocess,Vision2030,isanewway ' *4..ft · - . for everyone at UIndy to take a critical ,F ' lookatwheretheschoolisnowandwhere it should go as a whole. - - . ' 1 ' VA*. ' M a n u e l· 0 ... -9... said that the r reason for this process is to - Photo coninbuted by Jodie Fo lse stay competi- tivewith other « , Jodie Ferise greets studentsfrom Mram Plains,Ghana,during atripwith Precious Words Project, a nonprofit organization thot she founded with Ulndy Students.TheprojectplanstovisitGhanaevery Dec. and May. universities. «Moments in life where wegettostand 94.2...:.. Precious Words to Ghana back and speaks 1 a dream about , 40 By Abby Gross Ferise said that Precious Words has 'Ihis idea of continuing theworkthat anything,"Ferise said."So therefore,they - - the future are gathered3,000booksand 150 the Precious Words Project does during are grateful." MANUEL OPINION EDITOR schoolkits, super rare," Manuel completewithbackpacks and supplies, for . each trip reflects the group's goal of sus- Ferise told the story ofa young, mar- s said.«It[Vision this trip.These supplies, along with the tainability.Ferisesaidthatshehopestheir riedmotherthatsheencounteredduringa 2030] is a chance to really take a critical University of Indianapolis students construction materials and furnishings workwillempowerindividualGhanaians previous trip to Ghana.The woman went :' , - look at who we are as a university and will travel to Africa next month to help forthe school, alreadyhavebeen shipped. and entire communities. to classes everydaybecausetherewasnot . 1 who we would like to build a school be Ferise become for the . in Afram Plains, Ghana, Once in Ghana, the materials will explained her goal of empow- aschoolto attend duringherearlieryears. 6 future.'Ihepathwe choosewillbe critical as part ofthe Precious Words Project. transportedindugoutcanoesacrossLake ering Ghanaians through literacy and «She was in fifth grade because she i to remaining a great university." With the help ofher students, Assis- Volta,oneoftheworld'slargestreservoirs, education, calling the establishment of wanted to learn how to read,"Ferise said. Theprocess is settobeginthis month. tantProfessorofBusinessAdministration and trucked up a hill to the school. libraries the hallmark of the project. Sophomore Marketing major David ; -t Itis anopportunitytolookatwhatis cur- Jodie Ferise founded thePreciousWords Inadditiontotransformingandstock- «Thehopeis that everywhere that we Schlechttraveledto Ghanawith the May 1. rently driving higher education forward Project after leading a Spring Term trip ingtheexistingschool, thegroupwillwork go, we will always build a library.That's 2012 Spring Term trip and will return ' andensure thatUIndyremains adistinc- to Ghana in May 2011. The project has one-on-one with students on reading. thepointofPreciousWords,"Ferise said. to Ghana during the upcoming trip. He i- 2 ': tiveentityforcurrentandfuturestudents. sincegathered morethan 15,000booksto Outside ofthe classroom the Precious Ferise said that while many students saidthatthebest part ofthe experience is * According to Manuel, Vision 2030 help stock school libraries for Ghanai*t Wordsgroup also willhostasports camp, will never see the world beyond Ghana, interacting with the Ghanaian students. _r., will._invoke two interwoven-processes. students.Beupcomingtripwillestablish made possible by donations offports_ she hopes books will proyide them rich, «You see kids on commercials and . ' One process requires thinking long term a library for a new primary school. equipindntbyUInd»fodtballandsoccer empo eritig rdadidg -exp-6riericei. E jiou feel really bad [for-them]. But-tliER-- ' ' and the. other, short term. Manuel said A group of 12, most of whom are programs. Ferise stressed the generosity literacyrateofGhanaisverylow,andeven when you go there, you make this special i that both processes will need the input UIndy students, will leave for Ghana oftheseathleticprograms,whichdonated primary education is a privilege, because bond, and it's very hard to leave that," of the university as a whole. on Christmas Day and spend 12 days in usedjerseys,backpacksandballs.Accord- manyareasinGhanadonothaveschools. Schlecht said. " i Each voice in this process is criti- Ghana before returning on Jan. 8. ing to Ferise, the children in the Afram Ferise described the Ghanaian stu- Ferise plans to continue returning to cal. And the involvement of not only AccordingtoFerise,thistripwillbring Plainsareahaveneverhadtheopportunity dents' willingness to learn and appre- Ghana each May and December. May's the university, but the community as a much more than a library to the Afram to experience sports. ciation of education, even ina barren, trip willbe an official UIndy SpringTerm whole, is crucial to the success of this Plains primary school, which currently «'Ihey'vehadnorecreationalmaterials unfurnishedconcreteclassroom. Shesaid trip, during which students will study - process," Manuel said. "It is impossible exists as an unfurnished, concrete build- at all," Ferise said."What we are hoping that the students are happy with very small business start-ups and return to to understand one's selfwithout looking ing. Plans for the trip include training to do is to actually spend a lot of time little, compared to Ainericans,who often the Afram Plains primary school. Ferise at other individuals who have been in local teachers, stocking the school with with some ofthe older kids, so thatwhen feel entitled to education on their terms. said that the project is always accepting ,, similar situations. supplies and hoiting a sports camp and we leave, it's like we've left little coaches "They're so content there.They don't donations or help.For more information, . > See VISION 2030 on page 3 vacation Bible school. behind who then can take over. feellike anything or anybody owes them students canvisitpreciouswordsafrica. org. < ; - /:-:£J E-/,4 - 1 :4/I #19,;- 3-allE#vhl ..1 4// U * f%,331 .-=1 *0 0fc BL inn f 8 -,= .... F .. --a,- f #i=-„ .1,#3 :Ek#r -'9*«:· ·1- C.... 4- ... %19*i .T. 4 *8*##EL=...'1 /// .1 06 @ff'50"M -=. 3 -0 4 F 1 -484 1 *:12€2.. "'.4·,:te, 2 =- .1 .. tiow y, 3. » , 1-"Mr-»r ..4, * 53<11*j:.fh ,» I ,-.,-- .... -- 4 (4'e,: s . <z)* 4/ A/ ':,"9·37.- ,E /- _ il-/-1/ I. ·S'..1•--•1 -1'Tr'l=t'F . *I. *,..:33 9,•id §S--/-) ilfa'm'* 1@1 R / I...:Mse, i ' . -.'PS:-11·4 rli .'- Std,Ake . 51.11 Lild....,1 & 1„ 1- )i@91 ] . 1*E(iff/iM i , .0.. -wu/r: .- 2/ ive 1- : /9,/-5 48 k '. ...4,6&- ./.*=.6: 1 4 ' :t- 7 .· if) .' S. ;lswc...J ..rza. ./ 2. -Ir- ---1/ I 1 6 #a.-Ul.apa.Al'*0 ialt &1152;f-- .7281.' M---I '7"' gioxw, 40,21, 1 1/'ll'.2..il f.:.Rt IN[1* PAA@® ,. 7,89<, 4< Photos 4)'Ayla *4' ... 1%1 ]i Fij Left:Chef Dan Phillips (left) andTed Polk (right) participateinthe Halloween celebration onOct. 31. Right:Students eatand enjoytheHalloweenfestivities.Wilder - ; ittr-- >.. .....1 :(23il '*&4 - h 9 1 kappndva# PFS makes meals special 5 - *... 1 By ' . - 1:.5.. i.-0 A„.2':1 11.:grave ' (0IRKa} @11*tfINf 2 nme:t*St<oan raol%;55 tionpsMI':3:1 S: '1:ggini„_ .- . food. In addition, a speciallhanksgiving tions on campus to prepare specialnights 13&1®i'*111 Iii and Christmas dinner are organized for aswell.HavingaChineseNewYeardinner *,1.9.75:w. =af'€03.i#I@ 'Ihe founder and owner of Polk Food the fall semester. They are all held in the in February with the Chinese Student " .5.tys,..s about 10 cafeteria. Union is one favorite events. ::-:Cg.· 2. Services,Inc.,TedPolk,decided UIndy of Phillip's , '.....'.11 ': 'r, years ago, to try special meal nights on Tuesdays with Ted now has been said. ...:At:, "[I] tryto keep itspecial,"Phillips "»'* Tuesdays.'Ihe idea was intended to at- extended to include Wednesdays. Polk "It's very positive feedback I get." -, -I'.../..... ..'I.--- ----1- - *SM))Al -=AY-fnl Ir 0f tractmoreinterestamongstudents. Since said that he wanted students who could DuringHomecomingWeek,PFScar- - ..... 1984,PFS hasprovided theUniversityof not attend dinner on Tuesdays beciuse ried dinners froth five different country, '..: ' .:- 1 lUB,W· INgq-« l- 4& . Indianapolis with food services. ofclasses tohavethesame opportunity following the theme «Hounds Around .....11:.L. 521"' :. llllli «Students get bored so we [PFS] try to participate. ' - the World." Freshman communication 5',</.,4"',.. -*',-- -, P ( 2 .fii: to make it [dinner] funand do something According to Polk, he enjoys creating major Rachel Taller said she enjoyed the .'-,SP p.z \ -1.I different," Polk said. "It'samonotony somethingnewandexcitingforstudents, different atmospheres, foods and ....5.:-1,R 1- 1 - »A @rliii--1. breaker. " staff and families who visit. "I didn't expect a new thing music. 44''..5%ef.- u, ef. 3(€ 63 [theme] -i-';1<4T&.4 month, Polk and his PFS staff Chef Dan Phillips said that he likes every night,"Taller said."It was neat and Every .-·ff'1 I.*5 arrangefortwo specialevents calledTues- to prepare new meals and that hosting special." ..'·«,3-- L .4,1,1.: .FO,i;.
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