his list of the most frequently seen birds at √ Common name A H S √ Common name A H S Tonto National Monument is based on previ- QUAIL FLYCATCHERS ous documentation of abundance (A). Birds are T Gambel's quail C D,Ch Y western wood-pewee U Ri,D,Ch M classified as common (C), meaning likely to be seen on a daily basis (in season); uncommon (U), meaning like- VULTURES Hammond's flycatcher R Ri,D M ly to be seen a few times a week; or rare (R), meaning turkey vulture C D,Ch S gray flycatcher U Ri,D,Ch W,M likely to be seen a few times a month (in season and RAPTORS Pacific-slope flycatcher U Ri,D M habitat). sharp-shinned hawk U Ri,D,Ch M Say's phoebe C D Y Habitats (H) are separated into three categories. Cooper's hawk U Ri,D Y ash-throated flycatcher C Ri,D,Ch S Riparian (R) habitats occur in or along the canyon bot- zone-tailed hawk R Ri,D,Ch S brown-crested flycatcher C Ri,D,Ch S tom with deciduous riparian vegetation, such as syca- more, walnut, hackberry, and elderberry. Desert scrub red-tailed hawk U Ri,D,Ch Y Cassin's kingbird U Ri S (D) habitats include dry uplands and washes with mes- FALCONS western kingbird U Ri,D,Ch S quite, saguaro, pricklypear, ocotillo, and paloverde. American kestrel U D,Ch Y SHRIKES Chaparral (Ch) includes the park’s higher elevations, PIGEONS AND DOVES loggerhead shrike R D Y with Sonoran scrub oak and crucifixion thorn. white-winged dove C Ri,D,Ch S VIREOS The varied habitats of Tonto National Monument make mourning dove C Ri,D,Ch Y Bell's vireo C Ri,D S it a vital site for many birds across the seasons (S). Birds ROADRUNNERS gray vireo U D,Ch S that do not migrate are considered year-round resi- dents (Y) and can be seen at any time of year. Summer greater roadrunner U D,Ch Y plumbeous vireo U Ri,D,Ch M (S) residents are breeders present during June–August, OWLS Cassin's vireo U Ri,D,Ch M while winter (W) residents occur from November to western screech-owl U Ri,D Y Hutton's vireo R Ri,D,Ch W,M February. Migrant (M) birds may be seen from March great horned owl U Ri,D,Ch Y warbling vireo U Ri,D M to May and September to October as they briefly pass through the monument on their way to other habitats. elf owl C Ri,D S CORVIDS GOATSUCKERS western scrub-jay U D,Ch W Key lesser nighthawk U D,Ch S common raven C Ri,D,Ch Y Abundance (A) C—Common common poorwill C D,Ch S SWALLOWS U—Uncommon SWIFTS purple martin U D S R—Rare white-throated swift C D,Ch Y violet-green swallow U D,Ch M HUMMINGBIRDS northern rough-winged Habitat (H) Ri—Riparian U D,Ch M swallow D—Desert Scrub black-chinned hummingbird C Ri,D,Ch S bank swallow R D,Ch M Ch—Chaparral Anna's hummingbird C Ri,D,Ch Y cliff swallow U D,Ch M Season (S) Y—Year-round Costa's hummingbird C D,Ch Y barn swallow U D,Ch M S—Summer broad-tailed hummingbird U Ri,D,Ch M rufous hummingbird U D,Ch M TITMICE W—Winter WOODPECKERS bridled titmouse R Ri,D,Ch W M—Migrant Gila woodpecker C Ri,D Y VERDINS AND BUSHTITS ladder-backed woodpecker U Ri,D Y verdin C Ri,D,Ch Y Photos from top left: cactus wren, verdin, Gila woodpecker, bushtit R Ch W red-tailed hawk, greater roadrunner. red-naped sapsucker R Ri W All photos ©Robert Shantz except cactus wren, ©Greg Lavaty. northern flicker U Ri,D,Ch W,M This checklist was produced by the National Park Service, gilded flicker U D Y Sonoran Desert Network. √ Common name A H S √ Common name A H S WRENS EMBERIZINES National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior rock wren C D,Ch Y green-tailed towhee C Ri,D,Ch W,M canyon wren C D,Ch Y spotted towhee U Ri,Ch W,M Tonto National Monument Roosevelt, Arizona house wren U Ri,D,Ch W,M rufous-crowned sparrow C D,Ch Y Bewick's wren U Ri,D,Ch Y canyon towhee C D,Ch Y cactus wren C D,Ch Y Abert's towhee U Ri,D Y Bird Checklist KINGLETS AND GNATCATCHERS chipping sparrow R Ri,D,Ch W,M blue-gray gnatcatcher C Ri,D,Ch S Brewer's sparrow C Ri,D,Ch W,M black-tailed gnatcatcher C D,Ch Y black-chinned sparrow U D,Ch Y ruby-crowned kinglet C Ri,D,Ch W,M lark sparrow R D W,M THRUSHES black-throated sparrow C D,Ch Y American robin R Ri,D,Ch M white-crowned sparrow C Ri,D,Ch W,M hermit thrush U Ri,D,Ch W dark-eyed junco U Ri,Ch W,M Swainson's thrush R Ri M TANAGERS MIMIDS AND THRASHERS summer tanager C Ri S northern mockingbird C Ri,D,Ch Y western tanager U Ri,D,Ch M curve-billed thrasher C D,Ch Y CARDINALS AND ALLIES crissal thrasher R Ri,D,Ch Y northern cardinal C Ri,D Y SILKY FLYCATCHERS black-headed grosbeak U Ri,D,Ch M phainopepla C Ri,D,Ch Y blue grosbeak C Ri,D,Ch S WARBLERS lazuli bunting U Ri,D,Ch M orange-crowned warbler U Ri,D,Ch W,M indigo bunting U Ri,D S Lucy's warbler C Ri,D S ICTERIDS Nashville warbler U Ri,D,Ch M bronzed cowbird U Ri,D S Virginia's warbler R Ri,D,Ch M brown-headed cowbird C Ri,D,Ch S Macgillivray's warbler U Ri,D M hooded oriole C Ri,D S yellow warbler R Ri,D M Bullock's oriole R Ri,D M yellow-rumped warbler C Ri,D,Ch W,M Scott's oriole C D,Ch S black-throated gray warbler U Ri,D,Ch M CARDUELINE FINCHES Townsend's warbler U Ri,D,Ch M house finch C Ri,D,Ch Y Wilson's warbler U Ri,D,Ch M lesser goldfinch C Ri,D,Ch Y pine siskin R Ri,Ch W The information in this list is based on bird observations, invento- ries, and surveys at Tonto National Monument. However, especially with changing land use and climate, bird lists are always works in progress. The list is arranged in order by family with common names following the American Ornithologists’ Union’s Check-list of North American Birds, 7th edition, and its supplements to 2013..
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