All Mm News of REU BAKii WE DO and Surrounding Towns Told Fearlessly said Without Bins. OUR PART w >r' '"• Issued Weekly, Entered as Second-Class Mutter at tha VOBU Subscription Prica: Or.o TsTear £1.50 .VOLUME LVI, NO. 50. offics ct Red Bank, N. J. under the Act of March 3, 1879. RED BANK, N. J., .WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1934. # Sis Montha 81.00. Singles Copy 4c. PAGES 1 JO 12, from Mr. Lawley'a office is another SCHOOL ADDITION. plnco broken into by Morgan, ac- Moonlight Sail On June 18 Set As cording to the alleged confession. Slirevvblmry Borough to Voto on There tho booty comprised ilve pints ISimtl Issue Tomorrow. ler of liquor, a box of cigars and ceveral packs of cigarettes. The proposed auditorium addition Students of The Rumson Private Sandy Hook Man Jailed After Arthur Sodcn'a roadside stand on McCampbell and Slocum Sub- Affiliated Young Republican!)' to tho Shrewsbury Grammar school Commencement Exercises of Red Bank Chamber of €©!» Alleged Confession That He the same- road was broken into three was the topic discussed at the reg- School Issue Exceptionally In- times, Morgan in charged with hav- mitted PlanJss for Democratic Club of Monmouth County ular Parent-Teacher meeting held at June. Class to be Held in Rivet* merce About to Embark on a teresting Publication — Many Committed at Least 88 Rob-ing stolen canned goods and cigars. Platform to This End, but Arranging for Monster Affair tho school Monday night. The need Street School—Jane Englund Schedule of Activities to Fi&%> Unusual Articles and Poema. Albert Bennett's roadside booth on They Were Voted Down. —Tickets Limited to 1,500. for an auditorium to improve the the same road was twice entered. Ice educational facilitie3 of the school Will be Valedictorian. ther Interest in Local Tho olfjhth annual number of The Stranger than many stories of fic-cream, cigars, cigarettes and candy Asaomblyman Theron McCampbell The Alllllated Young Republicans' was stressed by Fred C. England, Thn. June, 1934, class of tho Red tion is tho confession which tho po- The Rod Bank Chamber of Com- Kumson Rudder, published by tho wero taken. The lee cream was inof Holmdel and Edmund Slocum of club of Monmouth county will have a principal. G. Harold Nevlus, presi- Bank high school will hold their merce Is about to embark on a con- students of tho Rumson private lice authorities of Mlddlctown town- a gallon can. Long Branch, attended tho Demo-six-hour moonlight, sail and danco dent of the board of education, ex- graduation exercises at the River nhip say that Paul W. Morgan, a sol- structive program of activities for tho school, was isucd lust vvcelt. Tho Morgan is said to have stated that cratio stato convention at Trenton Wednesday night. ,. June 20, on theplained tho proposed method of atreet school auditorium Monday corning year. The program commit- publication contains thirty pages of dier at Sandy Hook, has mado to financing this addition, pointing out evenipg, June 18, at 8:30 o'clock. Dr. them about a ueries of robberies he sold some of the things and that last week and submitted four planks ;steamer Sandy Hook, which has been tee, which was recently appointed by original manuscript by the school he gave away other goods to friends. for the party platform. The motions |chartered for this trip. The boat will that the cost would he approximately Waldo Emerson Stevens, professor at President William A. Miller, is now puplla and cljjht pageo of live advor- which he committed over a period of Columbia yniversUy, will bo the two and one-half yearB. Morgan lfl to adopt these planks were made by leave the Atlantic Tllghland3 pier at $20,000. From the standpoint of at work preparing a Hat of worth- tlBinK matter. Tho cover in printed Mr. McCampbell and seconded by!eight o'clock. Tho sale of tickets taxes there will bo no appreciable in- guest speaker. Harold A. Hendrick- while civic projects, which, when 24 ycaris of ago and a nativo of Allen- Ron, president of tho board of educa- in royal purplo on white and thotown, Pennsylvania. Ho is thin, Mr. Slocum. All of the proposed' will be limited to 1,500. From tho crease in the tax rate due to the fact eventually accomplished, will result UBiial cover design, a close-hauled Renew Sale Of planks were voted down after con-[response the committee has received that an existing bond issue covering tion, will present the diplomas. Prin- in showing that tho community is short and otherwise of dwarfed phys- cipal Harry C, Sieber will present the Jicbooner named Rudder, outlined In ical appearance, but he proved a siderable argument. Four of them j to date ihiri fmil promises to be athe cost of toilets, added six years still progressive and intensely Inter- white, helps to make tha number ex- related to taxation on real estate and complete success. ago, will ho retired In. two years, certificates for scholarship. Bacca- ested in making Red Bank a bigger wlll-o'-the-wi3p marauder who had I laureate services will be. hrM at the ceptionally oUrnctivo. Half-tono pic- tho police not only of Mlddletown \ required that the tax rate on prop- The organization hart a similar sail Tho association v/as unanimously nnd better place In which to live and turea of the ltumeon school and of erty should not exceed $1 on $100 of last fall and it was one of the out- First Methodist church Sunday, June do business. township but of other municipalities Ray VanHorn of Fair Haven Ap- in favor of this project and a com-17, with Rev. Albert L. Baner officiat- Frances 13. Clark, '30, midshipman assessed valuation. The other plank standing social events among tho Re- mittee "was appointed to make public The Chamber of Commerce has of the United States Naval acadomy, puzzled for a long time. proposed that beer of low alcoholic publican activities of Monmouth ing. The school will close Wednes- A l b pointed General Agent of tho facts preparatory to the election day, June 20, sent out a letter to ita members, stat- are additional fcaturen. The cdltora nearly can bo ascertained ; content bo sold as a temperance county last year. A prominent or- for the bond issue to be held tomor- ing that in order to meet with, such are Ann Ellis and Martha Lee Getty. Morgan committed 88 robberies dur- UOOSeneck .' Point Property, drink without any license fee chestra will provide music for dan< 1 ing the time mentioned. All of the ! Comprising Thirty Acres. row evening from seven to nino The nineteen highest In scholastic success the active, financial and rnoi - Thorn is on appealing editorial by other tax being imposed. Mr, Mc-|ing and the Keyport fire department o'clock at the schoolhouse. Shrews- achievement held an election to de-al support of every resident of Bed thefts were of a petty sort, but in tho Campbell and Mr. Slocum claim that iband will provide music on the up- Ann Ellis, nrt!clcn on current events With tho definite upward trend of bury Boy Scout troop 50 will aid the cide an to who would deliver the Bank is needed nnd that each mem- aggregate it is estimated that he under such an nrrangement a "tall por deck. .speeches. Jane Englund was chosen ber of the Chamber of Commerce by Martha Lee Getty, Robert Lowe, stolo valuables and cash to thereal estato in Monmouth county, the committee, consisting of Mrs. Joseph Francis Lobdell, Lars Potter, Allco schooner' could be sold at tho old- A large committee has been ap- Irwin, Mrs. Martin Marx, Mrs. David an valedictorian, Sidney Kodama as can be of immediate- material assist- amount of at least $2,000. Morgan owners of Gooseneck Point on Seven time price of five cents with substan- pointed to take ehnrge of tho affair ance by forwarding, just aa soon atf Rutgers, Edward Crano, John Ellis, Bridge road aro again offering plots Wood and Mrs. Raymond Gu'nther salutatorlan and Abraham Zager was had been in tho army five years and tial profit to the dealer and without and almost every community in chosen to deliver tho mantle oration. possible, remittance for current dues. nusscll Hurd, Edwards Rullmnn, his enlistment expired Friday. Ho and homes for sale, after being with- in this publicity. Marjorio White, Charle3 Morton, any increase in drunkenness. Monmouth county is represented on Tho nineteen highest students were Tho board of directors and the pro- was about to leave- Sandy Hook and hold from the market for over five Tho planks submitted by Mr. Mc-this committee. A number of prom- Mnry Elizabeth Wales, Barbara Bali- years. y Robert Burke, William Bunin, Jane gram committee welcome any sug- go to Boston when Policeman Wil- Campbell and Mr. Slocum and voted inent leaders of the county and state Englund, Marjorie Fritz, Anne Gisle- gestions, either from memboro of tho rr, Newcombo C. Baker, Jr., Doro- liam Fix of the Middletown iorco Ray Van Horn, real estate broker thy Burghard, Louise Finch and Jo- down are as follows: have been Invited and they are ex- Spanish War Vets son, Barbara Harlng, Sidney Koda- organization or from Red Bank res- picked up a c]ue which led to tho ar- with ofllces in Fair Haven, has been pected to be with the Republicans ma, Ruth Linderoth, Wllfrcda Mac- idents In general, which could ba seph Hoaglond. rest. Morgan la now in the county appointed general agent of the Goose- Tax Amendment No.
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