Err1nm -, : Spuict ;Prisented,--Are 26 Units .:(Each .Egpni:Ng-:.Wit -Litter- of the -Alphabet): -Tnteridedto Serve- -AS Pol.Nts.10.T.: Dpparture,---. For

Err1nm -, : Spuict ;Prisented,--Are 26 Units .:(Each .Egpni:Ng-:.Wit -Litter- of the -Alphabet): -Tnteridedto Serve- -AS Pol.Nts.10.T.: Dpparture,---. For

DOCUMENT-RESUME _D- -238-726- -SE 043 747 _AUTHOR - Butiow, John W. ; And tigh-ers --, TITLE What Are the ABC's of urine Education?An.. Introduction to -Marine-Education in the Gulfof mane Region... _ INSTITUTION Maine_ Univ., Orono.`Coll.", . Of Education. SPONS AGENCY National Science Foundation,. _Washington, D.C. -PUB DATE' . 82 _ mar NSF-SER-81604,22 -NOTE 91p.; . prodiict of the NorthernNew England Marine Educatiotr Project r -- --- PUB TYPE ' Guides - Classroom Use -,.Guides(For Teachers) (052). -- Reference-Materials - _General (130) EDRS PRICE MPOI/PC04 -Plus Postage., DESCRI/PTOWS *Animals;_ Art Activities; *Biolcgical Sciences; Environmental 'Education; heries; _Geology; es;_ rineiiologyi- Marine 'EducAtiOnf-MatheMaticir;-E Scheols; ion2;-=:;_-00ean-kgriiphy'tiPV-Ograin iintati on °;_ _ _Resourc_ -sr Err1nm -, : spuict ;prisented,--are 26 units .:(each .egpni:ng-:.wit -litter- of the -alphabet): -tnteridedto _serve- -AS pol.nts.10.t.:_dpparture,---._for_. teachers -And studehts_..whO to _increAne .their :_awarenettn,o0.-:the =_ marine _environment:.=Each__-u Variety of content Aqiiat so_-_that 4eaCh-ers,-:of-_41ant7different At the jiinZor _high, ind Middle school ;_leiteli-t-_cerc,-iviektiese,I-of_ thesi-," The- titOtse focus in- onthe _Gulf- _of :Maihey.MaY"be: r entirety__,Or.usedas idea.or.tivitY-SOurced -ctimiCUlunt. Generalittii _ are and 'navigation; A:i=sh and:..fimhe see- =tides:end current; aquaturturep repreatin;_..marine :geology; marinC.havigation aidi;.,_.estripe bitilogy;. _Wine pants; history.-4-Am-cing the specitle---topicsiactxvitieSAneutled_-Are4:: building- a :saltwater_ aqUatiiiM;: boat. design._ COOesti activities of -the StAte. _Department -of:_ -_itesciiitces;,_-4eattif4ttoy__*-cx:o_it-iew -- _,rebeghising parts eiWk4dtc4.-'vesSels;-'13diimsbisAis4s4SAthpr-Jore experiences; steps invOlited_ln. intrOducing._Marine= education;_Northern -NeW England Marine Educationro4faiev. a:-study StaikAlehavi or; and -glaciation. A... pa-0-0 of diiht materials: is- ptovided . : ******4'iiiiitit iitAtititgii.ife.***iii.**4**-itit'svest********4.***, **it.*Aft***,***Vt***********-. -it Reproductionss.0 pil ecc bl..E0tvare Abe -best that can b e-made. :* * _ _,_ -- : -_-:fr --the-Oilgirial_:466ienf:--'. -- flti*4fti********1**s*****ii**********************i.*******_*********,*** . arethe Arine ucaion?. An Introduction to Marine Education in the =Gulf of Maine Region hitt:ROviSloi_Team . _ ohnW.Ja,utiow, . PProject- _ Director afitzow, Gail Shelton, Peter orcOran,andCharles J. GregOty; udithCoOtler,_.:106stration_and Design . ._ . opgriOht 4982 by of Maini at Orono: . Pernrstonjs hereby granted to classroom teachers and informal educators to malt unlimited_numbors of coOtes- of:an4 portions-ofthi_rnaterial (brlpisrooiti or teacher-education-uses. A0-61ihier rights 'reserv-iii. - . Northern NewEnglandMarine UCatiOn Piojed; Shibles.tjall--trniv_ersN-of Maine -Orprior Maine:04469; cknowledgertient of Support. - . The original editit.hs of these units weresupported bythe College Of Education and the MaitteNewHampshire Sea Grant College_with funding from the Office pgest :Grant,tIOAA,-VS. Department otCOMmerce. " This edition is based onwork supportgdbythe National ScienceFourtdation under Grant Na SER8160322. ' .. ( Any opinionS; findings, and comiusions orrecommendations expressed,in ibis publicationare those ofth4outhorsand do notnecessarily- reflect theviews ittife . National Scierice-Foundation. - in n u ors, EMEP Foject yector: ohrirBii#ow 197-82 jedtSW-4nt-- ireCtors:: id*rdiSChlei*01:970.77-_ eSkPiOlief=1977.,78 04er-197.8,79 eter otdiin.1979-81 Maj iz_Coritri§titors: Staff- Assistants: .1kitoni Callon = -Debbiah-Naitney ti;eter_Corcoran =- Vitio-r:DeSibiestra. _ . 7 .1)0elppmenta1AriVioijo --PeerzArChanibault -7=Jotin Else-man.; . --1.Ori.,Dambej(f.f Gregory: -H-aFfit_Dr.eget _ :HePbtinif eborih--flaitneY -Devetojipient0 PhOtoira-phy: -Ler.isLPickeiS Mitdr __ Clarence 136riber: Min; . Steyin-KilWrie; Manirstriptieit,ParatiOrir- DanTel -M*BrOii -__Jetin:M6CCOnaell _Chkis:MOrgne_r_ -- Less:PiCk4r.- -.RObertPratt:,- -11ICKard:SC-hroedef- SteptinieWin: Lortaine.Stubbs Marine:Edit-Cation _Infusion Units die--SChaoti_Jtiniot fligk School You:Been-to-the Shoirv-Befoie?--A-Matine EduCation:Iihision-Unit :on: Seashore and Aqtiatium Life: What Adventures Cim -Wethiads,--- -1.akesi;Poadsi:ond'hiddies?-A Marine Ed_ tiCatiph = Infusion Unit cm Wet Environniirits. What is.oiliMoritimifieritagekA-Marine-Education- Ithision.Unit. on Shipsand'Shitift _ Is Our Food_ ilittsie in the Marine Educition Anfueiort. Unit:On -Muacuittire and -Sea Far ling DO PeirPlelise_ligbihOuiteAohdNatrigittiandi A:Marine.EducatiOn- , -_.-_,- -_ Po --You Know. .Our MorineFish?AMarine-Education Of"the en-to ihe .-. _. More thanonehundred teachers and members of-past .14SE_ sponsored summer institutes have triai tested and .--_ grineliol reda to reword.. -Marine: edUCation'is-a;rejatiyalyinew- term embracinga approach h -to learning.abbut- the marine erwittinineatt:-. how it-relates to -0_04-plealid_ hoikrieople chatigeand -ielate to it These-.:units .are:intendeditoserve igs, points of.,deriarture teachers and--'atticlenta who .- s esire4o increase their awareness of the.isaterVAucirld.-Of ::'- 2"h this blue planets- Each .itnifinCludea_icreaS and1Ctaties draikn'--fromavariety -of reas'So-that leachers of _ many:different subjects_ at the' junior. high_ arid _Middle school levels can _make .use--Of them.--These:unita rims/ :a-sliaear-OrTfactiOify-,:a0Urc-eal : 0.0-±Oblective-is-t&hilti,leacKers:ma e _ _water .rejated:-AAkdid--nOtplziffa-:sirtiCtitta itenCe: tcifics-fior-gradea'.five:t --rOugh'ytinCbitritheg teacherS;gu and-fu :The generalifoCis-0 tkt esemits1411 e:.. -o . s Cp ya waihei-akextretnelYlonsi -dredgedand..seiiiek-theineifedif(th.eTa'CitivitiesoriceinSi --of_ klorthArnerit.i.-.=-WeT_AirKttorbiln-clus190ithirrlhafir.,4tigg.eitiye.-fathei4liattfaailaVatictStirriiilatit) -tat her4hatietiligt4-;-.0itr4.icipe-IS:ttiat_-_yOtteattidejile:will becOtio-more cOesJioninvirite-rest-ed_OtidXtitkal.41*.iter ' concerns: --.Wehope--.-yout _use:11101Se ---M7afer1610--,tyilladd' water raw-ings .15i_NOL.Iiii_Rude.---age 7 -_ A-Note AnMeasig*iliti.d,G.Oider:i.-:;.---. ----7V/IrrOcriikOkat mefiicl-rjiethiure unit: -Teachers =an urged_=to, use_me1nc measures- student #teOuremept bliseNatiotiA,actiOlts.- = . --krittnibe-riit.60.044on = words or_ geherarisiWia:lidnf geki6t --theieforele_tainid:ilse;olf_etet jisherroaikr_i, iobsteiritan- fot-iitherl 90-c- C. ..................7 for-Aqtiarium Biildinga Saltwater-Aquarium in YounClassrooni.. .. &is Gis for Cornmircial:Fisheries -Fish A-ging:Studies , . -The -State Deportment of Marine Resources, Their Actb.ities .. 0. Eis:IOr-Eituaries Of 00 PenOhscot kiver or An. y,,Coastal StreaM :.. :.SOlmOnTortiActrpities':-:. .. .. .. ... A A .. A - .. .. O. - is-10e-Jas ac _ Activities .;... .... A _i_. w _ oiKee1 _ . geoghlzirig Parts arid-Rinds eVessels ....... .......... gr . i.7i for;Longitude 'art etude-R. , . #14.. ....... p ... s...._._.....=1!..,.t islor- u'Cla _.Nom-:-...- i e:5tePilii-tOli).edfriliitiiiclucingGene Edocation- .. ...... A Ar -A AA -732-6='25:-ff5 is4cir-I-Northerp-NeW-Eriglarid_ Marir)e-tducationEducation -Program ....... ._, . - 'IS : ot_ Ur-- cow. cea aiiie--_.!.-.---.-- :=,!..---. : :. v...... ..... - 0 -.-_- is._. or. ork s_an_ -PtiddleS-- -,-e--,-,;._- -,--.:-_, . .; .. _.-.:::v . niert-StuActivitp . A ---- isse---4#04,:_a4 o_o mgof- 5_helifiSh .-_ ...-: 4. _ .. a a . .. _ ..... is or_eading-arme-.. teratur 1 IlOgi ritiliffor:ce, Vii- a-rine. Collection,-_,._,.. 0 .,.._ -..- --- _ is orSea=Stars)ri _theClas.troo _ .. __ --is or1 e .. ... _:., . ... ,.A t A. _. _ .,.. ....... : . t. A e, ... -0 _ .1. - -... ii:..orr: Uses pkttliSea.:.,,.._ _ ._, How t e. Original Inhal6ito_nt... of Our Coast Might Have Used Their Environment , ! . .._ ... i-;-far_.Isitiii;WOeile--- - Visiting- Stpt '?cit Maine ...... _ - . A Look at Whafe Tails 0 I Xis foriXanthoph9lliand-XiOhios _ Cooking Sea Weeds d ,_e_ 4 ; . t.... l 4. V-is for Yacht -Race .4 : . .. 44.4 o n ............ - - - r - 0. _. ._ 40 - , - "WI; ottents of thePbc e IySpecit iiidSiYie- a.Old-S4 ii.pe_dB_a ssScale - - - - _ - 1over.Penbbstot-flver Ara Map . t a. _ -- - Slon:QUiir-fana White:Caitsland Intoation and Map o _ 0 jitude andbtu e Exercise _ --------- _ : _ L rans . ea StartudentGu - ; - 0- --0.7.10"-: Ogiaii.):-.0(the=Stat - -areCtiiiraed-Wh-ale-TaiECards- f-_ . --, -. ' 1 :5 c,-/-- . --" : -- -- -: :..-; ', : r-- 'Irt -- . 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