Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1961-1962 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1962 Eastern Progress - 11 May 1962 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1961-62/28 — dUfe I . ROTC THE BEST MANEUVERS MOTHERS PAGE 5 OGfiess PAGE 2 "Keeping Pace In A Progressive Era" Friday, May II, 1962 Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond, Kentucky Vol. 39, No. 28 Awards Given To Senator Cooper To Speak Staff Members At Progress Banquet At 55th Commencement Names of the 1982-63 Program neophyte Journalists that . a editors were revealed Wednesday reporter should have a nose for U. S. Senator John Sherman he received an A. B. degree. night at the annual Program ban- news ... If you have that, and Cooper will deliver tne address at Cooper also attended Cen-tre Col- quet. Marian Baxsy, present edi- you can have plenty of energy— lege. He holds a deg:ee from the 55th spring commencement of Harvard Law School and honorary tor-in-chief, made the announce- love of people, I think you'll Just Eastero May 31, President Robert ment. about have it- LL.D. degrees from Centre Col- xhe editors were chosen upon He added, "Reporting is nothing R. Martin said today. lege, University of Kentucky, but a mixture of common sense About 500 candidates will be Georgetown College and Br.-:a recommendation of the Director of College. Lincoln Memorial Unf»'- Student Publications, Mr. Donald and plain English—and accurate awarded degrees in the Hirarr. putting down on paper." erslty and Nasson College, Spring- Feltner, and were unanimously Brock Auditorium exercises. vale, Maine, has awarded him the elected by the Student Board of A Republican from Somerset Publications. honorary L.H.D. degrees. Cooper has served during foul He has served as advisor to Ronnie Wolfe, Junior from Fal- Outstanding Men terms in the U. S. Senate and as mouth, will hold the number one Ambassador to India and Nepal. Secretary of State, Dean Acheson, post as editor-in-chief. Ronnie was To Be Recognized He was first elected to the U.S. at the London and Brussels meet- %- managing editor of this year's Senate at a special ejection held ings of the Council of Minis..e/s "Progress." Second In command Outsanding men In classroom In 1946 to fill the unexpired term of the North Atlantic Treaty wjll be Ben Cartinhour, news staff and from all campus organizations of Albert B. Chandler, who re- Organization. In 1958 he was con- writer, who Is a Junior from Law- will be honored at the annual signed. gressional advisor to the U.S. Da- ranwebarg. He will be managing legation to the UNESCO Con- spring Men's Honors Day next In 1952 he was re-elected in- the editor. Wednesday in assembly. ference, In Paris. Mary Ann Nelson will conUnue THIS IS TONIGHT! The Progress staffs second annual banquet yielded smiles and awards this past Wed- general election to fill the unex- Mr. Clifton Basye, assistant pro- nesday evening. Marian Bazzy, editor of the Progress is here presenting the Columbia .Scholastic Press A veteran of World War H, en- •t her present post of news editor. fessor of physics, will deliver the listing as a private in 1942 and a pry Ann is a sophomore from rating of first class In the form of a certificate to President Robert R. Martin. Watching the presentation principal address. His subject is, are Mr. Don Feltner, Director of Publications, and Mr. Gerald Griffin of the Lexington Bureau of the being discharged as a captain, he rays. Olenda "Sam" Hewlett, "Why?" served with the Third Army in fresman from Lexington, will Courier-Journal, the speaker at the occasion. Interviews For Presiding will be Don Whitaker, SEN. JOHN SHERMAN COOPER Normandy, France, and Luxem- maintain her present position as president, of OAKS, and Don Sho- bourg and was awarded the Bronze organizations editor. Doug Whit- waiter, president of KIE. Princi- Teaching Jobs pired term of the late Virgil Star during WW II. At the end lock, freshman from Richmond, pal events are the recognition of Stivers, Toppass Chapman and again in 1956, upon of the war,.at Munich, he headed will continue as the sports editor. senior men students with a three the death of Alben W. Barkley. the reorganization of the German Dan MacDonald, a Junior from and a half year standing of 2.25, King And Queen Showaiter To Give In 1960 he again wa« re-elected Judicial System in Bavaria. Ml Sterling, will be the new mili- Are Scheduled and the recognition of freshmen, to the Senate for the term end- He has served on the board of tary editor. This will be Dan's sophomores, and Juniors with a OfJr.-Sr.Prom Monday— ing January 3. 1967. trustees at the University of Ken- first year with the Progress. Steve 2.8 standing or above. Yale Graduate McMillan, a junior, will become the Mr. Roberta M. Goforth, Super- tucky, Georgetown College and business manager for the coming Both newly-chosen and outgoing Jim Stivers, Eminence, and Jane intendent of the Wllllamsburg lo- A 1923 graduate of Yale, where Centre College. members of the two men's honor Toppass, Frankfort, reigned as Mother's Day Talk cal School District, Wllllamsburg, \ year. Steve was on the business urles, OAKS for seniors and Juniors I staff this year. King and Queen of the annual Ohio, will be on campus this day to and KIE for sophomores, will also Junior-Senior Prom last Friday James Showaiter, Louisville sen- The new editors will take com- ior, will deliver the principal ad- interview prospective teachers in mand with the first issue for Sept- be recognised. night in the Student Union Build- the following fields: Awards will be presented by ing. Their attendants were Jim dress Sunday at the 25th annual ember 14, registration week. members of the faculty and seniors Mother's Day program at 3 p. m. Elementary Education. Governor Exchanges Ideas Outstanding members of this Montgomery, Barbara Rose, with high scholastic standings. Brandt Coleman, and Nancy Hill. in the Keen Johnson Student Union High School—English, Spanish, year's staff were recognised at the Presidents of the various cam- Building. Math, Instrumental Music. asquet. Receiving plaques for dls- pus organizations and departments Junior Attendants elected last lialstiiiil service were Marian, week were John Thomas, Jo Ann The program is sponsored! by Interviews will be held In Room and those in the departments with the college social committee, di- 22, Administration Building, begin- Ronnie, Gerald Orlffln, speaker, exceptional scholastic records will Conley, John Reed, and Carolyn With ESC Faculty Members Berry Wireman, Jim Farrla, Ches- Brock. The "Hawaiian Cruise" fea- rected by Mrs. Emma Y. Case, ning at 1:00 p.m. be presented. tured the Barney Rapp band of dean of women. It will honor the Tuesday— ter Buchanan, George Depp, and mothers of the Eastern students, Governor Bert Combs heard hand when he said, "Governor, Mary Ann. / Cincinnati. Mrs. Vcrdella C. Beverly, Ele- questions Wednesday night con- it's worth the $2,000 difference to Staff writers, photegraphea. and to whom inyltgtJons have b*a» .ex-, m CJX... Jim, a commerce and .English tended. Mrs. Case founded the' mentary StfpefttsoT-of UTB Henry cerning teachers' salaries, addi- teach in Kentucky." business staff members weijs pre- rrogress coirors, major, plans to teach after his County Schools, New Castle, Ken- tional classroom facilities and sented with gold pins. Ben, Judy program at Eastern in 1937. Combs said that teachers should- graduation In June. Besides study- Showaiter, president of the tucky, will be on campus this day problems concerning the slow and*' n t have to pay a penalty, however, Woods, Erma Ridge, Doug, Tom ing, Jilh works on the Progress, to interview prospective teachers gifted child in a frank question and Blankenship, Ronnie, Pat Grant, Advisor Go To Eastern student council, will speak to teach In Kentucky. He said i Milestone, Student Council, East- on the subject, "Man is-What His for next year. She needs 1 first answer session attended by about that he considered it more Import- Melva Groot, Linda Cahoon, Tom ern debate team, Canterbury Club, grade, 3 second grade, and 2 sixth 200 Eastern faculty members. _ • Ooffey, Jeff Miller, and Ed Odor Press Seminar Mother Makes Him." ant to keep the good teachers In the English honorary, and Sigma Martin To Address Mothers grade teachers. Interviews'will be This was the second in his series Kentucky than to have many of the .' received pin*. Tau Pi and Pi Omega Pi, the com- held in Room 22, Administration of visits to Kentucky state colleges Editor Marian presented the Governor Bert T. Combs told President Robert R. Martin will material buildings and equipment about 100 college editors and ad- merce organizations. address the mothers. Title of his Building, beginning at 9 a.m. to svrap ideas with educators and that is urgently needed in the Progress's recently-won certificate Wednesday— administrators. He attended the for first place In the national Col- visors that "Never before in the Jane, an elementary education address Is "The College, The Par- schools. "If you have a good history of the world has fresh major also plans to teach. Besides ents, The Students." Mr. John W. Denton, General first of this series Monday at Ken- teacher," he said, "I believe he umbia Scholastic Press ratings to tucky State College. President Martin, who then re- thinking been needed so much as being Queen, Jane is secretary of Miss Linda Murrell, senior from Manager, New York Life Insur- could teach without the classroom, turned it to the Progress for their it Is here at the threshold of the 1062 "Milestone", and recently, Irvine, will preside at the pro- ance Company, Kentucky General In emphasizing the purpose of if he has to." space." she received the F.
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