Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47465-8 — What is 'Islamic' Art? Wendy M. K. Shaw Index More Information Index Abbasid caliphate (750–1258), 17, 22, 36–40, Amir Khosrau of Delhi (1253–1325), 70, 86 45, 71, 73, 139, 162, 193, 195, 276, 278, Andalusia, 59, 61, 63, 73, 117, 185 290, 332 animals, 37, 47, 50, 59, 63, 65, 66, 80, 81, 84, 85, al-Ma’mun (r. 813–833), 37, 63, 129, 192 87, 88, 89, 101, 149, 167, 169, 225, 239, al-Muqtadir (r. 908–932), 162 255, 256, 284 al-Mutawakkil (r. 847–861), 39 Ankaravi Ismail Rusuhi Efendi (d.1631), al-Qadir (r. 991–1031), 40, 162, 287 Shaykh, 43, 215 Harun al-Rashid (r. 789–857), 58 arabesque, 253, 269, 288, 298 ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jazari (1808–1883), 23 Aristotle, 38, 56, 58, 60, 79, 80, 87, 90, 128, 192, ‘Abdi Beg of Shiraz, 165 194, 278, 292, 317 Abduh, Muhammad (1849–1905), 40, 50 Arkoun, Mohammad (1928–2010), 40, 56, 107, Abraham, 10, 20, 34, 35, 47, 51, 53, 120, 130, 110 187, 191, 203, 223, 228 Armenia, 21, 205 Abu Hasan al-Hujwiri (d. 1077), 20, 26 Artang, 141, 143, 145, 147, 149, 152, 163, 172, Abu’l Fazl (1551–1602), 85, 87, 167 188, 208 Abu Nu’aym al-Isfahani (d. 1058), 187 Artemis and Actaeon, 208 Abu-Zaid, Nasr Hamid (1943–2010), 40 Artukid dynasty (1101–1409), 92, 293 ‘adab (literature), 23, 24, 75 Asad, Mohammed (1900–1992), 112 Adam, 23, 34, 53, 74, 120, 153, 187, 219, 244, al-Ash’ari, Abu al-Hasan (d. 936), 39, 105, 112, 332, 333 127, 156, 287 adhan (call to prayer), 105 Athens, 18, 37, 82 Adhar Kayvan (b. 1530), 85 atomism, 127 Aflaki (c. 1286–1360), 187, 188 Attar, Farid al-Din (1145–1220), xviii, 22, 79, Ahmed, Shahab (1966–2015), 244 90, 92, 94, 101, 246, 249 A’isha bint Abi Bakr (614–678), 46, 49, 50 al-Ayni (1360–1453), 50 ‘ajab (wonder), 195, 196, 199 Akkach, Samer, 19, 123, 189, 196, 286, 291, Baba Shah of Isfahan (d. 1587), 244 323 Bacon, Roger (1214/15–1294?), 304, 319 Akkad, Moustapha (1930–2005), 52 Baghdad, 17, 18, 36, 37, 53, 57, 58, 63, 99, 132, Aldegrever, Heinrich (1502–1555), 256 156, 193, 223, 274, 280, 287 Alberti, Leon Battista (1404–1472), 301–303 Bahram Gur, 212, 213, 238 Aleppo, 155 al-Baidawi, Nasr al-Din (d. 1286), 197, 224, Alexander the Great of Macedon (r. 336–323 229, 230 BCE), 31, 37, 38, 79, 80, 83, 141, 144, 147, Bamyan Buddhas 165, 186, 187, 188, 208 Barbad, 72, 205 court of, 140 Barry, Michael, 242, 250 mirror of, 146, 147, 332 Barthes, Roland (1915–1980), 112, 113, 321 and Queen Candace, 185 barzakh (isthmus, interface), 194, 196, 197, and Queen Nushabeh, 186 203, 220, 237, 335 and Queen Qaydafeh, 185 Basra, 39, 63, 281, 287 algebra, 283 batini and zahiri (hidden and apparent), 40 Alhambra Palace, 288, 298 Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb (1714–1762), al-Amiri, Abu al-Hasan (d. 922), 283 5, 111, 176 360 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47465-8 — What is 'Islamic' Art? Wendy M. K. Shaw Index More Information Index 361 al-Bayhaqi, Abu Bakr (d. 1043), 187 Crucifixion, 1, 2, 7, 46, 200 Beham, Sebald (1500–1550), 257 Lutheran Protestant, 224, 256, 257 Bell, Gertrude (1868–1926), 316 Nicene Creed, 106 Bergson, Henri (1859–1941), 27, 295, 296, 305, Orthodox, 7, 21, 33, 36 327 Syriac, 21, 38, 129, 199, 200 Berlekamp, Persis, 28, 193 Cigoli, Ludovico (1559–1613), 262 Bihzad (c. 1450–1535), 3, 173, 220, 250, 256, composite sense (sensus communis), 124, 127, 259, 265, 267 174, 197. See also hiss al-mushtarik Bilqis, 89, 101, 119, 146, 155 Constantinople, 3, 208, 248, 256, 324 al-Biqa’i (1407–1480), 257 cosmology, 29, 57, 80, 114, 196, 239, 273, 289, birds, 63, 65, 68, 72, 73, 84, 144, 162, 172, 180, 291 195, 206, 216, 218, 230, 236, 241, 270, 272, Cranach, Lucas the elder (1472–1553), 257 334 Ctesiphon, 139 Hoopoe, 90, 91, 95 cubism, 294–297 Phoenix, 89, 91, 100, 248 Simurgh, 88–103, 146, 155, 334 d Group, 297 al-Biruni (973–1040), 46, 142 Dabashi, Hamid, 103, 111 Blair, Sheila and Jonathan Bloom, 17, 18, 19 Damisch, Hubert (1928–2017), 303, 317, 318, Boithius, Amicus Manlius Severinus (d. c. 524 319, 320 CE), 283 David, 64, 71, 72, 84, 89, 131, 187 Borges, Jorge Luis (1899–1986), 114 de Cisneros, Ximenes (1436–1517), Cardinal, Borzuya 61 Bosse, Abraham (1604–1676), 313, 320 de Rossi, Properzia (1490–1530), 259 Brethren of Purity, 63–69, 72, 77, 81, 82, deconstruction, 19, 106 123–125, 145, 167, 233, 278, 279, del Monte, Guidobaldo (1545–1607), 303 283– 285, 292, 296, 320 Deleuze, Gilles (1925–1995) and Félix Guattari Brunelleschi, Filippo (1377–1446), 302, 305, (1930–1992), 331 317, 321, 325 Derrida, Jacques (1930–2004), 106, 108, 196 Bryson, Norman, 25, 174, 175, 271 Desargues, Girard (1591–1661), 313, 314, 317 Buddhism, 7, 21, 22, 46, 91, 128, 137, Descartes, René (1596–1650), 305, 313, 316, 187 318, 322, 325 Buhturi, al-Walid (820–897), 140 dhikr (remembrance), 42, 67, 70, 107, 291 al-Bukhari, Muhammad (810–870), 38, 49, 50, différence, 109 53, 192, 284 Dikmen, Halil (1906–1964), 296 Buraq, 191, 205 al-Dinawari (828–896), 187 Buyid dynasty (934–1062), 40, 63, 283 Diogenes of Sinop (412–323 BCE), 82, 86 Dioscorides, Pedanius (40–90), 47 Cairo, 40, 50, 58, 231, 278, 287 divan/diwan (collected poems), 74, 76, 200 Caliphs, Rightly Guided, 36, 45 Diyarbakir, 293 Abu Bakr (r. 632–634), 187 Dome of the Rock, 274 ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (r. 656–661), 35, 40, 50 Donner, Fred, 130 Umar ibn al-Khattab (r. 634–644), 117 dreams, xv, 24, 56, 147, 155, 175, 183, 198, 205, Uthman ibn Affan (r. 644–656), 36, 162 220, 222, 224, 226, 227, 234, 242, 248, 249, Carlyle, Thomas, 41 254, 296, 321, 324, 327, 328, 333 Candemir, Dimitri (1673–1723), 277 duration, 27, 107, 294, 323, 327 Cave of the Seven Sleepers, 204 Dürer, Albrecht (1471–1528), 308, 313 chila (mortification), 217 Dust Muhammad (active 1510–1564), 3, 4, 25, China, 94, 102, 140, 142, 143, 145, 164, 166, 149, 188, 189, 250, 332 187, 188, 208, 210, 215, 215, 334 Christianity, 8, 10, 20, 25, 44, 80, 105, 129, 130, Egypt, 9, 37, 160, 162, 163, 185, 195, 223, 225, 248, 249, 314, 327 226, 228, 232, 235, 245, 316 Bible, 225, 226, 227 ekphrasis, 139 Catholic, 21, 33, 35, 257, 259, 270, 321, 324 élan vital, 294 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47465-8 — What is 'Islamic' Art? Wendy M. K. Shaw Index More Information 362 Index El-Bizri, Nader, 127, 294 Goa, 83 Elkins, James, 169, 170, 180, 300, Grabar, Oleg (1929–2011), 16, 18, 23, 269, 270, 306 272, 273, 290, 298 Elsner, Jas, 15 Graves, Margaret, 161, 269 Ephesus, 199 Greece, 9, 73, 79, 140, 177 Ettinghausen, Richard (1906–1979), 13, 270 Greenwich, 262 Gruber, Christiane, 96 Fadallah of Astarabad (1339–40), 243 Guénon, Réne (1886–1951), 295 fadila (merit), 110 al-Gurgani, Fakhr (d. 1058), 102 al-Farabi, Abu Nasr ibn Muhammad (Alpharabius, c.872–950), 55, 60–61, 65, Hadith (reported speech of the Prophet), 2, 35, 80, 81, 129, 192, 276, 283, 287, 332 38, 40, 46, 49, 51, 57, 72, 73, 74, 86, 94, 105, Farhad, 210, 212, 220 106, 123, 136, 142, 190, 192, 207, 284 al-Farisi, Abu ’Ali (d.987), 49 Hafez of Shiraz (1315–1319), 75, 76 Fatimid caliphate (909–1171), 40, 160, 162, hafiz (memorizer), 107, 285 278, 287 Hajj (pilgrimage), 105 Yazuri (r. 1049–1058), 159 al-Hallaj, Mansur ( 858–922), 41, 98, 99, 100, fatwa (religious edict), 42, 103 199, 200, 201, 203, 248, 265 Finoglia, Paolo (1590–1645), 262 Hegel, Gottfried Wilhelm Friedrich fiqh (jurisprudence), 40 (1770–1831), 7–9, 21, 27, 314, 316, 320, Firdausi, Abu al-Qasim (940–1020), 47, 79, 89, 322, 327, 330 92, 95, 101, 142, 144, 147, 158, 185, 186 Heidegger, Martin (1889–1976), 8, 55, 318 Foucault, Michel (1926–1984), 12, 78, 112, 114, Herat, 223, 224 330 hijab (veil), 136 Hinduism, 21, 22, 46, 52, 63, 86, 89, 100, 220, Gabriel (archangel), 108, 190, 230 233 Galen (130–210), 38, 92, 127, 283 horror vacui, 270 Galip, Shaykh (1757–1799), 221 ‘hors-texte, 109 Genesis, 225, 226, 227, 229, 230, 232 al-Hujwiri, Abu Hasan (d. 1077), 22, 26, 59, 71, Gentileschi, Artemisia (1593–1653), 259 72, 110 Gentileschi, Orazio (1563–1639), 259, 260, 262 Hurufism, 243 geometry, 1, 2, 60, 167, 213, 267, 269, 270, 273, Hussein, Taha (1889–1973), 40 300, 302, 334 Husserl, Edmund (1859–1938), 175, 204 golden section, 274, 278 isometric polyhedral, 299, 300, 313, 325, 330 Iblis see (Satan) perspectival, 325 ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab, Muhammad (1702–1792), Germanus of Constantinople (r. 715–730), 43 Patriarch, 53 ibn ‘Arabi, Muhyi al-Din (1165–1240), 19, 23, ghazal (ode), 43, 244 42, 70, 73, 74, 110, 113, 118, 122, 151, 152, al-Ghazali, Ahmad (1061–c.1123), 66–69, 72, 156, 173, 181, 190, 194, 196, 197, 198, 203, 79–82, 123 211, 239, 241, 254, 314, 323, 324 al-Ghazali, Muhammad Abu Hamid ibn al-Arif (d. 1141), 77 (1058–1111), 41, 49, 66, 70, 90, 123, ibn Bakhtishu (d. 1058), 47 127–140, 150, 155, 156, 158, 161, 165, 172, ibn al-Bawwab (d.1022), 160, 162, 276 173, 180, 182, 194, 197, 246, 274 ibn al-Dunya (823–894), 71 Ghaznavid dynasty (977–1186), 174, 213 ibn Hanbal, Ahmad (780–855), 39, 42, 105 Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni (r.
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