STATISTICAL HANDBOOK WEST BENGAL 2011 BUREAU OF APPLIED ECONOMICS & STATISTICS GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL PREFACE Statistical Handbook, West Bengal provides information on salient features of various socio-economic aspects of the State. The present issue is the fortj-fourth edition in the series. The data furnished in its previous issue have been updated to the extent possible so that continuity in time-series data can be maintained. I would like to thank various State & Central Govt. Departments and organisations for active co-operation received from their end in timely supply of required information. The officers and staff of the Reference Technical Section of the Bureau also deserve my thanks for their sincere effort in bringing out this pubhcation. It is hoped that this issue would be useful to planners, pohcy makers and researchers. Suggestions for improvement of this pubhcation are most welcome. Dipankar Chattopadhyay New Secretariat Director, Buildings, Kolkata, Bureau of Applied Economics & Statistics, 31st December, 2012. Government of West Bengal. SYMBOLS - The following symbols have been used in this publication .. Not available - Negligible or nil p Provisional 1 Incomplete incoverage R Revised Conversion Table The Metric System 1 Standard of weights Grain = 0.065 Gram Ounce = 28.350 Grams Pound = 0.4535924 Kilogram Cwt = 50.802 Kilograms Ton = 1016.05 Kilograms = 1.01605 Tonnes Tola = 11.664 Grams Chattak = 58.32 Grams Seer = 0.93310 Kilogram Maund = 37.3242 Kilograms 100 Kilograms = 1 Quintal 10 Quintals = 1 Tonne II Standard of length and capacity Foot = 0.3048 Metre Inch = 0.0254 Metre Yard = 0.9144 Metre Mile = 1.609344 Kilometres Imperial gallon = 4.54596 Litres III Standard of area 1 Acre = 0.404686 Hectare 1 Sq. mile = 2.58999 Sq. Kilometres = 258.999 Hectares IV Conversion Coefficients to The Metric System I Standard of weights Gram 15.432 Grains G ra m 0.0 3 5 2 7 O u n c e K ilogram 2.204 6 P ounds K ilogram 0 .0 1 9 6 8 C w t K ilogram 0 .0 0 0 9 8 4 2 Ton T o nne 0 .9 8 4 2 T o n (L o n g ) G ra m 0 .0 8 5 7 3 Tola G ra m 0 .0 1 7 1 4 7 C h a tta k K ilogram 1.071 7 S e e r K ilogram 0 .0 2 6 7 9 M a un d II Standard of length and capacity Metre 3.2808 Feet M e tre 3 9 .3 7 0 0 8 In c h e s M e tre 1.0 9 3 6 Yards K ilom etre 0.6 2 1 4 M ile Litre 0 .2 1 9 9 8 Gallon(lmp.) Litre 0 .2 6 4 1 8 Gallon(U.S.) Ill Standard of area 1 Hectare 2.4711 Acres 1 Sq. Kilometre 0.3861 Sq. mile 1 H e c ta re 0.003861 Sq. mile CONTENTS Table No. Page I. Area and Population 1.0 Administrative Units in West Bengal 1 1.1 Villages, Towns and Households in West Bengal, Census 2001 3 1.2 Districtwise Population by Sex in West Bengal, Census 2001 4 1.3 Districtwise Population by Sex in West Bengal, Census 2011 (P) 5 1.4 Density of Population, Sex Ratio and Percentage Share of Urban Population in West Bengal by 6 District 1.4(a) Population Literacy rate by Sex and Density, Decennial Growth rate in West Bengal by District (Census,2011) (P) 7 1.5 Number of Workers and Non-workers in West Bengal, 2001 8 1.5(a) Work Participation Rate (main + marginal) in West Bengal, 2001 9 1.5(b) Ranking of Districts on the basis of percentage of main workers to total population in West Bengal, 1991 & 2001 10 1.6 Population of CD Blocks in West Bengal by District, Census 2001 11 1.7 Population of Cities, Towns and Urban Outgrowths in West Bengal by District, Census 2001 26 1.8 Annual Estimates of Population of West Bengal 41 1.9 Distribution of Population by Religious Communities in West Bengal 42 1.10 Districtwise Educational Facilities in West Bengal, Census 2001 43 1.11 Districtwise Medical Facilities in West Bengal, Census 2001 44 Table Page No. II. Medical and Public Health 2.0 Birth (live), Death and Infant Mortality Rates for West Bengal 45 2.0(a) Birth and Death Rates based on Three-Year Average for West Bengal 46 2.1 Medical Facilities in West Bengal 47 2.2 Registered Medical Practitioners in West Bengal 48 2.3 Districtwise Status of Rural Water Supply Coverage 49 II. Education 3.0 Literacy Rate in West Bengal by District 51 3.0(a) Literacy Rate among Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in West Bengal by District, Census, 2001 52 3.1 Number of Schools in West Bengal 54 3.2 Number of Schools in West Bengal under Anglo- Indian School Category 55 3.3 Enrolment in General Educational Institutions by Stages in West Bengal 56 3.4 Number of Teachers in General Educational Institutions in West Bengal 57 IV. Climate 4.0 Annual Rainfall in West Bengal 58 V. Agriculture 5.0 Classification of Area in West Bengal 59 5.1 Utilisation of Land in West Bengal by District 60 5.2 Area under Principal Crops in West Bengal 64 5.3 Net Cropped Area, Gross Cropped Area and Cropping Intensity in West Bengal 67 5.4 Production of Principal Crops in West Bengal 68 VII Table No. Page 5.5 Districtwise Area and Production of Principal Crops in West Bengal 71 5.6 Yield Rates of Principal Crops in West Bengal 91 5.7 Area and Production of Fruits and Vegetables in West Bengal 93 5.8 Area and Production of Flowers in West Bengal 95 5.9 Index Number of Agricultural Area under Selected Crops in West Bengal (Base : Triennium ending crop year 1981-82 = 100) 97 5.10 Index Number of Agricultural Production of selected Crops in West Bengal (Base : Triennium ending crop year 1981-82 = 100) 99 5.11 Index Number of Agricultural Productivity of selected Crops in West Bengal (Base : Triennium ending crop year 1981-82 = 100) 101 5.12 Index Number of Agricultural Area, Production, Productivity, Cropping Pattern, Cropping Intensity Productivity per hectare of Net Area Sown of Selected Crops and Net Area Sown in West Bengal (Base : Triennium ending crop year 1981-82 = 100) 103 VI. Forest 6.0 Classification of Forest Area by Status and Ownership in West Bengal 104 6.1 Out-turn of Timber and Firewood from Forest in West Bengal 105 6.2 Out-turn of Minor Forest Produce in Forest Areas of West Bengal 106 VII. Livestock and Fisheries 7.0 Growth of Livestock in West Bengal 107 Table Page No. 7.1 Estimated Production of IViill< and Eggs in West Bengal 108 7.2 Production of Fish and Fishseed in West Bengal 109 7.3 Estimated Production of Meat in West Bengal 110 VIII. Veterinary 8.0 Categorywise number of Veterinary Institutions and the Number of Animals Treated in West Bengal 111 8.1 Different Categories of Veterinary Institutions in West Bengal 112 IX. Mines and Power (i) Electricity 9.0 Installed Electricity Generating Capacity(derated) in West Bengal (excluding N.TPC.) 114 9.0(a) Gross Generation of Electricity in West Bengal (excluding N.TPC.) 115 9.1 Analysis of Sales of Electricity in West Bengal 116 9.2 Districtwise No. of Villages Electrified in West Bengal 117 (ii) Mineral Production 9.3 Production and Value of Minerals of West Bengal 120 9.4 Coal and Coke Products Supplied to Different Industries in West Bengal 121 X. Industry 10.0 Number of Major Industries in West Bengal 122 10.1 Economic Structure of Factories under Annual Survey of Industries in West Bengal (Census and Non- Census Sectors) 123 10.2 Number of Registered Small Scale Industrial Units in West Bengal 124 Table Page No. 10.3 Industrial Production in West Bengal 125 10.4 Index of Industrial Production of West Bengal by Sector (Base : 2004-05 = 100) 127 10.4(a) Index of Industrial Production of West Bengal by Use Based Classes of Goods(Base : 2004-05 = 100 ) 128 10.4(b) Monthly Index of Industrial Production of West Bengal by Sector (Base : 2004-05 = 100) 129 XI. Employment and Labour 11.0 Estimated Employment in Public and Private Sectors in West Bengal 131 11.1 Number of Workers Employed in Major Industries in West Bengal 132 11.2 Average Number of Persons Employed Daily in and about the Coal Mines in West Bengal 133 11.3 Average Number of Persons Employed Daily in Plantations (Tea) in West Bengal 134 11.4 Estimated Average Daily Employment in Shops, Commercial Establishments, Cinemas etc. in West Bengal 135 11.5 Employment in Registered Small Scale Industrial Units in West Bengal 137 11.6 Employment through Employment Exchanges in West Bengal 138 11.7 Industrial Disputes in West Bengal 139 XII. Crimes 12.0 Incidence of Major Cognizable Crimes (IPC) under different Crime Heads in West Bengal (excluding Kolkata and Suburbs) 140 Table Page No. 12.1 Incidence of Major Cognizable Crimes (IPC) under different Crime Heads in Kolkata and Suburbs 141 XIII. Police. Civil Defence and Fire Service 13.0 Sanctioned Strength of Civil Police in West Bengal and Expenditure thereof 142 13.1 Expenditure on Civil Defence, Home Guards, N.C.C. and N.V.F. in West Bengal 143 13.2 Number of Stations, Staff Strength and Expenditure on Fire Services in West Bengal 144 XIV.
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