Knowledge is the prime need of the hour. - Mary Macleod Bethune , 1955 The Onyx Informer Inside This Edition of the Onyx Informer News ...........................................Pg. 4 Peace still submerged within latest conflicts in the Middle East. Indina-Pakistani tensions arise from region 's 2001 conflict. Truth knows no color; it appeal to intelli­ gence. - James Cone , 1986 Argentina's economic downward spiral reaches new lows. Newsworthy coverage on the Economy , Technol­ Executive & Editorial Board ogy , the Nation , and Health Business Tips The Village ................................Pg. 6 Introducing Greg Riley Black History in Boston Did You Know ... Speak Out ........... ....................... .Pg. 8 Attention People Individually and Collectively Walking on King's Highway: King Talk is Cheap Talk Imperialism at its Best Healtlt ...................................... Pg. 10 Eating For Life Frustrated About Reaching the Big O? Is Your Thong Rubbing You the Wrong Way? Ed.utaitunent .............. .............. Pg. 12 A One Man Show: Glenn Lewis Hub CAps to Dub Caps Ms. ubian Hang or Bang SmdSpeecb The Onyx Book list ............... Pg. 16 S,p<:>rts... .................................... Pg. 19 2 The Onyx Inform er ToourR ad r F bruary i a pecial month for all of u cau we tak a m m nt t 1 that e maymo eforward. Th OnyxWormerwa e tabli h din1972inatimewh nav fi r the black community here at orthea tern needed to be heard. The founding principle the Onyx wa built from wa a newsp aper to cover a pects of Black life a it i related to the NU community topics that directly or indirectly affect the Black tudent community. And as we look back on the 6 major purposes the Onyx developed in its founding: ~ To provide work-study jobs for black students who wished to obtain newspaper experience. ~ To allow journalism majors the chance to experiment with their creativity and to develop good journalistic style. ~ To contain a literary section that provided an outlet for black students inter­ ested in the arts. ~ To inform black students and community residents of the events that surround them ~ To announce events held in the community and other colleges. ~ To educate black people to their position and potential to the university world. This month we look forward at ways to revitalize the support and reputation the Onyx once had (when it was common to see publications printed twice a month with out fail). Today we are dedicated to pre erving and enhancing this legacy established before us while adapting to the present needs of our readers. We , at the Onyx, are committed with such intensity to improving the quality and scope of our publication with each and every issue. It is this month in which we wish to share with you our gratefulness and appreciation to our ancestors and all who have come before us. With our sincere gratitude to all of our readers and supporter , The media's the mo. t powerful ntity n earth. They have the po er to make the innoc nt guilty and to make the guilty innocent , and that' power. Because they control the minds of the masse . - Malcom X , 1963 3 The Onyx Informer Histoty is a people 's memory , and without a memo1y , man is demoted to the lower animals . ~ Malcom X, 1%4 Peace still submerged within lat- dismantle the terrorist infrastructure ,' stated Although io lence co ntinu es in the est conflicts in the Middle East Israeli government spokesman Ra 'a nan disputed region, Kashmir, intervention Due to conflicts that ha e arisen be- Gi in. He adds , "As leader of the Palestin- from US foreign affairs see ms to have re­ tween Palestinian militias and Israeli mili­ ian Authority , the PLO and Fatah, Chair­ laxed tension between the two long tinle tary, peace seems to have taken a back seat man Arafat mu t cake immediate action adversarie . ecretary of State Powell to hostility and sub-par foreign relations against tho e responsible for these acts and tated tl1at Pakistan has made progress , in­ efforts. Israeli leader Ariel Sharon has stated confront the infrastructure that perpetuates cluding the arrests of extremists, the ban­ that peace talks cannot continue with Pales­ terror and violence ." ning of su pect organizations and do ing tine, adding that Palestinian leader , Ya er A5 a result, Palestinian ecurity forces of such organ izations ' offices. Also, Paki­ Arafat, was not using his full authority to cook into cu tody Ahmed Sa-aclat, leader of stan Pre ident, Gen. Pervez Mu hatTaf, ad­ prevent the hostile actions against Israeli ci­ the Popular Front for the Lib ration of dre sed the methods in which his country's vilian , deeming Arafat "irrelevant, " Palestine, whom Israeli official blame for intends to fight terror. As these method oon after , violence increased when the assas inacion of Israeli Touri m iinis­ ha e been cautious ly but optimistica lly re­ Israeli military missiles hit Palestinian naval ter Rechavam Ze'evi . Following the e in­ ceived by India, they have served to ea e vessels, destroying 58 homes and leaving 511 crease in violence , it seems as though nei­ the tensions in the region. Powell ' vi it Palestinians homeles . Israeli official re­ ther Pal stinians nor I raeli are prepared also ha: appare ntly helped lessen the threat leased a statement sayingtl1at Palestinian lead­ for the sought after re olution of peace . of war. ership was importing an abundant amount of arms and munitions that were allegedly brought from Iran . Argentina's economic downward Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade launched an spiralreaches new lows. attack near a Jewish ettlement , killing one Argentina, a outh American nation , Israeli oldier and wounding another, ju st has taken a plunge off the economic ladder. one clay after a top militant Raed Al-Kanni The counuy has exceeded a distressing 18% from Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat' Fatah unemployment rate at the end of 2001 and party , was killed . In relation to this , the Al repotted that its less than efficient banking Aqsa Brigades claimed responsibility, ion­ Ara.fat (lefl) and Sharon (right) system has received a blow in its already clay afternoon , for a drive-by hooting at a dwindling confide nce due to a los of at Jewish settlement we t of ablus. Israeli least 5 billion dollars within thelast 6 month. Army sergeant of Tiberia , Sgt. Elad Abu­ Indian-Pakistani tensions arise Once regarded a one of the world 's Ganui, 19, wa killed and second Lt. Yani from region 's 2001 conflict richest countries (using average income per Uzi-Dan sustained light-to-moderate gun­ India has charged Pakistan with back­ person comparison) , surpassing developOed shot wounds . Chief Palestinian negotiator , ing iuslim extremist groups that have German and French economies, Argentina Saeb Erakat , exp lained that "Israe l should staged a number of teJTorist attacks in the stead ily down ized its f iscal alue over the stop its a sassinat ion s policy in order not disputed area. Two particularly deadly at­ past 70 years. to provoke the Palestinians and allow the tacks have contributed to thee calation of Argentine leade rs ha e come to the Palestinian Authority to control the streets hostilities . One , in October , took place at co nclu sio n that the chronic government and maintain a cea efire." the legislature in 1inigar in Kashmir . The deficit, tax evasion, a weak entrepreneurial After an attack by a Palestinian mili­ otl1er occurred last montl1 at India·s parlia­ sector , and uncompetiti e wage. are the tant on a bat mitzvah in Hadera that left ment. ( . cause for such demoralizing result . six I raelis dead, I raeli F-16 fighter jets A5 a result, hundreds of troops from Argentina' plans for economic reformation dropped seven missiles on the compo und both count.lies - each of which has nuclear and eventua l increased fiscal alue will be of Palestinian governor of Tulkarem , capabi lities- have been gathered at their slowed down by the lack of a cun-encyboard, Izzeddi n Al- harif. One Pale tinian was common border. India said it will not with­ which causes fear of devalued pesos w hile killed and 50 other were wounded . draw its troops from its border with Paki­ dollar deposits were left unconvett d, The I raeli government placed blame stan until the Pakistanis show greater com­ the situation lea es banks receiving cheap­ for the attacks quarely on Arafat 's shou l­ mitment to fighting terrori m. India has ened pe o while retaining ob ligation i n ders. "111isjust corroborates what we have handed to Pakistan a list of 20 people New expensive dollars. been aying all along: That Arafat does not Dellli identified as teITorists and wa nts ar­ take a ny measures whatsoever in order to rested. 4 The Onyx Informer ha n lirninat d und r Bush . 0 v I- lin s for training night r ws with facing op rs ar no long r r quir d tor stor or thr aLs.TI1 r ha I n om unc nainry reat an a r of wetlands for ery acr surrounding th transition of mor than ECONOMY fill d. mploy s, th administration h >pes Job Seekers lowering their sights. to c )mpl t the tran ition to a workforc , nly ,'cl f job. earcher. got qual or t­ Social Security. The ial curity fully und r fi d ral supervi. ion, of approxi­ eer pay at their ne job in Q4 say dmini tratio n will pay 5 million to mat ly 430 comm rcial airports by year nd, outpla ment firm hallenger Gray & ettle a uit, by 2,2000 black male worker , ay 1v1ienta.
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