UR SPRING/SUMMER 2019 AL C AT N ES O S I O T I C D I E D T A Y p a good s s i o d n o a o news te th a s bout prie Download the Good News Publication at www.additionalcurates.co.uk LEGACIES WHaaxv eca ynodul ecso,n vsoidtievree dli gshutpsp, orting the work of the Church through grave lights, altar brethade sA, CS after your death? wTihnee m, oinnceye rnesceei,v ecdh afrrocmo gailf,t s in wills is the life blood of the Society, helping to all kepeunt plyri epsrtsic ien dp alirkiseh eas , supporting the Church for many years to come. wIf eyollu k wnoouwld nlik ere tota mileakr.e a bequest to the ACS please use the following form of Wwoerd ainrge i nn yeovuer rL aksnt oWwill ianngdl y Testament. u“nI gdiveer a snod lbde. queath to the Additional Curates Society and it’s work care of the General Secretary, 16 Commercial Street, Birmingham B1 1RS the sum of £_______________________________ (Instead of naming any particular amount of money you can express a wish that a certain fraction of your estate should be applied to the work of the ACS) (free from all death or legal duties), to be applied for the purpose of the work of the Additional Curates Society, and I declare that the receipt of the General Secretary for the time being of the Additional Curates Society shall be sufficient discharge to my executors of the same.” Contents Additional Curates Society General Secretary’s Letter ........................3 16 Commercial Street, Our New Home ......................................4 Birmingham B1 1RS We Need More Priests ..............................6 New Faces ..............................................8 Telephone 0121 382 5533 www.additionalcurates.co.uk God Calling ..............................................9 email: [email protected] Speak Lord, your Servant is Listening ........11 The opinions and views expresssed Stepping into Deep Water ........................12 in this magazine and by the The Southern See ....................................14 advertisers are those of the individuals and not of the Additional The Great Vocations Conversation ............16 Curates Society Leamington Live ........................................18 Gift Aid ....................................................20 “So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation, everything old has passed away, see everything has become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 Let's be honest, we are all risk averse. We exactly what we have created here in enjoy the familiar routine, normal is always far Commercial Street which is already proving more comfortable than something different, itself as a real asset to our work. But also radical and risky. October 5th officially marked some of the challenging circumstances that we the opening of our new H.Q. in Commercial find ourselves in now in terms of clergy Street and demonstrates very powerfully that shortages and the overall age profile of existing the Additional Curates Society is anything but priests presented in Bishop Tony’s reflection. averse to risks. As previously stated in the last edition of Good News this beautiful building is The challenge to all of you, and particularly any very much the gift of the ACS to Anglo- one who might be considering ordination, is Catholicism, and I think demonstrates very not to be risk averse, but take the risk and find powerfully our commitment and enthusiasm to out what God has planned for you. If you see our primary task of resourcing the church’s someone that you think might be a suitable ministry for successive generations. candidate for ordination, take the risk and pose the question. If you feel that there is something The ACS continually attempts to remind in your life that is drawing you towards individuals that God requires them to take a ordination, take the risk and present yourself as risk in responding to His call. When our Lord a candidate to your parish priest. If you feel summoned the fishermen to follow him, there drawn in any way to assisting us financially or was no guarantee of anything, but their practically in this crucial task of resourcing enthusiasm and spontaneity in simply leaving ministry then please take a risk, step out and their nets behind is both a challenge and be counted. Perhaps it is now time for us all to example to us all. be counter cultural and to take risk upon risk for the sake of the Kingdom. In this new edition of the Good News magazine I am delighted to be able to present to you some more detailed knowledge of Fr Darren Smith Our New Home The 5th October 2018 will certainly go down in following church charities who have each the history of Anglo-Catholicism as a day of sponsored a room. significant change, for it was then at 16 The Guild of the Servants of the Sanctuary Commercial Street that Bishop Tony Robinson The Church Union officially dedicated this impressive building to the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament glory of God and the service of the Church. Then The Gadd Trust to be opened by the Right Honourable Yvonne There is still the opportunity to add your name to Mosquito, Lord Mayor of Birmingham. the generous list of donors as we are still in the The Lord Mayor beautifully articulated for us all process of furnishing our offices. We still require the fact that this date was the culmination of quite some more chairs for our meeting room and literally years of planning, preparation, turmoil and £100 will pay for each one of these. We are many troubled nights. What a delight it was to hoping to purchase some more meeting room welcome back many esteemed friends and guests tables and £200 will pay for one of these. Finally who had been associated with us in one way any money that you are able to contribute will or another and 3 Society Bishops all for this ensure that our facilities are not only fit for splendid day. purpose but a real asset to the future of our movement. Please do Whilst acknowledging that it complete the attached form would be very difficult for many and return it to us if you can of you to physically be with us in make any contribution. person, we would like to extend a warm invitation for any who And as for Gordon Browning find themselves in Birmingham House, these premises were City Centre the opportunity of sold and the proceeds have all popping in and looking round. been invested in a new Trust For those who are unable to bearing his name. This will travel then there is a chance to ensure that Mr Browning’s view our impressive facilities both generosity and his name will here in this magazine but also by be forever remembered in the visiting us on-line where Google work of the ACS. The Council Maps will quite literally bring you have decided that only the inside every room with a 360 o income generated can be used walking tour of every room. So to further the work of the you will be able to be in Father ACS. Darren’s office or in Mary’s luxury More news of this work is suite, or Robert’s open plan found here in the magazine environment and the new and in the next edition we Church Union base. want to showcase some of the We are indebted to a number of other new and exciting individuals and charities who have initiatives that we are contributed significant sums supporting financially both in towards this amazing provision. terms of the part funding of We would particularly like to priests and our exciting express our gratitude to the vocations initiative. 4 Please accept £ donation towards the investment being made by the ACS for the future of the our Church. I would like my money to be used specifically towards (Please Specify if there is a particular item you want to purchase. Any Dedication I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. Title First Name of initial(s) Surname Full home address Postcode: Signature I enclose a cheque for the full amount . Please post to 16 Commercial Street, Birmingham B1 1RS Or Credit Card details. Card Number Expiry Date Issue No if applicable Security Code 5 When we talk about vocation we recognise first every Christian has a vocation to a specific ministry in the Church. But the Apostle Paul also tells us in the fourth chapter of Ephesians WE NEED 50% that some are called to be Prophets, some Apostles and some Teachers with the purpose MORE PRIESTS of building up the Body of Christ. Of course there is a sense in which no single vocation is better than or superior to any other but our EACH YEAR parishes and people do need priests to bring them the sacraments. In the Strategy for Mission within The Society the fourth point is: Celebrating Sacramental Priesthood We will: a) Build confidence in the identity of the Church and the nature of priesthood b) Take active steps to foster priestly vocations c) Use teaching days, conferences and learning communities to encourage lifelong priestly formation Priesthood It is clear that Jesus saw the ‘sending’ of the apostles as being identified with and a continuation of His ‘sending’ by the Father, so in this sense catholic priests are identified with, The Additional Curates Society prayer and continue, in a unique way the incarnation, begins ‘Almighty God gives us priests’.
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