ISSUE NO. 6 FLYME INFLIGHT MAGAZINE THE SUN SIYAM IRU FUSHI Located a 45-minute scenic seaplane ride from Male in the unspoilt Noonu Atoll, The Sun Siyam Iru Fushi rises like a pearl out of the Indian Ocean. Set within 52 acres of white sands and exotic flora, here guests are immersed in a timeless culture. From the intuitive detail and personalised service that creates the most beautiful of memories, to the sublime ambience that permeates each unforgettable taste, touch and experience, at Iru Fushi the incredible awaits. Dedicated Passion www.thesunsiyam.com T +960 6560591 F + 960 6560592 E [email protected] 3 Enjoy youtyour staystay inin oneone ofof thethe mostmost Historical Atoll's in the Maldives, with us... Tel: +960 689 8721 Fax: +960 6898020 [email protected] www.equatorvillage.com FLYME INFLIGHT MAGAZINE Issue #6, Volume 3 / April 2015 MANAGING EDITOR Mohamed Mamduh [email protected] CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Maryiam Athiza Athif FLYME EDITORIAL MANAGER EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Nashiu Zahir Iselle McCalman IMAGES COURTESY OF THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Fathimath Lamya Abdullah, Flyme, Amilla Fushi, MWSRP, Carpe Diem, Duniye Spa, Nashiu Zahir, Aysha Naseem, Maryiam Athiza Athif, Eco Islands Maldives, Somerset Hotel, Melody Skye, Gertjan James Hancock, Iselle McCalman Van Veert, Shaahina Ali, Wikipedia, Shutterstock LAYOUT & DESIGN Ali Imran Mohamed PRINTER Novelty Printers and Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Maldives BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE Aminath Ali SALES AND MARKETING EXECUTIVE Mash-hood Abdulla PUBLISHED BY FOR Perspecitve Pvt Ltd Villa Air Pvt Ltd 3rd Floor, Emerald Building, 2032 5th Floor, Villa House, 20181 Koli Umar Maniku Goalhi, Kandidhonmanik Goalhi, Male, Republic of Maldives, Male, Republic of Maldives, [email protected] www.flyme.mv www.perspective.mv THE COVER Artist: Kareen Adam Title: Maakanaa Medium: silk screen on paper Size: 18.2 x 24.4 cm Limited edition of 4 Prints Flying over the Maldivian archipelago is a serene experience at it inspired this artwork. For most of the journey I become mesmerized by the vastness of the ocean heaving and flowing thousands of meters beneath me. I wonder if the maakanaa (crane) meditating by the shore feels the same way as I do sitting up above in the sky. This artwork was created for Fiya, Flyme’s inflight magazine. ABOUT THE ARTIST Kareen is a Maldivian visual artist. Having spent half her life living between Maldives, Sri Lanka and Australia Kareen’s works reflect ideas about transitions, migration and cultural assimilation. Themes about sense of belonging and home often emerge in Kareen’s work. This fluctuation between multiple physical and mental spaces is explored using printmaking – Kareen’s primary medium of expression amongst drawing, painting and mixed media. The processes involved in printmaking lend itself to the concepts Kareen expresses in her work, both in its production and aesthetics. Recently Kareen has developed a range of handmade, hand-printed products under her own label “Kudaingili”. Kareen has a diploma in Visual Arts and a postgraduate degree in Psychology. You can contact Kareen for commissions by email [email protected] and follow her work on Facebook www.facebook.com/KareenAdam.MKA or website www.kareenadam.com CONTENTS 5 08 Male’ Guide 10 Evolution of the Maldivian Script 12 Annual Review of Whale Shark Research 15 The History of Gan 24 HCP Bell’s The Maldive Islands - A Review 20 Have you seen the Flying Whale Shark? 28 Wonders of Ari Atoll 30 Belle Amie Bistro 33 Carpe Diem 34 Airport Beach - Munich Residence 18 Amilla Fushi 40 Island Playlist 42 Mezzo Mohamed 44 Turtles of Maldives 46 Holistic approach to wellness 54 Technology Review EDITORIALFLYME INFLIGHT MAGAZINE WELCOME ONBOARD FLYME - As we approach the end of the first quarter of 2015, Flyme has already seen some exciting achievements and 5102 ވަނަ އަހަރުގެ ފުރަތަމަ ކުއާޓާރ ނިމުމަކަށް އައުން ގާތްވެފައިވާއިރު، ވިލާއެއަރ ީކަރަހައ ިމ .ެވެއަފިބިލ ްއެކަތްނުރެއިރުކ ިއާކަތީބާޔިމާކ ަނުގަނިގ ްށަރަވ ީނަވ ް ށ ައ ީމިއަލްފ developments. In 2014, its 4th year of operation, Flyme transported a total number of 332,000 passengers and can މިކުންފުނި ހިންގަން ފެށިތާ 4 ވަނަ އަހަރަށްވާއިރު، 5104 ވަނަ އަހަރު now boast a seat capacity of 264, with at least 175 scheduled 564 ަލްމުޖ ިދައ .ެވެއަފާވްއަރުކުރުތަދ ްނުރަޖްނިސަފ 332,000 ީނަވ ުކެއިއާންނެމުޑަގުޅައ flights a week to 7 domestic airports. ގޮޑީގެ ޖާގައާއިއެކު، 7 ޑޮމެސްޓިކް އެއާރޕޯރޓަށް ހަފްތާއަކު މަދުވެގެން 072 ފްލައިޓް Another milestone was the addition of our 2nd ATR 72- .ެވެއެވިއަފިވެރުކ ުލަވާތ ްށަމުރުކ ުރުތަދ 500 to the fleet. This expansion means we will be able to cater for the growing demand by increasing frequencies, ްށަޓީލްފ ެގީމިއަލްފ ރައެއާލިވ ީކައީބާޔިމާކ ުޑޮބ ެމްނ ެއ ޭވެލްށޮކ ަގަހާފ ްނުރުތިއ ެގީމ without compromising on the comfort and style our ެގްނެމުޑނަގުޅައ ުކެއިއާއިމ .ެވެމުވެރުކުރުތިއ ުޓޯބާދްނިތަމ ަނަވެދ ެގާކުރަމ ATR72-500 passengers have become used to. ހިދުމަތް ފުޅާކުރުމުގެ ގޮތުން ދަތުރުތައް އިތުރުކޮށް، ދަތުރުވެރިންގެ ތަރުހީބު ލިބިފައިވާ After a long wait, our SeePlane operation has officially ެގުކަތުރުތަދ ެގީމިއަލްފ ިއަލުނ ާކަމުއައ ްއެލަދަބ ްށަރަވްނެފ ިއާމާރައ ިއާކަތުރުތަދ ެގީމިއަލްފ commenced its commercial operation. With the first floating .ެވެއެނާދްނެގިބިލ ުތަސުރުފ ެގުމުނިދ ިއަވުރޯފ ްތަމުދިހ platform installed near Sun Island in South Ari Atoll, our passengers can enjoy a unique birds-eye view of the Maldives islands. However, flights can still be joined from .Villa International Airport Maamigili as well ދި ގ ު އިންތިޒާރަކަށް ފަހު، އަޅުގަނޑުމެންގެ ފުރަތަމަ ސީޕްލޭން ވަނީ މިހާރު ރަސްމީ ދަތުރުތައް ފަށާފައެވެ. އެގޮތުން ފުރަތަމަ ސީޕްލޭން ޕްލެޓްފޯރމް ވަނީ އަރިއަތޮޅު ދެކުނުބުރި، ެގޭޖްއާރިހެވިދ ްނުބަބަސ ެގުކަތ ުރުތަދ ިމ .ެވެއަފާޅައ ިއަގީރިއަކ ްޓރޯސިރ ްޑްނެލިއައ ްނަސ Our frequent travellers might also have noticed the new look of our magazine cover. We are happy to announce that .ެވެއެނާދްނެގިބިލ ުތަސުރުފ ެގުމުލާލަބ ްނިތަމ ްށަކަތޮގ ުތާފަތ ްނަކިތީރ ެގުކަތްށަރ Flyme has taken the initiative to work with local artists to promote Maldivian art. We hope that by featuring artists’ ްށޮކުމްނާއ ުކެއިއާންނެމުޑަގުޅައ ާމުރަފ ުއައ ެގުރަވަކ ެގްނިޒަގެމ ްޓިއަލްފްނިއ ިމ ެގީމިއަލްފ work on our cover, we can give local artists exposure and ްއަތުރަނުހ ެގްނުޓްސިޓާއ ިހެވިދ .ެވެއެނާދިވެރުކ ަގަހާފ ްށަންނުރަޖްނިސަފ ާވްއަރުކުރުތަދ motivate them to promote their work. A very limited number of the original cover prints will be available for purchase. ދައްކާލާ، އެކުރެހުންތެރިންގެ މަސައްކަތް މަޝްހޫރުކޮށް ފުޅާކުރުމަށް ހިއްވަރެއް ދިނުމުގެ Please have a look at the artist column for more details. ެގްނިޒަގެމ ެގްނެމުޑަގުޅައ ްނުތޮގިމ .ެވެއަފާށަފ ްތަކްއަސަމ ީނަވިމ ްނެމުޑަގުޅައ ިއަގުތަޔިނ ާވިއަގޭރެތެއ ުތާމޫލުއަމ ެގުތޮގ ީވްނަވަދްއަހ ްށަމުތަގ ިއަވަލްއަބ ުލްސައ ެގުމުހެރުކ ެގުރަވަކ We are continuously striving to deliver the best services to you, our valued passengers. The Flyme team will ensure that .ެވެއެނާވަންނަގިއަޑަވިބިލ ްނިއްމަލޮކ ެގާޔިރެތްނުހެރުކ the time you spend with us is enjoyable and hassle-free. Most of all, it is the commitment of everyone at Flyme to ްށަންނުރަޖްނިސަފ ިތެވުބޮލ ާހެމްނެއިތ ީނަރުކ ްތަކްއަސަމިމ ިޅޭނިޑނެކ ްނެމުޑނަގުޅައ strive to maintain the safety and quality of our product and ެމްނޮކ ާވްއަރުކ ުކެއިއާއ ީމިއަލްފ .ެވެށަމުނިދްށޮކުރޯފ ްއެތަމުދިހ ުޅަގނަރ ުރަވްނެފ ްސެވާހީވ not compromise our standards as we grow and aspire for wider service to our passengers. ުކެއާދީމްނުއ ެގުމަކެނާވްށަކަރުތަދ ޭވެރުކ ުކެއ ިއާމުހެޖަމަހްތިހ ިއަލުނ ިއާކަތިތަދ ީކަރުތަދ .ެވެމަވަންނަދުރުކުޝ ްށަބީހުރަތ ާވްއެދ ްނުތާރަފަޔިތ Enjoy your flight, and I hope to see you soon on one of our services. ރިލުވާން ޝަރީފް، ީމ ިއަލްފ / ރައެއާލިވ - ރަޓްކެރިޑ ްގްނިޖޭނެމ Riluwan Shareef Managing Director - Villa Air / Flyme 7 FLYME INFLIGHT MAGAZINE N Male’ Guide S Male is the bite-sized capital of the Maldives, a frenzied city dotted with tall multi-hued buildings, raucous streets and bustling cafés. The economic hub of the small archipelago, Male’ presents visitors with an experience distinct from that of resorts; it is fast-paced, brimming with people and traffic. For residents, there is simply no time to stop and stare, but there are quite a few charming places for the tourist to inspect at her leisure. The Republic Square A vast open space, the kind of luxury you do not get in the city, the square is home to hundreds of pigeons, and quite possibly the largest iteration of the Maldivian National Flag. Opposite the square sits the country’s Defense Head Quarters. On one corner is the tall sky blue Police Head Quarters. The square is scorching during the day but is a nice spot to sit and relax late in the afternoon or in the evenings. The Islamic Centre The Chaandhanee Magu Souvenir Shop District Just around the bend from the shopping district is the An old district that has been around almost as long as tourism main mosque of the capital, and indeed, the biggest of in the country, some of these shops are veritable institutions. its kind anywhere on the archipelago. Its official name, Expect anything from t-shirts adorned with local batik art to Masjid-al-Sultan Muhammad Thakurufaan al-Auzam is a shark tooth pendants to kitschy fridge magnets. And always mouthful (Muhammad Thakurufaan is believed to be bargain. chief among those who liberated the Maldives from the Portuguese in the 16th Century). The majestic golden dome and minaret mould Male’s skyline; they are readily apparent as you approach the city. Friday Mosque and Minaret Just up the road from the Islamic Centre is another mosque, but not just any mosque, it is the most important heritage site of the country. Constructed
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