1921. CONGR.ESSION AL RECORD-SENATE. 7833 PUBLIC BILLS, RESOLUTIONS, AND MEMORIALS. By Mr. TEN EYCK: A bill (H. R. 9181) for the relief of William l\IcDonnen; to the Committee on Military Affairs. Under clause 3 of Rule XXII, bills, resolutions, and memorials By Mr. WOOD of Indiana: A bill (H. R. 9182) granting a were introduced and severally referred as follows: pension to Laura M. Miller; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ By l\IL·. FOSTER: A bill (H. R. 9156) to make November 11, sions. "Armistice Day," a legal holiday; to the Committee on the Also, a bill (H. R. 9183) providing for the payment of the Judiciary. findings reported by the Court of Claims in favor of Timothy C. By l\Ir. LEE of Georgia: A bill (H. R. 9157) to establish a Harrington for extra time; to the Committee on Claims. national park in the national forest reservation in the State of Georgia, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Agri­ culture. PETITIONS, ETC. By :Ur. Sll'li~OTT: A. bill (H. R. 9158) to authorize the con­ Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers ''ere laid struction of a toll bridge over the Columbia River at a · point on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows : approximately 5 miles upstrea·m from Dalles City, Wasco 3063. By 1\Ir. CHALMERS: Petition signed by residents of County, in the State of Oregon, to a point on the opposite shore Toledo, Ohio, protesting against the passage of House bill 4388, of the State of Washington; to the Committee on Interstate known as the compulsory Sunday observance bill ; to the Com­ and Foreign Commerce. · mittee on the District of Columbia. By :Jir. YOLSTEAD: A bill (H. R. 9159) to authorize the 3064. By Mr. KISSEL: Petition of the Fuchs & Lang Manu­ jn<lges of the United States Court of Customs Appeals to be facturing Co., New York City; to the Committee on Ways and a · ·igned to certain other courts and conferring the jurisdiction Means. of such courts upon them while so assigned; to the Committee 3065. Also, petition ·of Brooklyn Bar Association, Brooklyn, on the Judiciary. N. Y.; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. ANTHONY: A resolution (H. Res. 226) calling on the 3066. Also, petition of Hudson Chamber of Commerce, Hud­ Secretary of War for information in regard to soldiers under son, N. Y.; to the Committee o_n Interstate and Foreign Com­ sentence for participation in the Houston riot; to the Committee merce. on Military Affairs. • 3067. Also, petition of 'vater power commisston, Albany, N. Y.; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. merce. Under class 1 of Rule XXII, private bills and resolutions were 3068. By Mr. PERKINS: Resolution of the Demarest Bap­ introduced and severally referred as follows: tist Church, of Demarest, N. J., in support o£ House joint reso­ By :i\fr. BLA!.~D of Indialla: A bill (H. R. 9160) to· reimburse lution 159; to the Committee on the Judiciary. John Anderson, former postmaster at Sanborn, Knox County, 3069. By Mr. RHODES: Joint resolution by the City Council Ind., for stamps and funds stolen from the post office; to the of Kansas City, Mo., to relieve the condition of unemployment Committee on Claims. and to improve the public higlnmys of the country ; to the Com­ By :i\Ir. BYRNS of Tennessee: A bill (H. R. 9161) granting mittee on Labor. a pension to Etta King; to the Committee on· Pensions. 3070. By 1\Ir. SNYDER: Resolutions of the members of the By i\fr. CLASSON: A bill (H. R. 9162) granting a pension to Methodist Episcopal Church, Oriskany Falls, N. Y., against Louis H. Grunert; to the Committee on Pensions. legalizing the manufacture of 2.75 per cent alcoholic content By :i\Ir. FESS: A bill (H. R. 9163) granting a pension to and the imposition of a tax of $5 per banel; also favoring the ·william G. Shotwell; to the Committee on Pensions. speedy enactment of supplemental enforcement legislation; to By l\Ir. GREENE of Vermont: A bill (H. R. 9164) granting the Committee on Ways and Means. a pension to Abbie M. Babcock; to the Committee on Invalid 3071. By Mr. TAYLOR of Colorado: Resolutions of the Meth­ Pensions. odist Episcopal, Baptist, Federated, and Nazarene Churches of By 1\Ir. HARDY of Colorado: .A. bill (H. R. 9165) granting Palisade, Colo., · urging speedy enactment of the antibeer dry a pen ion to Julia A. Brown; to the Committee on Invalid enforcement bill ; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Pensions. 3072. By 1\Ir. TE~IPLE: Petition of R. Robinson, Altoona, Also, a bill (H. R. 9166) granting a pension to Josefa Mar- Pa., in support of House bill 2984, introduced by Representative tinez ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. KAHN, of California, with reference to mileage-book plivileges; By ~lr. HILL: A bill (H. n. 9167) for the relief of the Fi­ to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. delity & Deposit Co. of Maryland, Baltimore, 1\Id.; to the Com­ 3073. By Mr. TINKHAM: Resolutions adopted by the execu­ mittee on Claims. tive committee of the Associated Industries of Massachusetts, By Mr. KETCHAl\l: A bill (H. n. 9168) granting a pension to attributing the decline of foreign trade and the curtailed do­ John H. Chrisler; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. mestic consumption of manufactured commodities to a ruinous Also, a bill (H. R. 9169) granting a pension to Sarah M. system of Federal taxation superinduced by enormous expendi­ McKinnis; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. tures of the United States Go•ernment for armament purposes, By l\lr. McSWAIN: A bill (H. R. 9170) to refund to the city and the exhaustion of capital and credit; to the Committee on of GreenYille, _s. C., the sum of- $551.20; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Claims. B~· :;\lr. REED of West Virginia: A bill (H. R. 9171) provid- ing for the relief of William A. Calloway; to the Committee on SENATE. w· m· Claims. By l\lr. RICKETTS: A bill (H. R. 9172) granting a pension THURSDAY, Nove1nbe1·17, 1921. to Harry W. Weston; to the Committee on Pensions. (Legislative day of Wednesday, November 16, 19.'d1.) By :Ur. ROSSDALE: A bill (H. R. 9173) to grant relief and correct the military record of "William Harley ; to the Committee The Senate reassembled at 11 o'clock a. m., on the expiration of the recess. on Military ~~ffairs. By 1\lr. SCHALL: A bill (H. R. 9174) granting a pension to Mr. CURTIS. l\Ir. President, I suggest the absence of a 1\~argaret L. Ferriter; to tile Committee on Pensions. quorum. By l\lr. SMITH of Idaho: A bill (H. R. 9175) granting an in­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll. crease of pension to Benjamin Williams; to the Committee on The reading clerk called the roll, and the following Senators Invalid Pensions. · answered to their names : By l\Ir. SMITH of Michigan: A bill (H. R. ~176) granting a Ashurst Glass McKinley Smith Borah Gooding McNary Smoot pension to Orilla S. Spicer; to the Committee .on Invalid Pen­ Broussard Hale Nelson Spencer sions. Bursum Harris New Sterling By l\lr. SPEAKS : A bill (H. R. 9177) granting an increase Calder Harrison Nicholson Sutherland Cameron Heflin Norbeck Swanson of pension to · Han-iet Gale ; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ Capper Hitchcock Norris Townsend sions. Caraway Johnson Oddie Trammell Wadsworth Br ~lr. SWING: A bill (H. R. 9178) granting a pension to Culberson Jones, N.Mex. Overman Curtis Jones, Wash. Page Walsh, Mass. AnnA E. Hughes ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Dial Kendrick Penrose Walsh, Mont. Also, a bill (H. R. 9179) granting a pension to Marietta Vader; Edge Kenyon Phipps Warren to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Ernst Keyes Pomerene Watson, Ga. Fletcher King Ransdell Watson, Ind. By Mr. TAYLOR of Colorado: A bill (H. R. 9180) granting a France La Follette Robinson Williams pen. ·ion to Mary E. Sage; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ Frelinghuysen McCumber Sheppard sions. Gerry McKellar Simmons LXI--493 7834 CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-SEl:~~TE. N OVEl\IBER 17 '· l\lr. CUTITIS. I wa requested to announce the absence of He also presented a resolution of the Santa Ana (Calif.)' the Senator from Maine [Mr. FERXALD], the Senator from Iowa Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, pl·otest­ [Ml'. Cu::uhl.P-\s], the , enator from Connecticut [Mr. 1\IcLEAN], ing against the enactment of legislation commel'cializing the ana the Senator from Washington [Mr. PoiNDEXTER] on official national parks and favoring the preservation of such parks in busines . their natural state, which was refeTred to the Committee on Mr. GERRY. I wish to announce that owing to a slight acci­ Irrigation and Reclamation. (lent the Senator from Ne-vada [l\1r. PITTMAN] is necessal'ilY He also presented a petition of sunury citizens of Corning, detained at his residence. Calif., praying fur the enactment of supplementary prohibition The VICE PRESIDENT. Sixty-six Senators having an­ legislation, which was·ordered to lie on the table. swered to tlleir names, a quorum is present. MICHIGAN SENATORIAL ELECTION. LETTER FROll MRS. LILLIE S • .KNOX. The Senate resumed the consideration of Senate resolution The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair lays before the Senate 172, · declaring Truman H. Newberry to be a duly elected a communication which the Secretary will read. Senator from the State of :Michigan. The Assistant Secretary read the communication, as follows: l\Ir.
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